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Listing of Programmes for the Year: 2000 288 Programmes

Date Broadcast:
Tue 4th Jan 2000
11 mins 6 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Rioting flares at Maghaberry prison, nineteen prisoners barricaded into Foyle wing. Film report on this latest disturbance at the jail. In Dublin the High court has halted the extradition of Angelo Fusco (IRA), as he was being driven to the border. Film report on men convicted in 1981 of killing SAS Officer Captain H. Westmacott, with old film clip of 1980 attack and his prison escape, and his story so far. Then G. Kelly (Sinn Fein) gives his reaction to the arrest, then J. Donaldson (UUP) gives his views. In Antrim's Stiles Estate PUP member Denvir Smyth (32) was killed last weekend, today men where charged with his murder, film report, men named as David Burns (21), Jerome Archibald (23) and Stephen Downey (18). In Castelwellen, Protestant homes were attacked by six youths. Film report with Eamon O' Neill's (SDLP, MLA) comments, then resident Tom Edgar views, then Gerry Douglas (UUP Cllr) comments, then (MISSING) Richard Greer remarks. Bill Dorman (RUC Chief Insp.) gives security view. Lawyers for two RUC Barristers due for a judicial review on the oath used for Q.C.'s don't want Northern Ireland Judges to hear the review as they all voted against introducing any oath changes. Film report.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 6th Jan 2000
9 mins 12 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
At Dublin court, Angelo Fusco (IRA) is refused bail on extradition charges. Outside the court Sinn Fein protestors and Garda clash. Film report covers his arrival at the court and leaving it, and an interview with Martin Ferris (SF) on his reaction. Meanwhile the PIRA has said it will continue to meet with the Dechastelen Commission in it's New Year statement. Film report with Ken Maginnis' (UUP, MP) reaction to G. Campbell (DUP) views. The IRA statement also remarks on the MI5 bugging of Gerry Adams car with a warning, G. Kelly (SF) sees the statement as positive and praises IRA initiatives. For A. McDonnell (SDLP) wants the IRA to say the war is over. In the studio Ken Reid gives his analysis of today's statement and the Unionist reactions and previews events due in the week ahead.

(6.00pm ;Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 10th Jan 2000
31 mins 45 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Decommissioning The End Game?
Will the Provisional IRA decommission its weapons? Programme begins with Mike Nesbitt mentioning the murder in Portadown of local UVF leader tonight, D.Ervine (PUP leader) says he was killed by drug dealers, Nesbitt promises a film report later, then he announces the topic for tonight's programme, decommissioning and asks is this the end game. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 11th Jan 2000
12 mins 52 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Several arrests in follow up to killing of Richard Jameson (Portadown UVF Chief), his family deny he had UVF connections. Film report on LVF and UVF feud killing, and recent clashes between the two groups with statement from his brother Bobby Jameson, then David Trimble (First Minister) comments after visiting the family, then D. Ervine (PUP) comments, then LVF go-between, Mark Fulton's phone message to UTV from prison calling for an end to killing. Nine years ago David Jameson was injured in an IRA booby-trap, Richard had been an RUC reservist from 1973 to 1981. In Ards Courts, Thomas McGuinness (34) was charged with 4 murders of local Catholic taxi driver Mark Sweeney in 1994, Billy Elliott in September 1995, a RHC member, Brian O' (MISSING) in September '9(MISSING) and William Askin (32) and Colin Malcolmson (25). Film report. B. DeBrun (Health Minister, SF) has announced a further £3.3 million to spend on fighting the current flu epidemic. Film report with Ken Reid comments on the Executives first major decision and on political reaction to the latest killing in Portadown. Meanwhile Gerry Adams (SF Leader) on his way to the USA has said it's up to Trimble to move his party forward in the Good Friday Agreement and leave decommissioning with Dechastelein.

(6.00pm, Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 12th Jan 2000
7 mins 5 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
P.Mandelson (N.Ireland Secretary) says decommissioning must be completed by May. Film report includes the RUC police federation delivering a three hundred thousand petition to Downing Street against changing the RUC's name. Film report with Les Rodgers remarks on keeping the name, then film report on Mandelson's comment during Commons questions time. Ken Maginnis (UUP) asked Mandelson for assurances on the RUC's future, then John Hume expressed his unhappiness about all the questions on decommissioning.

In North Belfast a man is critical after an arson attack on a Cliftonville Road house. Film report on the rescue with eye-witness accounts from Delia Arbuckle.

At Stormont, MLA's have themselves compensation packages if they don't get elected next time. The departments of Health, Education and Agriculture have spent the day examining their share of the £ 32 million budget residue distributed by the Executive last night. £6.3 million goes to Health with £3.3 to be used to fight the flu epidemic, B. DeBrun (SF Minister) comments.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 13th Jan 2000
14 mins 40 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
In Portadown thousands of Loyalists attended the funeral of Richard Jameson (local UVF leader) shot dead by the LVF. Film report with Rev. David Hillards sermon and interview on family's call for no revenge. David Trimble (UUP leader) met Blair at Downing Street, he wants IRA decommissioning completed this month. Film report with Trimble interview outside (MISSING) on decommissioning issue. In the USA Gerry Adams met Bill Clinton. Film report on his comments on decommissioning deadlines and Trimble's stance. Meanwhile S Mallon (SDLP) believes decommissioining must happen, he explains his position. Then Cedric Wilson (NIUP) wants UUP to withdraw from executive if no decommissioining by January or February. Meanwhile today Sinn Fein called today for demilitarisation in South Armagh, resident Declan Fearon explains his position. Next political analysis of today's events by Ken Reid from London. Up to 70 RIR soldiers have been published in the Andy Town News pictured inside a security base posing with a Drumcree Orange Banner. Film report with papers editor Robert Livingstone's comments, then Orange Spokesman Davy Jones views, then Paul Berry's (DUP) comments, Army statement then Alex Attwood's (SDLP) views.

Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 18th Jan 2000
12 mins 3 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Peter Mandelson (N.Ireland Secretary of State) is expected to rubber stamp the Patton Report on policing in Commons tomorrow, announcing an RUC name change. Film report as today RUC Fed. Assoc. met civil servants to discuss pay off packeges with Association. David McClurg's comments, then G. Campbell (DUP) comments on package meeting. Earlier in Belfast, Gerry Adams (SF) says Republicans will wait and see how the Government implements the Patton reforms. From London, Ken Reid previews Mandelson's expected statement tomorrow, and Trimble's difficulty, and the Nationalists reactions. In the studio Journalist Chris Ryder give his assessment of expected changes, and the RUC's mood. D. Trimble (First Minister) by-passed Brid Rodgers (Agricultural Minister) and gave a farm proposal direct to Tony Blair. Film Report with Trimble's explanation, then S. Mallon (SDLP) on protocol.

In Portadown bail application by Nigel Willis (27) on charge of possessing a gun used to kill R. Jameison is adjourned. Film report.

Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 19th Jan 2000
49 mins 21 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Its five months since Patten Report. Today P.Mandelson accepted almost all its recommendations. The name is to change to PSNI, it's size cut, full-time reserve scrapped, new police oath, fifty/fifty selection from each community. New police board and district partnerships, Special Branch CIA re-organised. In the studio Chris Ryder gives his assessment of the changes, then Mary O'Rowe,Chairperson of Committee on Administration of Justice, (CAJ) gives her reaction. Worries about Human Rights issues and need for oversight commissioner. Then live to London where Ken Reid comments on the pressure on D. Trimble who verbally attacked T. Blair, has to meet Ahern tomorrow to push on decommissioning. Next report looks at the economic effects of reducing the RUC numbers by 4000 especially to the protestant community, comment of economist John Simpson.

In other news, thousands of people in West Belfast turned out for the re-burial of IRA Vol. Tom Williams, executed in 1942 (see SF tape:216: The Final Journey) and re-interned in Milltown. Film report on original incident which involved Joe Cahill who recalls the morning his execution.

Bail for Nigel Willis (27) on possession of the gun used to kill UVF leader R. Jameson was refused. Film report.

Next report is from London, Ken Reid reports on Trimble's attack on Blair with film clip of his words and Blairs reply. Then coverage of Mandelson's speech on the need for the changes, also praises RUC, John Hume (SDLP) comments, then Ken Maginnis (UUP) rebuffed P. Mandelson. So after 80 years the RUC name is to go. A film report reviews this and other Patten changes, 176 in total. All main changes are listed, no ex-terrorists will be allowed to join the PSNI. Then live in London Peter Mandelson gives an interview explaining why the Government feels this is the best way forward for Northern Ireland Police Service. He believes he's not taking any risk with policing. Back in Belfast, reaction from Charles McConaghy, a disable RUC Officer to the changes, then an RUC widow, Christine Eades gives voice to her sense of betrayal. Then back to London where Ken Maginnis (UUP) gives their reaction to the Government's change of the RUC name. He's asked why did he sign the Good Friday Agreement as police changes were part of it. He says Patten couldn't have been predicted. Next report is from (MISSING) the home town of many RUC men which was attacked by dissendent republicans. Local people want the RUC to remain as it is. Then in the studio Les Rogers (Chairman of the RUC/Fed) comments on why the Government ignore their K300 petition, and he promises to battle on during legislation phase. Other reaction from Pat Armstrong of the Police Authority. The GAA Welcomed the changes. Meanwhile in Strasbourg Dr. I. Paisley commented, while in the studio N Dodds (DUP) calls it a black day for Northern Ireland. He outlines his Parties' position on the changes, he calls it a victory for the IRA. Trimble's position is now untenable he says. Next report comes from Crossmaglen where locals say no one has ever joined the RUC. Pub owner Paddy Short believes locals didn't expect disbandment, locals seem more worried about getting demilitarisation. Then to Stormont for political reaction from Alec Attwood (SDLP), who welcomes the Government's plans, then Sean Neeson's (Alliance) views, then Jane Morrice of the Women's Coalition both welcome changes. Cedric Wilson (NIUP) calls it betrayal, D. Ervine (PUP) sees it as pondering to Gerry Adams. R. Hutchinson (Indep. MLA) wants Trimble to resign, Gary McMichael (UDP) calls it a crazy decision. Outside, G. Kelly (SF) gives their reaction. He understands Unionist concerns for their Unionist Police Force, he awaits a look at the Government's legisliation. Back in the studio Ron Flanagan (RUC Chief) understands and shares his men's feeling of hurt, he explains his views. Then back in London, Ken Reid says today has been a troubled day for Unionists, he highlights the upcoming Dechastelen report on the decommissioning situation and Trimble's current position.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 19th Jan 2000
26 mins 38 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Coverage of today's news on the government acceptance of the Patten Report. Begins with Trimble and Blair clash in Commons, then P.Mandelson's statement, then John Hume's reply, Trimble's position highlighted. In the studio P. Mandelson's gives an interview on his government's new policing changes. He believes they are responsible changes for the good of the whole community. In the studio, Ronnie Flanagan (RUC Chief) talks about their sense of hurt feel within the RUC family, he doubts the Patten changes will achieve great changes but hopes it does. He comments on the 50/50 selection procedure as another challenge, he comments on the voluntary severence arrangements. Next report is on the public reaction from the Unionist town of Banbridge where the changes are criticised by locals. Ruc man R. Alan Baird killed by PIRA in 1979, father Leslie comments. Then William McCracken's (UUP) views. In the studio Ken Maginnis (UUP, MP) gives interview rejecting government changes. He outlines his reasons for his beliefs. Next report is from Derry, Tony Doherty (Republican) outlines his views on the police changes, local people seem to welcome the change though some wanted RUC disbanded, then businessman Brendan Duddy's views. Next live interview with G Kelly (SF) who says nationalists will wait and see the leglislation before welcoming anything. He criticised Unionists reaction but isn't surprised they're angry, he avoids recommending Catholics to join. Next reaction from John Hume (SDLP Leader) who welcomes the creation of a police service for all the community. Next report is from the RUC recreation grounds, Jim Black (RUC Athletic Association) gives his reactions, then widow Jean McCrum can't believe the loss of the RUC name. Meanwhile across in the RUC Federation Off., Mandelson's television appearance was under scrutiny, Les Rogers called it appeasement of republicans, then Larry McWilliams (RUC Constable) expresses concerns about leaving, retired RUC man, Bob Catterson rejects changes. Back in the studio P. Robinson (DUP) says the RUC has in effect been disbanded, he says to stop it. The UUP must withdraw from the Good Friday Agreement institutions of Government. He believes many RUC men will leave the force. Next, Political Editor, Stephen Grimmason assesses Trimble's anger today and the pressures on him now over the decommissioning. Next report is o the funeral of IRA Vol. Tom Williams in Belfast today.

(6.30pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 20th Jan 2000
26 mins 33 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Peter Mandelson, then Secretary of State, interviewed on the Peace Process. Peter Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary of State) gives an in-depth interview on his decision to implement the Patten Report, he answers the criticisms levelled at his decisions by the Unionist community, includes the subject of the RUC name change. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 20th Jan 2000
19 mins 27 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
B.Ahern meets Trimble in Dublin, Ahern says he's optimistic about PIRA decommissioning. Film report from Ken Reid, with Ahern comments to press, then Trimble puts a positive spin on the current situation. He reflected on yesterday's Patten statement, meanwhile J. Taylor (UUP, MP) has warned the executive will collapse if there isn't decommissioning, then Peter Weir (UUP dissident) is hoping to call a UUC meeting. Meanwhile N. Dodds (DUP) has said Trimble can save the RUC if he pulls out UUP ministers, the two DUP ministers will follow suit. M.McGuinness (SF) has appealed to Trimble to hold his nerve in his comments. The RUC has denied its officers desecrated Republican headstones in Milltown. Film report with Tom Hartley's (SF) allegations against the RUC. RUC statements rejects allegations but relative Anne Shannon calls it sick. Meanwhile political fallout of yesteday's Patten staement continues. First report is from RUC Training Centre where the last recruits to the RUC are passing out, Par Armstrong of the Policing Board addressess the recruits praising the RUC record. Next report examines the new government accountability plans. A new policing board elected under (MISSING) system for politicians plus appointees explained, then the role of District Police Partnership profiled. Journalist Chris Ryder gives his analysis of these changes. In Stormont a shock decision has seen the Health Committee vote 7-4 to back the city hospital over the Royal for Belfast's Maternity Services. Film report with Dr Joe Hendron (Health Comm. Chair), interview on their vote, but B. DeBrun (Minister, SF) has the last say. Relatives of IRA victims in FAIR has said it wants to confront Sein Fein on its decommissioning plans. Film report with Willie Frasier interview on his demands from Sein Fein. He says he won't shake hands or negotiate with Sinn Fein. He admits his tone is confrontational. Statement response from C Murphy (SF, MLA).

(6.00pm ;Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 24th Jan 2000
11 mins 41 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
N.Ireland Assembly debates the Patten decision, with the DUP accusing Mandelson of destroying the RUC. Film report has clips of N Dodds speech, then Tom Benson (UUP), a former RUC man criticises the RUC record on supporting the RUC, followed by Sean Neeson(Alliance) comment, then Mary Nelis (SF) gives their views criticising the RUC. Alex Attwood (SDLP) supports the Government position while D. Ervine (PUP) warns of trouble ahead.

In the Republic, the Garda found weapons belonging to dissendent republicans. In courts. Dunmurray man Brian Kelly jailed for possessing pipe bomb materials. Film report. Also in courts a lorry driver Patrick Belton was acquitted of killing a soldier in a traffic accident in June 1998. Film report. In Belfast's B(MISSING) Estate, the RUC made two arrests after they were attacked by 15 people. Film report with Nick Purce (RUC Chief Insp.) interview. Then Norman Boyd (NIUP) comments. The Garvaghy Road Residents Association has had its first meeting with Peter Mandelson, afterwards Brendan McKenna comments to the press on what they talked about, mainly the Drumcree problem. The new cross body implementation on trade and business had it's first meeting today in Newry. Film report with Mary Harney (PD, Tanaiste) comments on decommissioning and Good Friday Agreement, then Reg Empey (UUP) on similar subjects, then Sean Farren (SDLP) views on business man Martin Naughton who was elected Chair of new Trade and Business Development Body.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 25th Jan 2000
29 mins 34 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Is It Guns Or Government?
A look at the looming crisis over the decommissioning of paramilitary weapons. This programme concerns itself with the issue of decommissioning, especially as the Unionist deadline date set by D.Trimble approaches. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 25th Jan 2000
7 mins 20 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
In London courts hear the Sean McPhilemy book and television documentary "The Committee" was called a hoax by the Sunday Times ruining his career. Film report features role of Jim Sands (Loyalist) in the programme. Cedric Wilson (NIUP) today met General J.DeChastelen and claims the general says there is no sign of any IRA decommissioning as of yet. D.Trimble (UUP) rejects C.Wilson's remarks, S.Mallon (SDLP) views then Conor Murphy's (SF) comments, Pat Byrne (Garda Chief) has commented on the capabilities of dissident Republicans. The Saville Inquiry into Bloody Sunday has so far cost £13,000,000.

(6.00pm ;Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 26th Jan 2000
18 mins 14 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
A row within the Executive Ministers has erupted as Barbara DeBrun (SF, Health Minister) refuses to work with the RUC, up to £1,000,000 could be lost. Film report with views of Gerry McMichael (UDP) on alleged DeBrun position. The Department of Health has denied his allegations. Jo Daykin of the Dunlewey Substance Advice Centre outlines her concerns over the finances, then Iris Robinson (DUP) gives her views. Another row at Stormont has begun as the committee overseeing the First Minister Office met today under Chairman Gregory Campbell (DUP). He refused to speak to the Sinn Fein Committee Members. Film report with Eileen Bell (Alliance) comments, then A Maskey's (SF) reaction, then Gregory Campbell (DUP) defends his stance. Meanwhile in Westminister, Unionists backed by some Tories, filibustered a bill that would allow TDS to sit at Westminister. Film report with W Ross clips. In Dublin, Chris Smith (39) was charged with possession of arms found in Tipperary, including explosives. Film report. An RUC Sergeant has been demoted to Constable, Colin Crosskery had been on a course in England when he attended a party and engaged in lewd acts with a stripper. Film report. In London courts, at the Sunday Times - Committee Libel trial, day two, heard Sean McPhilmny's lawyer attempt to stop the naming of people in open court, alleged to be members of the Committee, according to Jim Sands. Film report. In Belfast Courts, leading Ardoyne Republican Eddie Copeland received £60,000 for injuries he received when a loyalist bomb exploded under his car. Film report includes an award to Martin Meehnan for injuries he received from the RUC in 1994.

Next report is about the controversy over the Duchess of Abercorn's visit to a Co. Tyrone Catholic Primary School about the Puskin Prize, Finbar Conway (SF, Cllr) had objected, Denis Haughey (SDLP) comments. Today NAS/UWT Union Representatives defended the Duchess's right to go into all schools if M.McGuinness (SF, Minister of Education) can go in to all schools, then Danny Kennedy (UUP) gives his views).

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 27th Jan 2000
20 mins 17 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
In London, Sunday Times and Sean McPhilemy libel case, it's been alleged D.Trimble (UUP leader) was in a committee that organised the killings of Catholics, according to McPhilemy's book "The Committee". Film report with lawyers arguments, with naming the Sunday World's Martin O' Hagan as supplying photos to McPhilemy and as being former PIRA member.

B. DeBrun (SF, Health Minister) has finally decided to site Belfast's Maternity Services at the Royal Victoria Hospital. Film report with political reaction and medical reaction form City's Jubilee Nurses and doctors and City patients. Then counter views from patients in the Royal Victoria Hospital and staff. Then reactions politically from Iris Robinson (DUP) on Stomont Health Committee, also Joe Hendron (SDLP) views, then Womens Coalition, Monica McWilliams' views and John Kelly's (SF) reaction, followed by B. DeBrun (SF, Health Minister) live interview in the studio. Seamus Mallon (SDLP Dep., First Minister) has urged young nationalists to join the new police service. Film report on Mallon's views, then Bob McCartney (UKUP) comments on his meeting with Dechastelen on IRA decommissioning. He rules out any chance of IRA decommissioning commencing. This morning's Irish News called on the IRA to decommission to precent the collapse fo the Executive, in a rare front page editorial. Film report. Then in the studio Alex Attwood (SDLP) supports Mallon's comments on a new beginning to policing.

In Irish Cabinet, following David Andrews resignation, Brian Cowen (Offaly TD) has been appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs. Film report and profile.

(6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 28th Jan 2000
8 mins 30 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
John Hume (SDLP leader) has called on the PIRA to start decommissioning immediately. Film report from Assembly as crisis on decommissioning looms. Reg Empey (UUP) comments then P. Robinson (DUP). Dechastelen is preparing his report, in this atmosphere John Hume and S. Mallon make their appeals but Gerry Adams (SF) is unimpressed. Meanwhile John White (UDP) has called on the UFF's leaders to consider loyalist decommissioning. In the studio Mitchell McLauglhin (SF, Chair) gives their position on John Hume's appeal and the decommissioning issue with possible executive collapse. Then Political Editor Stephen Grimmason lays out what choices the government faces next week, as it seems likely there's no PIRA decommissioning and assesses the chances of the peace process surviving the crisis.

(6.30pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 28th Jan 2000
14 mins 4 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
S.Mallon (SDLP) tells the PIRA it's time to decommission film report with Mallon's statement. Reg Empey's (UUP) reaction, then Seamus Close (Alliance) views. Then P. Robinson (DUP) calls for SDLP to help exclude Sein Fein.Gerry Adams (SF) gives his response to Mallon's call. J. White (UDP) calls on the UFF to decommission first. P Mandelsons options on suspension. In Dublin B. Ahern met S Mallon and B Cowen. Film report with S. Mallon comments afterwards, then in the studio M McGimpsey defends their stance on decommissioning.

In Hillsborough a quarter million ectasy tablets and a gun recovered. The biggest find in Northern Ireland to date. Film report with Jill Gillespie (RUC Detective Superintendent) comments. In London Courts, the Sean McPhilemy/Sunday Times Libel action hears him give evidence on the Sunday Times allegation, he deceived his audience. Film report mentions Billy Abernethy as Committee Leaders role and Jim Sands evidence. Lurgan loyalists Fred Curtiers and his wife, jailed for eight years on explosives charge, also gailed was (MISSING) Caldwell (MISSING) and Nigel Flanigan (32) all for incidents during Drumcree trouble in 199(?).

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 31st Jan 2000
25 mins 50 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Still waiting on the release of the DeChastelen Report, is time running out for the Good Friday Agreement. Film report on the delay from his Stormont offices with comments from Ian Paisley (DUP) on refusal to allow assembly debate, then Bob McCartney's (UKUP) view. Ken Maginnis (UUP) is expecting the worse, while Alex Maskey (SF) restates their position. In Assembly Sammy Wilson (DUP) clashes with M.McGuinness (SF, Education Minister). Film clip of the clash. In the studio David Trimble (UUP, Leader) gives an interview on his reaction to lack of decommissioning and what he feels will happen next, plus what the Good Friday Agreement has or has not achieved to date. Followed by Political analysis from Ken Reid on the Government's position. Now they'll meet Dublin Government. In the studio S. Mallon (SDLP) gives his views on suspension of the executive option, which he rejects, he refuses to say the SDLP will side with Unionists to expel Sinn Fein from Executive.

In other news Gerry Adams (SF) has criticised the court of appeals decision to clear paratrooper Lee Clegg of his last conviction in the shooting of Martin Peake in September 1990. Film report with Clegg's mother Wynie Johnston's views, the Judge's opinion, then G. Adam's outraged reaction. After break a report from Stormont on Education Minister's question time, with M.McGuinness clashing with P. W (MISSING) (DUP).

B.DeBrun (Health Minister) answering questions in Irish and English and facing questions from I Paisley Jnr (DUP). Later Iris Robinson attacked DeBrun over the Royal Victoria Hospital Maternity decision. Live from Stormont A. Maskey (SF) answers questions only on why the IRA hasn't not yet decommissioned any product.

At the Bloody Sunday Inquiry families of the dead have reacted angrily to the news the Ministry of Defense has destroyed many of the rifles used by the army that day. Film report with solicitor Greg McCartney's views, then Michael McKinney for the families. Next live to Stormont for I Paisley's (DUP) reaction to non-release of the Dechastelen report on decommissioning. He criticises D. Trimble (UUP) stance as a sell out and calls for Sinn Fein and IRA to be expelled form Executive.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 1st Feb 2000
15 mins 28 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Major difficulties appear to have arisen between the two governments, as release of DeChastelen is delayed again. Film report with Ahern wanting not to suspend executive, and Mandelson wanting to look at all options. The PIRA released a statement this afternoon outlining their position they are committed to peace process. Film report from Ken Reid in Dublin on Cowen/Mandelson meeting with their cautious remarks. Then Ahern comments in the Dail.

At Stormont the UUP wants the Executive suspended, film report from Trimble press conference, then Gerry Adams (SF) gives his reaction to calls for suspension. Sean Farren (SDLP) still sees room for movement in his remarks, then N. Dodds (DUP) accuses Trimble of misjudgement. Back to Dublin where Ken Reid interviews Peter Mandelson who says there's no disagreement between governments, he hopes to sustain Executive, but accepts Trimble must remain as UUP Leader. He comments on the IRA statement and denies the Good Friday Agreement is over. In the studio John Taylor (UUP Dep. Leader) gives his views on the positions of the two governments and calls it a sad day for Northern Ireland. Dublin is playing for time he says, then from Stormont G. Kelly (SF) answers the comments of J. Taylor and calls for the Executive to be allowed to continue it's good work. He denies Taylor's views an understanding existed that we would have decommissioned by January 31st.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 2nd Feb 2000
20 mins 10 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Noel McCready (33) (Poynz Pass killer) and Stephen McClean (30) laughed as they were given life sentences, they might be out by July under GFA early release scheme. Film report on 3 March 1999 killings. A third accused Ryan Robley was also given life for being the car driver. Afterwards victims mother's Ann Trainor and Ethel Allen give their reactions to verdicts.

In Commons, T. Blair (Prime Minister) has said Peace Process in serious trouble and there must be decommissioning. Film report on Blair's comments to Tories criticisms, then Ken Reid analysis. In Dublin Gerry Adams met B. Ahern, film report from Ferghal Keane. Suspension looks inevitable he says. At Stormont a last minute flurry of activity listed, but Health Service will suffer if suspension happens. Film report on Health Service crisis in Tyrone and Enniskillen, and in Downpatrick, where local Edie McCready(SDLP, MP) outlines his position. Then Iris Robinson (DUP) comments on B. DeBrun's Royal Victoria Hospital decision. Meanawhile at Stormont, P. Mandelson met all parties, S Mallon (SDLP) appeals for parties to step back, Monica McWilliams (UIC) depressed. In Dublin, Gerry Adams comments after Ahern meeting, while Reg Empey (UUP) says IRA words not enough, then P.Robinson (DUP) wants Sein Fein expelled from the Executive. The new Moderator Designate of the Presbyterian Church, Dr. Morrow calls for Unionists to understand Republican's position on decommissioning. Film report with interview. Next, Ken Reid live from London on the latest situation on crisis, suspension likely. (slight picture tremor on original tape)

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 3rd Feb 2000
28 mins
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Decommissioning Crisis
Northern Ireland Executive to be suspended. Begins with Tom Franks (reporter) reporting on the meeting presently going on between T.Blair and B.Ahern in Cornwall on the DeChastelen report and their reaction to it, suspend executive or not. (Opening titles missing.) ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 3rd Feb 2000
16 mins 55 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The Stormont Assembly is lurching towards suspension, film report from Stormont on latest activity in London and in Dublin, B.Ahern comments in Dail, meanwhile G.Kelly wants to talk to Trimble, he says politics must work. N Dodd (DUP) wants devolution, Patten and prisoner releases suspended as does Willie Thompson (UUP). From London, D. Trimble (UUP Leader) gives an interview outlining what he expects on decommissioning and the agreement, he says he had within the Mitchell interview on actual decommissioning. He comments on his resignation letter. He expects the Executive to be suspended, its too late now for words he says. S. Mallon(SDLP) gives his views, he believes suspension will only make decommissioning impossible.

The visit to Tyrone of the Duchess of Abercorn to give Puskin Prizes in a Catholic School has gone ahead after it was cancelled two weeks ago because of a Sinn Fein Councillor's protest. Fim report hears M.McGuinness (Education Minister) intervened and interview with Duchess on controversy, then Denis Haughey (SDLP) welcomes the lifting of Sinn Fein's exclusion order.

Next live to Ken Reid in London for latest update on Dechastelen report situation and the possibilty of a Blair/Ahern meeting.

(6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 3rd Feb 2000
7 mins 54 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
RTE News
Programme Title:
In Cornwall, Blair is to meet B.Ahern in crisis meeting. Film report on latest movement in situation. In the Commons, P.Mandelson revealed the DeChastelen report finding that no moves had been made towards decommissioning, then D. Trimble views Government have bought one week's time. At Stormont M.McGimpsey (UUP) gives his views and calls for reflection, then A Maskey (SF) says Mandelson acted outside the Good Friday Agreement, but Sinn Fein will work on. In the studio, Una Mc Claffey (RTE Editor) gives her analysis of Blair/Ahern negotiations in Cornwall and Sinn Fein's call to meet D. Trimble.

Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 3rd Feb 2000
21 mins 39 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
It's coverage is of Mandelson's speech and the Cornwall meeting, with analysis by Martina Purdy (journalist) also includes Trimble (UUP) and Mallon (SDLP) views with reaction from G.Kelly (SF) on suspension then N Dodd (DUP) who also wants Patten and prisoner releases suspended.

Leaving Commons J. Taylor (UUP) reacts to Mandelson's speech and is for suspension now.

In the studio G. Kelly (SF) defends their stance and says rejectionists of the Good Friday Agreement now in control, he says Sinn Fein are not in default of the Good Friday Agreement. Then Shane Harris (Dublin journalist) gives his analysis of the Irish Government's position during current talks with T. Blair and what he wants from Sinn Fein at present. He says both governments want to create some space with different nuances and aren't on the same hymn sheet.

Next report is from Stormont where 'People Moving On' group held a vigil, they give their reactions to the current impasse, then in Belfast City, shoppers give a cross section of opinions. Then in the studion Stephen Grimmasson (BBC Political Editor) and Brian Rowan (Security Editor) give their analysis of their current decommissioning positions across the political spectrum.

Then switch live to T. Blair's (Prime Minister) news conference from Cornwall after he met Ahern, he says he will continue working to move the peace process on. B. Ahern (Irish Prime Minister) adds his views on difficult week, he says the decommissing issue must be dealt with, he wants honesty and clarity on the issue and terms of Good Friday Agreement followed on all issues. Then back to studio for Brian Rowan and Stephen Grimasson comments on the current pressure on Republicans.

