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Listing of Programmes for the Year: 2012 459 Programmes

Date Broadcast:
Tue 3rd Jan 2012
3 mins 56 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then a US court has ordered Boston College to hand over its archive of IRA and Loyalist statements given in its oral history project. Film report with William 'Plum' Smith, an ex UVF prisoner, giving his reaction. Journalist Brian Rowan's reaction on the police request to get the archive and then from the US Ed Moloney of Boston's archive gives his views. (6pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 3rd Jan 2012
3 mins 50 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Headlines, then coverage of a US court's decision to order Boston College to hand over its oral history interviews relating to PIRA murder of Jean McConville in 1972 and other legacy cases. Film report profiles Brendan Hughes' claims in his interview, in which he blames Gerry Adams, followed by Ed Moloney's views on the PSNI court action. This is followed by loyalist William 'Plum' Smith's reaction. (6.30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 4th Jan 2012
5 mins 27 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then the UUP has rejected a new merger with the Conservative party. Film report on the parties reactions with UUP's Tom Elliott's interview then NI Tory party Chairman Irwin Armstrong's reaction. Then Ken Reid's analysis on inter party divorce and speculation on a new Justice Minister in May 2012. (6pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 6th Jan 2012
5 mins 30 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Dissident Republican bomb found in Scottish soldier's car in the Ligoneil area of Belfast. Film report on failed attack with PSNI Chief Inspector Andrew Freeburn's comments. Reaction from DUP MP Nigel Dodd's, followed by Sinn Fein's Gerry Kelly. Next week Police Ombudsman Al Hutchinson will hand over responsibilities to new interim Chief Executive. Film report on latest news. (6.30pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 9th Jan 2012
12 mins 35 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
PSNI Constable Steven Caroll's murder trial begins, charged is Brendan McConville (44) and John Paul Wootton (30). Film report hears evidence that undercover soldiers were tracking the car of the defendant, and CIRA admitted the killing. Film of John Paul Wootton's arrest, his mother also charged with a related offence. The nephew of UVF murder victim Bobby Moffett, killed in 2010, James has been beaten by men outside a Shankill road bar. Film report with his mother Lily Kelly's comments. Residents in Derry's fountain estate say nationalist youths broke a hole through their peace wall. Film report with resident Dean Taylor's reaction then William Hay's (DUP) views. Country singer Bridie Gallagher has died aged 87. Dealing with the past NI Secretary of State Owen Patterson says he intends meeting all local parties to tackle legacy issues. UUP's Mike Nesbitt comments, then DUP's Jonathan Bell, Sinn Fein's Maeve McLoughlin and SDLP's Colum Eastwood's concerns. Then in studio Ken Reid's analysis of the issue. (6pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 10th Jan 2012
6 mins 35 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
In the Loyalist Village area of South Belfast Catholic teenagers were attacked by a gang while they worked on a film set location. Film report with victim James Turley's account of the attack, then views of Susan Picken of Manifesto films. Following this, condemnation from Sinn Fein Councillor Niall O'Donaghaile and UUP's Bob Stoker. At the trail of two men, Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton, charged with murdering PSNI Constable Stephen Carroll in Craigavon evidence has been given by officers who were with him when he was shot, film report. (6.30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 11th Jan 2012
9 mins 18 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then at Stormont the DUP and Sinn Fein have proposed scrapping the Department of Employment and Learning, the Alliance party have reacted angrily. Film report with Alliance's Stephen Farry's views on "a political fix". Followed by the views of DUP's Peter Robinson, UUP's Basil McCrea and SDLP's Alex Attwood. In the studio Alliance leader David Ford gives his views on the issue, he sees it as an attack on Alliance having two ministers. Next (MISSING) report from Belfast courts on day three of the murder trial of two men charged with killing PSNI Constable Stephen Carroll, on March 9th 2009. Today the state Pathologist gave evidence on his injuries and in the dock, John Paul Wootton's Mother is accused of perverting the course of justice. In the next report two men arrested over 1974 killing of RUC Inspector Bill Elliott during an Official IRA bank robbery in Rathcoole. (6pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 12th Jan 2012
4 mins 25 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
