The first New TSN Annual Report November 1999


Annex 9: Terms of Reference for the PSI Working Group on the Needs of Travellers

The Working Group will consider factors which can cause Travellers to be at risk of social exclusion and develop an integrated strategy of policy and action to tackle them.

This will require the Working Group to:

  • identify and develop an understanding of the problems and their causes experienced by Traveller adults and children

  • consider the ways in which the policies and actions of Government Departments, agencies and NDPBs take account of and impact upon the particular needs of Travellers. This includes consideration of the effectiveness of existing policies which should be developed and areas where things could be done differently

  • consider what cross-Departmental policy developments are required and establish broad principles and aims for responding to the needs of Travellers and the types of action required to implement these

  • develop an integrated strategy of action to be undertaken jointly or by individual organisations over the period 2000-2003

  • identify mechanisms for co-ordinating action across Departments and for monitoring progress

  • present recommendations to Ministers in the form of a draft policy and strategy document intended for publication.

In fulfilling these Terms of Reference the Working Group will take account of relevant legislation, the wider policy environment, research evidence, the views of service providers and relevant statutory and voluntary organisations. It will have particular regard for the views and experiences of Travellers.

Within one year of its establishment, the Working Group will make recommendations to SSG and Ministers in the form of a policy and strategy document intended for publication.