(Late News, Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 4th Feb 2000
16 mins 22 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Gerry Adams (SF) accuses P.Mandelson of undermining talks on decommissioning. Meanwhile the UUP President who holds D.Trimble's post-dated resignation letter, says he expects the institutions to collapse in the next few days. Film report from Adam's news conference with his accusations, then Reg Empey (UUP) reaction. Then Tony Blair comments in London and calls for clarity, a word also used by B. Ahern in his views.

Meanwhile Bill Clinton (US President) calls for politicians to live up the will of the people.

In the studio G.Kelly (SF) accuses Mandelson of spin doctoring and says worse scenario is too remove institutions, he says Sinn Fein has stretched its constituencies.

The niece of Eddie McGrady (SDLP MP) has been found strangled on Portstewart beach. Film report on Julie Hamill's (28) murder with comments from Nigel Kyle (Chief Insp.), also an unidentified body has been found by the RUC at Belcoo, in Co. Fermanagh.

The Stormont Agricultural Committee including I Paisley (DUP) and Francie Molloy (SF) were heckled by loyalist protestors in Portarogie. Film report with comments of protestors and then views of I. Paisley (DUP) on fishing industry problems and the protest.

The North-South body of Health held it's first meeting today. Film report with B. DeBrun (Health Minister, SF) comments and M. Martin (Irish Minister) views, then Reg Empey (UUP) confirms body of collapse with executive. Meanwhile at Belfast City's Jubilee Maternitu Unit, the doctors say they don?t trust the Minister. They want independent review and say her Royal Victoria Hospital Maternity choice was bias.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 5th Feb 2000
3 mins 8 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
The IRA has released a new statement saying the decommission issue can be resolved but not on British or Unionist terms, and repeated the peace process is under no threat. Film report also says IRA had not entered into agreement with anyone to decommissioning. Political reaction from Gerry Adams and D.Trimble who held a twenty-five minute meeting, the Irish government called it a positive statement.

(5.00pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 7th Feb 2000
17 mins 24 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The Continuity IRA has admitted it bombed Mahon's Hotel in Irvinestown, Co.Fermanagh last night. Film report comments of Owner Joe Mahon and Jonathan McIvor (RUC Superintendent), then political reaction from John Hume (SDLP leader), and Ken Maginnis (UUP), then Derrick Nixon's (Council Chairman Councillor) views. The review of previous CIRA attack at Killyhelvin Hotel in 1996 and the threat they pose. Meanwhile Mitchell McLaughlin (SF) has criticised John Hume's comments in a paper article that the PIRA hand in its semtex. Film report with Hume's comments and M. McLaughlin's reply, then P. Robinson (DUP) criticises the view that IRA guns are silent, S. Mallon (SDLP) still hopes to avoid Stormont suspension, as Gerry Adams comments on his meeting with Peter Mandelson. Robin Eames (Chief of Ireland Primate) says voluntary words and actions must be order of the day with decommissioning if trust is to be created. Next report is from Stormont where Ken Reid gives his analysis of today's events and what's expected to happen over the next few days in Westminister. Suspension looks likely he says.

At Drumbo, Belfast, RUC arrested three men during a post office robbery, shots were fired, no injuries. Film report with Ken Henning(RUC Chief Insp.) comments.

The murder of Julie Hamill(28) at Portrush lastest news from the RUC reveals her clothing has been found.

At the Bloody Sunday Inquiry, it?s been revealed it wont prosecute UTV over its refusal to name sources but Tony Harndon (Daily Telegraph correspondent) must reveal soldier 'X' identity. Film report.

Back to Stormont, where Paisley has supported the call for St Patrick's Day to be made a Public Holiday. Film report with clips of Paisley's speech.

The NIO has been criticised for moving the twenty gun salute for the Queen from Stormont to Hillsborough.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 7th Feb 2000
25 mins 22 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Decommissioing Crisis Review
Begins with Trimble arrival at UUP HQ for meeting followed by Ken Reid analysis on UUP statement after meeting on Patten and any upcoming review. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 8th Feb 2000
28 mins 37 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Deadly Divisions
Feud in Portadown, County Armagh, between Loyalist paramilitary groups the LVF and the UVF. This programme deals with the recent murder of Richard Jameson (UVF leader in Portadown) by the LVF and the reasons behind it, and the current feud between the two Loyalist organisations. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 8th Feb 2000
14 mins 15 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Efforts continue to find a solution to the decommissioning crisis, Gerry Adams met T.Blair in London meanwhile Peter Mandelson (N.Ireland Secretary) introduced the legislation to re-introduce Direct Rule to Northern Ireland. Film report from Ken Reid with Adam's comments at press conference in London The film of Mandelson' Commons speech. Also in the Commons D. Trimble says words on Decommissioning are not enough action is needed not words he says. Then in the London studio, G Adams (SF) rejects the decommissioning impasse is the fault of the IRA, he outline the Republican position and criticises Mandelson's suspension decision. He explains the way forward as he sees it, its an issue that can resolved he says.

At Stormont the DUP has failed to get thirty votes to debate a motion calling for Sinn Fein to be thrown out of the Assembly. Film report included N. Dodds clash with speaker John Allerdyce. Then back to Ken Reid on his analysis of the chances of an 11th hour break through, he believes suspension seems inevitable without product.

In Dublin, Robert Salters (Orange Order Chief) has a first meeting with B. Ahern and then with Mary McAleese (President).

In Courts, Stephen Morgan, Kevin Adams (21) and Patrick McAllister (20) all from Belfast where charges with conspriacy to rob the post office at Drumbo yesterday. Film report.

Next report covers the launch of the St Patrick Day's Parade fund raising effort, they welcomed the assembly decision to support making St Patrick's Day a public holiday, but critised Unionists call for the Union Flag to be flown on the day. Catriona Ruane (Carnival Organiser) gives an interview on the subject followed by Maire Moore's (SF Cllr and Deputy Lord Mayor) views.

(6.00pm ;Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 9th Feb 2000
17 mins 40 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
As deadline on suspension of devolution approaches Peter Mandelson (N.Ireland Secretary) has appealed to local politicians not to close minds to the possibility of a last minute deal. Film report includes Trimble Common's remarks on Patten reform being halted, then J. Donaldson (UUP) comments on Patten going back to the drawing board. Brian Cowen (Irish Foreign Affairs Minister) also met P. Mandelson today. Also today, there has been a mixed reaction to Catholic Bishop, Seamus Hegarty's reaction call for the IRA to use him as a middle man in the decommissioning fo arms. Film report with public reaction in Derry, then Gerry Adams (SF) comments to students at Queens University on issue, then I. Paisley calls Bishop's call 'appalling', then D McClarty (UUP) and S Farren (SDLP) and S. Close (Allliance ) views.

Next to London for an update from Ken Reid on the Mandelson/Cowen meeting and government attempts to get a solution to crisis. M.McGuinness (Education Minister, SF) has announced a building programme for eighteen new schools costing £72 million but Unionists have accused him of favouring the Catholic sector. Film report with list of schools involved and reaction from Danny Kennedy (UUP) on 'imbalance' and Misister's rebuffals, then school principal's reaction from two schools.

Next report on the 1995 murder of Timothy Hegarty, found buried at Derriaghy, two men get life sentences, body only identified in 1998, his mother gives interview, then Peter Miller's (Det. Insp.) views, killer named as James Shaw who with William Campbell were sentenced today. The Apprentice Boys in Derry are to organise a St Patrick's celebration next month. Film report with views of Bily Moore (Apprentice Boys Secretary) on St Patrick to Protestants. Then Janette Whyte of Shared City Projects comments, then Alaistair Simpson (Apprentice Boys) on Nationalists hijecking St Patrick's Day.

(6.00pm); Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 10th Feb 2000
14 mins 46 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
D.Trimble (UUP) met B.Ahern (Irish PM) in Dublin today. Film report on arms deadlock talks, with Trimble comments after meeting says it isn't terminal crisis, then Ahern comments. Back in Belfast S.Mallon (SDLP) says there's still time to draw back from the brink. Film report on Stormont atmosphere, then report on Conor Murphy's (SF) news conference on demilitaristion issue, with response from N. Dodds (DUP) on Sinn Feinn's further demands, then R. Empey (UUP) views. Then from London, analysis from Ken Reid on latest government moves on dissolution of Devolution Bills passage and latest talks.

In Belfast, PUP claim MI5 tried to recruit it's West Belfast Chairman, Albert Corrigan to be an informer. Film report on PUP news conference with Corrigan interview on the meeting. He attacked the men and seized their briefcase, which Sectarian Forces took back. The D. Ervine (PUP) criticises the MI5 effort.

In Belfast the tourist board held its annual convention with visitor figures up 11%. Film report with Reg Empey (UUP) comments, then Roy Bailes' ( NITB Chair) views.

6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 11th Feb 2000
24 mins 20 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Peter Mandelson (N.Ireland Secretary) has suspended the Stormont Assembly. Film report with reactions, Sinn Fein say PIRA made last minute offer to break the deadlock, film clip of Peter Mandelson statement on his decision. Then live to Ken Reid for his analysis of government's position and reasons for suspension, also the latest PIRA offers significance. Then live in the studio, Mandelson answers questions, he says they need to sort decommissioning issues once and for all with clarity. He outlines the way forward now as the government see it and gives answers on the latest PIRA position as told to him.

Next report is from the day at Stormont, rife with speculation and rumour all day, S. Mallon (SDLP) comments in gloomy mood. M.McGuinness (SF) still called for no suspension, then M. McGimpsey (UUP) views as he meets Irish Minister at Stormont, Assembly Committee still were meeting. Then live from Stormont Reg Empey (UUP) gives his reaction and comments on the most recent PIRA offer, he defends the UUP stance and he comments on the way back to an Executive.

Then report from Stormont on the last of office for Barbara DeBrun (SF, Minister of Health), she visited Armagh Area Hospital today and react to suspension in interview, then Reg Empey (UUP, Minister of Trade) on his last days work with comments. Meanwhile in Derry, P. Robinson (DUP, Minister of Development) gives his reaction. Next reaction is from S. Mallon (SDLP) as in his news conference he expresses his views, suspension is bad for the process and makes decommissioning harder to get.. Then in the studio I Paisley Snr. (DUP) denies it?s a bad day for democracy and outlines his views. He feels only Sinn Fein/IRA should have been punished not all parties. He looks ahead to the DUP position in review, and if he will ever under any circumstances share power with Sinn Fein, he wants the PIRA decommissioned and disbanded, he doesn't trust Adams and criticises Mandelson for praising Adams. After break, the government reveals the DeChastelen Report as it received it, it says the PIRA has not planned to begin decommissioning. Ken Reid gives his analysis of this lastest news and the reactions in London and Dublin governments. Next report is on the reaction from Gerry Adams (SF), he claims PIRA had offered major breakthrough and says Mandelson reacted to UUP threats. Review of headlines.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 11th Feb 2000
4 mins 39 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Coverage of suspension of Stormont Assembly, with claims and counter claims. Mandelson interview, then Gerry Adams (SF) anger at Mandelson. Then D. Trimble (UUP) supports Mandelson decision. Film of DeChastelen releasing report, then analysis on current situation from John Irvine (ITN).

(11.00pm; Friday))
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 12th Feb 2000
2 mins 37 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
D.Trimble (UUP) has insisted IRA decommission must be sorted out before return to devolution. Film report from UUP party meeting with Trimble comments on "simple steps" then reaction from Gerry Adams (SF).

(6.00pm ;Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 12th Feb 2000
4 mins 4 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Coverage of UUPs Council meeting at Belfast to review suspension. Trimble interrupted by victim of Shankill bomb Michelle Williamson, John Bell (UUP Cllr) describes what happened. Outside Sam Foster (UUP) heckled by protestors, then Trimble outlines new moves needed from Sinn Fein. His 'Simple Steps', then Josias Cunningham (UUP President) comments on Trimble resignation letter. In Dublin Brian Cowen (Irish Minister) states their position on suspension. Then Gerry Adams (SF) is angry at Mandelsons move.

(6.30pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 14th Feb 2000
12 mins 20 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
British and Irish governments met at Stormont today, P.Mandelson (N.Ireland Secretary) in London defended his suspension decision, he was optimistic on decommission signs. Film report with Trimble's reactions, then B. Ahern (Irish Prime Minister) views and S. Mallons (SDLP) advice. Next, film report on Assembly's position, MLA's will still be paid, the North/South bodies go into storage, and Patten reforms and prisoner releases go ahead. I. Paisley (DUP) doubtful on review attendences, Sinn Fein position similar says A. Maskey. M.McGimpsey (UUP) wants short review. Then live from Stormont Brian Cowen (Irish Foreign Affairs Minister) outlines their position to get institutions re-established and latest Dechastelen reports.

Vehichles hijacked at Kilwilkee estate in Lurgan. In studio Ron Flanagan (RUC Chief) gives their latest assessment on the security position and threats from dissident republicans. He rejects any need for demilitarisation and comparisons between the security forces and paramilitaries.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 15th Feb 2000
10 mins 25 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The PIRA has withdrawn from meetings with the DeChastelen decommissioning body and withdraws previous submissions. Film report with IRA statement accusing British government and UUP of crisis. Gerry Adams (SF) comments after bad meeting with Mandelson. Stormont meetings with Brian Cowen continue. J. Taylor (UUP) reaction to IRA statement, then M. Durkan (SDLP), then P Robinson (DUP). In the studio D. Ervine (PUP) gives their reaction to PIRA withdrawal, he believes it was to be expected. He comments on current UVF position and outlines what should happen now.

Film report on series of bomb hoaxes in Lurgan area, traffic congestion on M1 and at Craigavon hospital. Earlier vehichles hijacked and burnt at railway line, Meta Crozier (UUP Cllr) comments, then Dolores Kelly's (Mayor of Craigavon, Cllr) views.

Also in Omagh, more bomb alerts, Oliver Gibson (DUP) comments.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 16th Feb 2000
15 mins
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Blair and Ahern are holding talks to try and salvage the peace process against the backdrop of the PIRA's withdrawal from contact with the DeChastelen commission.

Film report with Gerry Adams (SF) calling it the worst crisis yet, then Trimble (UUP) says he wants a review and clarity. John Hume (SDLP) hopes the goverments can resolve the issues. Then Adams' comments on leaving the talks at Downing Street on the situation now as he sees it, earlier M.McGuinness (SF) launched West Belfast Children Festival and said a review is a mistake, the institutions were illegally dismantled.

RUC found weapons in Belfast house searched. Film report then John Bruton(Fine Gael) gives his views on the situation, and blames the PIRA. Meanwhile John DeChastelen met Cedric Wilson (NIUP), who comments afterwards, and Sean Neeson (Alliance Party) who calls on PIRA to retract their withdrawal.

Next report hears that the Parades Commission has replaced Alastair Graham (Chairman) with a new man, Tony Holland. Film report with Holland profile, new appointments also include former GAA Chief, Peter Quinn and the Rev. Roy Magee, retired judge Sir John Pringle, Peter Osbourne (Chairman of the Alliance Party) and John Cousins,retired Secretary of the QUB Student Union. Co. Down farmer Bill Martin is only existing member to retain his position. Breidge Rodgers (SDLP) says Nationalists will be wary of the new commission, then George Patten (Orange Order) refuses to comment on individuals. A government review of the Parade's Commission says the Euro Convention on Human Rights might be used to resolve contentious issues from October Patten and Rodgers comments to this move, then Brice Dickson (NI Human Rights Commission) views.

Next report goes back to Downing Street where D. Trimble (UUP) comments after meeting Blair and Ahern followed by analysis by Ken Reid of today's meetings.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 17th Feb 2000
7 mins 49 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
B.Ahern says Mandelson had the PIRA's offer on decommissioning twelve hours before Stormont was suspended. Ahern and Blair to have further talks. Film report from Mark Simpson (Political Editor) with review of Mandelson's comments and Ahern's comments, then Conor Murphy (SF) accuses British Government of news management, the NIO refutes this in statement. IRA say no further talks with Dechastelen body. William Hague (Tory leader) visited Northern Ireland today, had talks with R.Flanagan ( RUC Chief) and backed Mandelson's decision to suspend Stormont. Film report with Hague's decommissioning comments from Banbridge, and local people's reaction to his visit. Then Mark Simpson (Political Editor) analysises the different Government's views on the IRA offer to DeChastelen and asks did the Government lie on timing.

(6.30pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 18th Feb 2000
9 mins 7 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The RUC have called in a senior Scottish policeman to investigate the conviction of a Thomas Green (37) (Protestant) jailed for life thirteen years ago, for the sectarian murder of John O'Neill (Catholic) in the Ballysillan area. Film report with March events with comments of Joe Rice (Green's Solicitor) and Thomas Green.

Next report, a police investigation has begun in why the Ministry of Defense destroyed two SLR rifles used by the British Army on Bloody Sunday. Geoff Hoon (Defense Minister) called destruction regretable, film report with familie's lawyer Greg McCartney's comments. Only three of the original twenty nine rifles fired now remain. In Enniskillen courts, a man has been charged with murder yesterday, Film report names Liam Wilson(28) as accused of killing father of five, Anthony Woods.

At a London inquest the jury has ruled that PIRA man Dermot O' Neill shot dead by Police on September 1996 was killed lawfully. Film report.

In Belfast Courts, Anthony Coleman (31) and his wife Brenda were charged with having an AK rifle and ammo at their home at St James Road in Belfast. Film report. Also in court was Martine Sharkey of Ligoneil Area aldo charged with having an AK rifle at her home. All defendents replied not guilty.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 19th Feb 2000
5 mins 58 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The bodies of two young men have been found on a road outside Tandragee. Film report, RUC not sure how the men were murdered, Alan Todd (Det. Insp.) comments men not yet identified. Reaction from Danny Kennedy (UUP, MLA) and Paul Berry (DUP, MLA). Speculation murder might be related to Loyalist tensions in Portadown. The Sinn Fein Party has held an Ard Fheis in Dublin to discuss the stormont suspension. Film report with comments of Sean McManus (SF) and Pat Doherty on Sein Fein's anger with British Government.

In the USA, D. Trimble (UUP) told an audience the decommissioning issue would eventually be resolved.

In Strabane six RUC men were involved in a fight at a local bar, four people were arrested.

In Derry's Waterside, the RUC recovered fire arms during searches. One man was arrested.

In Belfast the family home of IRA Informer, Martin McGartland was damaged in an arson attack. M.McGartland's former girlfriend was arrested.

(5.00pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 21st Feb 2000
? mins
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Seven Ages
Programme Title:
Part 1: Irish Free State Founded In 1921
The foundation of the Irish state.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 21st Feb 2000
14 mins 5 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The family of Andrew Robb (19) one of the teenagers found stabbed to death near Banbridge have called for no retaliation. Film report from his funeral service. John White and John Adair (both UDP) attended, comments of His Minister Rev. Reg Twaddell. Yesterday in an interview his mother Ann Robb denied her son had any links to the LVF. The LVF also deny both men were connected to it. David Ervine (PUP) denies the UVF were involved and Bobby Jameson, who's brother was UVF Chief in Portadown and killed by LVF fails to see any links. The other youth killed was David McIlwaine (19), his father believes he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

New Parades Commission Chairman, Tony Holland and the new Parades Commission had it's first meeting today. Film report with comments of Tony Holland on his lack of knowledge about Northern Ireland and his views on Drumcree.

Next report is on fears of job losses in the textile industry due to low cost imports and the strong pound. With views of John Simpson (Economist), and Ian McEvoy (Magee Clothing).

Next report is also on jobs with Eircom's hopes of creating 400 technology jobs in Northern Ireland, Chris Kingston (Chief Executive) comments, then Alfie Kane's views on development.

Next report is on Politics again, Unionist angry at the suggestion the government might link IRA decommissioning to British Army demilitarisation. Film report with J. Donaldson's (UUP) reactions, then Peter Robinsons comments, then G. Kelly (SF) views on demilitarisation and Mark Durkan (SDLP) views.

In Belfast courts Angela Crane has been charged with the arson attack on the home of IRA informer Martin McGartland.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 22nd Feb 2000
14 mins 38 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The RUC have found Semtex, two AK rifles and handguns during searches in Dungannon, one man arrested. Film report with display of weapons and reaction of Michelle Gildernew (SF). Local Priest criticises RUC behaviour, reaction from I. Paisley (DUP).

In Derry's Creggan estate, nine protestant youths were attacked and beaten while attending a cross community football match. Film report with Pat Ramsey's (SDLP, Mayor) views, then Gregory Campbell's reaction, then School Principal's views attack may not have been sectarian or premeditated. In Portadown the funeral took place of David McIlwaine (18) stabbed to death in Banbridge. Film report from private funeral and comments of Maurice McIlwaine, and the words of this father Paul during the service, and the Rev. Harry Dowd.

In Belfast courts, a bail application by Angela Crane hears details of her arson attack on the home of Martin McGartland's mother. Film report hears McGartland was the father of Crane's two sons, she never received any maintenance from him, she was granted bail.

The IRA has denied it has offered to disarm in response to demilitarisation. Meanwhile M.McGuinness (SF) has accused D. Trimble (UUP) of acting like the self appointed head of the decommissioning body. Film report with comments of Martin McGuinness.

In Downpatrick, an IRA memorial to IRA Vol. Colm Marks, shot in April 1991 by the RUC has caused anger from Unionists. Film report with comments of Billy Alexander (UKUP, Cllr) on lack of planning approval. Then reaction from Aiden Carlin (SF, Cllr).

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 23rd Feb 2000
8 mins 56 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
RUC make arrests following Tandragee killings. Film report on Mid-Ulster searches.

Dungannon man Bernard Creggan, in court on arms charges following yesterday's raids.

In Crossmaglen two NIE workers were taken from their car and beaten as they checked electricity meters for fraudulent use.

Senator George Mitchell has said he won't come back here to chair any new review of the peace process. Film report with Mitchell's comments and reaction from Gerry Adams (SF), then M.Durkan (SDLP), then Reg Empey (UUP), then I. Paisley Jnr (DUP).

In Eire Courts two men are charged with issuing forged passports, they are Finbar Hickey (40, Garda Sergeant) and James Fox (40). Film report.

In London courts in the McPhilemy/Sunday Times Libel, The Head of Channel 4 news, David Lloyd says he believes McPhilemy was honest in his dealings with Channel 4 in making the committed programme.

In Portadown, the parents of Protestant school children who's bus was stoned in a Nationalist area met the RUC to ask for better protection. Film report with parent's statement.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 25th Feb 2000
9 mins 31 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The British Army base at Ballykelly was bombed this morning. There were no injuries. Film report on mortar attack on Welsh Fusiliers by CIRA. Local Church of Ireland rector, Harold Given condemns the attack from his church grounds, then reaction from Willie Ross (UUP MP), then G. Campbell's (DUP) views.

Gerry Adams (S.F. Leader) has called for street demonstrations in protest at the suspension of the Stormont Executive and the PUP is threatening to withdraw it's support for the Good Friday Agreement. Film report with list of PUP grievances and comments of Gerry Adams on street protest call, and reaction from Michael McGimpsey (UUP) on Adams' call.

The UFF have called on Loyalist Organisations to stop killing protestants, the statement follows the Tandragee killings of A. Robb and D. McIlwaine. In the studio Alan Murray (BBC Security Journalist) talks about the 50lb mortar which failed to explode at Ballykelly and the materials used.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 26th Feb 2000
53 mins 51 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Seven Ages
Programme Title:
Part 1: Irish Free State Founded In 1921
The foundation of the Irish state. The story of the Irish state. This programme is first in a series of seven that deals with the development and politics of the Irish Free State since its formation in 1921. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
187 and 185
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 28th Feb 2000
29 mins 6 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
The Blame Game
Who is blaming who for the end of devolved government. This document examines the resent suspension of the Stormont Executive and asks who was to blame. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 28th Feb 2000
51 mins
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Seven Ages
Programme Title:
Part 2: The Free State In The 1930s
Life in Ireland during the depression years. Begins with G.Fitzgerald (FG) giving his views on the states problems in the beginning. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 28th Feb 2000
4 mins 44 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Peter Mandelson has begun informal bi-lateral talks with Sinn Fein and UUP. Film report with comments of Barbara DeBrun (SF) afterwards, also from G. Kelly on the 'British Veto', then D. Trimble (UUP) calls for decommissioning to end the suspension, then the SDLP criticises Sein Fein's game plan, M. Durkan explains his views. I. Paisley (DUP) says Trimble is using IRA speak, he's so eager to get back into power, then P. Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary) gives an interview to Ken Reid, calling for an end to the blame game accusations and concentration given to restoring devolution.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 2nd Mar 2000
3 mins 5 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then report from Saville Inquiry decision on immunity for dead Soldiers as well as living ones. In courts Anthony Coleman (31) gets bail on AK possession charge. In Derry the IRSP has defended the erection of a statue of an INLA man with a rifle as a war memorial. G.Campbell (DUP) rejects its need, Willie Gallagher (IRSP) answers his criticism.

(6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 6th Mar 2000
51 mins 29 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Seven Ages
Programme Title:
Part 3: World War II period in Ireland, 1940s
Life in Ireland during the Second World War. Begins with children of civil war generation. Garret Fitzgerald and Patrick Lynch (historian) and Marie Cruse O'Brien talking about the shadow of the civil war emotion hanging over their childhoods. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 6th Mar 2000
8 mins 3 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
(Opening titles missing) Opening report is on the Apprentice Boys request to honour St Patrick by having marches in Lurgan and along the Serpentine Road in North Belfast.

Film report with Roy Ferguson (Apprentice Boys) comments.

Next report follows the story of INLA memorial in Derry Cemetary with more reactions from George Glenn of Derry's Fountain Area Partnership, then local people in the street give their reactions.

In Belfast, the City's Council is to sponsor a plaque to commemorate the dead from Bloody Friday, film report has old film clips and the comments of Ken Bloomfield (Victim's Commission). Meanwhile in Downpatrick and IRA Memorial to IRA Vol. Colm Marks has also caused controversy. Film report from here has views of Billy Alexander (UKUP Cllr) and Aidan Carlin (SF).

The UUP and the SDLP have again called on the British Government to set up a round table talks system of pro-agreement parties following a ninty minute meeting this morning. Film report with Sean Farren (SDLP) views, then M.McGimpsey (UUP).

Meanwhile I. Paisley has criticised B. Ahern latest idea on IRA decommissioning equating the British Army and IRA Terrorists.

In the USA Al Gore (Vice-President) has been commenting on what he will do for Ireland if he succeeds Bill Clinton as US President. Film report from New York Forum with Gore's speecj clips. Republican candidate G. Bush Jnr. didn't attend but did attend an Irish- American parade and commented to press.

(6.30pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 7th Mar 2000
29 mins 44 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Memorials Debate:Tributes To The Dead
Programme discusses the question should everyone killed during the troubles, police, army, terrorist, civilian be honoured equally. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 7th Mar 2000
11 mins 10 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then D.Trimble (UUP) has said it's grossly offensive, the allegation that he has been accused of membership of the committee that ordered deaths of Catholics.

Film report from Seam McPhilempy/Sunday Times Libel trial, with Trimble's evidence and his comments outside on issuing a libel writ.

A County Louth man, Colm Murphy (48) awaiting trial on Omagh bombing charges has had an appeal for legal aid turned down. Film report from Dundalk courts, on his appearance, and his financial dealings.

Peter Mandelson has announced inter-party round table talks for tomorrow and meanwhile US Presidential Aide, Jim Steinburg has begun talks with local parties. Film reports with Steinburg. Mandelson comments, and Gerry Adams (SF) reaction is hostile, then John Hume (SDLP) welcomes talks, Robin Eames (Alliance & Church of Ireland) welcomed talks. In next report, P. Mandelson has met Colin Port (Police Chief) on the murder inquiry into the death of Solictor Rosemary Nelson on March 15th 1999. Film report, Mandelson's interview on collusion issue, he doesn't rule out independent inquiry but Dara O'Hagan (SF, MLA) has repeated call for Independent Inquiry.

In West Belfast and Portadown, the RUC have made arms finds. Film report.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 8th Mar 2000
13 mins 52 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then Colin Port (Police Chief) says he's confident of catching Rosemary Nelson's killers and if there was collusion the RUC officers will also stand trial. Film report on March 1999 killing with Port interview, and reaction form Dr Bobbie McVeigh of the Rosemary Nelson Campaign,

In Eire, Garda have arrested a man believed to have been involved in the killing of SAS Captain Herbert Westmacott in North Belfast. Film report.

In politics D. Trimble's is demanding a formal review of the Peace process will, Sein Fein is wanting the restoration of the Executive. Film report from Stormont talks with views of Monica McWilliams (WC), then D. Trimble's comments, then John Hume (SDLP) and Gerry Adams (SF) views. The DUP met Mandelson separately, Paisley comments afterwards. The round table talks will begin this evening. Then analysis from Ken Reid on today's events.

Relatives of the Omagh bomb victims have asked Omagh FC to account for the funds raised from recent high profile matches, as yet the Omagh Fund has not been given any money. Film report with Stanley McCombe and Michael Gallagher for Victims Fund.

The Bloody Sunday Inquiry is to begin proper on 23 March 2000. Film report from Guildhall preparations with reactions from familie's lawyers, Greg McCartney on still outstanding soldier statements, then John Kelly (Bloody Sunday Trust) says relatives feel unfairly treatedm as does Michael McKinney.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 10th Mar 2000
11 mins 23 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Tony Blair has said government did all it could to help H and W win the contract to build the Queen Mary II liner. Film report assesses mood in shipyard and in East Belfast with comments from workers and Billy McCracken (AT & GMU Union), then from Sammy Douglas of the East Belfast Partnership and views of people in East Belfast. A second film report reviews the history of Harland and Wolfe since 1860. At it's peak it employed 40,000. Political reaction of East Belfast MP, Peter Robinson, statement from Harland and Wolfe blames poor government effort. The government statement rejects this. Peter Mandelson comments, then Tony Blair on government grants, Reg Empey believes Harland & Wolfe were a long shot to get the Queen Mary order. (MISSING) explains their position. In the studio Jamie Delargey (Business Editor) gives further analysis and previews future of Harland & Wolfe.

Speaking on RTE radio, Peter Mandelson sounded optimistic about the Executives future with good will and taking risks, he defends his suspension decision and mentions a window of opportunity.

In Belfast, a 30 year old man was shot in both legs in Ardoyne in the first republican punishment shooting in four months, in the same period loyalists have carried out seventeen such shootings.

