The first New TSN Annual Report November 1999


Annex 1: Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland Draft New TSN Action Plan

1 The aims of the Department are to improve the economic performance of the agri-food, fishing and forestry sectors; to protect the public, animals and property; to conserve and enhance the rural environment; and to strengthen the economy and social infrastructure of disadvantaged rural areas.
2 Almost half of the Department’s expenditure is allocated to the implementation of UK and EU policies and does not form part of the Northern Ireland Expenditure Block. The Department endeavours to influence UK-wide and EU policy decisions, but its scope to do so is constrained and it is not always possible to introduce a New TSN dimension in such policies. Where regional discretion within UK-wide or EU Measures exists, DANI is committed to applying New TSN principles. Of the rest of the Department’s expenditure (£153m), about one-third is devoted to locally-determined policies; the remainder being the Department’s running costs.
3 The statutory basis for the Department’s activities lies in a range of Northern Ireland, UK and EU legislation, covering agricultural, rural development, fisheries and drainage policies.
4 Although the Department is fully committed to New TSN, there are two important constraints on the Department’s ability to target specific areas and skew resources. The first is that many of its activities are dictated by geography. For instance, programmes relating to sea fisheries are concentrated round three main fishing ports. The work of the Rivers Agency and Forest Service is also dictated, in varying degrees, by geography.
5 Second, much of the Department’s support to the agricultural sector is determined by EU policies. The application of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is, more or less, the same across the EU and there is little discretion in the application of the various measures. To the extent that these relate to price support, and are operated through import protection, export subsidies and intervention buying, it would be virtually impossible to achieve any skewing on New TSN grounds. Production related subsidies, which are now the main method of support, cannot, in those cases be skewed and are paid in relation to output. Following the recently agreed reforms of the CAP, National Envelopes have been created out of which Member States have some discretion in the way in which they pay out subsidies. However, it is not yet clear whether there will be any regional discretion involved. Nor is it clear if such discretion would permit any skewing of payments on New TSN grounds.
6 However, under the CAP Reform Agreement, Northern Ireland was given an allocation of almost 20 million litres of milk quota (in parallel with a similar increase in the Republic of Ireland). The potential exists for the additional quota to be allocated across all producers or targeted at specific groups determined, for example, on either an area or herd size basis. Small milk producers tend to be located in disadvantaged areas. The dairy industry is being consulted on the method of allocating the extra quota, including the extent to which, if at all, a targeted approach should be adopted.
7 Consultation exercises are also continuing on Structural Funds measures (the main areas in which there is some regional discretion in agricultural policy), including Hill and Livestock Compensatory Amounts (HLCA). A new scheme will be developed and there is discretion for Northern Ireland to adopt its own approach within broad EU and national rules. DANI will propose to the Commission that higher rates of compensation are paid in severely disadvantaged areas. Disadvantage will also be taken into account in the assessment criteria for the various environmental schemes operated by DANI, particularly the Countryside Management Scheme and the Organic Farming Scheme.

The main delivery mechanism for the Department’s aim of strengthening the economy and social infrastructure of disadvantaged rural areas will, though, remain the Rural Development Programme. This was created in 1991 with the aim of targeting disadvantaged areas, promoting rural development and establishing relevant co-ordination and delivery mechanisms. The next Rural Development Programme is currently being formulated as part of the Northern Ireland Operational Programme for Structural Funds, 2000-2006. Until this is finalised and agreed, it is not possible to specify meaningful targets beyond early 2000. The New TSN Action Plan measures for rural development will be reviewed in mid 2000 to introduce targets to 2003. In the next Rural Development Programme there will be a major focus on disadvantage. Priority will continue to be given to projects, programmes and strategies which address identified needs, to equalise economic and social opportunities across rural Northern Ireland.


Business Area:


Social need to be tackled:

Disadvantage among rural people, groups and areas and fisheries-dependent communities in Northern Ireland

Desired outcome:

Need to tackle rural disadvantage fully recognised in DANI plans and programmes and understood by staff and NDPBs

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DANI 1 Improve understanding of new TSN
amongst staff.

a. Provide awareness training to the Top Management Team and Heads of Division by September 2000.

b. Provide in-depth training for staff in Rural Enterprise Division, Science Service and Rivers Agency – 2000.

c. Provide general information for all staff. Intranet page and information note by September 2000.