In Comber a Father and his two sons are arrested over the murder of Phillip Strickland (36) found shot dead in his car. Film report with PSNI's Detective Superintendent Brian Hanna's reaction then the reactions of DUP Councillor Robert Gibson, UUP MLA Mike Nesbitt and neighbour Kim Marston. (6pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 12th Jan 2012
29 mins 8 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Noel Thompson interviews the NI Secretary of State, Owen Patterson, about his plan to find an agreed way forward on dealing with the past by calling all-party talks. He is asked with no consensus at Stormont, what's the point? In response he outlines the current position; he has asked the main parties to nominate someone he can talk too and this will take place in the coming weeks. He outlines the government's position, seeking praise for Saville, Wright and Nelson inquires. He said on Finucane, the Torries inherited an impasse as the family turned down the terms of the previous government inquiry offer. He also said he told the Finucane family this government would try and get to the truth, but wouldn't guarantee any particular method of getting there. He goes on to back the efforts of lawyer David De Silva, Noel Thompson reminds him the family doesn't accept that. Patterson rejects the SDLP claim that the government is protecting itself from revelations its agents did any wrong. Patterson is disappointed at the reaction of the Finucane family. He mentions the CAIN archive, Linenhall Library and the Historical Enquiries Team (HET), and goes on to argue about who should pay for any new process for dealing with the past. Asked again about what his listening to the parties has revealed, he said he can't prejudge but it's built around archives and agreements on that. He highlights people's satisfaction with the HET reports, which get some way to the truth. In the "if you ask me" spot, Fionnuala O'Connor talks about Patterson inspiring secret confidence amongst parties here that he can find a solution to dealing with the past. She mentions Boston college tapes, independent inquires, HET reports, Sinn Fein's truth recovery process and Patterson's urge to use Historians rather than lawyers to get to the truth with an agreed history of the Troubles. She also discusses truth commissions and their failings. Noel Thompson then looks at two recent films, one about Thatcher and a documentary about Bernadette Devlin and examines their approach to dealing with the past in fact or fiction. This begins with clips from each of the programmes, then in the studio Belfast telegraph's Liam Clarke said he liked the Thatcher film's approach and the archive clips in the Bernadette Devlin documentary, but also said it was completely uncritical. University of Ulster's Lisa Fitzpatrick comments; the Thatcher film didn't get to grips with the politics of the time, just Thatcher's emotional responses to them. Both discuss the historical truth, if any, in the films and whether the representations were accurate portrayals or not. They list things left out of both films and discuss what the writers hoped to portray in their characters and the difficulty of making films about people who are still alive. Programme ends with comic taxi driver routine. (NO TIME GIVEN BY PH Thur)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 12th Jan 2012
24 mins 26 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
TG Ceathair (TG4)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Mna An IRA (Dearcadh ar Leith)
Programme Title:
Josephine Hayden (Women of the IRA)
This series profiles women who joined the IRA and their motivation for doing so. In this episode Josephine Hayden from Waterford tells her story. She spent five years in jail as a member of Republican Sinn Fein. She didn't accept the Good Friday agreement and turned down an early release if she had of signed up to it; newspaper clip shown. Republican Sinn Fein was the political wing of the Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA), although she refutes this in her comments. Donncha Mac Niallais (Derry Sinn Fein) gives the opposite view point, then journalist Henry McDonald gives his view of the "holy grail" republicanism found in hard line republic women in the south. The program then gives Josephine's family history and she comments on her political house hold. She recalls hearing from a northern youth on holidays in Waterford; hearing what life was like for northern Nationalists being treated like second class citizens. A film clip of internment on Aug 9th 1971 is shown. Josephine describes the reaction the increasing violence had on her, she left her job in Jersey and returned to Ireland were she joined the cumann na mBan in Dublin, Sinn Fein's Gerrard O'Hara then outlined the legal and illegal activities of the cumann na mBan. Photos of messengers, gun carriers and armed women is shown. Josephine recalls her activities within the law. She was charged with conspiracy to commit armed robbery, but was found not guilty. At 28 she married a fellow republican, she recalls their beliefs. Journalist Deaglán de Breadún describes the Provisional IRA's (PIRA) long