A man and woman are being questioned about the Killing of R. Nelson after being arrested in an arms find raid near Armagh. Film report.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 11th Mar 2000
50 mins
Broadcast Company:
Channel Four Television Corporation
Channel 4
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
The Force
Programme Title:
Part 1: Patrolling The Peace
The RUC in Antrim; a profile of a female Catholic police officer. This is a fly on the wall style document were a television crew followed RUC men from Crumlin over six months as they dealt with various types of crime and civil disorder. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 13th Mar 2000
15 mins 3 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Marita Ann Seizure (1984)
1984 capture of IRA arms coming from the USA. It begins with comment on the murder of John McIntyre (Irish American), he had been involved with Witney Bulger (Boston gangster) and informed on him in the 1970s and 1980s. (The first ten minutes of this programme wasn't recorded, only 16 minutes recorded.) ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 13th Mar 2000
6 mins 48 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then report on recent upsurge in paramilitary punishment shootings, beginning with latest attack in the Creggan area of Derry, then report on Strabane attack last night. Also last night a shooting in the loyalist Tigers Bay area of North Belfast, RUC statistics of recent attacks shown, with report on shooting og Mark Kelly outside Armagh last Wednesday. He'd been shot five times. D. Ervine (PUP) gives his views on the upsurge and the peace process, then M.McLaughlin (SF) says they oppose punishment shootings.

Peter Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary) continued his meetings with local parties today. He was optimistic when he addressed young people in the morning. Film report with his comments on going the extra mile. Meanwhile an anti-agreement UUP member, Jonathan Bell (Cllr) has allowed his name to go forward to challenge Trimble's UUP leadership. Film report with David McClarty (UUP, MLA) reaction.

Before leaving for the USA, for St Patrick's Day celebrations, John Hume (SDLP) commented on the direct talk and M.McLaughlin (SF) remarks on the current decommissioning issue. (slight tape wobble at the beginning of report)

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 14th Mar 2000
29 mins 2 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
The Life And Death of an IRA Quartermaster
Dermot O'Neill shot dead in London. Programme deals with the death of Dermot O'Neill (IRA volunteer) shot dead by London Police during a raid on his home. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED) Programme broadcast again on 4 April 2001.

From the BBC Web Site: "A second showing for this film from reporter Stephen Walker which won a Royal Television Society award for best regional documentary. It tells the story in early 1998 of the surveillance operation by anti-terrorist officers in London which ended when a member of an IRA gang was shot dead. The programme features video footage taken by the police unit which tracked the movements of Diarmuid O'Neill before bursting into a Hammersmith hotel to arrest him. An inquest jury later ruled that O'Neill had been lawfully killed."
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 14th Mar 2000
6 mins ? secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The British Army has called South Armagh the heartland of terrorism in an angry response to the Irish government calls for demilitarization. Film report with Brian Cowen (Irish Foreign Minister) remarks on RTE, and reaction from Toni Carragher of the South Armagh farmers/residents Association. Then Danny Kennedy (UUP, MLA) criticises the Irish Government view, then the British Army statement on the matter.

Gerry Adams (SF) has said the May 22nd decommissioning deadline is now defunct, he explains his position in a film interview.

In the US, Northern Ireland is very much on the agenda. In a film report a congressional committee on the killing of Rosemary Nelson has demanded a full Independent Inquiry. Her brother Eamon Magee comments on the US interest in the case. Also present was Geraldine Finucane, film clip of her address to committee and reaction from Paul Mageean (CAJ) and Chris Smith (Congressman).

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 16th Mar 2000
12 mins 36 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Three men arrested with explosives at Hillsborough RUC roadblock. Film report on PIRA men arrested shows find, one of the suspects was released early from prison under Good Friday Agreement. Reaction from Ken Henning (RUC Chief Insp.), then Unionist reaction from Bob McCartney (UKUP) and Gregory Campbell (DUP). Then G. Kelly (SF) says bombs not the way forward.

In USA, Peter Mandelson congratulated the RUC. R. Flanagan has announced that 500 soldiers will be sent home. Gregory Campbell (DUP) is unhappy about that.

In Downpatrick the body of Patrick 'Tiger' Crane was found down at a local Primary School. Film report with neighbours interviews and comments of Geoffrey Gamble (RUC Chief Insp.)

In Washington, Ferghal McKinney reports on the politicians gathering there for the annual St Patrick's Day celebrations and reaction to the bomb find. Film report hears comment from P. Mandelson on way forward, and process of normalisation. Last night a reception was held to honour Daphne Trimble and Pat Hume on their fund raising for victims. Film report with both women's comments. Tonight Clinton will address politicians. Ken Reid gives his analysis of Mendelson's speech, and possible decommissioning moves on May 22nd date.

Armagh man William Ian Thompson (28) has been in court on LVF and arms possession charges. Film report.

(6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 17th Mar 2000
13 mins 52 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
D.Trimble has said in the USA he may return to government with Sinn Fein without the hand over of IRA weapons, if guaranteed guns will be handed in down the line. Film report from Clinton's last St. Patrick's Day as President with clips of his speech appealing for solution to be found. Earlier during Ahern's speech, a DUP protest from Ed. Poots and Paisley Jnr saw them thrown out, then Ken Reid analysis of US mood. On US TV B. Ahern has said he wanted institutions running by Easter. Film report. Mandelson met Ted Kennedy he comments on US help, then Trimble comments that solution mightn't involve arms upfront. Film report. Meanwhile, Gerry Adams (SF) blames the British Government for the collapse, live in Washington, Ken Reid gives his analysis of Trimbles comments and Clinton's speech.

At an AOH St. Patrick's Day Parade in Kilkeel there were scuffles and bomb alerts as loyalists objected to the parade passing a church memorial to UDR and RUC Personnel. Film report with security forces relatives, Norma Johnston's views then Gerald Davey's (AOH) comments at church with reaction of Martin Connolly of Mourne Nats. For Equality. In Belfast, the St. Patrick's Day Parade attracted thousands. Belfast Council had refused Financial backing. C. Ruane comments, then Allan Maginnis (Former SDLP Mayot) on his hopes for future parades. Across in East Belfast, Nelson McCausland (UUP) and St. Pats Heritage Association unveiled a mural to St Patrick and explains his views of the saint.

Next report is from Derry where the Apprentice Boys celebrate St Patrick's Day. Alastair Simpson comments and then Joe Miller (DUP Cllr) adds his support, then Willian Morton's (Church of Ireland) views.

(6.00pm; (Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 18th Mar 2000
48 mins 54 secs
Broadcast Company:
Channel Four Television Corporation
Channel 4
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
The Force
Programme Title:
Part 2: The Force: Waiting for Patten
The RUC in Antrim and Derry during July 1999. This second part of a fly on the wall documentary follows a group of RUC men during 1999. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 20th Mar 2000
26 mins 31 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Clinton's Last St. Patrick's Day
A look at St. Patrick's Day celebrations in Washington DC. This week saw Bill Clinton (US President) invite local politicians and B.Ahern (Irish PM) and Peter Mandelson (N.Ireland Secretary) to his final St Patrick's Day celebration in the White House. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 20th Mar 2000
52 mins 25 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Seven Ages
Programme Title:
Part 4: The 1950s
Emigration and employment. Begins with film clip of Irish people on Galtee Mountains in May 1958, during the Marian year, with a radio voice over saying thousand Irish Catholics even went to Rome on the Irish National pilgrimage led by Dr Dalton Archbishop of Armagh. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 20th Mar 2000
11 mins
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Local politicians return from the USA, D.Trimble has denied there is any change on UUP policy on decommissioning, but his critics say the UUC meeting this weekend will decide if they Executive can reconvene without prior decommissioning. Film report with D. Ervine (PUP) gloomy views on process. Then Trimble says he's tightened their position, then W. Ross (UUP) wants Trimble to clarify his intentions. At Stormont, Sinn Fein hasn?t asked for talks with Trimble yet. They're waiting until after the UUC meeting. M.McLauglhin comment. Then in the studio D. Trimble gives a live interview on what he meant by his words in the USA, and his policy on decommissioning and the reaction of his critics, he's pushed on the guarantee he wants from Sinn Fein.

In the courts four men have appeared on explosives charges after the Hillsborough find last week, they are Ferard McQuaid (36), Josef Kearney (41), Michael McGrogan (36), and Kevin Rainey (20) all from West Belfast.

Next report is from the Antrim Glen's were a ten month old baby escaped a petrol bomb attack on the mixed marriage family. Film report has interviews with father, Ronnie Hamilton and mother Francesca Feeney.

Film report next is from the London Libel case around the committee TV Programme where lawyers summarised their cases and the judge addressed the Jury.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 23rd Mar 2000
12 mins 57 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Martin Smyth (UUP MP) is to contest the leadership of his party against D.Trimble. Film report with M. Smyth interview on his worries over Trimble's leadership and his recent comments in Washington. W.M. Ross (East Derry MP) gives his support to Smyth. Then from Stormont, Trimble gives his reaction as disappointed, profile of Orange Order votes within UUC. Speculation on position of J. Donaldson in film report with review of his position on the Good Friday Agreement, includes his statement. Meanwhile Ken Maginnis (MP) is angry with Smyth's stance in his interview, I Paisley Jnr (DUP) on his reaction on future Unionist alignment after UUC vote. S. Mallon (SDLP) wants the leadership uncertainty ended within the UUP. Gerry Adams (SF) wants UUP Policy changes. Then live to London for interview with D. Trimble, where he repeats his surprise disappointment. Then analysis from Ken Reid of this contest between 'old unionism' and 'new unionism' and the threat to Trimble's leadership.

In London courts at the S McPhilemy/Sunday Times Libel case the jury has not yet reached a verdict. Film report.

Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 24th Mar 2000
13 mins 6 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then report on UUP leadership battle, with M.Smyth's news conference revealing who his allies are in the battle, W.Ross, W Thompson, Arlene Foster, and Philip Weir (Chairman of Young Unionists). Film clip hears Smyth's comments, he believes he can win. J. Donaldson in his views backs M.Smyth. At his new conference flanked by most MLA's Trimble was critical of Smyth and Ross and their role over the years within Unionism. Also tomorrow, David Andrews (Unionist Lobbyist), is proposing a motion that any return to government must be linked to the retention of the name RUC, Fim report with Burnside's views. Then live in the studio, M Smyth and D. Trimble engage in debate. Smyth denies he wants to turn the clock back, he says he wants reality not spin. Trimble believes he has strengthened the Union in everything so far. The challenge he says distacts attention from pressure on republicans over decommissioning. Smyth outlines his differences with Trimble, he's unclear about his position on power sharing, This discusses the finer detail of disagreement.

Next report is from the site of the Bloody Sunday Tribunal which begins next week, Clare McElduff (ICL Computers) comments on the number of witnesses to be called. It will be UK biggest legal tribunal.

Back to politics of today where Ken Reid gives his analysis of the UUP leadership clash on comments on the percentage age vote that matters for each man and the Burnside motion problem for Trimble.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 25th Mar 2000
4 mins 35 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Trimble wins UUC leadership vote with narrow majority fifty-seven percent to forty-three percent. Film report cover unionists entering council meeting, vote announcement and Trimble's press conference afterwards calling on Tony Blair to take head, then challenger Martin Smyth comments on party split followed by A. Maskey (SF) reaction.

Trimble also lost the vote outright which says the UUP can't go into an executive without restoration of the RUC's name. Then Denis Murray gives his analysis of today's results and the current state of the Good Friday Agreement.

(6.00pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 25th Mar 2000
6 mins 5 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Coverage of today's UUC votes on Trimble leadership and D.Burnsides vote on the RUC name. First report on Trimble's win 457 votes to 348 votes. Smyth gained 6% more vots than predicted, last year Trimble got more votes. M. McGimpsey (UUP) gives his analysis of figures, then Smyth supporter Willie Ross gives his analysis. Speaking after the votes, Trimble comments on the disillusionment of unionists. Then comments of M. Smyth on Trimble's future as leader of the UUP and his own result. Next, Peter Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary) said the Good Friday Agreement is still safe.

(6.30pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 25th Mar 2000
7 mins 3 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Martina Purdy (BBC) gives a film report covering the events at the Kingshall today with W. Ross and M. McGimpsey's comments, then Mark Simpson(Political Editor) gives his analysis of Trimble's result, followed by a M. Smyth interview on his votes significance, then D.Trimble says he takes mixed messages from today's vote and the changes in the UUP officer team to a pro-agreement majority. Simpson then discusses the vote on the RUC name championed by D. Burnside. In his reaction P. Mandelson says urgent confident building is now needed, P. Robinson (DUP) says two parties exist under the UUP banner, then A. Maskey (SF) gives his reaction.

(6.30pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 27th Mar 2000
17 mins 51 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Bloody Sunday Inquiry Begins
A history of the campaign for a new 'Bloody Sunday' Inquiry. It begins with Bloody Sunday, relative Linda Ruddy recalling Bloody Sunday day and its aftermath at the funerals with film clips in black and white, she describes the effects on her family. (First 10 minutes missing from this recording) ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 27th Mar 2000
62 mins 31 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Seven Ages
Programme Title:
Part 5: The 1960s
Sean Lamass begins to modernise Ireland's economy. Begins with comment on the entertainment scene in Ireland. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 27th Mar 2000
14 mins 52 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The Saville Inquiry into Bloody Sunday begins, film report from Guildhall in Derry, relatives paraded to hall, Tony Doherty (Bloody Sunday Trust) gives his expectations of the inquiry. Then Linda Ruddy (Bloody Sunday Relative) on the emotion of the occasion. John Hume (SDLP) and M. McGuinness (SF) welcome the inquiries, beginning then, Eamonn McCann calls it, the beginning of a new journey, followed by views of Peter Madden (Family's Solicitor) on the inquiries openness. Film clip of three judges, Lord Saville, Sir Edward Summer (New Zealand) and William Whyte (Canadian Chief of Justice). The opening statement to the inquiry will take three weeks. It's from Chris Clarke (Council to the Inquiry), he revealed two thousand witnesses gave statements from every continent except the Antartica. The Inquiry will reconvene again tomorrow. Outside the Guildhall, Angela Hegarty (Bloody Sunday Trust) gives an interview after a film report looking back on the Widgery Tribunal who exunerated the para regiment, Heath's comments to Widgery mentioned, Professor Dermot Walsh in January 1997 decredits Widgery in film clip. Review of the ever growing relative's evidence, then film of Blair announcing new inquiry. Families wish to explore allegations of military snipers on City Wall and army plan to sanction use of live rounds, while the army will wish to prove they came under fire first. Next is Hegarty interview on Inquiry's first day and it's difference from Widgery. She has some worries on future problems over his independence. She will accept the trruth whatever it is and comments on cost rumours.

The aftermath of Saturday's UUC meeting was driving political agend today, Peter Mandelson said the Good Friday Agreement is the only way forward. Film report on his comments warning of political failure danger, but P. Robinson (DUP) says 75% of Unionists are against the Good Friday Agreement, then reaction from J. Taylor (UUP), meanwhile S. Mallon (SDLP) says Trimble needs the Institutions up and running in his interview, then in the studio Ken Reid gives his assessment of Trimble's negotiating position now and the upcoming hurdles he faces on symbols within the Criminal Justice Review, like dropping the crown from courts.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 28th Mar 2000
5 mins 41 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then as Bloody Sunday hearings begin the tribunal hears that a few days before a senior army commander wrote to the GOC N.Ireland saying the minimum force needed was to shoot leading rioters, but Sir Graham Shillington, then RUC Chief Constable, says he would have been horrified at such a suggestion. Film report names general as Ford and TUZO.

Peter Mandelson(Northern Ireland Secretary) has said time is running out for parties here over decommissioning. Film report on Mandelson's speech to pupils at Belfast Inch College. In the Dail B. Ahern (Irish Prime Minister) was pessimistic on the chances of decommissioning before May 22nd dead line.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 29th Mar 2000
8 mins 41 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Digs for the disappeared are to restart as the IRA provides further information. Film report says searches will restart at end of April. Film clip of Temletown and other sites and review of dig suspensions last July. Seamus McKendry comments on questionnaire given to PIRA. Irish Comm. For Disappeared says this is the final search attempt.

At Commons question time, Tony Blair (PM) says inter party talks will continue in Northern Ireland to restore the Executive. Film report also includes speech by Mandelson rebuking both sides here and calling for IRA to say war is over. In reply Gerry Adams (SF) says Sinn Fein doesn?t want any return to war. He says politics must work. Trimble says he will talk face to face with the PIRA.

At the Saville Inquiry, it's claimed tapes from T.V. footage shows twelve paras entering Glenfada Park where four men died, when the army always said that only four paras entered that square. Chris Clarke (Council for the Inquiry) spoke on the army's planning that day and revealed an army intell paper saying the Prot. D. U. Association threatened to take the necessary steps to stop the CRA march. The inquiry also heard a Colonel say the government ordered the paras into the Bogside.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 30th Mar 2000
15 mins 5 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Sean McPhilemy (journalist) wins his legal case against the Sunday Times which said his television programme The Committee was a hoax, he's awarded £145,000 damages. Film report on the unanimous verdict with McPiliemy's reaction and the review of the case and the witnesses who gave evidence, including Jim Sands (Portadown) and Ben Hamilton (Programme Researcher) welcomed the verdict, Channel 4 issued a statement on integrity of makers.

A report published today outlines the changes that will be made to Northern Ireland's court rooms as part of the Good Friday Agreement. Film report on key recommendations which are an Independent Prosecution Service, Independent Commission for Judicial Appointments, removal of the crown insignia inside court rooms, proposal for Department of Justice within a new Northern Ireland Executive, and development of Cross Border legal co-operation, changes also to court attire and language. Then Prof. Joanna Shapland (Criminal Justice) review group talks to the press about their aims. Then Brian White of the groups comments, then reaction from Paul Mageean (Committee on Administration of Justices). Next report is on political reaction, firstly from A. Attwood (SDLP), then DeBrun (SF) views, then I. Paisley Jnr. (DUP) comments, then Duncan Shipley-Dalton (UUP) reaction, but J. Donaldson(UUP) is unhappy with the report.

The Queen has announced a one day visit to Northern Ireland on 12th April to present George Cross to the RUC.

At the Saville Inquiry its been heard Alec Douglas Hume (Foreign Secretary) sent a telegram to Brian Faulkner (Northern Ireland PM) aimed at preparing public opinion here for violent scenes on T.V. following march. Film report with old clips and playing of a radio tape recording from a soldier saying he saw a man with a nail bomb, the Officer replies shoot him dead, the soldiers shots miss.

Last night the RUC seized guns and arrested two men in Lurgan. Film report.

(6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 31st Mar 2000
8 mins 3 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Two LVF prisoners, Billy King (36) and Ralph Phillips (MISSING) were freed from court today as charges of killing David Keyes (LVF) in the Maze were dropped. Film report of March 1998 killing and background to case. Crown witness, David Patterson withdrew his evidence. Outside Gary Fulton and Billy King comment, I. Paisley Jnr (DUP) welcomed the outcome in his remarks. Two other defendents on lesser charges, (MISSING) Ferguson and Chris McMillen had different outcomes.

In North Down, the UUP has selected an anti-Good Friday Agreement candidate, Peter Weir to stand for them in the next Westminister election over prominent candidate Lady Sylvia Hermon. Film report with Peter Weir interview, then reaction from current MP Bob McCartney (UKUP), then Paul Arthur (Political Commentator) says they might split the vote and let in an Alliance candidate. D. Ervine (PUP) says he will consider running in the area to maximise the YES vote. Meanwhile in Dublin today B. Ahern met Gerry Adams (SF) and D. Trimble (UUP). Film report has comment from Adams.

Lawyers from Sean McPhilemy made an appeal for substantial costs in the London High Court today. Brief film report.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 3rd Apr 2000
53 mins
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Seven Ages
Programme Title:
Part 6: The 1970s
Jack Lynch's leadership steadies Eire and Fianna Fail as Northern Ireland explodes. Begins with John Hume comments on the anti-internment parade being stopped at Magilligan Stand in 1972. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 4th Apr 2000
29 mins
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Trimble's Troubles
After Martin Smith's leadership challenge, is David Trimble (UUP) a lame duck leader? Programme begins with a montage of film clips showing D.Trimble over the weeks around the signing of the Good Friday Agreement when things seemed to be going well, then Stephen Walker (journalist) says tonight's programme will examine Trimble's UUP leadership and asks what can he do to stop UUP infighting. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 4th Apr 2000
4 mins 53 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then at the Bloody Sunday Inquiry, the tribunal has heard evidence that shots were fired at Soldiers. A statement from Roy Tester (former official IRA man) who claims he was quartermaster is read out. Film report hears tester claim a 303 rifle was missing and he later heard, PIRA gunmen fired 1 shot at troops. Press witness said they saw man firing a pistol at troops. Earlier evidence was given saying marchers were told the PIRA would stay away from the March but the PIRA intentions had been unknown. In Europe, the Court of Human Rights is to hear evidence, the Security Forces here operated a shoot to kill policy. Film report on four families cases, the 19(MISSING) shooting of Jervais McKerr by the RUC, the 1987 killing of eight PIRA men at Loughgall, and the 1992 killing of Pearce Jordan on the Falls Road. Pearce Jordan's father, Hugh, outlines his aims. The killing of Patrick McShannon in 1991 by the UVF is also cited, alleging collusion between the UVF and the RUC. The European Court is being asked to define what type of inquiry is deemed to be effective, after it's previous G.B./3 ruling killings by state agents had to be properly investigated. At home Paul Berry (DUP) said there was no need for a Loughgall inquiry.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 5th Apr 2000
6 mins 15 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
In European courts the Human Rights courts is to hear the cases of IRA suspects shot dead whose relatives claim they could have been arrested. Film report on ruling and profile of the cases of Jervais McKerr, the eight Loughgall IRA men and Pearse Jordan and Patrick Shanaghan. Barrister S. Tracey wants the court to obtain the Stalke and Samson reports but the British Government is resisting this.

In Belfast the courts have been told Willliam Stable, who's a former Special Branch Agent and has been charged with the Pat Finucane killing is on a terrorist death list. Film report on background to Stable case and DPP delays in prosecution.

At the Bloody Sunday Inquiry it's been alleged the OIRA had a car filled with guns near the scene of the shootings. Film report on alleged OIRA actions during Bloody Sunday. Fr. Edward Daly recalls seeing gunman with pistol firing shots, he's believed to have been OIRA man.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 6th Apr 2000
4 mins 21 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Dissident Republicans have been blamed for a bomb attack on a Derry Army base, there were no causalities. Film report from Ebrington barracks with Ian Hamill (RUC Superintendent) interview. Then political reactions of SDLP, Sinn Fein and an interview with Gregory Campbell (DUP). D. Ervine (PUP) visited B. Ahern in Dublin for talks. Film report with Ervine warning of dangers of last night republican attack. B. Ahern also condemned the attack.

(6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 7th Apr 2000
8 mins 54 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
In Newry courts, Neil Sheridan (24) was charged with the murder two years ago of Cyril Stewart (56) (RUCR), another man is already serving life for the killing. Film report.

Next report on Sein Fein and Alliance party conferences. Firstly Sinn Fein get ready for conference and meanwhile P. Mandelson (Norther Ireland Secretary) has said decommissioning is vital to the return of the institutions, film clip of his comments, speculation then on Adam's keynote speech content and his likely appeal to voters, Then 2nd report on Alliance's Party conference on it's 30th Birthday. Film report with history of party from Sydney Elliott (commentator). It's best success was 14% in 1977, Sam Neeson (Leader) comments on the current political dilema, but Sydney Elliott says two governments have squeezed Alliance out by Unionist and Nationalist block getting all the government attention.

At the Dublin Special Court, Belfast man, S. Hughes already serving eight years for armed robbery was acquitted of killing a Garda Officer eighteen years ago after a robbery gang were disturbed counting their cash.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 10th Apr 2000
59 mins 25 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Seven Ages
Programme Title:
Part 7: The 1980s To Present
From economic gloom to boom; plus financial and church scandals. On 14 February 1981, forty-eight young people died in a fire at the Stardust disco fire. Film clip shown as survivors lived through the 1980s, the Irish political class mismanage the Irish economy and borrowed like there was no tomorrow. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 10th Apr 2000
9 mins 42 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then report from Stormont on the second anniversary of the GFA. Outside pro-agreement supporters hold a small picket. Inside the MLAs had their free coffee removed, no buns no government says one DUP wag. Meanwhile Peter Mandelson was optimistic, he hopes for a final push towards restoration over the next two weeks, fillm clip of his comments. John Hume (SDLP) supports this stance in his views, but J. Taylor (UUP) blame the republicans for wrecking the Executive and calls for an imaginative alternative. N. Dodds (DUP) told Mandelson not to endulge in wishful thinking, then G. Kelly (SF) accused Mandelson of spin-doctoring. In London, the family of Peter McBride killed by Scottish Guards, Fisher and Wright in 1992 handed in a letter asking he British Government to throw the soldiers out of the British Army. Short film report.

In Anderstown a man was shot in both legs by masked men as he sat in his car. Film report. Then report from insight team that 1600 properties on the Shankill Road are owned by southern investors. Interview with Vincent O' Donaghue (Estate Agent) profile of 100 student house price rise.

In Derry, the Saville Inquiry has heard army communications don?t' support the claim a shot was fired at Paras before first bloody Sunday victims were killed by soldiers. Film report with Chris Clarke views on shooting.

Next report from 92nd Ard Fheis in Dublin hears Adams address saying Sinn Fein wants to remove all the guns from Irish Politics and that politics being seen to work is the way to decommissioning. Then M.McGuinness spoke about his eight weeks as Education Minister, then film clip of Chris McManus (SF Sligo Cllr) on coalition in Eire.

In Belfast, the Alliance party conference voted for a law to allow parties to vote with Unionist or Nationalists to achieve cross party support. S. Neeson comments on decommissioning then P. Mandelson comments.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 11th Apr 2000
3 mins 58 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then Denis Watson (Orangeman), an MLA expelled from the UUP, is joining the DUP in Upper Bann. Film report with reaction from B.Rodgers (SDLP). The Saville Inquiry has heard the only Soldier wounded on Bloody Sunday shot himself in the foot, then lied about how it happened. Film report on evidence.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 12th Apr 2000
20 mins 6 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The Queen presents the George Cross to the RUC. Film report from ceremony in front of one thousand, five hundred RUC past and present officers, three hundred and two RUC killed in troubles. Queen told audience award is recognition of its gallantry and courage, she pays tribute in her comments. Paul Slane (RUC Cons.) received the award, he lost his legs in PIRA mortar attack in 1992 in which Cons. C. McMurray was killed, then film clip of Ron Flanagan speech. Then interview with Cons. Paul Slane on his sadness of the day and his injuries. Then Acc. Bill Stewart on his memories. He's been in the RUC for 40 years. Then Chief Cons. R. Flanagan comments on day and the late RUC Cons. Frank O' Neill, he rejects it's a sop award because of Patten.

In next report from Hillsborough Castle, a bomb hoax has delayed matters inside. Cons. Mervyn Sharpe recalls being wounded twice in 1976 & 1981, then widow Vera Hazlett recalls her Inspector husband, Jim with pride, then current RUC wives, Rosemary Crawford and Marlene McMaster with her RUC husband views on the day. Then comments of Iona Meyers (RUC Widows Assoc.).

Tony Blair (PM) led political reaction in the Commons. Film report but here Trimble says Patten made mistakes while N. Dodds (DUP) accuses the government of destroying the RUC with Patten report.

In West Belfast, Republicans wrote Cross of Shame on the Black Mountain, then Mark Thompson (Relatives for Justice) reacts to Queens visit from City Hall protest.

At Stormont B. DeBrun (SF) gives her views of discredited force

In the studio Chris Ryder (Journalist) comments on the significance of today's award to the RUC and the future for policing here as he sees it. Buckingham Palace rejects the idea that Queen wore an orange coat today they say it's cinnamon. In the afternoon the Queen visited Balmoral Farmers Show and local politicians. Film report.

Former Executive Agricultural Minister B. Rodgers (SDLP) didn't attend, then local people comment on meeting the Queen.

In Dublin, Nelson Mandela met B. Ahern and leter John Hume (SDLP). Film report covers comments from John Hume on his hopes for getting the Executive back on track and views of Mandela on compromise.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 12th Apr 2000
12 mins 7 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Coverage of Queens George Cross tribute to the RUC, with her speech and ceremony at Hillsborough Castle (as in UTV report) including Ron Flanagan speech, then report on people attending with interview with Paul Slane, Iona Meyer (Widow Assoc.) and other unnamed guests. One woman would rather have had the RUC keep its name. In his comments D. Trimble (UUP) gives his reaction to the visit saying Patten didn't recognise the RUC's sacrifice. Then report covers Nationalist reaction with film of Cross of Shame words on the Black Mountain and outside the City Hall. Relatives for Justice held protest. Mark Thompson (Relatives for Justice) gives his opinions followed by other individual reactions from fellow protestors. A similar protest was held at Derry RUC Headquarters. Meanwhile at Storont B. DeBrun (SF) gave their reaction.

Next report is on a report by J. Gardner (QUB, Professor) on the eleven plus and it's reliability or as John says the difference between A & D grades are very close. George Howarth (NIO, Education Minister) gives the Government's response. Gardner's conclusion is the test is weak and not fit for purpose.

(6.30pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 13th Apr 2000
12 mins 7 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
In Fermanagh, dissadent republicans are being blamed for a failed mortor attack on Rosslea RUC base. Film report with Gerard Murray (RUC Superintendent) on the clearance operation. The reaction of Oliver Gibson (DUP, MLA) and Tommy Gallagher (SDLP, MLA) at a time when Garda/RUC co-operation is at an all time high. The Garda are to appoint a Senior Officer to investigate press allegations that up to eleven RUC men where killed bu the IRA using information from a Garda mole. The most Senior RUC casualities being Superintendent Bob Buchanan and Chief Superintendent Harry Breen. Film report shows John O'Donahue (FF Justice Minister) making the announcement in the Dail. Former RUC Chief Cons. Jack Herman believes no collusion took place, Danny Kennedy (UUP, MLA) gives his views., then the list of other IRA victims is given with a reaction form A. Atwood (SDLP).

In an Omagh by-election Barry McIlduff (SF) has doubled Sinn Fein vote taking a council seat. Film report with McIlduff comments and the voting figures showing the SDLP vote now down 25%, Gregory McMullen (SDLP) give their reaction. Then Bert Wilson (UUP Candidate) comments on the West Tyrone battle within Unionism followed by Jack Maguire (DUP).

In Derry the Saville Inquiry has heard evidence from Catholic priest Fr. Joe Carolan that soldiers prevented aid getting to the first two people shot. Film report on his evidence. Meanwhile Toby Hardner (Daily Telegraph Journalist) might be charged with contempt over the refusal to disclose IDS of paras he interviewed and for destroying his interview notes.