DANI 2 Incorporate New TSN into strategic
management of Agri-Food Development
Service (AFDS) and Fisheries Division.

a. Strategic priorities to be amended to take account of New TSN by the end of March 2000.

b. Heads of Division and the Top Management Team to incorporate New TSN into appropriate 2001-2002
AFDS programmes.

DANI 3 Devise and implement New TSN monitoring
arrangements in line with DANI policy.

a. New TSN monitoring to be implemented from 2001-2002 onwards.

DANI 4 To introduce New TSN considerations
into NDPBs' business planning.

a. Organise a seminar for Chairpersons and Chief Executives of Foyle Fisheries Commission, Fisheries Conservancy Board and Northern Ireland Fishery Harbour Authority and provide the information they need to produce their New TSN Action Plans by January 2001.


Business Area:

Food Farming and Environmental Policy Group

Social need to be tackled:

Disadvantage in rural areas

Desired outcome:

Encourage economic growth in disadvantaged areas

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DANI 5 To introduce New TSN considerations into
the allocation of milk quota.

a. Under the CAP reform agreement, Northern Ireland was given an allocation of almost 20 million litres of milk quota (in parallel with a similar increase in the Republic of Ireland). New TSN factors will be taken into account when deciding on the allocation of this quota. The main farming, and other organisations concerned have been consulted. The implementation date is 1 April 2000.

DANI 6 To introduce New TSN considerations into
grant aid payments in the scheme which will
replace the HLCA Scheme.

a. DANI will propose to the Commission that higher rates of compensation should be paid to farmers in severely disadvantaged areas – 2000.

DANI 7 To introduce New TSN considerations into
the development of environmental schemes.

a. Criteria for assessing scheme applications will take account of disadvantage.

DANI 8 To further embed New TSN considerations
into the P&MGS.

a. The Department provides capital support for investments in the food processing sector, the current arrangements for which take account of New TSN policy in assessing applications. A new P&MGS is being developed as part of the Single Operational Programme from 2000-2006 and a New TSN weighting will be included in the assessment criteria for applications. In developing this weighting, consultations will take place with IDB, LEDU and any other relevant parties. A new weighting will be adopted by 31 December 1999 and implemented in 2000.

DANI 9 To develop a capability to monitor the
distribution of CAP support by community
background of recipients.

a. A new socio-economic survey of farmers to include a question on religion is under active consideration. Others who have potential interest in this survey (eg T&EA, NIHE) are being consulted.

b. A decision on implementing the survey will be taken before 30 November 1999, and if it is agreed that the survey should take place, work will be carried out in 2000.


Business Area:

Fisheries Division

Social need to be tackled:

Disadvantage in fisheries-dependent communities

Desired outcome:

To sustain and enhance the quality of fisheries employment

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DANI 10 To sustain employment and enhance the
quality of employment within Sea Fisheries
and support aquaculture commercial

a. Launch a new Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance programme, targeted on:

employment in catching, aquaculture and processing sectors
enhancing working conditions and safety
improving skills and mobility.

b. Programme launch April 2000, subject to agreement of the NI Transitional Objectives Programme by the European Commission.

c. Monitor employment, safety improvements, wage and skill levels – 2001.

d. Review schemes against baselines and re-target as necessary – 2002.

DANI 11 Enhance the rural economic base by the
development of Salmonid and Inland
Fisheries in disadvantaged areas.

a. Launch a new EU funded Angling Development Programme – 2000.

b. Promote angling development as a basis for natural resource tourism – 2001.

c. Review Programme to ensure that targets are being met – 2002.

d. Liaise with NITB to maximise the economic benefit of promoting tourism angling in disadvantaged areas – 2000.

DANI 12 Improve employment opportunities in
respect of Salmonid and Inland Fisheries in
disadvantaged areas.

a. Prioritise employment opportunities according to need and employment potential – 2000.


New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DANI 13 To ensure an objective basis for Fisheries
Division New TSN Action Plan.

a. Establish baseline data on:

employment in aquaculture, catching and processing sectors
wage levels in the processing sector
vessels earnings in the catching sector
rural areas in need
establishing objective criteria to gauge employment potential of angling projects.

b. Operate objective criteria. Target date 2000.

c. Monitor progress against baselines – 2001.

d. Identify areas of difficulty or obstacles and take appropriate remedial action – 2001.

e. Monitor progress against baselines – 2002.

f. Review New TSN impacts by means of, for example, qualitative and quantitative surveys – 2002.

g. Consider potential new target groups or objectives – 2002.