war tactics of the time, with no interest in peace talks. The 1976 Kingsmill massacre of 10 Protestants is highlighted, newspaper shown, as is the loyalist killing of five republicans a day before; Kingsmill was regarded as the PIRA revenge for that attack. Josephine said the Kingsmill attack stopped the loyalist killings in that area. In a war, she says, things happen you might not agree with, but you live with it. When Josephine's Husband was arrested for explosives offences she stepped back from IRA activities to look after their two children, she recalls the support she got from republicans. In 1979 she joined Sinn Fein. In northern prisons ending of political status led to the hunger strikes. Seanna Walsh, an ex-prisoner, recalls the atmosphere in the maze/ long kesh and the prisoner's mood. Josephine recalls her views on the hunger strike, she felt she had to get more involved. Her husband spent nine years in jail but they separated upon his release from Portlaoise prison; Josephine comments on this separation. She attended the 1986 Sinn Fein ard fheis when, led by Gerry Adams, the party voted to take seats in the Dail. Film clip shows Martin McGuinness's speech, Josephine recalls her hostile reaction to the idea. Roger O'Brady formed a new party, Republican Sinn Fein (RSF) and Josephine joined it, it was against the peace process. Donncha Mac Niallais recalls the moves being made towards peace in secret talks with the British and why they happened, Seanna Walsh supports his views. In 1995 Josephine was arrested in Tallaght with five others, a newspaper clip is shown and she recalls the arrest, she got six years in prison. She suffered two heart attacks in prison, her two children lived with their Father for these years. When the Good Friday agreement was signed and voted on, RSF still rejected it. D O'Beargen recalls RSF's stance on the Good Friday Agreement. Josephine recalls refusing to accept early release under licence if she accepted the Good Friday Agreement and refused to associate with illegal groups. On release she stayed a member of RSF, Henry McDonald gives his views on women like Josephine as left behind in history, and she then outlines what type of peace she wants, one with the British out. Journalist John Coulters give his views on Dissident Republicans, then Donncha Mac Niallais's views on violence followed by Josephine's closing remarks. (NO TIME GIVEN BY PH Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 13th Jan 2012
4 mins 34 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Headlines, then the Finucane family has won a judicial review of Prime Minister (PM) David Camron's no inquiry decision into the murder of Pat Finucane. Film report with Geraldine Finucane's reaction is shown. Police arrest more in the Strickland murder inquiry. At the British/Irish summit in Dublin Martin McGuinness, Peter Robinson, Scottish Nationalist Alex Salmond and Liberal Democrat leader Nick Glegg discuss the Scottish independence vote. (6.30pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 13th Jan 2012
8 mins 39 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then Irelands top Pathologist, Jack Crane, and a Historical Enquires Team (HET) report have criticised the British Army's version of the killing of Francis Rowntree (11) in the Divis Flats in 1972, the first rubber bullet killing. A film report with old film clips is shown. The boy was an innocent bystander, his brother Jim Rowntree gives his reaction. The Solider, who fired the shot, is alive and ill, he sent his apologies to the family. Solicitor Pádraig Ó Muirigh comments. At the British/Irish council meeting in Dublin politicians Alex Salmond (SNP) Nick Clegg (Lib) Peter Robinson (DUP) and Martin McGuinness (Sinn Fein) all comment on the current Scottish Independence referendum issue. The PSNI have made more arrests in the Philip Strickland murder in Comber. The Finucane family have been granted a judicial review of Prime Minister David Cameron's refusal to call and independent public inquiry, into the murder of Pat Finucane. A film report with Geraldine and John Finucane's reactions is shown. (6pm Friday)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 15th Jan 2012
2 mins 13 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
20th Anniversary of Teebane Killings
Programme Title:
On 20th anniversary of the Teebane Killing of eight Protestant workmen in Jan 1992 a memorial service was held, film report shown. No one has ever been convicted of the Provisional IRA murders. DUP MLA Trevor Clarke (relative) and Widow Jean Caldwell comment. (5pm Sun)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 16th Jan 2012
5 mins 43 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC1 NI News
Programme Title:
Headlines, and then a report on the 20th anniversary of the Teebane killing of 8 Protestant workmen by the Provisional IRA (PIRA) in Jan 1992. Film of service with Widow Jean Caldwell and DUP MLA Trevor Clarke (brother-in-law of victims) comments. Also old film clip of aftermath and (MISSING) Brian Mawhinney's reaction. In Belfast city centre and anti-Capitalist group has occupied an empty bank in protest, film report shown. At Sotrmont parties have again met to discuss merging the department of employment and learning with education, meaning that the Alliance party would only have one minister, Justice. Film report shown. (6.30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 16th Jan 2012
24 mins 34 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
TG Ceathair (TG4)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Dúshlán An Gníomhar (Challenge and the Activist)
Programme Title:
In Irish with English subtitles, this documentary profiles the life and politics of Derry Republican Gerrard O'Hara. From his time on the run as a young man on rioting charges to his current membership of the NI Policing Board. The irony of his position is not lost on Gerrard as he states in his opening remarks he spent his life fighting against the police service we had. Opening film clip is of him at a board meeting, then Republican Sinn Fein's (RSF) Geraldine Taylor criticises his involvement with policing. Gerrard recalls his childhood in Derry's Creggan area where he states he had Protestant neighbours and a British soldier neighbour, old photos shown. In 1968 the Civil rights movement began in Derry and were attacked by the RUC, the conflict got worse, old film clips shown. Gerrard then describes his arrest in Derry for rioting, which he denies, he goes on the run to the South with Gerry Donaghey in 1971. He is then shown at a Policing board meeting, where he describes how that process has worked for him. A film of August 1971 and the violent reaction to internment is shown. Gerrard returns to Derry and joins Fianna Éireann, he joined in on daily stone throwing attacks on the army, and more rioting film clips are shown. Gerrard tells the story of his friend Gerry Donaghey's failed love affair with Hester, a protestant he went to jail for in order to try and please. On 30th Jan 1972 the two Gerry's were present at the Civil rights activist's anti-interment march that was Bloody Sunday, film clip shown as he describes what he saw that day and the Paratroopers behaviour, shooting civilians. Still photos of victims shown, one of those killed was his friend Gerry Donaghey. The film switches to spring 2011, at the policing board. Gerrard has applied to re-new his membership of the board where he had been vice chair, and he intends on applying for the chairman's job this time. He talks about his upcoming interview with the Department of Justice, then he's filmed at the ruins of the Crumlin Road courthouse, where he stood trial for bombing buildings in Derry. He refused to recognise the court and recalls the internal republican debate on the pros and cons of this tactic. His case was chosen as one to recognise the court which caught the prosecution on the wrong foot and he won his case. The story then switches to dissident republicans killing of PSNI Constable Ronan Kerr. Gerrard recalls his reaction on hearing the news and his views on such killings at this time compared to the past; Matt Baggott (PSNI Chief Constable) comments at board are shown, followed by a film of united community response at Ronan's funeral. On 1st June Policing board members gather together for their AGM in Belfast, Gerrard fails by two votes to get the Chairman's job and is still vice Chairman, he explains his reaction "that's democracy". (NO TIME GIVEN BY PH Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 17th Jan 2012
10 mins 52 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
The PSNI has rehired nearly 300 former RUC officers, many work in sensitive legacy issues. Film report reveals figures 65 are working in the PSNI intelligence branch, 59 work in serious crime department, which includes terrorism and 19 work in specialist operations. PSNI's Deputy Chief Constable Judith Gillespie comments on the officer's skills at police board meeting, then DUP's Jonathan Craig attacks the Sinn Fein opposition to the rehiring scheme, then Sinn Fein's Gerry Kelly comments, then board member Joan O'Hagan's views. A pipe bomb was found this morning near St Teresa's Primary School in West Belfast. Film report with Sinn Fein Counsellor Caoimhin Mac GiollaM views, then resident John McCourt's views. The PSNI say the 12 carjacking incidents in Belfast over the last two weeks is the work of criminal gangs. Film report with figures and on Police response South Belfast business owner Patti Harte comments, then PSNI Chief Superintendent Alan McCrum's reaction. In courts 3 men from Comber Jimmy Seales and his two sons Ian Weir (26) and Jason Weir were charged with the murder of Phillip Strickland last Wednesday. Film report. In Derry PSNI are treating an attack on a 35 year old women's house as sectarian, her partner is a catholic. Film report. A senior civil servant Colin Lewis has been appointed temporary Chief of the Police Ombudsman's Office (6:30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 18th Jan 2012