In Belfast Courts Lenard McCreery (4?) of East Belfast was jailed for 11 years for stabbing a 37 year old man in May last year, nine times because he believed the man had shot dead his brother, Ned McCreery (UDA Commander) outside his Dundonald home in April 1992. Film report also shows film of McCreery's 17 year old son who was slashed in a knife attack in July 1999.

(6.30pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 17th Apr 2000
25 mins 21 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Racism In Northern Ireland
Report says Northern Ireland is twice as likely to be racist as sectarian; political reaction and ethnic group interviews. After suggestions that N.Ireland people are twice as likely to be racist as sectarian, this programme examines racism in N.Ireland. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 18th Apr 2000
17 mins 13 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Blair has met pro-agreement parties at Hillsborough. (6.00pm) (Tuesday) ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED).
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 18th Apr 2000
17 mins 3 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Blair has met pro-agreement parties at Hillsborough. Film report on meetings, no breakthroughs. Blair comments on seeing possibilities, then Trimble (UUP) criticises Irish role in decommissioning talks with republicans. Gerry Adams (SF) wants pressure on UUP then John Hume (SDLP) outlines his way forward plan. Then Journalist's analysis of today's meetings and 'Blairs possibilities' remark.

Two Catholic women subject to sectarian remarks in Omagh Ulster Bank jobs get discrimination payout. Film report on Clare Smithson and Evelyn McCullough's case.

On the 12th anniversary of the murder of German tourist, Inga Maria Heouser (19), detectives have issued an appeal for information. Film report.

Belfast City Council has held a service to commemorate the death of nine people on Bloody Friday in July 1972, a plaque unveiled mentions all innocent victims of terrorism. Film report with old film then comments of Lynne Lilburn, who's father survived attack. Sinn Fein refused to attend and only two SDLP turned up, Relatives for Justice Representatives declined an invite saying it was selective service. Lord Mayor, Bob Stokes comments, then Tom Donnelly recalls his sister, Margaret O' Hare who died on the Carehill Road, also present was mother of brothers Peter and Malcolm Orr murdered in 1972 and mother of Gerard Killey shot by Loyalists in 1975.

William McCrea (DUP, MLA) says 91 of his constituency who work for the Army and RUC are on a RIRA death list. Film report as DUP tour border crossings in Fermanagh and Tyrone with McCrea's comments, then Paisley visits graves of 24 PIRA victims and calls for justice, followed by relative, Robbie McKinley's views on prisoner releases, then widows, Sandra Halls and Sarah Pollocks comments.

The Parades Commission say it has banned the Apprentice Boys Parade down the Ormeau Road on Easter Monday. Film report with reaction from Gerard Rice for Residents and then Tommy Cheevers (Aprrentice Boys)

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 19th Apr 2000
7 mins 3 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Independent Policing Commission is to investigate the fatal shooting in Newtownabbey of James Cornhill (30) by the RUC during a domestic dispute incident. Film report with comments of Superintendent Campbell Dixon, then Monica Williams (Women's Coalition) gives her reaction, followed by Jim Bingham (Newtonabbey Mayor), then Norman Boyd (NIUP, MLA) views. After talks yesterday with local parties, Blair is to meet Ahern tomorrow in London again. Film report with comments today from Gerry Adams (SF) who says the British hold the key.

Next report from Magistrates Court on case against lower Ormeau residents arrested during Aprrentice Boys March protest last August.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 20th Apr 2000
9 mins 19 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Ronnie Flanagan (RUC Chief Constable) says the threat from dissident Republicans is growing, and the PIRA has begun punishment shootings. Film report with his interview which also covers his comments on close circuit TV monitoring cameras which are to go up in towns across Northern Ireland. Herb Wallace (Police Authority, Vice-Chairman) also comments on cameras control, then further reaction from Lisburn Councillor, Billy Bleake (UUP).

D. Trimble has accused the PIRA of undermining current decommissioning talks by it's Easter statement and the UVF says the PIRA is creating fear and mistrust. Film report on the Easter statement and reaction from the two Prime Minister's talks in London from B. Ahern, then from D Nesbitt (UUP) and I. Paisley (DUP), while G. Kelly (SF) justifies the IRA statement.

Next report is on the parent's of James Barker, killed in the Omagh bomb having his body exhumed and taken to England. Fillm report with comments of his mother Donna-Marie Barker on moving the body and the failire to charge anyone with the bombing.

Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 25th Apr 2000
6 mins 39 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
The family of Jean McConville say they have lost faith in the commission overseeing the search for their mother. Film report on search so far for the disappeared, then Billy Archie and Robert McConville give their views on lack of communication with commission followed by reaction from Fr. Denis Faul.

Thousands of RUC men have sought job advice and counselling since the release of the Patten report. Film report includes interview with injured former RUC Officer now Clinical Psychologist Dr. Michael Patterson on his work with RUC men with PTSD, including his own injuries. Then Dessie Clayton (Programme Manager RUC Retraining Trust) explains current demand on his services, then Alan Hawthorne (RUCR) at a computer training course comments on the current fear and uncertainty within the Reserve over Patten Report.

(6.30pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 2nd May 2000
29 mins 7 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
A Good Sport
Investigation into fund raising for Omagh victims centred around Omagh Football Club. Premier League teams Manchester United, Liverpool and Chelsea came to Omagh to raise funds for the Victims Appeal Funds, document begins by showing (MISSING) the matches with Phil Thompson's comments, then Alex Ferguson and then Gianluca Viallc, that was seven months ago now a row has broken out over where all the money went. John McKinney (Chief Executive, Omagh Council) comments on a apparent shortfall, the (MISSING) says its mystified by the vilification, calling the town ungrateful begrudges. But Chris Moore (journalist) says Spotlight has seen draft accounts and some money went to put up a football club in serious financial difficulty. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 2nd May 2000
18 mins 6 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
A Dungannon man, Paul McDonald (22) was shot and beaten and is seriously ill in hospital. He had been expelled from N.Ireland by the PIRA last year and just returned home for the birth of his daughter. Film report with bloody pictures of his room and eye witness account of his partner Yolanda Hamilton, then film of McDonald and two other men before being ordered out last year by the PIRA. Vincent Currie's (SDLP) reaction.

In Derry and Lisburn other punishment attacks took place overnight. In Larne, the home of a Catholic family was attacked for the second night running. Film report on bomb attack, and petrol bomb attack on car, attacked man gives interview on living in Larne, then Danny O'Connor (SDLP) criticises RUC responses, then John Jenkins (RUC Chief Insp.) rejects that view, then Cllr. Joan Drummond (UUP Mayor of Larne) condemns the attack.

Meanwhile Larne footballer Jackie Coulter (31) is recovering after being beaten by 15 men outside the club, RUC says he was mistaken for a Catholic.

Searches for the five bodies of the disappeared have resumed in the Republic. They are to last 12 hours a day for the next three weeks.

Film report from J. McConville dig at Carling Ford, with John Farrelly Garda Superintendent) interview, then views of Helen McKendry on the dig and the current split in their family which she says the PIRA caused in 197?. Then John Wilson (Chairman of the Commission) tasked to find the bodies comments, followed by hopes of Robert Wilson for a successful outcome this time.

On Thursday, the two Prime Ministers are due to meet at Hillsborough to continue talks on the decommissioning impasse. Film report with analysis from Ken Reid on progress. B.DeBrun (SF) comments going into talks, then D. Trimble (UUP) views on what he wants from republicans, then John Hume (SDLP) is optimistic, then live from London, Ken Reid discusses the prospect of a breakthrough this week, including the future of the DeChastelen Commission.

Next report is the growing number of tourists coming to Belfast and the City Council's efforts to attract them. Film report hears views of Pat Catney (City B&B and Bar Owner) and then Bob Stokes (Lord Mayor) comments on tourist feedback, then Gareth White (Visitors and Convention Bureau) outlines the challenges facing the city.

In Dublin a local Orange lodge has cancelled its planned parade in the city's Dawson Street. Film report with comments of local trader, Rory Scanlon, then coverage of Ian Cox's statement for the Dublin/Wicklow Orange Lodge, followed by Christy Burke's (SF, Cllr) views.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 3rd May 2000
10 mins 24 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
William Stobie (former Special Agent and UDA man) who was charged in relation to the killing of Pat Finucane has appeared again in court charged with killing Adam Lambert (Co.Tyrone student) in Belfast in November 1987. Film report then comments from Hugh Orde (Steven's Inquiry Team) on the evidence given in court today, then Brian Lambert, Adam's father makes an appeal for information, role of Neil Mulholland (journalist) profiled.

Meanwhile in Portadown, the Colin Port Inquiry Team have arrested a man and woman in their inquiries intot the killing of Solicitor Rosemary Nelson. Film report.

As the dig for the disappeared continues Isobel McKee says the digs must continue until the bodies are found. Film report from Cogglestown site and search for West Belfast men Seamus Wright and Kevin McKee, then report form Oranstown dig, five miles away, where Garda search for Brendan McGraw (22) who vanished in 1978 and from Co. Monaghan where the search is for Columba McVeigh (17) from Co. Tyrone who disappeared in 1975. Pat McMorrow (Garda Insp.) comments on the changes to the local landscape over the years.

Meanwhile at Templetown the McConville dig continued, her son Jim was six at the time, recalls the night of her abduction. Irish Government will fit the dig bill.

Then verbal report on killing of three unnamed Irish men in Holland by suspected drug dealers, followed by news that the two Prime Ministers Blair and Ahern ar to meet tomorrow to patch up the differences of emphasis between them, M.McGimpsey (UUP) comments on issues then M. Durkan's (SDLP) views.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 4th May 2000
2 mins 22 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
T.Blair and B.Ahern are having dinner tonight at Hillsborough Castle and talks with the smaller pro-agreement parties but Chris McGimpsey (UUP Cllr) says a leaked government document shows there is poor relationship between B. Cowen and P. Mandelson.

Film report with comments from Monica McWilliams (W/C), a protest letter on Drumcree was given to T. Blair from H. Gracey (Senior Portadown Orangeman).

In Colerain's Ballysalley Estate armed men attacked the home of Sharon Lae looking for her 18 year old son, who was out. Film report with interview.

(9.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 5th May 2000
9 mins 5 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Two PMs talks continue at Hillsborough as the push for a deal continues. Film report on deal speculation with comments of D. Trimble (UUP), then Gerry Adams (SF) opinions on Blair's role, then John Hume (SDLP) says serious business was being done. Then Tony Blair (Prime Minister) was in a mood of wait and see in his comments. In the studio political editor Ken Reid gives his analysis of what appears to be happening in the talks, also includes report on Paisley turning up to see T. Blair.

In Belfast courts Gerard Rice (lower Ormeau residents spokesman), was fined £75 million for obstructing Apprentice Boys Parade last August. Film report with film clips of clashes last August, also in court was Sue Ramsey (SF Cllr) and M. Ferguson (SF Cllr), seven other including Sean Hayes (SF Cllr) were cleared of obstruction. Outside interview with Gerard Rice (LOCC Secretary) and M. Ferguson (Cllr).

In Portadown, the Colin Port Inquiry Team has released the man and woman arrested in Portadown yesterday in their Rosemary Nelson murder inquiry

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 6th May 2000
24 mins 12 secs
Broadcast Company:
Channel Four Television Corporation
Channel 4
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Programme Title:
The Rise and Fall of 'Mo' Mowlam
A look at the achievements of Marjorie ('Mo') Mowlam, former Secretary of State forNorthern Ireland; the friends and enemies she made and her fall from favour. This programme examines the political rise of Mo Mowlam (N.Ireland Secretary of State) and examines the reasons why she quickly seemed to loose friends and influence. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 6th May 2000
5 mins 48 secs
Broadcast Company:
Sky Group
Sky News
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
An IRA statement says it's agreed to put its weapons out of use and allow inspections of its arms dumps. Film report features IRA's comments on arms, and reactions, Trimble says the statement is interesting in his comments, then Tony Blair says he'll re-install executive on May 22nd, then Gerry Adams (SF) says its an emotional, painful step for the IRA to make, then Liam Creagh (Journalist) gives his analysis of Trimble's chances of selling this deal to the UUP. DUP and UKUP still wants guns for government.

(4.00pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 6th May 2000
8 mins 25 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
IRA offers arms dumps inspection by agreed mediators. Film report with IRA statement, Peter Mandelson's reaction on this opportunity, then Gerry Adams (SF) calls it unprecedented in 20 years of armed republican struggle. Dump inspectors named as Cyril Ramaphosa (ANC) and Marti Hatisari (former Finnish PM). Tony Blair comments last night responded to by the IRA.

Then at Stormont, Trimble briefed the UUP and afterwards gave his views on 'interesting statement' in interview, then comment from David McClarty (MLA) and Roy Beggs Jnr (MLA) followed by J. Donaldson (MP) who says it doesn?t go far enough. In the studio political analysis from Ken Reid who feels government are very pleased with IRA statement, he explains why and says the battle within the UUP will go to another UUC vote.

(5.00pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 8th May 2000
19 mins 26 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
P.Mandelson says unbreakable peace now on offer. Report on his Commons statemenet, includes demilitarisation moves, with Trimble's reaction, then John Majors (former PM) views. The Arms Observers will be here next Monday, then in a studio interview, P. Mandelson on the significance of IRA statement and the chances of the UUP accepting it. Then John Taylor (UUP, MP) says Trimble will get UUC support but I. Paisley (DUP) is angry and says Ulster is destroyed if this is accepted. Then Cedric Wilson (NIUP) reaction, followed by Peter Weir (UUP, MLA) who says Unionism will have splits, then J. Donaldson (UUP) comments, then M. Durkan (SDLP) views on the IRA statement, then live to London for interview with Trimble who says he's pleased with Mandelson's comments today, he rejects the idea that the IRA have now re-defined decommissioning. This is confidence building matter he says he wants changes to the Patten reforms. In Loyalism Gary McMichael(UDP) gives his unfavourable reaction, he wants to meet Trimble, B. Hutchinson (PUP) is more optimistic in his views. On the Republican side R. O. Brady Jnr. (RSF) says SF/IRA have sold out. Then in the studio Alex Maskey (SF) gives his reaction to the IRA statement and denies the republican movement will split, although many members maybe nervous, he defines the republican role within the peace process and their views on the RUC and Patten.

A book and video will be released tonight bringing together first hand accounts of how people here have coped with death and injury during the Troubles. Film report on 'And Then There Was Silence' with comments of Rev. David McClements, Bel McGuiness, Mary Enwright on their relative's deaths, then views of Marie Smyth (Cost of the Troubles Survey) on uses to be made of the book and video.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 9th May 2000
30 mins 8 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Review of Weeks Events
Demilitarisation in South Armagh and moves towards decommissioning helps save the Good Friday Agreement; political reaction. After opening comment by Mark Carruthers (journalist) on the confidence building measures and IRA arms dumps inspections early this week, Stephen Walker (reporter) introduces a film report from Republican South Armagh on how they view the latest developments. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 9th May 2000
3 mins 5 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
There's speculation the Chief Constable Is about to announce the closure of a number of Army bases, yesterday P.Mandelson said troops here would be reduced by next June. Film report lists the six bases mentioned in the rumours and has a reaction from D. Trimble (UUP), then Pat Ramsey (SDLP Mayor of Derry) is pleased with the possibility, then Pat Doherty (SF) says they are waiting to hear the reasonably imminent government announcement.

The mother of a young man beaten in a punishment attack in the early hours of Sunday has shown the blood stained clothes of her son Liam Cairns and appealed for information on the attackers.

(1.30pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 9th May 2000
9 mins 20 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Ronnie Flanagan (RUC Chief Constable) has announced the closure of six Army bases across N.Ireland. Film report names the six bases as, the Crossmaglen Sengar, the Cloghue permanent checkpoint, the Templar Tower Spy Post in Belfast's New Lodge and a similar post at Broadway, also included are Army bases in Derry and Cookstown. I. Paisley Jnr (DUP) says Flanagan was forced to make these political announcements. John Fee (SDLP) welcomes the moves, then Danny Kennedy (UUP MLA) says these moves are minor, Conor Murphy (SF) welcomes the British Government's moves. As the legislation for the Patten proposals is due out this week, D. Trimble says they are lobbying to keep the RUC's name and badge but Conor Murphy (SF) says the government must not give in to unionists, they want a police service where young nationalists can join, then A. Attwood (SDLP) says a new name is essential. I. Paisley Jnr (DUP) says the name is gone and lost, a UUP failure.

Bill Clinton (US President) might visit in July.

In Ardoyne the mother of Liam Cairns (19) beaten by a gang of men has appealed for information on why he was beaten. Film report with his mother Angela interview, if Sinn Fein's not involved, she wants their help to find those responsible.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 10th May 2000
8 mins 13 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Headlines, then I.Paisley (DUP) met Blair in London today after the meting he says he got no satisfaction from the government. Film report with Paisley's interview. Later Blair told the Commons he now wants Loyalist weapons dealt with in a similar way. Film report includes D. Ervine (PUP) reaction to Blair, no chance he says.

Meanwhile Sinn Fein have accused the army of bad faith when it admitted that only a towr at Cloghue army base will removed, not the whole base. Film report with Conor Murphy (SF) reaction, then D. Kennedy's (UUP) views, then Robert Keogh (headmaster, Cloughoge P.S.) outlines his hopes for the future in the area.

In the courts, two RUC men have been jailed for beating a man and threatening to have him killed by the LVF. Film report on Bernard Griffins (18)k story after his arrest in Ardoyne, the RUC men are named as Darren Neil, Michael McGowan. RUC issue statement.

In Antrim Ryan Neil who was attacked outside a bar on St. Patrick's Day has died of his injuries, two men have been charged. Film report with his father Samuel, comments. Then news that Gerry Adams (SF) is to receive an honourable degree from a Boston University for his work with the peace process.

(6.30pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 11th May 2000
29 mins 1 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Opinion poll after last week's IRA statement shows Unionists favour a return to Stormont by narrow majority. Programme unveils an opinion poll on people's reaction to the peace process direction and the IRAs latest arms statement. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 11th May 2000
24 mins 56 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Demilitarisation and Decommissioning
Sentiment in South Armagh examined. As the government denies there is a trade-off between demilitarisation and decommission, and the two arms inspectors fly into N.Ireland, this programme profiles the issues around the two D words, and looks at Trimble's current position. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 15th May 2000
14 mins 38 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The Independent Inspectors here to monitor IRA arms dumps have been in London and Derry today. Film report on their series of meetings during the day, then comments of Cyril Ramaphosa and Marti Artisaari on their meetings, followed by General John DeChastelen wishing their efforts well. Then the two inspectors met a series of local parties, D. Trimble (UUP) comments on leaving that the inspection of dumps is not a permanent solution to decommissioning issue. Then Pat Doherty (SF) said they paid a curiosity visit. Then comments of W/C that inspectors report to DeChastelen body. The Police Bill is to be introduced to the Commons tomorrow. The RUC will have a Government Funded Foundation and the new name may be deferred. Film report says name will be P.S.N.I. but Mandelson will have say if RUC title is added to it somehow, if he needs to save Trimble during UUC meeting. Then in the studio, Ken Reid gives his analysis of the RUC/PSNI name issue. Then in London, David Burnside (UUP) outlines the Unionist bottom line now on the police service's name, the RUC name must stay.

Portadown car dealer, David and Albert Prentice have won £1 million in an American lawsuit agains the authors of the book, The Committee, which alleged they were members of a loyalist committee that selected Catholics and Nationalists for assassination. Film report on court case with Prentice brothers interview and their lawyer, Colin Gowdy views.

The Church of Ireland Primate addressing the Church synod in Belfast says both Catholic and Protestants communities need confidence building measures and the momentum of change must be carefully managed. Film report with Eames interview. Free Presbyterians led by Rev. Alan Smylie held a protest outside saying Anglicans were going to join with Catholics and recognise the Pope as church head on earth. Smylie's comments, then Eames refutes the views detailing what the church men are really talking about.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 16th May 2000
30 mins 23 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Stolen Lives
Six people affected by joy riders tell their stories. This programme examines the problem of joy-riders and looks at six lives tragically effected by joy-riders.

(6.00pm; Tuesday) ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 16th May 2000
9 mins 19 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
S.Mallon (SDLP) says a drip feed of concessions to Unionists is killing the peace process. Film report as political temperatures heat up. At Stormont Trimble addressed his MLA's then D. Kennedy (UUP) lambasted the SDLP position, followed by S. Mallon warning to the Government. M.McGuinness (SF) says Unionists will lose the argument and tell UUP to wise up. Then from London, Ken Reid interview Ken Maginnis(UUP MP), they aren't happy with all the uncertainty and wont't be held to ransom by Brian Cowen, he rejects SDLP position.

Meanwhile, Les Rodgers (Chairman of the RUC Fed.) says setting up a Police Foundation is no excuse to change the RUC's name. Film report on his comments with interview, they will fight democratically to save the RUC's name, then back to London for analysis of up coming events from London, the process is facing crisis he says, Sinn Fein are warning the IRA might withdraw it's inspection offer. Reid profiles Nationalist/ Sinn Fein anger on British Government back tracking.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 17th May 2000
49 mins 24 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Brits: The Secret War
Programme Title:
Part 1:
Peter Taylor investigates the British Army's dirty war in Northern Ireland - including Loughgall Ambush and Bloody Sunday on 30 January 1972. This programme is the first of three in this series in which Peter Taylor examines the secret, covert undercover war waged by the British government against the PIRA. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 17th May 2000
14 mins ? secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Arms and ammo have been found inside a PUP office in Ballymoney. Film report with details of four weapons, no arrests made, and reaction of D.Ervine (PUP leader). He's got no excuses he says but defends UVF/RUC peaceful intent. I. Paisley Jnr. (DUP) critical of PUP, then G. Kelly's (SF) reactions, then B. Rodgers (SDLP) views. Blair and Mandelson, at the Commons tried to reassure Unionists over the issue of the RUC name. Film report hears Mandelson delay the name change issue for morning talks with Policing Board and suggest a fudge.

At Blair's question time, Trimble asks what does putting guns beyond use actually mean. Blair says dumps are confidence building measure not an end to decommissioning issue, he outlines his point of view. Then from London Trimble gives an interview on his objective over the RUC name issue, he believes the legal title of the new force will be the RUC and explains the legalities of the issue. UB for Saturday's UUC meeting. He says he's still considering matters and consulting colleagues, he then comments on Blair's decommissioning statement. Then Ken Reid (Political Editor) analysis of Trimble's three options for Saturday's UUC meeting, he says government will make no more concessions and we are in a political crisis. In UTV studio G. Kelly (SF) says they don?t want Patten diluted.

Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 18th May 2000
19 mins 36 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Trimble says he backs the Hillsborough deal but postpones the UUP UUC meeting for one week. Film report begins with Trimble interview in studio, he denies this doesn't mean he hasn't got the party's backing. He want s the UUC decision to be an informed one and explain the progress he's made. He denies he's asking the party to accept anything less than decommission and explains his stance. Next comes political reaction from M. Durkan (SDLP), then N. Dodds (DUP) says this deal isn't decomissioning and he got nothing on the RUC, then live in the studio anti-Good Friday Agreement J. Donaldson (UUP) gives his views on the deal offered by the IRA, and what he says the (MISSING) from Blair but he says this deal isn't decommissioning, he denies he's on the outside of his party's hub. Then live to Stomont for the reaction of M. McGuinness (SF), he praises the IRA's historic move and welcomes Trimble's decision to go for Hillborough agreement. He refuses to say if IRA will withdraw its offer because of one week delay. The Northern Ireland Voluntary Trust (NIVT) has withdrawn it's grant to ex-prisoners group in Ballymoney after it was learned they used the building were yesterday's over haul was found. Film report with Epic's statement and comments on Avita Kilmurray from NIVT. Then D. Ervine (PUP) interview, he says the PUP haven't used the office, I. Paisley Jnr. (DUP) doesn't believe Ervine. Ballymoney spokesman, Richard Rogers (PUP) comments.

In Larne, Sam Morrow has been charged with the April 30th 2000 assault on a Larne footballer outside the club. Film report.

The RUC has appealed for information as to the whereabouts of a HKMP5 machine gun lost three days ago in Strabane.

Back to the top story. Mandelson praises Trimble's stance on the Hillsborough deal, then Ken Reid gives his feelings about how the UUC might vote, he outlines the big sell Trimble must do next week, to get the deal past the UUC.

Next report is on the latest news in the inquiry into the RHD killing of Solictor Rosemary Nelson. The Independent Commission for Police complaints has taken no action against RUC officers alleged to have threatened Rosemary and hasn't justified their decision to the public. Reaction from Nelson's Solicitor, Padraigin Drinan.

The LEPC will be soon replaced by a new Police Ombudsman.

The Saville Inquiry is to receive security assessments on the risk to paras involved in Bloody Sunday before it decides where they give their evidence. Film report includes research into Blade slap of helicoptors sounding like a machine gun firing.

(6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 19th May 2000
11 mins 21 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
In Lisburn a father of three has been found dead at his home in Audley Avenue. Film report on latest news, with neighbour Alice Murray's account, then Ken Hennings (RUC Chief Insp.) comments.

The latest searches for five of the disappeared bodies ar eto be called off tomorrow. Film report firstly from Templetown beach dig for Jean McConville with reaction from McConville children. Robert speaks about their disappointment and Jim appeals to PIRA grave diggers to show family where their mother is, Michael McConville comments about other missing bodies. Next report is from the dig for Danny McElhome which is also to stop tomorrow. Simon O'Connor (Garda Superintendent) explains their position.

A security guard was injured during an armed robbery on the Malone Road in Belfast. Film report on the shooting. The DUP's press conference today attacked Trimble as the chief salesman for the IRA. Film report with Paisley's comments claiming nobody believes Blair but Peter Robinson won't say if they will take their Executive seats. Reg Empey (UUP) questions the Paisley options, then Gerry Adams (SF) says the UUP no- camp will always want more. At Stormont, David Forde (Alliance) says the no-men have no plan. Then Cedric Wilson (NIUP) calls on the UUP to defend the democratic process, while, D. Ervine (PUP) says the IRA ceasefire has created opportunity for politics. Monica McWilliams (The Women's Coalition) says do the deal now.

In Dromore, Co. Down, a woman was beaten by a gang with baseball bats.

Two Newtonabbey men Gary Logan (27) and Martin Johnston (?) where jailed for possession of pipe-bombs caught in their car in Antrim last August.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 22nd May 2000
31 mins 39 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Unionist politicians Trimble, Donaldson, King, Ramsey, Douglas, Hillis, Kerr, debate Hillsborough deal and Saturday's Ulster Unionist Council (UUC) meeting. This programme deals with the upcoming Ulster Unionist Council (UUC) meeting on Saturday, in which UUP leader will ask the council to accept the Hillsborough Agreement on inspection of IRA arms dumps in return for restoration of the executive. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPELTED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 22nd May 2000
? mins
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Live Report
From Ulster Unionist Council (UUC) vote on Hillsborough deal; 53% for, 47% against.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 22nd May 2000
11 mins 36 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then Trimble has begun his flight to win the UUC vote on the Hillsborough deal, at a press conference he says saying no will confine Unionism to the wilderness for year. Trimble predicts he'll win, J.Donaldson isn't so sure he explains his views. Meanwhile I. Paisley (DUP) claoms Trimble is calling on Unionists to trust the IRA. Gerry Adams (SF) says concessions on Patten mean he can't sell the new force to republicans, A. Attwood (SDLP) is also angry, he says Patten is reflected in Police Bill. Then in the studio Ken Reid gives analysis of today's events. J. Taylor (UUP) says he needs more concessions, while Sinn Fein warn agains that, also mentioned is the flags issue. Reid thinks the vote is a very close call.

The searches for the disappeared in the Republic are now called off. Film report covers a protest held at Carlingford by the McConville Family. Robert McConville interview on what they would want to happen now, them Michael hopes to raise the finance to continue the dig. Robert also asks the PIRA grave diggers to come forward with information. In the afternoon Jim McConville meet Co Louth Council who allowed them to continue digging if they get insurance cover.

The Security Services report to the Saville Inquiry on the threat to paras if they went to Derry to give evidence says they would be targets. Film report.

In Dublin, Patrick Steenson (36) has been jailed for possessing semtex found at Swords in 1998.

An Orange Hall in Co. Tyrone has been vandalised for the second time in a week. Film report.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 23rd May 2000
8 mins 7 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then John Taylor (UUP Deputy Leader) has said he might not support Trimble in Saturday's UUC vote, meanwhile J.Donaldson says he has new proposals to put to the party. Film report has Taylor's comments speaking on Downtown radio with Reg Empey reaction. Unionists demands have angered republicans, Gerry Adams (SF) says there's a backlash amongst republicans. The Chairman of the Police Federation has admitted an invite to Peter Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary) to attend their conference has been withdrawn.

Film report from Dublin where RUC supporters met Eire's politicians to outline their case

for keeping the RUC name with interview from Les Rogers (RUC Fed.) and then Iona Meyers (RUC Widows Assoc.). Also in Dublin Ken Reid comments on the alternative proposals suggested by J. Donaldson, and the position of John Taylor on Saturday's UUC vote plus the current work being done by the Trimble side with comments from Dublin on further concessions on the RUC.

As the Parades Commission rules a Junior Orange March can walk part of the lower Garvaghy Road, Sinn Fein have said it could lead to trouble. Film report looks at the trouble last year.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 23rd May 2000
60 mins 6 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Spotlight Special (Live)
In this discussion programme chaired by Mark Carruthers, one hundred people get the opportunity to quiz four leading politicians from the four main parties about their positions on the peace process and the current issues of decommissioning, arms dumps expectations and reforming the Stormont executive. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 24th May 2000
59 mins 24 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Brits: The Secret War
Programme Title:
Part 2; Shoot to kill
A look at 14 Intel.Co (The Debt) and SAS operations. Taylor begins by saying the British prepared to take the war to the IRA, with the ground work for what some would call a shoot to kill policy laid by the fourteenth intelligent company or the (MISSING), as it was known, the Army's secret surveillance unit. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 25th May 2000
14 mins 35 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
A rift has emerged within the Orange Order over a request from Armagh and Ballnafeigh Lodges to resume contact with the parades commission, they are being prevented from doing so by the Grand Lodge. Film report with film clip of Education Committee meeting on 12th September 1997 with Spirit of Drumcree protest outside preventing it meeting. In February 2000 when new Chairman, Tony Holland appointed, above lodges wanted to meet him to put their case for parades. Film of July 4th 1999 Drumcree Parade with voice over detailing the 18th March Armagh Lodge letter to the Grand Lodge, where its members voted against Portadown talking to the Parades Commission. It's believed the Ballynafeigh Lodge made a separte application. No orangemen would be interviewed today. In South Armagh last night an explosion heard near an army post was an attempted mortar bomb attack by dissident republicans. Film report from Crossmaglen with comments of local priest and John Fee (SDLP MLA) who both say they heard nothing, but RUC found a firing van nearby and an object in the fence of the compound. Paul Berry (DUP) blames the IRA, then Danny Kennedy's (UUP) and G. Kelly's (SF) reactions.