Business Area:

Forest Service

Social need to be tackled:

a. Lack of employment opportunities in the forestry sector
b. Lack of access to forest facilities by disadvantaged people

Desired outcome:

a. Maintain current employment in the overall forestry sector
b. To address disadvantage or inequality in relation to access to forestry services

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DANI 14 More forestry activity in disadvantaged areas.

a. Establish baselines by mapping forestry activities to Robson Indicators of multiple deprivation and establish the degree to which there is overlap, starting with Forest Service direct activity and extending to grant aided plantations, within 3 years. Future contributions will be measured against this baseline.

b. Consult on the opportunities to make more effective use of the money for private forestry, taking greater account of the need to target social deprivation in Northern Ireland, by 31 March 2000.

c. In the light of the consultation (and a concurrent review of forestry policy in Northern Ireland) a revised forestry programme will be drawn up.

DANI 15 Raise awareness and stimulate creativity.

a. Estimate the employment opportunities provided by land acquisition for state forestry annually – 2000-2002.

b. Take the Robson Indicators of multiple deprivation into account when deciding which land to acquire, and record the impact annually – 2000-2002.

DANI 16 Ensure that disadvantaged people have
access to forests for recreational and
educational purposes.

a. Monitor users of forestry facilities, on the basis of visitors surveys, with the first survey in the summer of 2000. In the light of this, the Forest Service will develop plans which will allow more effective use of forests by disadvantaged people.

b. Evaluate the contribution which forests make to satisfying the educational needs of Northern Ireland by March 2001. In the light of this, the Forest Service will develop plans to allow more effective use of forests by disadvantaged people.

DANI 17 Raise awareness and stimulate creativity.

a. Where an opportunity arises the Forest Service will seek to involve community groups in developing forests for informal public recreation, subject to agreement on an appropriate form of partnership and use of public resources – 2000-2002.


Business Area:

Rivers Agency

Social need to be tackled:

Economic under development in disadvantaged areas

Desired outcome:

Stimulate local economic development through the Agency's annual works programme and the provision of public water recreation facilities, aimed at improving the recreational and amenity value of the countryside

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DANI 18 Stimulate local economic development in
disadvantaged areas through the provision of
public water recreation facilities.

a. Ensure minimum of 50% of total water recreation annual programme expenditure is committed to New TSN areas – 2000.


Business Area:

Rural Development Division

Social need to be tackled:

Economic and social disadvantage in rural areas

Desired outcome:

To stimulate the economic and social revitalisation of rural areas of Northern Ireland, with a particular focus on the most disadvantaged rural areas, through partnership between the public, private and voluntary sectors

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DANI 19 To ensure that disadvantaged rural groups
can avail of the opportunities offered by the
post-1999 Rural Development Programme.

a. To develop and implement a publicity campaign to promote the Programme and the opportunities it will offer. Action on this will begin when the specific Measures in the Programme are agreed and the campaign will be implemented in 2000.

b. Liaison with other Departments to ensure complementary New TSN actions by February 2000.

c. To publish guidance on the context of the post-1999 Rural Development Programme by June 2000, high lighting the opportunities for disadvantaged groups.


Business Area:

Science Service

Social need to be tackled:

Animal disease in disadvantaged areas

Desired outcome:

To enhance the Science Service knowledge and awareness of the New TSN impact of its activities

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DANI 20 To contribute to the creation of a DANI
survey to provide accurate monitoring data.

a. Correlate data from the DANI survey with appropriate aspects of the animal disease diagnostic programme – 2000.

DANI 21 Review diagnostic recording systems to aid
the creation of New TSN monitoring data.

a. To review data recording parameters on animal material submitted for disease diagnosis, to ensure that these can be used for New TSN monitoring purposes – 2001.

b. To correlate the nature, volume and geographical source of animal disease diagnostic material with New TSN relevant parameters (eg geographical location) – 2003.

DANI 22 Subsequent to the creation of a DANI survey,
include a New TSN element in the decision
making process for Research and
Development proposals.

a. To derive baseline information for future use in New TSN monitoring by determining the relative importance (in New TSN terms), of the different agri-food sectors and examining this in relation to the current DANI research programme – 2000.

b. To incorporate suitable New TSN questions in the documents used to submit proposals for new DANI research – 2001.

c. To monitor decisions taken on New TSN relevant research proposals – 2002.