In the Republic, Garda found semtex and timers in raids on houses in West Dublin linked to the RIRA. In a statement the UFF says the IRA's offer to allow inspections doesn't indicate an intention to disarm, the UFF says its committed to the peace process but ruled out any moves by it towards decommissioning. Film clip of UFF gunmen on streets shown.

The DUP is celebrating today after doubling it's vote in Dromore local by-election. Film report from DUP press conference with comments of DUP winner Paul Rankin, then Peter Robinson warns UUP Coucillors etc. to (MISSING) Trimble leadership or lose their jobs. Meanwhile in Coleraine D. Trimble blamed the J. Donaldson factor in his seat. Today Newry's Danny Kennedy pledged loyalty to Trimble, meanwhile G. Kelly (SF) warns the government of re-inventing the RUC and diluting Patten. Earlier today J. Donaldson gave an interview on his call for a meeting with D. Trimble to discuss the possibilities of other ways forward before Saturday's UUC meeting. He again outlines his problems with Trimble's current position on the Hillsborough deal, which falls well short of what Unionists want, he says Unionists want a start to decommissioning and no more procrastination by the IRA. He denies he's panicking about a lack of support.

(6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 26th May 2000
14 mins 39 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Martin Taylor (35) shot dead in the Ballysillan area of Belfast in what's believed to be a Loyalist feud shooting (LVF and UVF). Film report with eye witness accounts from Robert Anderson and Margaret Patterson (who survived 1991 bomb blast in a taxi), a horse at the back of her house was wounded, her husband Alex comments. John Brannigan (RUC Detective Superintendent) comments on motive. B. Hutchinson (PUP) denies UVF involvement and says he was killed by drug dealers linked to the killing og Richard Jameson in Portadown.

With 16 hours to go to UUC vote on the Hillsborough devolution plan, D. Trimble has rejected J. Donaldson's plan as containing nothing new. Film report on Donaldson/Trimble meeting at UUC headquarters with Donaldson' s comments afterwards, then D. Trimble press comments. In Derry M. McGuinness (SF) says a UUP no vote tomorrow would be a disaster. Film report with interview, then John Hume (SDLP) hopes for a positve result. P. Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary) says tomorrow's vote will define politics here for years to come. Then in the studio J. Donaldson (UUP MP) gives a Q & A interview on his plan and why he wants a no vote from UUC tomorrow. He wants clarity over decommissioning and rejects idea he's against Catholics getting power here. He outlines his concerns about DeBrun (SF) and M.McGuinness (SF) roles as Ministers. Then in comes D. Trimble (UUP Leader) to answer questions on his current view of the issues he believes this deal is only first step in process to full decommissioning. He comments on effect on the UUP of this disagreement over issue of tactics and avoids resignation question.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 27th May 2000
55 mins 31 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Live report from the Ulster Unionist Council (UUC) meeting in Belfast. Noel Thompson (journalist) sums up the goings on to date, as Council votes now being counted, with him in the studio Susan McKay (journalist, Sunday Tribune) Stephen Grimasson (BBC Political Editor) and Duncan Morrow (University of Ulster). All comment on how the morning speeches went and what was said by delegates. Trimble says he has assurances on RUC name. Susan McKay comments on divisions within Unionism, compared to Nationalist position. Then Duncan Morrow comments on the fatal flaws in UUP.

Next report is from Martina Purdy (BBC) on the delegates arriving for the meeting with comments from Martin Smyth, MP on figures, then J. Taylor (UUP Deputy Leader) takes abuse from No camp. Yes supporters also chanted. Anti-agreement MP William Thompson says Trimble is facing a bleak future and he won't survive. William Ross views, then Trimble supporter, Ken Maginnis gives positive view of Trimble's stance. Also in favour is Sam Foster (MLA, Fermanagh). Then back to the studio, guest S. Grimasson comments on Trimble mention of setting up a review group on what's needed to call a UUC meeting. Susan McKay thinks the UUP will formally split when it modernises, then D. Morrow praises Trimble victories so far against the odds. Then back to Martina Purdy for a latest report on Molyneaux/Nicholson leaving, and the verbal battle outside between Yes and No campaigners. Back in the studio, No man William Thompson (MP) explains the No men will fight until they eventually win, Trimble is losing votes he says, he rejects Trimble's new review committee idea. He lays out what he sees happening in a new executive nd what Sinn Fein will do, he says Trimble's judgement faulty, then Ken Maginnis (MP) defends Trimble's position and gives his analysis of Trimble's opponents concerns, he comments on the mood of the splits to defend the union but believes the electorate isn't split like the Unionist Council. He believes the IRA will ultimately disarm. William Thompson (UUP) denies he is fearful of the IRA and says IRA won't ever decommission. Maginnis praises the abilities of the arms inspectors.

Then Switch to main hall, no vote announcement yet, then BBC's Stephen Grimasson comments, these UUC votes will continue on other issues. UUP is on a constant collision with itself, he then speculates on the pro's and cons of taking or not taking their ministers seats is discussed. Next report is from M. Purdy on the demonstration outside from pro and anti Trimble supporters and the mood, then quick switch to J. Cunningham(UUP President) announcing the voting figures, 459 votes for 403 against in percentages, that's 53% against 47%. Then Stephen Grimasson (Political Editor) analysis of tight vote, we will now have an Executie back on Tuesday, then Duncan Morrow comments on further decline in Trimble's lead, then F. O'Connor (journalist) is fearful we will have a re-run of all this soon again. They all comment on the current war within Unionism which is going to continue, then Trimble arrives to give a press conference on the vote cast, he says Unionists have again stretched themselves, he says the republicans must put a confidence building measure in place soon and begin process of disarmament. He comments on good civilised manner of the debate and calls on party to unite around this position, he criticises the DUP and calls on them to declare their position now and drop the pretences of the last time. Trimble then answers Journalist's questions, commenting on the positive results of having an executive for Belfast's economy and the lack of RUC/army deaths. He denies the UUP split is too high a cost to pay, he's in the process of changing things for the better and comments on the emotional factors in the debate and the anger caused by arrogance of Sinn Fein as a whole. He says they aren't house trained yet. He's then asked how he will house train M.McGuinness, he belileves Sinn Fein aren't accustomed to democratic ways. Then Trimble leaves the news conference, back in the studio No man, William Ross (MP) gives his reaction, he says the vote today means Trimble can't stay in leadership, he points to UUP lose of Dromore Council by-election. Then Thompson recaps on today's voting figures and asks M. Durkan (SDLP) for his reaction to Trimble's narrow victory, he rejects making gestures to Unionism on policing issues like the badge or name.

(1.00pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 27th May 2000
25 mins 9 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Trimble wins UUC vote fifty-three percent to forty-seven percent in close run vote, devolution will return at 12.00am on Monday. First report is from M. Purdy on the drama of the day, delegates arriving film clips, then vote announcement and Trimble comments to the press on Sinn Fein delivering it's promises. J. Donaldson hints this isn't the end of the matter, then Roy Begg Jnr (MLA) who voted No on his dilemma. No demonstrators turn nasty on John Taylor within two hours. P. Mandelson restores devolution. Film report with his comments on Trimble's effort and commitment over the last weeks, he pays tributes to all parties for stretching but says this is only a start not a finish. Then in the studio Darren Nesbitt (UUP MLA) comments on the issues around today's vote and the concerns showed by it, amongst Unionists. He repeats the only division within Unionism is over tactics to achieve decommissioning. Paisley's statement read out says UUP no longer defends the Union. D. Nesbitt responds by pointing out the Paisley failures on smashing the IRA and Sinn Fein down over the years. Nesbitt maintains most Unioinists voted for the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, they want it implemented in full, then S. Mallon (SDLP) congratulates the UUP and says we must get stability back into the process, he says the SDLP will try to make the institutions work for all the Northern Ireland people without being partisan in favour of Sinn Fein or UUP on arms. M.McGuinness (SF) calls today's decision by the UUP the right decision, then in the studio G. Kelly (SF) gives his reaction to today's vote, he's asked about the IRA's obligations to disarmament and doesn?t give a direct answer but refers to Trimble's offensive remarks about Sinn Fein needing to be house trained, on flags, G. Kelly says there should be a neutral environment with party of esteem. Next report is from Dublin with the reaction of B.Ahern (PM), playing down Trimble's weak position. Later both men rejected they gave J. Taylor an assurance on the RUC's name. Brian Cowen says they support the Patten report.

Next report is to get the reaction of the Nationalists in West Belfast, in Andytown, News Sub-Editor says its 'Game On' then people in the streets are happy Trimble won the vote and look to the future with optimism. For Unionists, reaction of people in Gilford appear split on the decision with many hostile to Trimble's leadership.

(6.00pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 29th May 2000
3 mins 55 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Yesterday evening Edmund McCoy (28) (Lisburn) was shot dead in a Dunmurray pub. Film report with speculation on reasons behind his killing. Meanwhile in Ballygowan, Co.Down a home was attacked by LVF gunmen say the PUP. Film report. At Stormont Trimble and S.Mallon met. Film report with Mallon's comments on confidence building measures needed from IRA, and then Trimble views on same. Then film report from Breda Park, South Belfast, on a house being destroyed when it was hit by lightning. (6.00pm; Bank Holiday Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 30th May 2000
16 mins 46 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
It's back to business at Stormont, the first day at the revised assembly. Film report with Trimble's reaction on problem's within Unionism, then S. Mallon (SDLP) on his views about the people towards devolution. Meanwhile the DUP is meeting to decide it's reaction to restored devolution. Gerry Adams (SF) said the difficulties haven't gone away, there will be a battle a day to bring about democratic futures, meanwhile, Cedric Wilson (NIUP) has tabled a motion at the Assembly calling for Sinn Fein to be excluded. Outside, Stormont members of the public give their different attitudes to restored Executive.

Next report is on the Ministers going back to work. At Bangors Education Headquarters, loyalists put up flags outside for M.McGuinness (SF) return to work, he comments on his expectations for this term. Then report from Reg Empey's (Enterprise Minister) office, he comments on the economic situation. Next live from Stormont, political analysis of today's events from Stormont and the body language between Trimble and Mallon and the latest on the DUP's position, plus what's coming up in the next few days that will be problematic. A leading Portadown Loyalist, Mark Fulton (LVF) has called for an end to the current feud between the LVF and UVF. Film report with review of recent upsurge in violence. Then John White (UDP) accuses B. Hutchinson (PUP) of inflaming the situation, he calls for mediation. B. Hutchinson responds by calling mediation callers disgusting. In Portadown, LVF go-between with the Dechastelen commission, Kenny McClinton has revealed his brother Gary and partner have fled their home due to threats from the UVF. Film report with McClinton interview. LVF issue a statement on shooting also verbal report on Coleraine shooting. Meanwhile P. Mandelson and D.Trimble are to attend a cross community concert in St John's Catholic Church on Garvaghy Road. Film report with comments of organiser Barry Lynch (People in Harmony) and guest artist James Galway's comments. Then views of Frank Prentergast (Both Sides Now).

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 31st May 2000
49 mins 16 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Brits: The Secret War
Programme Title:
Part 3: Holding the Line
Army collusion and Brian Nelson case profiled; Force Research Unit (FRU) techniques examined. Documentary begins with 'Mary' of fourteenth intelligence company, the SAS eyes and ears, talking about an operation in Co. Armagh when they were monitoring three AK47 rifles, it was believed the Martin McCaughey (IRA) and Dessie Grew (IRA) would be coming for the rifles, the SAS were waiting, Mary describes the shooting and the killing of IRA men. (Wednesday) ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 31st May 2000
7 mins 27 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then S.Mallon (SDLP Deputy First Minister) has critised the DUP decision to rotate it's two Ministers within the executive. Film report covers their strategy with D. Trimble's (UUP) reaction. Mandelson and S. Mallon both in Armagh give their reactions to the DUP move, the DUP playing games, then M.McGuinness (SF) questions the quality of DUP leadership.

Tom Constantine (Ex-New York Police Chief) has been named bu the Government as the oversight Commissioner of the Patten police changes here. Film report .

Earlier in the afternoon, Peter Robinson (DUP) in the studio, defended their policy on Ministerial changes. He says it's way of defeating republican agenda, not musical chairs he says.

M. McGuinness (SF, Education Minister) says he will review the eleven plus selection process here.

In Belfast the funeral took place of Markin Taylor (35) shot dead on Friday. Leading PUP members attended the funeral. Film report.

6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 1st Jun 2000
? mins
Broadcast Company:
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Unexpected Openings
Northern Ireland's prisoners on how the peace process contacts began in the prisons and the importance of prisoners' opinions to the peace process.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 1st Jun 2000
13 mins 26 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then the Stormont executive has had its first meeting since power was restored on Monday, the DUPs two Ministers didn't attend. On the agenda was a Sinn Fein proposal that Tricolours and Union jacks fly on buildings on official days. Film report shows Ministers at table, then comment from Peter Robinson (Regional Development Minister, DUP) on his current job description and DUP policy. Earlier comments from M.McGuinness (SF) expressed his disappointment at the continuing DUP boycott. In Fermanagh Council by-election, Sinn Fein topped the poll, meanwhile in South Antrim the UUP beat the DUP in a Council by-election. Belfast Alliance Councillors are to support Sinn Fein's elections as City's Mayor but Rev. Eric Smyth (DUP) says he'll resign from DUP over it's nomination of Sammy Wilson for Mayor. Film report details the close voting situation with views of Danny Dow (Alliance Cllr) who's leaving Alliance because he won't support Sinn Fein, then Mervyn Jones (Alliance Cllr) on why they're supporting Sinn Fein. Within DUP, Eric Smyth is quitting over Sammy Wilson being chosen as agreed Unionist candidate, he explains why, then Alex Maskey (SF) lambasts UUP for voting with anti-agreement parties. From the City Hall, Ken Reid gives the latest voting figures and predicts Sammy Wilson (DUP) will be Lord Mayor for the second time.

Next report is on the explosion at Hammersmith's Bridge in London, believed to have caused by Republican dissidents, Alan Fry (Dep. Asistant Commissioner) comments on the lack of warning or threats. In 1996 the IRA bombed the bridge. Reaction to today's attack from G. Kelly (SF).

In Belfast, Sinn Fein says work begins tomorrow on dismantling two British observation posts at Broadway and New Lodge.

In Belfast the funeral took place of Edmund McCoy shot dead in Dunmurray earlier in the week. Film report.

Back to Belfast City Hall where Ken Reid announces Sammy Wilson is new Lord Mayor, 26 votes to 24. Film report with analysis of inter-party tensions over the election and the flags issue.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 1st Jun 2000
3 mins 20 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
A bomb at Hammersmith Bridge, London is the first there in four years. Film report on attack believed to be work of dissident Republicans, eye-witnesses give their accounts, then comments of Alan Fry (Deputy Assistant Commissioner) of the anti-terrorist branch.

Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 2nd Jun 2000
14 mins 40 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Unionists have reacted angrily to Sinn Fein Ministers at Stormont refusing to fly the Union flag at their Ministries. Film report with I. Paisley's (DUP) reaction, then M.McGimpsey (UUP) views, then M. McGimpsey (UUP) views, M.McGuinness (SF) in his comments today was more worried about the failings of the government over the Patten report on policing. Film report from his press conference. The British Army has began demolishing posts in Belffast and Newry. Film report from Cloguhue outside Newry and flats block in New Lodge with further work began at Broadway Towers in West Belfast. Reaction from Toni Carragher of South Armagh Farmers and residents committee, then John Fee (SDLP, MLA), then Danny Kennedy's (UUP, MLA) views. Meanwhile in the studio A. Maskey (SF) and Alban Maginnis (SDLP) discuss today's issues of flags and demilitarization and decommissioning issue. Sammy Wilson ahs been elected Lord Mayor on the day his lawyers announce suing the Sunday World and Irish Star over their publishing holiday snaps of him and his girlfriend.

The DUP's Regional Development Minister visited train stations today and announced railways here are under developed. Film report with Robinson comments on the problems, then Ted Hesketh's (NI Railways) views, then Joan Smyth (NI Transport Holding Co.) on what investment they need.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 5th Jun 2000
16 mins 53 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
At Stormont the assembly has its first session for four months, film report with story of the day, debate on fining legislation. Some controversy as S.Wilson (DUP) attacked M.McGuiness (SF) on his remarks to school kids about being on the run, film clip with both men's exchange, and I.Paisley's words. Meanwhile friction between the SDLP and Sinn Fein over the Patten Report Bill, S. Mallon (SDLP) comments, then Pat Doherty (SF) criticises SDLP attitude to the Policing Bill. Then in the studio M. McGimpsey (UUP, MLA) and S. Mallon (Deputy IST Minister, SDLP, MLA) discuss the flags and policing issues raised during today. S. Mallon outlines their stance on the new policing boards and aim to prevent any obstruction to the Pattens objectives, then M. McGimpsey talks about the policing issue and tomorrow's flags debate at Stormont.

In Portadown, Orangemen have applied to hold their Drumcree parade on the 2nd July instead of the 9th July. Film report.

In Courts, Garfield Gilmore (25) was cleared of the murder of the Quinn children in Ballymoney two years ago, on appeal but found guilty of their manslaughter. Film report on judges ruling.

An independent commission on complaints against the army has called for a quicker decision to be made on the two Scottish Guards accused of killing Peter McBride, future in the army, to remove bias towards the army by the law here. The Rev. I. Paisley is to lead a Free Prebyterian protest outside the Presbyterian Assembly in Belfast over ecumenism and the attendance of Mary McAleese (Irish President). Film report with comments of incoming moderator, Dr. Trevor Morrow on McAleese's attendance, then views of outgoing moderator Dr. John Lockington. Meanwhile I. Paisley Jnr (DUP) has complained Mary McAleese will have Garda bodyguards and not RUC men with her.

In Derry, Cathal Crumley (SF Cllr), a former IRA prisoner is set to become Mayor of Derry in the council vote tonight. Film report with Crumley's interview on G. Campbell's (DUP) comments about him. Back to Stormont studio where Ken Reid gives his analysis of today's events and the details on tomorrow's policing debate at Westminister with the local parties stances.

(6.00pm; (Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 6th Jun 2000
15 mins 42 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
S.Mallon (SDLP MP) speaking on Commons Policing Bill says fundamental changes needed in the Bill, Peter Mandelson (N.Ireland Secretary) says some fine tuning needed. Film report on the debate with Mandelson's speech and Mallon's views. Outside the Chamber, Pat Doherty (SF) outlined their views on policing, while anti-agreement unionist Willie Thompson says it's a sad day to see theend of RUC. In Stormont the DUP failed to have the Union Flag flying over Stormont on Assembly days. Film report on fireworks between Sinn Fein and DUP during debate, with Paisley's comments. Then Mary Nelis (SF), then Darren Nesbitt (UUP) views on equality as he sees it, then Sean Neeson's (Alliance) views. Then D. Ervine (PUP) recalls the 1966 Divis St riots over flags removal then. Then live to Westminister for analysis from Ken Reid on the debate on the Policing Bill and the government position on the name issue plus Mallon's concerns highlighted.

In Belfast, three buses and a car carrying Australian tourists up from Dublin where torched in Kent Street. Film report with eye-witness accounts of tourists and their reactions, Nick Purce (RUC Chief Insp.) appeals for information from the public.

At Bloody Sunday Inquiry, Day 29, evidence from Joe Mahon hears he pretended to be lying dead and watched paras shoot dead James Wray. Film report.

In Derry, Cathal Crumley was voted the City's Lord Mayor, the first Sinn Fein Mayor in Ireland since T. McSweeney in Cork in 1920. Film report with Crumley comments,then M. McGuinness, then Unionist reaction from G. Campbell (DUP) and R. Dallas (UUP) followed by James Mehaffey's (Church of Ireland Bishop) views.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 7th Jun 2000
30 mins 48 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
The Paul Hill Story (Part 1)
Guildford Four man's journey from Belfast to Kennedy family member and its effects on him and his family. Paul Hill was wrongly convicted of the IRAs Guildford pub bombing for which he spent fifteen years in jail, he also had a conviction for killing a former Soldier in Belfast overturned, since then his life has changed from jail bird to jet set when he married his wife Courtney, one of the Kennedy clan. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 7th Jun 2000
10 mins 29 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The Hamill family is to meet B.Ahern after the Coroner refuses to hold an inquest into their brother Robert's killing in Portadown because he says witness lives could be in danger for giving evidence. Film report with John Lecky's statement on 1997 killing and reaction from Diane Hamill, then from Barra McCrory, then Hamill family Solicitor.

Meanwhile in Portadown the RUC are investigating a fire at St John's Catholic Church near the Garvaghy Road today.

Also today Brian Curran (South African Human Rights Lawyer) invited here by Peter Mandelson to attempt to find a Drumcree Parade solution has given a press interview on his priorities. Film report with B. McKenna's reaction for residents.

Sinn Fein rejected security forces claims the PIRA was behind the killing of Edmund McCoy in Belfast eleven days ago. Film report with N. Dodds (DUP) reaction.

At the Saville Inquiry it's been heard Gerry McKinney was killed with his hands in the air, film report hears forensics backs this up.

Tonight in Dublin, B. Ahern will meet with Tony Blair to discuss policing over Nationalist concerns the Policing Bill doesn't go far enough.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 8th Jun 2000
6 mins 35 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
A sectarian motive is believed to be behind the pipe-bomb attack on a Catholic woman and her daughter in Annalong, Co.Down. Film report with interview with Anne-Marie Cowen and Emmet Haughian (SDLP Cllr), then Darren Nesbitt's (UUP, MLA) views, followed by resident John O'Hare.

At the Stormont Executive they believe the DUP will break Cabinet confidentiality if they are given secret cabinet papers, so it's removed the DUP's right to papers until its acts confidentiality assurances. Film report with David Trimble (First Minister) comments, then S. Mallon's (SDLP) views. Meanwhile Ken Maginnis (UUP) has resigned as Parliamentary Adviser to the RUC. He's believed to have jumped before he was pushed.

(6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 9th Jun 2000
3 mins 13 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The DUP has reacted angrily to the executive sanctions on its two Ministers over seeing confidential papers. Film report with interview with N. Dodds and Peter Robinson, Then Michael McGimpsey (UUP) gives his reaction to the DUP's current 'sham' position.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 12th Jun 2000
10 mins 35 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Prince Charles arrives in N.Ireland on a two day visit. Film report on his visit to Arts Centre in Armagh City, with S. Mallon (SDLP) views on Sinn Fein's refusal to attend the function, then part of Charle's speech to audience, then Vincent McCann (Arts Centre) comments. Charles also visited Robinson's Library in the Dean's house, then he met four main church leaders, followed by a later visit to Fermanagh College of Agriculture where he was met by B. Rodgers (SDLP, Minister of Agriculture). Students comment on his visit. Then Adrian Saunders (Dept. of Agriculture) views on Charles' interests. In a speech he callled on people to buy local produce.

In Cushendall a Catholic Church was set on fire in an arson attack. Film report with comments of Ken Leathem (Fireman) on the damage, then local councillor, Oliver McMullen's reactions. B. Ahern (Irish Prime Minister) today visited Derry City to inaugurate a new flight service to the city.

At the Saville Inquiry, a soldier 027, said on the night before Bloody Sunday a lieutenant told the paras he wanted some killled at the march, he said paras fired 100 shots in 30 seconds and when ordered to cease fire soldiers kept firing. In Glenfada Park, he says soldiers fired at people with their hands in the air and a wounded civilian was shot on the ground. 027 said he told all this to a Widgery lawyer who tore his statement up.

(6.00pm; (Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 13th Jun 2000
29 mins 12 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
The Paul Hill Story (Part 2)
Former British soldier, Malcolm Shaw, confronts Hill who was accused of killing his brother Brian in Belfast. Begins with film clip review of Hill's Trial, conviction and release, with voice-over recapping the story of his life to date, and his marriage to Courntey Kennedy who comments on his life. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 15th Jun 2000
9 mins 39 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
(opening titles missing) First story concerns the resignation of the Orange Order's Education Committee over an internal dispute. Begins with Brian Kennaway's comments then film report on previous clashes between hardline spirit of Drumcree Group and the liberal Education Commission Group over Orange Order policy on parades issues with Kennaway views, then Davy Jones (Portadown Lodge), then B. McKenna's(Garvaghy Residents Spokeman) reactions. In the studio, Grand Lodge statement read out, then Clifford Smyth (Orange Historian) outlines what he thinks is going on within orangism.

In Courts, William Campbell (20) was convicted of killing Andy Millar (34) in Newtonabbey. Film report on uproar in court, on March 28th killing last year.

Trimble says he expects a confidence building measure from the IRA soon, Sinn Fein however have taken exception on his threats about what will happen if it doesn't happen. Film report with Trimble comments, then G. Kelly (SF) reaction. Meanwhile the Executive meet today. Film report on it's agenda.

(6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 19th Jun 2000
27 mins 42 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
UVF / LVF Feud; Fighting For The Flag
A look at the background to this internal Loyalist feud highlighting recent killings and drug dealing. Documentary examines the current Loyalist feud between the LVF and UVF despite their ceasefire and explores the reasons behind it and the UFFs role, asking is it all about selling drugs. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 19th Jun 2000
7 mins 30 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Are drugs at centre of current UVF and LVF feud asks news headline. Film report features tonight's insight story, with journalist profile of Shankill drug house, list of victims so far show with victim Andrew Robb's mother Ann's interview. Then Johnny Adair (UFF) denies he's selling drugs, B. Hutchinson (PUP/UVF) believes there will be more feud deaths. Duncan Shipley Dalton (UUP) is to resign over an internal row over the South Antrim seat. Film report on leaderships choice of David Burnside even though constituency wanted Dalton. Meanwhile in Stormont, Paisley questions Trimble over decommissioning timetable. Film report on exchange.

In courts, Republican Eddie Copeland was £5,000 in damages from the RUC over a 1992 arrest, then report on arson attack on East Belfast firm.

At the Saville Inquiry an army doctor has denied he saw any nail bombs on the body of victim Gerald Donaghy (17). Film report.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 20th Jun 2000
17 mins 29 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The UFF have threatened to break their ceasefire. Film report with film of armed men reading UFF statement on interface violence. Then J. White's (UDP) comments, with reaction from A. Attwood (SDLP), Jim Rogers (UUP), and M. McLaughlin (SF), then B. Hutchinson (PUP) followed by RUC statement and comments of P. Mandelson on UDA ceasefire.

Housing Executive report says twenty one Catholic families intimidated in recent weeks but no Protestants.

At Hillsborough Castle, a small partially exploded device has been found, Film report on suspected dissident republican device with reaction from J. Donaldson (UUP).

Meanwhile at Benburb, a suspect device was defused at a Catholic Pub. Film report.

Also last night a man was arrested on the Shankhill Road in Belfast after a shooting incident and in Green Island Co. Antrim an attempt was made to burn down a Catholic Church. Film report.

The Parades Commission has banned an Orange Parade from passing down the lower Ormeau Road this weekend, restrictions also imposed on a residents counter demostration and on an Orange Parade in Bellaghy, Co. Derry and Newry. Meanwhile in the South Antrim by-election, the UUP has chosen David Burnside as it's candidate over the Trimble man, David Campbell, film report on Westminister fight in South Antrim with live interview with Burnside on his selection and view point. In the Stomont Assembly MLA's have voted against extending the 1967 Abortion Act to cover Northern Ireland. Film report with interviews with Bernie Smyth (Precious Life), then Georgie McCormick (The Family Planning Assoc.) with coverage of MLA's Jim Wells (DUP), Monica McWilliams (WC) and Joan Carson (UUP) speeches.

Brian Curran (South African Lawyer) has said he see little chance of finding a solution to this year's Drumcree problem.

In Derry, the Saville Inquiry has heard Gerard Donaghy(17, IRA Youth Wing Member) may have had nail bombs planted on him by the army. Film report.

Coverage next of arson attack on petrol stations near Larne and shots fired at a house in Ballymoney, no injuries.

In Dublin a court has been told by Charlie Haughey's lawyer that it's impossible for him to get a fair trial on obstructing McCracken Tribunal charges. Film report from Dublin.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 21st Jun 2000
7 mins 21 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
In Ballymurphy a father and son are injured in a bomb explosion in their garden shed. Film report with eyewitness account from Billy Notarantonio.

On the Springfield Road last night Loyalists and Nationalists had a six hour stand off over a Parade Commission decision on an Orange Parade. Film report with Frank McCoubrey (UDP, Cllr) comments and then Gerry Kelly's (SF, MLA) views.

In Commons, Northern Ireland question time hears P. Mandelson comment on the UFF threat to end it's ceasefire and comments on the expected IRA confidence building measures, he says IRA statements have ' ragged honesty'.

At the Saville Inquiry its been heard Barney McGuigan (41) shot in the head as he helped a wounded man was hit by a dum-dum bullet. Film report.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 23rd Jun 2000
4 mins 13 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The UFF has suspended its threat to end its ceasefire over interface violence. Film

report with J. White's (UDP) comments then A. Attwoods (SDLP) reaction, then A. Maskey's (SF) views. In preview of tomorrow's Springfield Road Orange Parade, J. Rogers (UUP, Cllr) says Orange Order has taken steps to prevent trouble.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 24th Jun 2000
3 mins 7 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
G.Kelly (SF) was injured today when Springfield residents clashed with the RUC during an Orange parade. Film report with Chris McGimpsey (UUP, Cllr) comments, then G. Kelly (SF) allleges he was hit by RUC man. In Portadown, Orangemen held a Parade and rally with no trouble, B. McKenna (Garvaghy Road Spokesman) and Davy Jones (Orange Spokesman) comments.

(6.00pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 26th Jun 2000
16 mins 30 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
PMs Blair and Ahern have welcomed the news the IRA has opened up its arms dumps to inspection by the international inspectors. Film report details inspectors reports, with PIRA statement then Tony Blair's reaction to this confidence building measure, then B. Ahern (Irish Prime Minister) comments from Dublin on enormous and fundamental leap forward. In the studio, P. Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary) highlights why he feels this is an important move by the PIRA. It's the beginning of a process towards putting arms out of use, he says people expect Loyalists to follow suit. Next report details the political reaction, firstly from Gerry Adams (SF), then Reg Empey (UUP), then S. Mallon (SDLP). From the No camp P. Robinson (DUP) calls it a stunt, a bit of window dressing, Sean Neeson (Alliance Party) calls on loyalists to give a confidence building measure, the B. Hutchinson (PUP) rejects the call. In the studio, political analysis from Ken Reid of today's events and what it means for Trimble's leadership of the UUP.

Meanwhile the Parades Commission have banned a loyalist band parade in Downpatrick tonight and restrictions have been put on an Orange parade in Bellaghy on Saturday. Within an hour a decision is expected on the Drumcree Parade this Sunday. Film report from Portadown on expectations there.

In Belfast courts, two Belfast brothers, John O'Brien (30) and James O' Brien (3?) were charged with posession of grenades following last week's explosion in a Ballymurphy garden shed. Film report.

Springfield residents have shown a video of Saturday's Orange Parade which shows Loyalist Paramilitary Colour Party's amongst the Orange ranks. Film report with comments of Frances Murphy for Springfield residents, then their soliitor, B. Dringian, Film clip of trouble, then Jim Rodgers (UUP) says Orange Order will investigate.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 30th Jun 2000
10 mins 3 min
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
R.Flanagan (RUC Chief Constable) has blamed dissident Republicans for a bomb attack on the South Armagh railway line. Film report with interview with Flanagan on dissident republicans capabilities, then D. Kennedy (UUP) reaction, followed by Paul Berry's (DUP) views, then Conor Muphy's (SF) believes attacks is to embarrass Sinn Fein.

Meanwhile on Belfast Shankhill Road, there was a bomb hoax near a loyalist prisoners office.

In Craigavon, Marke Neale(Deputy Mayor) and A. Hatels (UUP, Cllr) have unveiled a plan they think will solve Drumcree.

In Belfast, R. Flanagan (RUC Chief) believes dissident loyalists are intent on causing trouble at Drumcree. Film reports and interviews with Flanagan, then M. Neale with reaction from Davy Jones and B. McKenna.

The GAA has revealed some of it's members have received death threats from Loyalists.

Next report is from Dublin where the Irish Government has survived a vote of no confidence by four votes. Film report on backlash from the Sleaze Tribunals, with speeches from R. Quinn (lab) and John Bruton (f9), and B. Ahern's (PM) reply.

In Belfast, the UUP met to discusss changing it's voting rules for UUC meetings.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 1st Jul 2000
7 mins 39 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Joey Dunlop (48) (World Bike Racing Champion) dies in bike crash in Eastern Europe.

Film report profiles his achievements with film clip of a previous interview.

At Drumcree Orangemen held a protest parade around Portadown church where scuffles broke out with the RUC. Film report with film clip of Gracey's call for massive protest by Orangemen if walk down Garvaghy Road is banned. Then live to Drumcree for a latest news update and Davy Jones (Orange spokesman) comments on Gracey's protest call.

(6.00pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 3rd Jul 2000
6 mins 45 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Orange Order says Parades Commission offer of a possible future Garvaghy Road march within eight months will not work. Film report on Parades Commission banning of next Saturday's march begins with announcement to press in Belfast by Tony Holland (Chairman) with his remarks on reasons for ban, then reaction from Brendan McKenna (residents spokesman) and Davy Jones (Orange Order).

Next report is on the overnight violence at Drumcee Hill, then in the studio, Brian Curran (South African Mediator) comments on his current efforts to find a way forward in Drumcree impasse, although it's too late now to solve this year's impasse.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 4th Jul 2000
17 mins 51 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Nationalist and Unionist politicians have condemned last night's show of strength by the LVF and UFF in Portadown. Film report shows gunmen then J. Adair (UFF) give interview about his attendance and calls for peaceful protest. LVF masked men reads statement, later RUC attacked by crowd in Portadown and at Drumcree, Davy Jones (Orangeman) comments on LVF firing shots as 'over the edge'. Then reaction from B. McKenna (residents spokesman), and then Gary McMichael (UDP) followed by D. Ervine (PUP). David Trimble (First Minister) criticised the violence and the parades commission for it's decision. Northern Ireland Secretary, called protests thuggery. Then live to Drumcree where it's quiet and peaceful at present. Rev. J. Pickering (Rector of Drumcree) calls on women and children to avoid any trouble on Drumcree Hill, he says he spoke to the UFF last night but won't say what he talked about, he comments on the views of R Eames (A/bis) on his responsibility.

In Agoghill, arson destroyed a furniture shop. The Ruc say it was a sectarian attack. Film report.

In Belfast ten roads were blocked in Loyalist areas. Film report on burning barricades, shots fired by RUC at two masked men on the Shankill. On the Crumlin Road, a Catholic woman describes her fear at burning barricade nearby, then Frank McCoubrey (UDP, Cllr) calls for calm in the community, then film report shows women and children blocking Donegall Pass. In the Studion R. Flanagan (RUC Chief Cons.) explains the 'sensitive' behaviour of his men towards road blocks, he won't go in with heavy hand he says with children about, he calls Adairs appearance 'sinister' and asks Orangemen do they want to be associated with that, he says RUC watching Adairs behaviour and will brief Mandelson on Adair.

At Stormont, the DUP launched it' s bid to have Sinn Fein thrown out of the Executive, film report with Paisley's speech, then D. Trimble (UUP) accuses DUP of heightened tensions, followed by Gerry Adams (SF) attack on Paisley outside Stormont, then A. Maginnis (SDLP) comments, S. Close (Alliance), then D. Ervine (PUP).

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 5th Jul 2000
16 mins 5 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
B.Hutchinsons (PUP) has claimed the UFF fired at the RUC last night at Carlisle Circus, Belfast, J.Adair (former Shankill Commander for UFF) denies they were involved. Film report with burning barricades shown, then Hutchinson interview, then J. Adairs reply, then J. White (UDP) says UFF not involved.

In North Queen Street the Housing Executive have erected screens to protect Catholic Homes, film report with residents eye witness account. Then film clip of G. Kelly (SF) closing security gates at Crumlin Road, he comments on recent attacks by loyalists in North Belfast. Sammy Wilson (DUP, Lord Mayor) makes an appeal for calm. Within the last few minutes R. Flanagan (RUC Chief Cons.) has warned of sinister elements within Drumcree protests. Next report is from Drumcree where the army has moved in to strengthen defences, Sir Mike Jackson (General) comments as he tours Drumcree, then film clips of last night's violence at Drumcree, the RUC used water cannons for the first time. Film clip of P. Berry (DUP) calling for a sit down protest. In Westminister the NIO Minister said government wouldn't be bullied into changing it's mind, then Gerry Adams (SF) comments on recent violence and accuses Orange Order, then B. Rodgers (SDLP) accuses Orange Order of responsibility. Meanwhile P. Berry (DUP) says loyalist paramilitaries are playing into the NIO and Republican hands. Church of Ireland statement read commenting on Drumcree crisis. George Mitchell (US Senator) says nothing is worth a life, film report from QUB where Mitchell addressed graduates, then explains his views in an interview.

Meanwhile the DUP has announced it's two Executive Ministers will resign at the end of the month and they say they will destroy the Good Friday Agreement. Film report on DUP strategy with Paisley interview on killing agreement. S. Mallon (SDLP) gives his reaction to the DUP decision to play 'russian roulette' with Ministers.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 6th Jul 2000
19 mins 14 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The Orange Order is considering changing its venue for its 12th July demonstration, after the Parades Commission bans a parade through the Nationalist Lower Ormeau Road. Film report begins with reports on last night's protests as Orange Leaders met in Belfast, they again call for only peaceful protest, Robert Saulters (Grand Master) gives an interview on violence and accepts responsibility for protests, he wants quiet day for Joey Dunlop's funeral. Meanwhile film clip shown of J. Adair (UFF) against Drumcree Hill and Saulters says he doesn't want him there. Saulters can't say this protest will finish, he blames Tony Blair. On the Ormeau Road, Gerard Rice (residents spokesman) gives his reaction to the banning of the Orange Parade through the lower Ormeau Road. Journalist then previews possible orange leaders reactions. In the studio, Jim Rodgers (UUP Cllr, Orangeman) says he believes Orangemen will block all Belfast's Roads on July 12th, he gives interview and he calls for dignified protests. Then M. McGuinness (SF) on a visit to the Garvaghy Road says Orangemen destroying their own case. Film report begins with army strengthening defences, then shows McGuinness and records his comments on current situation. Report then shows Belfast's violence last night in Sandy Row, Shore Road and Glengormley, still photos show men hijacking a car and again J. Adair was back at Drumcree. Then G. McMichael (UDP) gives his reaction to calls for UFF to stop violence.

In Kilkeel, two RUC cars were set alight as they escorted a Catholic family from it's home after it was attacked.

In Lurgan, paint bombs recovered in Nationalist area. In Crumlin, three men hijacked a lorry and drove it into an Orange arch in the town. Chruch Leaders have called on Orangemen to call off it's protests. Film report hears comments of Dr Trevor Morrow (Presbyterian Moderator), then R. Eames (Archbishop) calls on Orangemen to forfill the three Church of Ireland synods pledges for the Drumcree service, while Charles Kenny (Church of Ireland Canon) calls for the church to take a more positive position and stop the Drumcree Service.

An American Trade delegation as cancelled a visit to Northern Ireland, while hundreds of tourists have cancelled their holidays due to the violence. Film report with views from Dermot Cairns (Travel Agent). In Belfast, late night shopping has been cancelled, and Michael McAdam (Movie House Cinema) describes the effects on business of nightly violence, then Ciaran Rogan (Translink) comments on the disruption to Belfast's bus services.

Next report is on the announcement expected tomorrow of a new £200 million shopping centre for Belfast. Film report hears comments of Frank Caddy ((Belfast CBI Chief) on the new Victoria Square Centre, then Keith Shiels (Lambert Smith Hampton Estate Agents) comments on retails stregths in Belfast.

(6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 7th Jul 2000
? mins
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Northern Ireland Executive to be suspended; political debate on who is to blame.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 7th Jul 2000
12 mins 50 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then the Parades Commission have today upheld their ban on Sunday's Orange parade down the Garvaghy Road after a service at Drumcree. Film report on politicians submissions to parades commission, firstly David Campbell (UUP) and R. Montheith (Solicitor) views, then G. Kelly (SF) views, then B. McKenna (Garvaghy Residents), then B. Rodgers (SDLP) comments. Then details of Parades Commission ruling. On the 12th July the Parades Commission has placed no restrictions on the Orange Order plans to hold a demonstration at Ormeau Park, in Belfast. Film report with Jim Rodgers (UUP Cllr) reactions.

In Portadown, Harold Gracey (Orange Order District Master) has refused to condemn the violence of recent nights. He blames Tony Blair and the Parades Commission. Film report from Drumcree Hill on army's preparations for Sunday amd memorial service at Drumcree for Joey Dunlop, then interview with Harold Gracey.

The RUC has released the statistics of violent incidents since Monday, chart shown includes twelve gun attacks and fifty hijackings. Latest news of road blocks around Northern Ireland given.

Then film report interview with Peter Mandelson,(Northern Ireland Secretary) on the recent protests and the behaviour of J.Adair (UFF) during the week. He also defends the RUC's 'measured' response to violence.

In Co. Derry a fire has destroyed an Orange Hall. Film report from Kilrea with views of William Ross(UUP MP), then G. Campbell (DUP), then Billy Armstrong's(UUP, MLA) reaction, then that of Alfie Lee (County Grand Master).

Meanwhile at Co. Antrim, a fire at St Mary's Catholic Church at Bushmills is believed to be an arson attack.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 9th Jul 2000
1 hr 28 mins 21
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Drumcree Sunday 2000
Live coverage of the day's events as they unfold from the Drumcree Orange Order parade which was rerouted. (12.00pm) Live to Drumcree church where Orangemen have gathered for their church service, after which they will march to the Army and RUC road block preventing them from entering the Garvaghy Road district. After an update a news report details last nights dissident Republican car bomb attack on Stewartstown RUC station, with eye-witness accounts. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 9th Jul 2000
3 mins 23 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Headlines, then review of today's events at Drumcree, which so far has passed off peacefully. Film report from Denis Ireland with comments of Harold Gracey attacking Tony Blair and calling for protests to continue, then the reaction of Brendan McKenna (residents spokesman) calling for Gracey to apologise to Catholic community in Northern Ireland for the hurt, pain and trauma the Orange protests have caused.

Then report on the 250lb RIRA bomb attack on Stewartstown RUC base with comments of M. McGuinness (SF)

(10.00pm; Sunday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 10th Jul 2000
9 mins 53 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
The Orange Order has called for peaceful protests across N.Ireland today between 4.00pm and 8.00pm, many businesses will be closing early, about fifty Orangemen protested outside the Parades Commission offices in Belfast this morning, from there David Burrows (Portadown) explains their actions.

Meanwhile in Greyabbey the army has dealt with a suspect package outside the home of Billy Martin (Parades Commission Member).

Airports and ports are concerned about disruption to holiday makers, Mike Pearson (Aldergrove Airport) comments on peoples worries and steps to be taken to avoid missing their planes, then latest from the Ports.

David Trimble (First Minister) has called for protests to be peaceful in his comments to the press, then overnight violence report from Drumcree which wasn't serious, film of J. Adair (UFF) at Drumcree, then remarks from Peter Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary) on violence, followed by D. Jones (Orange Order) reply to Mandelson.

Across Northern Ireland trouble erupted, reports from Newtownabbey, Rathcoole where the RUC blamed loyalist paramilitaries. Film report has comments of Campbell Dixon (RUC Superintendent), then report from Carrickfergus with views there of Peter Wadsworth (local CBI Chief).

In Dungannon, two men, Gareth Brown (19) and Neil Farguhar (18) appeared in court charged with riotous behaviour.

It's emerged one of the cars used by the RIRA in the Stewartstown bomb had been stolen in Belfast in February, from Stewartstown a film report on thhe damages caused to homes with comments of Sean Mackie (Housing Executive), then Martin McGuinness (SF, MP) filmed visiting the area, where local woman, Pauline O' Neill comments on the damage to her home.

(1.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 10th Jul 2000
18 mins 25 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Roads deserted, businesses close early as Orange Order protests begin, they say they're happy with the way the protests are going. Film report from Belfast barricades at Ravenhill Road, Thomas Spence (Ormeau Road protestor) comments, then tourist gets advice to stay in his hotel for four hours, at 3.20pm Belfast streets are deserted, Frank Caddy (Chamber of Trades) comments on effects on inward investment and jobs, then Anne Divers (Licensed Vintners Assoc.) comments, then Ciaran Rogan (Translink) comments on effect on their timetables. Next report, reports on the Orange protest strengthened on Belfast's roads, then coverage of today's Orange leaders calls for peaceful protests.

M2, M3 and M5 closed by hijacked car. In the morning Orangemen protested at the Parades Commission Offices, Film report and interview with David Burrows (Portadown) and Noel Liggett (Ballynafeigh).

At Ormeau Road, Orangemen have blocked the bridge, stone throwing at Shankill and Falls peace line.

At Airports, flights are leaving on time, but roads leaving to the airport have been blocked, travellers went to airport early, travellers comment at Aldergrove, then Mick Pearson (airport authorities) views.

Next report is from 3.00pm in Belfast as the exodue begins, then film of blockades in East Belfast, and Shafresbury Square and then list of other blockages shoen for towns outside Belfast across Northern Ireland. In a film Peter Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary) calls for Orangemen to protest peacefully and enter into dialogue about parades, then D. Trimble (UUP) calls for dialogue with Parades Commission over squencing and timing, then B. Rodgers (SDLP) also calls for dialogue, then A. Maskey(SF) says Orangemen have damaged their cause. William McCrea (DUP) says the government is to blame, he wants a parade down the Garvaghy Road. Then live to Drumcree, David Jones (Portadown) explains what they hope to prove by today's protests. He calls Mandelson a fool with a short memory and says Parades Commission has caused the problems. He then outlines further protests planned and refuses to accept responsibility for any violence.

Next report is on the overnight violence beginning in Drumcree Hill riot, J. Adair (Shankill Loyalist) was again present. In East Antrim, blast bombs thrown and arson attacks in Bangor. In Carrickfergus, the RUC were attacked and other violent incidents in Shankill and Donegall Pass areas mentioned. Further arson attacks in Banbridge and Coleraine. The PUP says the UVF wasn't involved in the Carrickfergus violence, interview with Carolyn Howarth (PUP).

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 10th Jul 2000
12 mins 7 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Latest coverage of Drumcree protests, (MISSING) tonight in Bangor, a Catholic church was attacked by a Loyalist mob, in Portadown the Army used water cannons as they were attacked by three hundred Loyalists. Film report begins with lodges on hill, then shows stand off and trouble near town centre, and also tonight the RUC prevented DerryCairn Orange Lodge walking along the Garvaghy Road. Meanwhile Orange road blocks are still in many places tonight. A film report highlights the situation in East Belfast in Sandy Row, in Lurgan, at Carlisle Circus, Belfast and Derry, Newbuildings.

Next report covers the reaction of Gerry Adams (SF) who's in Washington, he criticises the RUC response, then report from home of Sadie Logan in Newbuildings, who's home was attacked last night, she was in local police liaison committee. She comments on Orange protests then Ian Hamill's (RUC Superintendent) reaction.

In Stewartstown, repairs continue after the RIRA car bomb yesterday. Film report with Sean Mackie's (Housing Executive) comments, then M. McGuinness (SF) visits one of the damaged houses.

Next report looks at the long history of Unionist politicians involved with Drumcree as calls are made for them to hold a Stormont debate. Begins with 1995 Paisley/Trimble jig, but Orangemen aren't happy with current level of politician support. William McCrea (DUP, MLA) comments on withdrawing from Stormont, Martin Smyth (UUP MP) doesn't support disrupting Westminister, D. Trimble (UUP) say talks with Parades Commission is the way forward. Next then live report from Drumcree Hill on current mood and situation there, and report on what happened earlier when Derrycairn Orange Parade was blocked by the RUC and the Orangemen's reactions, then news summary.

(10.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 11th Jul 2000
16 mins 40 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Loyalists protests continue, M.McGuiness (Education Minister) has accused the RUC of standing idly by during the protests. Film report begins at Drumcree Hill with fireworks thrown at the RUC lines, elsewhere in Portadown water cannons were used on crowd in West Street. The RUC have released the latest statistics on the violence, chart shown includes two hundred and eighty attacks on RUC, thirteen shooting incidents, fifty seven RUC injured, two hundred and eighty petrol bombings, seventy seven homes damaged etc.

Today M. McGuinness (SF) says Nationalists are disgusted with the RUC response to Orange violence, film report on his comments. Patrick Walsh (Catholic Bishop)

in a statement today said the situation was intolerable, he criticised the bitter speeches of some.

Meanwhile The Co. Armagh Grand Lodge called for peaceful protests and said supported the Portadown Lodges protest. Today also road blocks have been set up but not on the scale of yesterday, there have also been bomb hoaxes, film report from Lisburn, Dunmurray Magherlin Orange Hall gets bomb alert, road blocked in Green Island and at Broadway in Belfast, overall protests didn't cause major disruption. Then list of roads still blocked shown. Then live interview with Jim Rodgers (UUP Cllr) who's also an Orangeman, he says he disappointed at attacks on RUC and army and Orangemen should rethink their tactics as they are dictating events.

In Co. Antrim an Orange Hall was petrol bombed, film report covers Nationalist attacks on the Orange Order and other violent incidents overnight, including the Aghalee attack where an eye witness describes what happened, then Stanley Gilmore's (Lodge Master) views. In Ballyclare a Catholic Church was set alight as was a Catholic Church in Glenarm and in Bangor one hundred and fifty Loyalists stoned the local Catholic Church and on East Belfast's Albertbridge Road, blanks were fired at the RUC, Jim Rodgers comments.

In Antrim Oran Keenan (SDLP Cllr) had his car hijacked at an Orange protest, he describes what happened, a similar incident happened to Andrew Davidson (Indep. Cllr) outside Derry, he describes what happened, also in Derry petrol bombs found and in Claudy, an attempt was made to burn down a Catholic Primary School, and at Annaghmore near Drumcree a pub was set alight, Colette Doherty (Pub Owner) gives her reaction.

In Courts Lord Justice Nicholson has hit out at public figures who call people onto the streets, he spoke during bail hearings for rioters. Then in the studio R. Flanagan (RUC Chief Cons.) defends the RUC handling of the Orange protests over the last few days and says people should bear with them, he says RUC behaves proportionally, one hundred and forty arrests made he says, others will follow later. He denies the RUC would deal with Catholic or Nationalist protests differently. He praises use of only four plastic bullets.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 12th Jul 2000
16 mins 50 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
It's the first 12th July of the century, and in Larne the UFF are being blamed for killing Andrew Cairns (32) (UVF) at a bonfire fight. Film report with eye witness account from Jack McKee (DUP Cllr), then George Mongomery (RUC Det. Insp.) gives their account of events and their line of inquiry.

Next report covers overnight violence beginning in Portadown where loyalists again attacked the RUC at Corcoran estate, then film clip from Belfast, Shankhill Road where 5 UFF gunmen fired volley's of shots into the air at a bonfire. The scene was also repeated at a Sandy Row bonfire.

In Coleraine, a 33 year old man died after being stabbed in the Ballysally Estate. Film report on Robert McMullan's death. In East Belfast another man is also stabbed at a bonfire, he's seriously ill.

In the Moy, lorries belonging to a mushroom farmer were destroyed in an arson attack, film report with comments of Jim O'Donald (K. Hughes Co.) . Denis Watson (Armagh's County Grand Master) speaking at Killyleagh demonstation said violence must be condemned. Film report begins with David Jones (Portadown Spokesman) comments on the Drumcree Hill protest during 12th demonstrations, then Denis Watson's speech on violence, followed by speech of Robert Saulters attacking internal dissenters. In Belfast and Lurgan security was increased around flashpoint Orange Demonstations, the first report is from the Springfield Road in Belfast, loyalist tunes played from a car even though Parades Commission had banned music, Nationalists blew whistles, views of Frances McAuley (Residents Spokeswoman). Then views of Welsey McCready (Orangeman). Meanwhile on the Ormeau Bridge, the Orange Parade was stopped by the army. Film report with Gerard Rice (Ormeau residents spokesman) comments. In Lurgan an Orange Feeder Parade and Nationalist counter demonstation passed off peacefully. Meanwhile at the Belfast twelth field speeches, Jim Rodgers (UUP, Cllr) was heckled when he spoke in defence of the RUC. Film report covers the Belfast demonstration, with Dawson Baillie interview, and film of the march going towards the Ormeau Park. Then film clip of Rodgers being heckled with his comments afterwards. Next report is from West Minister where the Police Bill is being debated, Film report with Andrew McKay's(Tory) comments praising the RUC, then Trimble opposes the 50/50 recruiting programme in the bill.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 13th Jul 2000
11 mins 57 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
In Belvoir Estate, South Belfast a seventy-five year man is beaten with a sledge hammer in his home. Film report with Angela Lally's comments (neighbour), then Daivd Boultwood's (RUC Chief Insp.) reaction, then views of Fred Ferguson (PUP) and anonymous neighbour's comments.

In Larne, the RUC issue a fresh appeal for information on yesterday's killing of Andrew Cairns (32) at a local bonfire.

In Coleraine, Andrew (MISSING) is accused of killing Robert McMullan on Tuesday night.

At Scrara, the annual Sham Fight took place but beneath the surface of Orangeism there are increasing divisions, film report begins with Denis Watson's speech on violence, then individual unidentified Orangemen declare their views on violence. Billy Kennedy (Orange paper writer) comments on the role of Portadown orangemen in pushing their agenda. Then Ruth Dudley Edwards (Author, Faithful Tribe) says the Order is heading down a suicidal course, by putting politics before religion. Then in the studio, Robert Saulters (Orange Chief) gives his reply by saying Edwards is listening to disgruntled Orangemen, he says there is no call for further protests, now it's time to reflect, although the Drumcree Hill protest will go ahead, he appeals to Gracey not to call people onto the streets, the members will decide if talks are to take place with the Parades Commission.

(6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 13th Jul 2000
12 mins 11 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Mad dog the Ulsterman
The opening minutes are missing from this programme about Johnny Adair (maddog) who is profiled and interviewed by Martin Bashir (journalist). It begins with Adair filmed on Drumcree Hill in a UFF t-shirt and accompanied by Shankill Road colleagues, then Adair in face to face interview discusses his reasons for going as film clip is shown of LVF firing a volley of shots beside Adair.

Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 14th Jul 2000
13 mins 13 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
It appears that Loyalists today have turned their backs on Portadown Orange Lodges for more protests. Film report on the failure of their 3.00pm - 6.00pm protest call and speculation on split in Orange ranks. Report begins with Harold Gracey attempt to lead three hundred Orangement up the Garvaghy Road, then comments of B. McKenna, then film of poor protest turnout across Belfast at Drumcree. The fortifications are being removed. Last night Robert Saulters said Portadown had acted over the heads of the Grand Lodge of Ireland. Today Dawson Baillie (Belfast Chief) backs up Saulters views. Meanwhile the Garvaghy Road residents held a press conference saying the Orange violence was postponing, further the slim chance there is of a resolution to the impasse. Film report with Brendan McKenna's views.

Next report is on the financial cost of this latest Drumcree number six, RUC statistics shown on violent incidents, profile of the damage to roads, policing costs of previous Drumcrees, then Bill Jeffrey (Federation of Small Businesses) comments on financial loses.

Next report is on a petrol bomb attack on the Catholic Church of Fr Brendan McMullan who had his car hijacked by loyalists earlier in the week, still pictures of the car hijacking at the village area and then the damage to his Derriaghy Church.

In Ballymena, a Protestant church was attacked for the second time in three years. In the courts, charges against B. McKenna (Garvaghy Road Residents Spokesman) over an incident at an Orange arch have been withdrawn. Then in the studio, Clifford Smyth (Orange Historian) answers the question who's running the Orange Order, Portadown or Grand Lodge, he says the Orange Order has fallen into an IRA and British Government trap. He criticises the Parades Commission existence and blames the loyalist parlamilitaries involvement as being about their turf war.

S. Mallon (Deputy First Minister) has denied he will resign over changes to the Police Bill. Meanwhile B. Ahern (Irish Prime Minister) has said he will be discussing the issue with T. Blair. Film report.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 15th Jul 2000
2 mins 54 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
RUC say a Castlewellan man is lucky to be alive after a booby trap device exploded under his car. Film report with Brendan McGuigan (RUC Superintendent) comments.

In Larne the funeral of Andrew Cairns was attended by several hundred people, film report.

Portadown Orangemen are to meet Robert Saulters (Orange Chief) to discuss the way forward in the Drumcree Parade impasse. Meanwhile last night some minor trouble occurred at Drumcree.

(6.00pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 24th Jul 2000
39 mins 23 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Programme Title:
You Only Live Once
Marjorie ('Mo') Mowlam interview answers mostly light hearted questions but admits British bugged Gerry Adam's car. This programme involves Mo Mowlam (former N.Ireland Secretary of State) giving an interview to Nick (MISSING) in a mostly light-hearted format, he introduces her as the most popular politician in Britain, not Tony Blair. (10.00pm) ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 24th Jul 2000
13 mins 32 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Michael Stone (UFF Milltown killer) has been released from the Maze. Film report of him leaving prison with Jim Grey. Frankie Gallagher, film of mural of him in East Belfast, then interview with him at East Belfast press conference, he says he supports the peace process and that all deaths are regrettable, and he hopes to re-integrate into his community. He agrees with suggestion loyalists should decommission weapons. Then film shown of Milltown attack, Stone is asked for his views on M. McGuinness (SF) as Education Minister, the man he tried to kill, he says it's ironic McGuinness is in charge of his grand kids education. By the years end, all the prisoners will be out of the Maze.

Next report from Ivan Little profiles M. Stone, with film clip of Milltown attack, his wall mural and his personal artwork in prisoners aid offices, then court art on day of his conviction. Back to Milltown attack, film and names of the three men killed read out, sixty also injured, prior to Milltown he shot dead Paddy Brady (SF) in November 1984, then he killed Kevin McPolin (joiner) in Lisburn in 1985, then Dermot Hackett near Omagh in May 1987. Justice Higgins sentenced him to thirty years, film clip of outside the court that day, with comments of widow of John Murray. In 1997, film clip of his comments on Paddy Brady killing, then film clip of him at Mowlam meeting and his later attendance at an Ulster rally with Frankie Gallagher (GaeLairn Group), who comments on his views of M. Stone. Then Roddy Hackett, whose brother, Dermot was killed by Stone says in an interview, if his release stops any more killing he will accept it even if he's not happy about it.

Jackie Mahood (former PUP) claims the UVF tried to kill him last night. Film report with profile of Mahood's past, in November 1997 he was shot by UVF. The Police Federation is unhappy with the RUC early retirement scheme announced today, David McClurg (Spokesman) explains his concerns in an interview.

In Co. Fermanagh, the Wattle Bridge Orange Hall has been destroyed in an arson attack. Film report with George Johnston's (District Master) comments on marching issue in his area.

In Strabane a school escaped serious damage in an arson attack. Film report with Karl McGurk's (Caretaker) comments.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 25th Jul 2000
6 mins 48 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then Peter Mandelson speaking in Armagh made wide ranging speech, commenting on the prisoner releases this week, and he told paramilitaries their days are over he also critised the Orange Orders recent Drumcree protests, and on policing he said the name and badge will change of the RUC. Sinn Fein statement is critical of his speech. Then in the studio, political comment on his speech contents from Ken Reid.

Then on the Shankill Road Frank McCoubrey (UDP, Deputy Mayor of Belfast) has helped paint out a UFF mural in Dover Street praising UFF atrocities. Film report with F. McCoubrey interview, he calls on Sein Fein to do the same on the Falls Road. Tom Hartley (SF) comments.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 28th Jul 2000
15 mins 14 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Today eighty-six prisoners walked out of the Maze prison under the Good Friday Agreement, the Maze is now almost empty. Film report on Maze scenes of jubilation, firstly eight inmates bundled into casrs, with comments of William Smith (PUP) on not glorifying this occasion. Earlier one hundred UFF supporters with banners marched towards the Maze, for release of twelve inmates including J.Adair (UFF Commander), John White's (UDP) interview, then six LVF prisoners released including Norman Couprey jailed for murder of Catholic, James Morgan (16) in Clough, in 1997, then Torrens Knight and Geoffrey Deeney, the killers at Greysteel filmed. The first republicans out where six INLA men, the only three INLA men inside are those who killed Billy Wright in 1997, Willie Gallagher (IRSP) comments, then cheering, confetti and champagne greeted the release of forty six PIRA prisoners, including Shankill bomber, Sean Kelly who got nine life sentences, then Michael Caraher (South Armagh Sniper) released, then Bernard McGinn (South Armagh) who made the PIRA bomb at the Baltic Exchange, had got 490 years, Jim McVeigh (Maze PIRA OC) comements to the press. A delegation from the Unionist Relatives of Victims, FAIR watched the releases, Willie Frasier (Spokeman) says the government betrayed Northern Ireland.

With fourteen prisoners left, the Maze closes at the end of the year. Earlier in the day, Peter Mandelson gives his reaction to the day's celebrations during prisoner releases, he has just released Mr McArdle, the docklands bomber and he comments on this and calls for prisoner to show the public the war is over. He calls for end to paramilitarism and says normalisation will continue.

In Dublin, D. Trimble met B. Ahern, firstly to congratulate authorities on seizure of arms for IRA in Balkens, after the meeting, B. Ahern gives Irish Government views on Policing reforms, then Trimble blamed republicans for the policing difficulties in his comments.

Next story reports on the future of the Maze's three hundred acre site, with old film clips of Nissen Huts, Ivan Bell (UUP, MLA) gives his views rejecting museum idea, then Paul Butler's (SF) supports Museum idea, then Edwin Poots(DUP) is hostile to Sinn Fein stance, then local residents proposals and a vox-pop from Lisburn on local views about Maze's future.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 28th Jul 2000
16 mins 46 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Report on approximately eighty-six prisoner releases from the Maze. Brian Rowan's (security journalist) report begins with film of Sean Kelly's (PIRA) release, he's the Shankill bomber, then comments of Jim McVeigh (PIRA Maze OC). Then film clip of Bernard McGinn's release, then Michael Caraher, then Torrens Knight (LVF) hides from the cameras, he's the Greysteel killer, with fillm of his court appearance seven years ago shouting, then film of Jeffrey Deeney, then film of J. Adair's(UFF) release with his comments to the press. Then from inside the Maze, Brian Rowan details the Maze's future with Jackie McDonald (UDA) calling for the Maze to be destroyed. Next report features the scene in the car park as the prisoners are released. William Smith (PUP) comments, by contrast thirty minutes later the twelve UFF men released meet a more celebratory reception from supporters, J. White (UDP) comments, followed by their supporters chanting UFF slogans. When the loyalists leave, the republicans are released, first report on forty six PIRA men, Jim Dixon (FAIRS) comments as he looks on at the releases, he believes the peace achieved, justifies the pain.

Meanwhile Trimble warns prisoners they are on license and can be re-jailed. Next report looks at victims reactions on Shankill, Alan McBride, whose wife and father in law died in the Shankill bomb gives his reaction, he is realistic about it, he says but fears meeting Sean Kelly, but he accepts it. From Greysteel Rosie Fahey who was shot and survived gives her reaction to UFF releases, she accepts it for peace's sake. Keiran O'Doherty's daughter was wounded he's against all releases. Then report on Vale Center Enterprise Park built as memorial to Greysteel dead with comments of Martin Quinn, then Rosie Fahey on protecting the young from future violence, she recalls her feelings about Greysteel.

In Croatia a man has been arrested on an arms charge linked to importing guns for RIRA. Film report from Dublin shows the list of weapons and previous dissident republicans arms then B. Ahern comments on Garda success after meeting D. Trimble (UUP).

(6.30pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 2nd Aug 2000
8 mins 26 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
G.Mc Michael (UDP) has called on Tony Holland (Parades Commission Chairman) to resign if they mistakenly gave the names and addresses of marching bands secretaries to J.Kelly (SF).Film report with details and G. McMichael's interview.

Meanwhile in Derry the Apprentice Boys ar to meet the Bogside residents Group to try and agree about the Relief of Derry Parade on Saturday week. Film report with Donnacha MacNiallis(BRCTS) comments, then Alastair Simpson (Apprentice Boys Governor) views. In Newtonbutler a residents group has called off it's anti-march protest because restrictions have been placed on the parades.

In the Lagan Valley Hospital today, B. DeBrun (Health Minister, SF) had to make a hasty exit due to a DUP protest. Film report with protestors comments, including Edwin Poots (DUP), then B. DeBrun's reaction.

In Dublin B. Ahern has said four PIRA men jailed for killing Garda McCabe during a robbery will not be released under the Good Friday Agreement. Film report with interview.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 4th Aug 2000
7 mins 48 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The PUPs has protested over Sinn Fein's refusal to fly the Union flag on their Ministries by plastering Union Jacks over the Department of Health. Film report with Billy Hutchinson (PUP) comments. A. Maskey (SF) called today's actions intimidating and sectarian in his comments. At mid-day twenty one gun salute fired at Hillsborough. The Orange Order has rejected findings of a poll on parades on the lower Ormeau Road, which called for ban on marches through the area. Film report on Poll findings with Gerard Rice (Lower Ormeau Residents Spokesman) views, then Dawson Baillie (Orange Order) views, M. Smyth (UUP, MP) also rejects the poll.

Reg Empey (UUP) visited Culturlen on the Falls Road, then reaction of Roisin Ni Sheanain from Forbait Feirste. Empey also met Gerry Adams in the building.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 7th Aug 2000
6 mins 46 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Dissident Republicans are being blamed for the arms found in a car driving towards Belfast. Film report, G. McMichael (UDP) praises the arms find, weapons on display. In the studio Henry McDonald (Observer Journalist) gives a current assessment of Dissident Republican capabilities and experience.

The Parades Commission won't rule on the lower Ormeau Aprentice Boys Parade until Wednesday. Film report with film clips of previous parades and comments of Gerard Rice (Lwr Ormeau Rd). D. MacNellis (BRG) speaking in Derry, links events on the lower Ormeau to events in Derry's main Apprentice Boys Parade. The Parades Commission at present doesn't want to make a delicate situation more difficult.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 9th Aug 2000
12 mins 8 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The Apprentice Boys Parade is banned from the Lower Ormeau Road, and re-routed. Film report with the commissioner view, to use mediators between the two sides, to try and resolve the impasse for future parades or before the end of the year. Tony Holland (Chairman) outlines his views, then G. Rice (LORCA) gives his reaction to the commission ruling and the conditions needed to permit a parade, as he sees it, then Alastair Simpson (Apprentice Boys Governor) gives his reaction as he continues to talk to the Bogside Residents Group in Derry.

Sir Josias Cunningham (President of the UUP) had been killed in a car crash at Carryduff, Co. Down. Film report on death of Trimble's ally, with film clips and reaction from his colleague Ken Maginnis (MP).

In Belfast courts, an Omagh man, George McCartney appeared on charges relating to the RUC seizure of dissident republican arms on the M1 yesterday. Film report with still photo.

In Ballymena, a family escaped injury when shots were fired through the kitchen window. Film report with Charles Agnew's (house holder) reactions, he says they were visited by six men who asked them if they were Protestant or Catholics.

Last week, the army began dismantling a sengar in Crossmaglen as part of it's demilitarization programme, it's now gone. Today Gerry Adams (SF) visited Crossmaglen and visited James Quinn (householder) who's back garden was used by the army sengar. Film report with Gerry Adams interview on timetable for demilitarization. In reaction I. Paisley Jnr (DUP) said Adam' s was in South Armagh to quell republican dissidents.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 10th Aug 2000
11 mins 22 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Two people have been injured during a hold-up in Glengormley. Film report on incident where RUC shot a man in the hand, an employee was also injured.

In Armoy Post Office a legally held shotgun was fired at the robbers on e of whom might have been hit.

In Derry the Apprentice Boys have reached an agreement with The Bogside Resident's Group over Saturday's Parade in Derry. Film report with Alastair Simpson (Apprentice Boys) interview that the Derry formula will work elsewhere in Northern Ireland, then Derry residents give their reaction. Film clips of previous riots at Parade shown, then Luke Hasson's (local businessman) views, then Peter Sheridan's (RUC Superintendent) reaction.

On the Ormeau Road, Tommy Cheevers (Apprentice Boys Spokesman) gives their reaction to yesterday's Parades Commission ban on their parade down the lower Ormeau Road, he says they will engage with lower Ormeau Residents if they are genuine about new talks.

In three loyalist areas of Belfast overnight, homes and cars were attacked, locals have blamed republicans. Film report from Sandy Row with Derek Anderson's (resident) views, then from Shankill's Denmark Street where Chris McGimpsey (UUP, Cllr) and B. Hutchinson's (PUP) comments. Seven cars were also vandalised on the West Circular Road, Michael Browne (SF, Cllr) denies republicans were responsible.

The Police Authority have criticised the RUC over it's handling of last month's Drumcree protests saying more should have been done to remove road blocks.

Next report is on a fireman's job in Northern Ireland, currently attacks on firemen here are increasingly common. Tom Wright (Assistant Area Commander) explains, then Gabriel Ferguson's(Station Officer) views, Brian Connolly (Station Officer) views then old film clips of troubles fires.

(6.30pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 11th Aug 2000
13 mins 3 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
In Derry the RUC claims it has failed a massive half ton dissident Republic bomb attack on Derry city, the van crashed through an RUC road block and was abandoned in the Republic. Film report with Garda comments and reaction from Cathal Crumley (SF, Mayor of Derry), then G. Campbell (DUP) condemns Mandelson's demilitarization plans.

In Magherafelt, a loyalist pipe bomb has been found by the roadside, then report on Harland & Wolff's court case against Global Marine over financial difficulties, and £130 million dispute.

On Antrim Road, in North Belfast a man has been shot in the leg during an attempted robbery. Film report with comments from Kevin Geddes (RUC Det. Sergeant).

In West Belfast the UFF have re-instated it's threat to shoot anyone attacking loyalist homes in interface areas. Film report show armed UFF men stopping cars at a road block, a shot was fired as RUC arrived. Then John White (UDP) on UFF's actions which he supports. Next reaction from Alec Attwood (SDLP).

Meanwhile Catholic homes at Ardoyne, Carrickhill and Mountain View in Belfast were attacked last night by loyalists gangs. Film report firstly from Crumlin Road, with eye witness account of Jim Clark, then Lisa Smyth, with reaction from Gerry Kelly (SF), then report from Carrick Hill attack with eye witness, Frank Dempsey's comments. Then reaction of John White (UDP).

In Coleraine's Harper Hill estate, four men fired a shot at a house slightly injuring a woman. Film report and in Lisburn four men broke into a house and beat a 19 year old woman.

Iris Robinson (Mayor of Castlereagh, DUP) has dedicated a memorial window in the Council Offices in memory of those killed in the 1978 La Mon Hotel bombing. Film report with victims relatives views and comments of Iris Robinson, then David Esler (Artist) explains his artwork, then Alex Withers (former fireman,) who was on duty that night explains his feelings.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 15th Aug 2000
14 mins 50 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
On the second anniversary of the Omagh bomb, the town gathers to remember. Film report from Memorial Service with Kenny Young (Pastor) and comment from Liam McQuaid (Cllr), then views of victim's husband, Stanley McCombe. Then live from Omagh interview with Rev. Robert Herron and Liam McQuiad (Omagh Council Chairman, Cllr) who appeals for more information to be given to the police.

In North Belfast, interface violence saw Catholic and Protestant homes attacked and a boy escape injury when shots were fired. Film report from Clifton Park Avenue attack with survivors interviewed.

Housing Executive say thirty six people left homeless due to violence over the last six weeks, then Cathy Stanton (SF, Cllr) reaction.

Meanwhile in Woodvale Drive, Protestants homes were attacked. Film report with John McVicars (Residents Association) comments, then Fred Cobain's (UUP,Cllr)


Meanwhile in Larne the RUC suspect a sectarian motive for attacks on homes. Film report with Jack McKees (DUP, Cllr) reaction. Meanwhile in Ballymena, twenty youths rioted for an hour. Also last night on the Old Park Road, John Adair (UFF Leader) claims republicans tried to kill him with a pipe bomb. Film report with John White's (UDP) explanation, J. Adair' s account of what happened. Programm profiles past use of pipe bombs by loyalists, then G. Kelly (SF) rejects republicans were involved. RUC say the car reportedly damaged hasn't been produced for examination.

In an interview on the Omagh Anniversary and the increasing interface violence, Adam Ingram (NIO Minister) appeals for information to be given to the RUC and calls for community leaders to assistance with interface violence, he condemns UFF threats of recent days.

(6.30pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 17th Aug 2000
8 mins 44 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then in the latest sectarian attacks in Belfast, three Catholic homes in the Lower Falls were attacked at midnight. Film report with Margaret Robinson's (Resident)

reaction. Then Margaret Walsh's (SDLP Cllr) comments on the damage to her home. Later at a new conference Gary McMichael (UDP) called for an end to all attacks, film report on his comments and views on the UFF threats to kill. Then G. Kelly (SF) gives his reaction to UDP comments. Next report covers the last ever RUC passing out parade, which was addressed by Ronnie Flanagan (RUC Chief Cons). Film report from Garnerville with Flanagan's speech, then interview with Susan Wright (New Officer) on the new things she been learning, the Constable Jackie Adams remarks, RUC still only 8.4%.

Last night in Derry, Gerry Adams (SF) spoke at a commemoration for three IRA Vols. Killed bu their own bomb, he spoke on Unity and said Unionists would be better off in a united Ireland. Film report on his speech then reaction from Sammy Wilson (DUP, MLA) and Jim Rodgers (UUP).

(6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 19th Aug 2000
1 mins 36 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
At the REX Bar, Shankill, three men are shot and injured after a paramilitary parade passed by. Film report from community festival parade on Shankill and UVF and LVF clash during it, with Billy Hutchinson's (PUP) comments, then film of masked man in parade. (6.00pm) (Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 19th Aug 2000
4 mins 26 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Two men have been shot and wounded at the REX bar on the Shankill Road, the PUP are blaming the UFF and LVF. No film report yet.

On the Falls Road, an RUC man has been knocked down and killed by a car. Film report. Man named as William Thompson (RUCR), married with two children.

In Magherafelt the RUC have warned the public to look out for suspicious objects after a bomb warning was received.

Last night in West Belfast, relatives of the Omagh bomb victims picketted a dissident republican fund raising event. Film report with Lawrence Rush's statement, then Michael Gallagher's comments. Martin Galvin (Ex-Noraid) was due to address the fund raising event, at one point Marian Price asked the Omagh relatives to leave the grounds, the protest continued outside the pub gates. In Lisburn, six paramilitaries atacked a group of youths in a house, three of the youths needed hospital treatment and in Dunmurray a 35 year old man was shot in both legs.

(5.00pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 21st Aug 2000
14 mins 5 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
A second man dies after a day of violence on the Shankill Road, film report on double killing on Crumlin Road of UDA aligned Jackie Coulter and Bobby Mahood who was sitting beside him, he's believed to have been a UVF supporter. Shortly after this the UVF also shot up the UFFs prisoners aid offices on the Shankill Road, then a twenty strong UDA mob attacked and burned down the PUP offices also on the Shankill. A nearby taxi office was also smashed up. When the RUC entered the lower Shankill they were forced to withdraw and the RUC later fired shots in the Malvern Street area, two people were arrested and weapons recovered in Brookmount Street area. Then review of Saturday's attack on the UVF's Rex Bar, when seven people were injured and homes attacked later. Today B. Hutchinson (PUP) wouldn't condemn today's killings in his interview, but calls it a tragedy. Then J. White (UDP) admits the area is out of control and condemns today's killings, he blames the UVF. The RUC have moved the army into the area. Next report is on the reaction of Peter Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary), he calls it gang warfare, he won't say if the UDA/UVF have broke their ceasefires. Then in the studio Henry McDonald (journalist) comments on the reasons behind the current violent outbreak, then Ken Maginnis (UUP, MP) gives his assessment of the paramilitary rivalries and he calls for support for the police, he would re-arrest those out on license who are involved. Next report looks at the history of the SDLP on it' s 30th Birthday, with old film clips and comments from John Hume (SDLP Leader) on his parties aims and beliefs.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 21st Aug 2000
10 mins 26 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Latest coverage from situation on the Shankill Road begins with earlier killing of Jackie Coulter and Bobby Mahood, J.Adair and J.White visit the scene and J.White gives the UDP reaction, then report on series of violent incidents following the murder with comment of B. Hutchinson (PUP). Film of army patrols in the area, then coverage of P. Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary) remarks. Rev. Roy Magee (Mediator) calls for calm. Next report looks back to Saturday's 'Community Festival' parade on the Shankill and the incident at the Rex Bar which sparked off the killings. After an attack on his home, Gusty Spence (Former UVF Commander) comments to the press as does Winston Rea whose home was also attacked, then Mary Graham (78) who's hiding out in the PUP offices talks about the attack on her and her son by the UFF, then Hugh Smyth's (PUP Cllr) reactions. Next interview is with Ken Maginnis (UUP, MP) on his views on the current loyalist violence, then reaction from M. McLaughlin (SF), the John Hume's (SDLP) views.

The Tory Shadow Secretary of State has highlighted J. Adairs recent role, then film report covers his movements since his release from the Maze, one year ago, including at Drumcree protests and Flanagan's warnings. Then Brian Rowan (BBC Security Correspondent) profiles the latest security forces response on the Shankill.

(10.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 22nd Aug 2000
2 mins
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Peter Mandelson (The N.Ireland Secretary) has revoked the early release license for J.Adair. Film report, then report from Shankill area on current situation with comments of May Blood.

(9.00pm) (Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 22nd Aug 2000
16 mins 3 mins
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Attacks continue as UVF and UFF feud continues, film report on shots fired at houses across N.Ireland. Frank Cunningham (PUP) describes the attack on his home in Gervock, Co. Antrim, then in Portballintrae, Stephen Hanna (PUP) profiles the gun attack on his home. Then Willie Hay (DUP, MLA) calls for all attacks to cease, then report from Derry's Waterside on a further attack and in Coleraine, the car of a Senior PUP man was vandalised.

Next report is from the Shankill Road where J. Adair (UFF) appears in a bullet proof vest, as Housing Executive board up homes of ousted families. Security force presence was stepped up in the area. Meanwhile Peter Mandelson had a two hour meeting with Colm Campthorn (RUC Assistant Chief Cons) to discuss the situation, back on the Shankill Jim Rodgers (UUP,Cllr) comments on a meeting he had with J. Adair on the estate, he says the only people happy with the feud are IRA and Sinn Fein, in a separate interview the Rev. Roy Magee says the feuding Paramilitaries aren?t ready to engage in peace talks yet, then John White (UDP Chairman) confirms this view point in his interview, saying talk of mediation is scorned upon. Then B. Hutchinson (PUP) says mediation will happen at some time. Michael Ancram (Former Tory Northern Ireland Minister) has called on the NIO to rejail all those released from the Maze under Good Friday Agreement who are involved in the current feud, especially J. Adair and M. Stone. Anti-agreement Peter Weir (UUP, MLA) supports Ancrams call in his comments. Then M. McLaughlin (SF) says loyalism needs to sort it's house out and get back to Good Friday Agreement agenda. May Blood (Shankill Community Worker) describes the Shankill atmosphere as worse than the Shankill bomb in 1993. Film report with May Blood interview, she says feud is a turf war and there's too much bitterness for mediation.

The RUC have recovered five guns in Brookmount Street and arrested two men and a further gun was found in the Lisburn Road area. Then in the studio Chris McGimpsey, (UUP, Shankill Cllr) comments on the importance of the security presence on the Shankill estates. He says the Shankill Community is destroying itself and he rejects re-arresting released prisoners enmasse.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 23rd Aug 2000
14 mins 51 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Johnny Adair is to challenge the Secretary of States decision to evoke his early release licence, meanwhile the RUC are still questioning six Loyalists about recent violence.

Film report from Shankill area from Ken Reid has Gina Adair protesting her husband's innocence, then UDP Chairman says he sees no end to the feud in his comments, then Billy Hutchinson (PUP) says presently there is no mediation, while Jim Rodgers (UUP, Cllr) questions the Adair arrest. Next report has coverage of Adair's recent media profile and examines the release of early release scheme, then Henry McDonald (Observer Journalist) gives his view why Mandelson had him re-arrested and the effect it will have on the Loyalist feud, then Dr Murray Power (Sentence Review Commissioner), who will hear Adair's appeal explains the next steps in the appeals process. Then Pat Conway (NIACRO) says his prisoner aid group believes early release scheme has been successful. Next report profiles Adair's importance within the Loyalist street politics, with film clips of him in prison and Mowlams views of him as dangerous. Film of his jail release under Good Friday Agreement, then review of recent internal loyalist tensions with Adair's insight comments on killings. Film of his appearance at Drumcree and in Portadown's show of strengths with similarity highlighted between shape of gunmen at Shankill shooting to Adair, then film of recent UFF and UVF feud attacks in North West Belfast. Then in the studio Peter Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary) gives an interview explaining why he revoked Adair's licence and the absence of any RUC court charges against Adair, it's a law and order issue not political expediency says Mandelson.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 24th Aug 2000
1 mins 5 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Short bulletin covering recent arms find on Shankill and appeal from Rev.Brian Moore (Shankill Minister) for an end to violence. (9.00pm) (Thursday) (opening titles missing) ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 24th Aug 2000
4 mins 18 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Detectives investigating disappearance of Judy Tennant have found a body near a Broughshane forest. Film report with George Montgomery (RUC Insp.) comments.

Next report on killing of Sam Rocket (21) as he visited his girlfriend with comments of Stephen Rocket (Uncle), reaction of Peter Mandelson in NIO statement.

Early today an earlier victim Bobby Mahood (48) was buried, funeral film report, then report on weapons find in Shankill area.

(11.30pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 24th Aug 2000
2 mins 38 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
On Crumlin road, Sam Rocket (21) (UVF) is shot dead by the UFF in latest Loyalist feud killing. Film clip of earlier funeral of Bobby Mahood, then Steven Rocket comments on his nephews killing, with reaction also from Billy Hutchinson (PUP) and film of recent arms find. (11.00pm) ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 25th Aug 2000
7 mins 7 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Broughshane body was Julie Tennant (21) man charged in Ballymena was Adrian Hay (26) film report. In Belfast, funeral of Jackie Coulter (UDA). Film report on private service.

M. McGuinness(SF) met Peter Mandelson and expresses concerns about loyalist attitudes to the peace process. Film report then live report from Shankill with comments of Jack McKee (Pastor) and Sammy Mooney (Businessman).

(6.30pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 26th Aug 2000
2 mins 48 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Eleven RIR Soldiers kidnapped in Sierre Lione (Africa). In Belfast RUC arrest Loyalists, then film report on funeral of Sam Rocket on Crumlin Road. Mandelson statement on Adair re-arrest. Blackmen parades report.

(5.00pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 28th Aug 2000
2 mins 10 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
The Rocket family home has been destroyed in an arson attack by men. Film report with remarks of J.White (UDP) on hopes for peace then William Smith's (PUP) reaction. In Newtownards a family survived an arson attack. (6.00pm) (Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 29th Aug 2000
7 mins 55 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then report from Coleraine where an eleven year old schoolgirl, Charlene Daly was wounded in the back in a gun attack on her home connected to the Loyalist feud. Film report with comments of Malcolm Brown (surgeon) on her condition. Then reaction from William Ross (UUP, MP), then G. Campbell (DUP), then S. Mallon (SDLP) views.

In Belfast the widow of Jackie Coulter (UDA) has claimed the UVF have tried to intimidate her from her home. Film report includes interview with Tracey Coulter, she condemns B. Hutchinson and UVF, also includes widow Agnes Coulter comments.

Next report covers the Governments plans to give prison officers here a medal for their service during the Troubles. In the studio Finlay Spratt (Prison Officer Assoc.) gives his reaction, it's long overdue but he wants a Prison Service Trust set up to assist families.

The Orange Vols. have claimed responsibility for burning down Brennans Bar in West Belfast. Film report, they also claimed burning the Giants Causeway Visitors Centre in April last.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 30th Aug 2000
5 mins 30 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
In Africa it's believed five of the eleven RIR Soldiers kidnapped in Sierre Lione have been released. No further new available.

The BBC has acquired video film of the original incident at the Rex Bar on the Shankill Road which sparked off the current UFF/UVF feud. Brian Rowan examines the pictures with comments from William Smith (PUP) on the presence of the LVF in a UDA parade and the current situation with the Shankill UFF, then John White (UDP) gives his attitude to the current feud.

In Carrickfergus, soldiers have been sent into the town following recent loyalist violence. Film report with details of the attack and comments of Harry Glass (UDP). Then William Hamilton (Indep. Cllr) views, then Sean Neeson's (Alliance Party) reactions.

In Coleraine, the mother of Charlene Daly (11) wounded in a feud gun attack yesterday has commented on her daughter's condition.

(11.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 30th Aug 2000
7 mins 46 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Britains Most Wanted(10.00pm) ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 30th Aug 2000
7 mins 46 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Britain's Most Wanted
Programme Title:
The Rosemary Nelson Murder
Appeal by police for information on the Nelson killing broadcast nationwide. Presented by Mary Nightingale this crime watch style programme appeals to the public for information to help solve crimes, tonight's programme includes the case of the murder of Rosemary Nelson (Civil Rights Lawyer) by Loyalists over a year ago. (10.00pm) ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 2nd Sep 2000
3 mins 11 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
William Smith (Senior PUP) speaking after a Loyalist band parade has said there was no one in the Shankill UFF they could trust in mediation talks. Film report on UVF parade to Brian Robinson Memorial and UVF statement. Earlier a PUP man's home in Silverstream had been target of a bomb attack and shots were fired at a Cambral Street house on the Shankill, a further attack on a man happened in the Lisburn Road area.

In Tullyvallen Orange Hall, a memorial service was held in memory of those killed there in an IRA attack in 1975. Film report.

(5.00pm; Saturday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 4th Sep 2000
12 mins 7 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Mo Mowlam will retire from politics at the next general election. Film report with an interview about her reasons with reaction from Seamus Mallon (SDLP), while the DUP won't be shedding any tears says G.Campbell (DUP). John Taylor (UUP, MP) recalls bad tempered experiences. Then film history of her time in Northern Ireland, including Drumcree, Sinn Fein into talks, visiting the Maze and Stormont rock concerts, then the whispering campaign.

The UFF leaders have said they will stand by their Shankill Units. Film report cover UVF statement at the weekend and William Smith's remarks. J. White (UDP) gives his reaction, then in the studio, David Ervine (PUP) gives his view of the UFF statement and the chances of a peaceful resolution to the feud, he avoids the issue of personalities but would welcome PUP-UDP talks.

Pat Finucane's widow, Geraldine has met Tony Blair (Prime Minister) to put her case for a full independent inquiry into his murder. Film report with Mrs G Finucane's views on her meeting with Blair and his response, she says she wants the truth exposed and this matter will never go to rest.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 5th Sep 2000
25 mins 17 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Solved And Unsolved
A look at the Donegal murder in May 1987 of RUC Constable Sam McLean. This document profiles the PIRA killing of Samuel McClean (RUC Constable) in his home county of Donegal in May 1987. (Tuesday) ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 6th Sep 2000
9 mins 13 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
The Omagh bomb victims inquests begin. Film report hears evidence on the bomb warnings and views of John Lecky, the family of Avril Monaghan are upset at the lack of recognition given to the deaths of her unborn twins. The first witness was a UTV telephonist who received two bomb warnings, a third warning went to the Samaritans, then lawyers questioned the RUC men who dealt with the warnings. Michael Gallagher (Victim's father) says the RUC should no be blamed, then Stanley McCombe describes his feelings during today's inquest, then Chris Capper (reporter) gives his analysis of today's events in courts.

Talks are to take place tomorrow between D. Ervine (PUP), Hugh Smyth(PUP) and William Smyth(PUP) and Gary McMichael (UDP), Davy Adams (UDP) and Frank McCoubrey (UDP). Report from Brian Rowan.

Meanwhile the Greater Shankill Community Group has appealed for an end to the fighting. May Blood comments, while a vox-pop on Shankill welcomes the talks, as does Ronnie Flanagan (RUC Chief Cons.) in his comments. Meanwhile the Garda have launched an appeal for information on the PIRA killling of Sam McClean (RUC Cons) at his Donegal home. Film report on the 2nd June 1987 killing.

(6.30pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 7th Sep 2000
9 mins 57 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Omagh victims families shown harrowing pictures at the Inquest hearing of the aftermath of the blast. Amateur video films shown in full. Film reports with reaction of Stanley McCombe and Michael Garraher, then Marlon Radford. The video film shown was shot by Pat McIlhatton, he tells of his feelings, then RUC video retracing the bombers route that day is shown.

Because of yesterday's aggressive questioning of RUC men they are now to be represented in court by their own lawyers. Then live report from outside the Coroners Court with reporters description of the video horrors, and description of the relatives reactions, Michael Gallagher has asked the coroner to include Francis Mackey and Colm Murphy (32 counties sovereignty Comm. Spokesmen) relating to the attack, to the line of witnesses to be called.

In the Shankill's Malvern Way district, the RUC have uncovered arms belonging to the UFF, film report pulled out when they claimed the UDA was attacking taxi-drivers on the Lower Shankill . Then reaction from Chris McGimpsey (UUP, Cllr) and Gary McMichael (UDP Leader).

(6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 8th Sep 2000
10 mins 34 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
There's been fresh violence on the Shankill this afternoon, but it failed to prevent the PUP and UDP planned talks on finding a way to end the feud. Film report with claim and counter claim from the UFF and UVF as to who started the trouble, which included attacks on homes, a shop and an ex-prisoner's car. Nicola Dunwoody recalls the attack on her home by thirty men, then William Smith's(PUP) reactions, and John White's (UDP) views.

At the Omagh Inquest it's revealed twenty of those who died did so at the scene, also radio transmissions of the RUC clearance efforts were played to the court. Film report with comments of victim's relatives, Michael Gallagher and Stanley McCombe. This morning the coroner ruled against calling Fancis Mackey(Thirty Two County Sovereignty Comm.) to the inquest and the coroner also heard submissions from the RUC's lawyer on the scope of the questions to RUC men yesterday. Then in the studio Jeannie Johnston (Reporter) assesses the RUC's performance this week under questioning and the reactions amongst Omagh families.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 10th Sep 2000
? mins
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Trimble Battles For Survival
Studio discussion between anti- and pro- Agreement parties.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 11th Sep 2000
11 mins 29 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The Assembly is suspended as Loyalists protest at presence of PUP politicians in the Assembly. Film report on UDP protestors whom include Gina Adair. After a five minute suspension the Assembly debate on the flags issue continued with a clash between Cedric Wilson (NIUP) and Peter Robinson (DUP), earlier Mr Paisley and Mr Trimble sparred over the same issue.

Earlier in North Belfast, Billy Hutchinson was arrested and released after his car avoided a road block at Omagh Inquest. RUC men have been describing their efforts at helping the dying and injured. Film report with evidence of Constable Gary McClatchy only twelve weeks out of training, and Constable C. McBirney's evidence. Constable Robert Walker, then Constable James Murell, followed by reaction of victim's relative, Stanley McCombe. The question of how lawyers question RUC witnesses was again raised today. Then live to Omagh where Jeannnie Johnston (Reporter) comments on the events at the inquest today and the gruesome evidence given.

Next report profiles the new look of the army's bomb squad vehicles here with comments from Douglas Doherty (ATO Lt/Col).

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 12th Sep 2000
14 mins 22 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then from the Omagh Inquest the Coroner and legal teams take a walk about Omagh to familiarise themselves with the layout. The arguments continued over the questioning of RUC witnesses with P. Ritchie (RUC lawyer) raising the concerns of Ronnie Flanagan (RUC Chief Constable) with Michael Mansfield (QC) setting out his intentions in his questioning.

Also this morning, Rita Larson (traffic warden) gave evidence telling how people appeared to think it was a hoax warning. Trevor Irvine (RUC Sgt) described how he found Donna Marie Keys and Gary McCallion and of finding the body of a dead child and a badly injured female teenager. He also had ot tell a colleage, Constable Cartwright that his daughter, Deborah Ann was dead. Afterwards at the victims relatives news conference the sister of Ester Gibson, Caroline describes her reactions to the evidence. Then live to Omagh where Jeannie Johnston (reporter) profiles the reaction among victim's relatives to today's evidence and the help they get from hearing the details. The Journalist also comments on today's cross- examination of RUC men and the lawyers tones.

Next report is from Washington where Bill Clinton (US President) will meet D. Trimble and S. Mallon. Film report with Ken Reid's analysis on the topics to be discussed including, policing and Patten. Back home Sinn Fein is demanding the government press ahead with it's demilitarization plans. Film report with coverage of Gerry Kelly's news conference remarks on the importance of demilitarization to the peace process with the reaction of Peter Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary).

In Belfast, J.Adair's (UDA Leader) wife Gina claimed she and friends where attacked by LVF supporter as they picked up children at school. Film report with Gina's comments, followed by Tracey Coulter. Then J. White's (UDP) reaction.

Relatives of the victims of the Dublin Monaghan bombs twenty six years ago have met Adam Ingram (NIO Minister) today. Film report on their request to Ingram to hand over British Government files on the May 1976 bombs to the Inquiry set up in Dublin under Justice Hamilton. Greg O'Neill (Solicitor) comments on the files they requested, then reaction from Tim Grace (relative), Peter Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary) promises a quick response.

(6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 13th Sep 2000
16 mins 21 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
RUC believe PIRA behind this mornings mortar attack on Armagh RUC base, no one was injured. Film report with comments of Derek Williamson (RUC Chief Insp.), then views of Paul Berry (DUP, MLA) on lack of security, then Danny Kennedy (UUP, MLA) is also concerned about level of dissident republican activity, while Jim Lennon (SDLP Chairman) condemns dissidents, then R. Eames (Church of Ireland, Archbishop) also condemns the attack. Meanwhile in Derry's Magilligan Army base, dissidents planted two 80lb bombs on a firing range used by soldiers. One soldier was slightly injured when one device partially exploded. Film report with Willie Ross (UUP, MP) attack the government security policy.

At the Omagh Inquest, day 8, a bomb hoax phoned into Omagh, Stanley McCombe (victim's relative) gives their reaction. In the hearing, Rosemary Ingram (traffic warden) gave evidence about holding the body of an injured baby called Breda Devine (2) who died of her injuries. Capt. Samuel Potter (Army Doctor) told he had pronounced twenty one people dead in forty minutes, then various RUC officers gave evidence on the despair, the smell and the horror of that day, attempting to identify the bodies. Then live to Omagh to Jeannie Johnston (reporter) who reports on the effect of today's bomb scare on the families, and the families mood today hearing the evidence of their loved one's death.

In the USA, Trimble and Mallon have invited Bill Clinton to make a third visit to Northern Ireland. Film report with Ken Reid, Clinton expected in December, but even in the USA, the differences over the policing issue were apparent, Trimble comments then Mallon on policing issue. Then Ken Reid profiles the conflict between Trimble/Mallon over policing and Clinton's refusal to comment on the Patten now.

On the Shankill, the wife and daughter of Jackie Coulter (murdered UDA Leader) have been forced to flee their home. Film report with interview with Agnes and Tracey Coulter, and film clip of PUP homes wrecked by UDA members with comments of Jackie Newell, also last night a bomb was thrown at the house of Billy Hutchinson (PUP), reaction from D. Ervine (PUP), then John White's(UDP) views.

(6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 14th Sep 2000
11 mins 15 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The Housing Executive has revealed that one hundred and sixty-four families have been forced from their homes during the Loyalist feud in a month. Film report with William Smith (PUP) views that the Shankill should be treated as an emergency housing area. J. White (UDP), claims the UVF has a scorched earth policy. The Minister for Social Development, Maurice Morrow (DUP) says they are doing all they can and are getting hourly reports on the areas needs. Last night the UDA was blamed for a nail bomb attack on a taxi depot on the Old Park Road, while on Malvern Way, the UVF fired shots and hurled a nail bomb at a group of UDA men. No one was injured. Tonight local women are to stage a peace march, film report and comments of Alex Crumlin of the Shankill Mirror.

In court, Desmond Harris (31) and Martin Fleck (25) were arrested and charged after a house was set on fire at Dover Court.

At an Omagh Inquest it?s been said the majority of victims died instantly, it was the beginning of the individual inquests, firstly Gareth Conway (18), killed standing with his back to the bomb, his sister Michaela viewed the autopsy pictures, as did the family of Ester Gibson, but three of them collapsed. Ester Gibson (3?) was engaged, and was hit by two pieces of shrapnel. Father Kevin Mullen comments on relatives reactions, then the case of Julia Hughes killed at the 'Cozy Corner' shop by shrapnel. Surgeon Mr. Pinto, called the scene a disaster of battlefield proportions, the other inquests were of John Joseph McGarth (62), and Spanish visitors Rocio Abad Ramos (23) and Fernando Blasco Baselga (MISSING).

A senior United States politician says Clinton believes the Patton report must be implemented in full. Film report from the USA with comments of Peter King (US Congressman), Richard Neale (Congressman), Chris Smith (Congressman), and Joe Crowley (Congressman). Then S Mallon's (SDLP) comments on the Patton implementation.

(6.00pm; Thursday) .
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 15th Sep 2000
6 mins 21 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
At the Omagh Inquest the families plead for an end to the graphic Inquest details. Film report from relatives, news conference with comments of Stanley McCombe on the rights of the dead, further evidence today came from RUC officers on the moving of bodies, injured beyond recognition, into an alleyway. Andrew Moore (RUC Constable) recalls finding two 10-12 year old boys, one dead, one fighting for life. Then Derek Elliott (Constable) recalls helping twenty people and handling a body bag with a baby in it . Back at the press conference M. Gallagher calls today's evidence unbelievable.

On the Shankill Road film report on yesterday's peace march by four hundred local women. News report profiles the new Police Ombudsman Office which is to be set up under the Patten proposals, the new boss Nualu O'Loan comments on their role in investigating complaints against the Police, from November.

(6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 16th Sep 2000
6 mins 38 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
J.J. O'Connor's family have blamed the PIRA for killing him, Sinn Fein has said the PIRA wasn't responsible. Film report hears he was in the RIRA, his mother Margaret O'Connor says she knows who killed him, then his widow, Nichola O'Connor's reaction. The RIRA statement said Joe was a volunteer and he was killed by the PIRA, G. Kelly (SF) gives their reaction to threats. Then Francie Mackey (Councillor) of '32 County Sovereignty Committee' comments. R. Empey (UUP) gives his reaction, but R. Flanagan (RUC Chief Constable) won't say yet who was responsible. Trimble says he will wait to hear the facts from the RUC, he made his comments in Stormont. Film report (6.00pm)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 18th Sep 2000
9 mins 37 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
A man is in a critical condition after an explosion in Bangor under his van. The PUP say that LVF drug dealers were responsible and it wasn't connected to the current Loyalist feud. The PUP have admitted the UVF was behind a bomb attack on a prisoners aid office on the Shankill. Film report covers Bangor attack on Sandy Rice with eyewitness Brenda Milliken's account. Mr. Rice ran a boxing club and was head bouncer at a Bangor night club were he had barred LVF drug dealers. D. Ervine (PUP) comments, then Bangor Mayor Alan Chambers' (Councilor) reaction. Then Gerry Adams (SF) links the bomb to similar device that killed Rosemary Nelson. In a second film report it's revealed the UVF bombed the UDP/UDA prisoners offices on the Shankill Road, inside the RUC found UDA bomb parts, and combat gear. J. White (UDP) comments, followed by Billy Hutchinson (PUP), over the weekend eleven more families intimidated from their homes, including the Orr family from the Ballygomartin Road, film report with Eva Orr claiming the UDA was responsible as her partner is in the Shankill Protestant Boys Band, linked to the UVF. R Flanagan (RUC Chief Cons.) gives his view on the Loyalist feud.

At the Omagh Inquest day nine, more individual post mortems were heard, including Fred White (60) and his son Brien White (26). They were the closest to the bomb of all the victims, then army medic Captain Potter told that little Maura Monaghan was found under her pregnant mother's body, then first aider Robert Bonner told of digging out bodies from the rubble, then more RUC evidence including William Baxter (Inspector) details previous bomb attacks on Omagh and the sixty-eight hoax calls since 1998. He details the extent of the area that had to be evacuated on 15 August 1998. Shaking with rage he condemns the bombers warning, afterwards victims relative Stanley McCombe gives his reaction.

(6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 19th Sep 2000
18 mins 8 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
The Loyalist feud has now forced two hundred families from their homes says the Housing Executive. Film report includes report on overnight violence, a man is arrested after gun attack on house in Joanmount Gardens, with homeowner comments. On the Shankill churchs have opened their doors for prayor. Pastor Jack McKee comments on bitterness on the Shankill although Chris McGimpsey (Councilor) believes education system is still functioning on the Shankill. Last night the PUP organised a meeting for people who were made homeless on the Shankill. Film report as removals continue today. Bangor man Sandy Rice remains critical in hospital following yesterdays bomb attack. Film report with two survivors accounts. Shaun McKim's account on explosion. Then the 'Boom Boom Room' night club owner Bill Wolsey talks of Mr Rice's stand against drug dealers in the club. Then Stewart Currie (PUP Councillor) denies the attack was connected to Belfast's Loyalist feud. Then Keith McClure of the Abbey Boxing Club profiles Mr Rice's informance to their club.

Court news item next, on absonded paedophile Ronald Graham, jailed in 1982 for the murder of Julie Ann Cole (5) in Antrim.

At the Omagh Inquest the Monaghan family who lost two adults, a child and two unborn twins in the blast have called on the RIRA to say no such act will ever be contemplated again. Film report with John Leckey's (Coroner) comments. The court also heard a statement from the family of Libby Rush, and details of the death of Philomena Skelton who died while her husband Kevin survived, they were in adjacent shops, details were also given of the deaths of Veta Short, Deborah Ann Cartwright and Anne McCombe who were standing with a group who all knew each other. Some of them survived, the coroner said chance paid its part in who lived and who died.

Dr Jack Weir (81) has died. In 1974 he met the PIRA at Feakle and called upon them to end their violence, he also met the UDA in the early 1990s with the same call. Film report on former Presbyterian moderator life and career, with comments of current moderator Dr John Morrow, then film clip of Jack Weir's comments on the Feakle talks with Gerry Adams' (SF) remarks, then Dr Sam Hutchinson's views.

Meanwhile as leading Orangeman visited Dan Winters' home on Loughgall today, the place where the order was founded in 1795, the Rector of Drumcree Church, Reverend John Pickering has issued a statement on his reaction to the violence at Drumcree last July. Film reports on Orange Orders history with comments of Colin Winter, Dan's descendent, and of Robert Saulters (Grand Master), then Ian Paisley of the Independent Orange Lodges views.

Next report is from South Antrim By-Election, where a tight finish between yes and no Unionists is expected. Film report profiles Thursday's votes and the company of David Burnside (UUP) and his comments on uniteing Unionism. Then William McCrea's (DUP) comments on his aims. Then comments of David Forde (Alliance Party) and Donovan McCelland (SDLP), then Martin Mechan (SF) and David Collins views for the Natural Law Party.

(6.30pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 20th Sep 2000
7 mins 3 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The UFF says it carried out the Bangor bomb attack on Sandy Rice. Film report with John White's (UDP) comments, he was interned with Mr. Rice in the 1970s, has no knowledge why Rice was attacked. Then B. Hutchinson (PUP) says the PUP still believes the LVF done it, he says Mr. Rice is not connected to the UVF since the 1970s. Meanwhile Ann-Marie Anderson whose husband is an associate of Billy Hutchinson has been threatened out of her job as a school patrol lady in the Lower Shankill. Film report with interview, then B. Hutchinson (PUP) says feud is no closer to being sorted out.

The Police Authority here says it wants key changes made to the Police Bill going through the Commons. Film report on its three main concerns, with comments of Professor Herb Wallace's explanations, and comments on the new board's power, S. Mallon (SDLP) welcomes the Police Authorities comments in his interview. Other details of the Police Authority's regarding post given with Chairman Pat Armstrong's comments. (6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 21st Sep 2000
5 mins 38 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then in the Short Strand area of East Belfast, a Loyalist gunman has failed in a bid to kill two Catholic brothers working on a car. Film report,

As Loyalist feud violence continues, film report on the bombing of an 80 year old woman's house in Newtownabbey by the UFF, she was Lily Duff who lived in Cloughfein. Campbell Dixon (RUC Superintendent) gives his reaction, then Linda Harper (Residents Association) views, a similar bomb was also left at a house in Silverstream Avenue, in Belfast. It too was defused. In nearby Tyndale Gardens on the Ballysillan Road, a delivery man, Amin Khan (32) who helped Billy Hutchinson, believes the UDA want to extend the feud, then Gary McMichael (UDP) comments on finding a resolution.

In London last night, dissident republicans fired a missile at the MI5 headquarters at Vauxhall Bridge, film report. (6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 22nd Sep 2000
13 mins 38 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
In South Antrim paramilitary by-election the William McCrea (DUP) defeats David Burnside (UUP), D.Trimble (UUP leader) says he won't be quitting as leader. Film report with McCrea's victory speech and then loser D Burnside's view, followed by D. Trimble's comments, followed by Lord Molyneoux (UUP), and Duncan Shipley-Dalton (MLA) and Jeffrey Donaldson (UUP). Then P. Robinson (DUP) announces major recruiting drive, to destroy the UUP, then S. Mallon's (SDLP) reaction, followed by Gerry Adams (SF).

Earlier the Peter Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary) gave his reaction to the DUP victory, but he's determined to push ahead with GFA and its institutions. Then in the studio I. Paisley (DUP Leader) gives his assessment of the DUP victory saying the British and Irish Governments must force reality of current situation, Unionists are against GFA and its manifestation, his plan is now to destroy the GFA.

At the Omagh Inquest the death of Breda Devine (2) is profiled, she was with Mr. McGillion, Donna Marie Keyes and her mother Tracey. Mr. McGillion recalls finding the baby under a shop sign. The deaths of teenagers Alan Redford and Samantha McFarland are also highlighted. The final death detailed today was Mrs. Olive Hawkes (60). At a press conference later Reverend Robert Heron commented on the mutual support he got and gives to the families. (6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 25th Sep 2000
15 mins 27 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Peter Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary) has set-up a new anti-racketeering body. Film report from Labour's Brighton conference and Mandelson's speech on give and take of peace process. He criticises Loyalists and dissident Republicans and announces tackling racketeering. D. Trimble (UUP) gives his reaction, then J. White (UDP) gives his reaction to crackdown on paramilitary rackets.

The new Civic Forum, born out of GFA had its membership announced causing controversy. It includes G McMichael (UDP) and. D. MacNeilis(Bogside Residents Group). Film report on reaction in Stormont and interview with Dr. Chris Gibson (Forum Chairman), then analysis in studio of nominations from Ken Reid, and Trimble's position now.

On the Shankill, Stephen McKeag (UDA) had been found dead in his home, its not feud related.

At Omagh Inquest details of the deaths of James Barker (12), Sean McLaughlin (12) and Oran Doherty (8) were given. Film report includes Pathologist Jack Crane's apology for graphic information on victims injuries. Then Shane Bradley's (Buncrana priest) reactions. Then details of Omagh bomb again, same type never used by PIRA, Randalstown bomb defused. (6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 26th Sep 2000
14 mins 21 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Trimble meets Ahern at second meeting of North-South Ministerial Council. Film report with M. McGuiness' (SF) views. Then B. Ahern on problems, then Trimble's views, both want to work through them. At the Labour Conference fringe meetings, the Patten plan caused clash between D. Trimble, who says Patten threatens the GFA and John Hume (SDLP) who wants agreed police force under Patten. Film report with comments, including Mandelson's views. Then analysis from Ken Reid of current serious situation for Trimble leadership of UUP.

Dissident republicans are being blamed for the partly exploded 50 pound bomb found on the railway line at Dunmurray.

Meanwhile victims groups are to be given £700,000 from the government but South Armagh's Fair Group only gets £2,000. Film report with interviews with victims councillors, and William Frazier (FAIR).

At Meigh, near Newry, pupil's school bus attacked by pellet gun, from men in a car. Film report with eye witness interviews and principal's reaction. Former Archbishop Michael Dallot (TS) has died. Film report on his career. (6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 27th Sep 2000
15 mins 53 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
No opening titles, begins with story of FBI arrests in the USA of alleged IRA gun smugglers with comments of Trevor Birney (reporter) on last July's arrests, and yesterdays sentencing of Conor Claxton the leader of the gang, then political reaction from Unionists and Adams (SF). At Stormont today First Minister D. Trimble says he won't be policed by the speculation here on the future of the Executive after yesterdays South Antrim by-election result. Film report Martin McGuiness (SF), the minister of Education has set up a review group to examine the future of the 11+ examination here. Film report on research paper carried out by academics Dr. Tony Gallagher, and there suggestion of five ways forward. Then comments of Martin McGuiness (SF) on the review body with reaction also from Danny Kennedy (UUP MLA) on his concerns. Next film report stays with the 11+ theme and profiles the different views within the current education establishment on the 11+'s future with comments of Nuala McCaughan, Vice Principal of St. Mary's Primary School. Then for the grammar school viewpoint, Dr Wilfred Muluyne, Principal of Methodist College comments, then from the Secondary School's stand point, Frank Kelly, Principal of Corpus Christi College's views.

At the Omagh Inquests the coroner heard Solicitor Barry Fox present the case for the unborn twins of Avril Monaghan, who died with their mother, to be included in official casualty figures. Coroner Leckey said he personally felt they should be included but the law didn't allow it, he offered to press for charges of child destruction against the bombers if they were caught.

The Executive Health Minister, Barbara De Brun (SF) says people's health here is among the worlds worst, she wants £ΒΌ billion to compensate for years of under funding. Film report with B. De Brun interview with support for her call from Andrew Dougal of the Chest Heart and Stroke Association. Then comment from Brenda McLaughlin on the high death rate in the South/East Belfast Trust area.

In the courts an attempt has been made to keep the Maze prison open, as it claims its prisoners might be killed if transferred to a non-segregated prison when the Maze prison closes next week. The Judge turned the prisoners appeal down.

The Orange Volunteers says its ending its campaign of violence from midnight.

In Derry, Free Derry Corner has been nominated by Derry City Council as a national monument. Film report with Councillor Peter Anderson's (SF) views, then SDLP Councillor, then journalist Eamonn McCann recalls where the slogan comes from, and gives his views on the monument. (6.00pm; Wednesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 28th Sep 2000
6 mins 4 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Begins with Ken Reid analysis of government plans for 'on the runs', and more Unionist pressure for a timetable for decommissioning from the PIRA. On the Shankill, J. White (UDP) says the UFF and the UVF have agreed a 'no first strike agreement' to halt hostilities in the current feud although there is no formal truce.

In Belfast courts, a Newtownards man who was charged with four murders has walked free when the judge ruled he didn't believe the man. Thomas David Magennis, could have a fair trail. Film report lists the alleged victims as 'Red Hand Commando' leader Billy Elliott (September 1995), William 'Wassy' Paul, a former UVF man in Bangor in July 1998, then Catholic taxi driver Mark Sweeney in Ards in February 1994 and Brian O'Rawe in Ards in September 1997. the judge's ruling is explained.

Meanwhile also in the courts William Stobie charged with aiding and abetting the murder of Solicitor Pat Finucane has been returned for trial, and released on bail.

At The Bloody Sunday Inquiry, a tape recording of soldiers discussing the soldiers shooting of civilians has been played. In it a soldier refers to things going badly wrong and the wrong people being shot. The tape was given to Eamon McDermott (Derry journalist), who comments on its importance, then reaction from John Kelly (Bloody Sunday Trust). (opening minutes missing) (6.00pm; Thursday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 29th Sep 2000
14 mins 28 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Global Email Company (GEM) is to create seven hundred jobs in Derry and two hundred in Belfast. Film report on new technology with Owen Lamonts (GEM Chief) comments, then, Reg Empeys' (Trade and Investment Minister, UUP) views. Then reaction of John Hume (SDLP).

In Belfast, Odyssey Centre due to open in December, it's believed six hundred jobs will be created.

At the Omagh Inquest, the RUC man in charge of the case Eric Anderson (Det. Chief) said the RUC knew the names and roles of the Omagh bombers. Film report with Eric Anderson interview outside the hearing, then he met the victim's families and Stanley McCombe gives his reaction to that meeting. The Inquest also heard evidence from Sergeant Bill Marshall who gave emotional evidence on the screaming wounded, and finding a dead baby, he said he had to switch off as a human being to do his job.

At a Tory conference fringe meeting in Bournemouth David Trimble has said republicans must reciprocate on weapons or there would be trouble in the peace process. Film report, hears Tory leader say Trimble has most difficult job in British politics, then Andrew McKay, Tory Northern Ireland spokesman's reaction. Peter Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary) has said the new Human Rights Act which comes into force today is a new pillar for the new society in Northern Ireland. Film report from Belfast City Hall launch with acts details and comments of S. Mallon (SDLP). Then Brice Dickson, Human Rights Commissioner, then comments of Peter Mandelson (Northern Ireland Secretary), D. Nesbitt (UUP) and Mitchell McLaughlin (SF).

At Stormont the family of Robert Hamill beaten to death by a Loyalist mob in Portadown in 1997 have met Peter Mandelson and say they feel confident of getting a public inquiry into his death. Film report, with Diane Hamill comments. (6.00pm; Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 2nd Oct 2000
12 mins 26 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
At the final day of the Omagh Inquest hearings, Coroner says convictions are a necessity to close the book for the families. Film report begins with relatives morning prayer session, then John Leckey's summing up is reported. He condemns RIRA and refuses to issue a report to Ronnie Flanagan (RUC Chief Constable), on the police street clearing operation that day. After meeting the Coroner the families gave a news conference and comment on the usefulness of the inquest, firstly Marton Radfords views. Then in the studio, Jeannie Johnston (journalist) sums up the events of the day at the Inquest and the Coroners remarks, and what now for the bereaved.

At Stormont the DUP has tabled a motion of no confidence in David Trimble (First Minister). Film report, with Nigel Dodds remarks in a surprise move anti-agreement Peter Weir (UUP MLA) has said the UUP MLA's should boycott the debate to avoid showing Unionist division spectacle. Then reaction from M. McGimspey on the motion and on the PIRA's failure to decommission, meanwhile Trimble has called for policing reforms to stop, while Gerry Adams (SF) has called Trimble's alleged crisis a bogus. Declan O'Loar (SDLP Councillor) has suggested Nationalists could help Unionists by conceding the point over the RUC's name change. Meanwhile in Bournemouth at the Tory Party Conference J. Donaldson (UUP) has said an arms inspection of IRA arms dumps is not enough at this time to please Unionists. Film report also hears John Wilkinson (Tory MP) attack P. Mandelson (Northern Ireland Home Secretary).

In North Belfast a school bus carrying Protestant children past the Ardoyne shops has been attacked. Film report with different views of what happened and comments of Roy Sloan (Translink), then parent Alison Beattie, then G. Kelly (SF) calls for talks to sort the issue out. (6.00pm; Monday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 3rd Oct 2000
10 mins 30 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Seamus Mallon warns the government against suspending Stormont for a second time amidst growing political crisis. Film report with Mallon interview, then reaction from D. Nesbitt (UUP MLA) and Gerry Adams (SF), then N. Dodds (DUP) says the whole GFA is dying, then comment from Ken Reid in the studio where he says a Ulster Unionist Council meeting is likely after its party conference this weekend, and a review is possible.

The Housing Executive has announced a £7 million plan to ease housing problem in North Belfast, perhaps the most segregated part of Northern Ireland. Film report from derelict streets with Paddy McIntyre's (Housing Executive Chief ) comments on their plan to build one thousand seven hundred and fifty social houses, declaring urban renewal areas, and providing grant aid schemes. G. Kelly (SF) gives his reaction then N. Dodds' (DUP) views.

In Larne's Seacourt Estate, Unionist politicians have blamed Republicans for last night's trouble in the estate. Film report with Jack McKee's (DUP) views, but local people have blamed local teenagers both Protestant and Catholic for the trouble. Jack McKee also claims Protestants are leaving the estate. In North Belfast a meeting will be held tomorrow to sort out the problems around forty pupils from 'Boys Model School' being refused a bus down past the Nationalist Ardoyne shops due to bad behaviour. (6.00pm; Tuesday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 3rd Oct 2000
30 mins 42 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Frontline Shankill
What is behind the UVF / LVF Feud; interviews with key players. Programme begins with recent UFF threat to shoot anyone attacking Loyalist areas, a masked man reads the threats and then Spotlight journalist says he's the UFF man behind the Shankill feud. Film clips then reviews incidents of the seven weeks violence, with interviews. Kevin Magee asks the question, what is the feud about, is it gansterism as P. Mandelson says or is there a political dimension. Kevin Magee then shows film of the UFF parade down the Shankill which sparked the current trouble off, when UVF supporters attacked the LVF flag and the 'Rex Bar' was later shot at. Ex UDA prisoner Billy McQuiston gives his reaction, B. Hutchinson (PUP) views followed by report on killing of Jackie Coulter (UDA) and Bobby Mishood with Agnes Coulter's remarks. B. Hutchinson (PUP) won't blame UVF, then report on death of Sam Rocket (UVF) with his wife Cheryl's comments. This time the UFF political spokesman refused to condone the murder. Then review of John Adair's (UFF - 'C' Company Leader) position at present in jail, with film of the UVF's main target J. White walking to the 'Pony Club' with his bodyguards, White comments on this. Later up the Shankill Road, B Hutchinson's minder shows his flak jacket, then he talks to Kevin Magee in the 'Rex Bar'. Next profile is of the current geographical split of the Upper and Lower Shankill into UVF and UFF areas and the mass intimidation of civilians connected in some way to each. Chris McGimpsey (UUP Councillor) comments, then film clips of families anger at meeting on Shankill with interviews of people of all ages. Then in the Lower Shankill, Gina Adair claims the UVF are intimidating their own people. Then J. White (UDP) says some were put out but most left by their own choice. Then film clip of B. Hutchinson (PUP) addressing a rally in Ballymena, and he blames all the current ills on the UFF, calling them scum and drug dealers. Chris McGimpsey (UUP Councillor) says of the two hundred and five families evicted, seventy five percent were put out by UFF. Tracey Coulter whose UDA father was killed gives her views on her eviction by the UVF, then a UDA supporter shows Kevin Magee a Lower shankill safe house for evacuees. Kevin Magee claims there is a district similarity between this man's voice and the voice of the masked UFF man reading their threatening statement, in June threatening the peace process. They commission a voice expert to examine the tape, they say its probable to highly probable both voices are the same. As it appears attempts are being made from outside the Shankill to broker a truce. Gary McMichael (UDP leader) gives his views on that possibility. Back on the shankill, a film clip of Gary 'Smicker' Smith is shown with ???, other clips of them at higher profiled demonstrations like Drumcree are shown, then profile of G Smith, he was serving sixteen years for conspiracy to murder. Then film clip of J. White accompanied by William 'Winky' Dodds, he's then also shown at Drumcree with a UFF tea shirt and Johny Adair. B. Hutchinson (PUP) comments on the tea shirt, then still photo of Dodds in a skirmish with RUC men at Adair's recent arrest. Dodds is also in the UDA's delegation that meets John De Chastelein's decommissioning body, he also has eleven terrorist convictions plus burglary. Also profiled under the UFF banner is William Samuel Courtney known as 'Mo', he has convictions for assault, criminal damage, robberty etc., he's linked to a UDA restorative justice programme. Billy Hutchinson (PUP) continues his verbal attack on UDA's 'C' Company personnel. On the day the current feud began, the UFF's 'C' Company had fired volleys of gunfire in the air at a rally they held in the lower Shankill, J. White was on the stage, he denies one of the gunmen was Johny Adiar, one of the other gunmen is possibilty Gary 'Smicker' Smith. B. Hutchinson (PUP) says 'C' Company UDA links with the LVF were behind the current violence, these contacts were about drugs and realeining anti-agreement Loyalists. G. White (UDP) denies these claims, but a film clip from a LVF meeting in Portadown suggests otherwise, as Adair and his men were present, and filmed with Gary Fulton (LVF). Fulton also carried the coffin of Jackie Coutler (UDA), Coulter killed by the UVF. On the subject of where White gets his income it's revealed he lives in North Down, but owns six houses on the Shankill, he says he's worked hard, saved and invested. Profile of his murder of Paddy Wilson (SDLP), and his friend Irene Andrews, he recalls the current fall out he heard with B. Hutchinson he says over UVF killing Protestants. At the feud's beginning Hutchinson had went on a holiday to France, he also served sentence for killing two Catholics Michael Loughran and Edward Morgan. Film shows him running and he comments on his holiday trip, he comments on RUC treatment of him on his return. The UVF bombed a UUP office used by John White, in it RUC found bomb making materials, flim clip shown with J. White's remarks. Spotlight says these devices were similar to ones used to kill Frank Reillyn (RUC) in Portadown in 1998. Other weapons were uncovered in Snugville ???, White denies he owned it but once had an interest in it, he says. Spotlight says Adair was returned to jail because he was building up a drugs empire, the programme profiles 'the drugs house' on the lower Shankill. B Hutchinson and J. White give their views on drug dealing and their organisation's penalties. White blames Hutchinson then vice versa, Hutchinson comments on bomb attack on his house, then John White comments on the anti-agreement dimension to the feud. Hutchinson wants 'C' Company disbanded, he believes the killing will continue. Kevin Magee ends by saying it may be wrong to judge a man on the word of his enemies, but J. White's friend filmed with him was the masked man in the UFF threatening violence, he says. ( ... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED)
Tape No.