11 mins 0 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The International Fund for Ireland is to invest £2 million to get the peace walls removed. Film report reviews the history of the walls with old film clips of the Falls/Shankill one going up in 1969. There are 88 peace walls in Northern Ireland most are in Belfast, they stretch over 21 Kilometres in total. In Bombay Street at the Catholic side of the wall an unidentified woman gives her view on the wall, then a Protestant woman gives her views. At Lenadoon / Suffolk interface more residents comment, Dr Denis Rooney of the International Fund for Ireland explains his motivation for the £2 million funding, then community worker from the Shankill, William Smith (PUP) says more rebuilding is needed, the Sinn Fein's Sean Murrays views. In North Belfast community worker Sylvia Gordon explains the gate in the Alexandra Park wall and why it's worked. Then in the studio Gerry O'Reilly of Community Bridges Project and Reverend Norman Hamilton discuss how to get rid of the peace walls and improve quality of life in those areas. (10:30pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 19th Jan 2012
13 mins 58 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
There have been two explosions in Derry tonight. Film report on breaking news, one bomb at tourist office in Foyle Street the other near Strand Road police station, there were no injuries. SDLP MP Mark Durkan gives his reaction to the dissident republican attacks. Then telephone update from Derry on possible third device, next Brian Rowan reports on the topic of talking to dissident republican terror groups and asks should that happen. The report begins at rehearsals for Martin Lynch's new play Brothers in Arms which deals with the main stream dissident republican split, Sinn Fein's Gerry Kelly comments then Ciaran Cunningham of Republican Network gives his reply then Martin Lynch comments on the role of the arts in the debate, Film clip profiles Ciaran Cunningham he is former dissident republican prisoner he then gives interview to Brian Rowan on his view of the Sinn Fein Leadership then Sinn Fein's Gerry Kelly denies they prop up Irelands enemies, he wants to talk to dissident republicans. The conversation goes back and forth. Then loyalist UDA leader Jackie McDonald highlights Martin McGuinness's words after the masserene barracks murders, calling the killers traitors, he says that was impressive and stopped any loyalist revenge attacks. Then Peter Sheridan (former RUC) now Chief Executive of Co-Operation Ireland comments on the difficulty of talks with dissident republicans, then Ciaran Cunningham defends political violence. Then playwright Martin Lynch again on theatres role followed by Sinn Fein Gerry Kelly and Ciaran Cunningham on their particular mind sets. In courts a Fourth man has appeared on a charge of murdering Phillip Strickland last Wednesday, he is Stephen McCaughey of Newtownards, film report, also charged is John Lawlor with perverting the course of Justice. (10:30pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 19th Jan 2012
29 mins 44 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Noel Thompson interviews Alliance leader and Justice Minister David Ford about his reaction to Executive plans to take the ministry of employment and learning from them and split it into other ministries, because they have got the ministry of Justice and UUP and SDLP have on executive seat also. David Ford outlines his party's current point of view on the two posts issue, he says Alliance hasn't accepted any deal on this issue yet around scrapping the department for employment and learning. He wants legislative protection for any agreement, the issue of sectarianism in Alliance having the justice portfolio is discussed, he comments on whether he will be minister of Justice in 2015. On cohesion sharing and integration strategy, David Ford says he is working on this. He points out the programme for government does mention removing interface barriers as an aim. Noel Thompson reminds him since 2008, 5 new walls have been built or altered. He says that hasn't happened since he was minister of Justice but was done by direct rule ministers. In the 'if you ask me spot' Journalist Newton Emerson gives his views on the Alliance losing a ministry and David Ford's reaction which he calls a huff, and that any overall review of reducing the number of departments will lead to deadlock says Newton Emerson, at Stormont a small step is always more possible than a giant leap. Next Noel Thompson introduces a Julia Paul film about former paramilitary prisoners talking to school pupils about citizenship, it shows the interaction between the pupils and former paramilitaries at Strangford Integrated College. Former IRA Prisoner Danny Murphy explains their rationale not to glorify armed conflict or justify it, then David Stitt former UDA prisoner views the project as a combined effort by Queens University Belfast School of Education and Northern Ireland Community Foundation, Queens University Belfast's Lesley Emerson explains their hopes for the scheme, then some pupils give their reactions, followed by views of Avila Kilmurray of Community Foundation Northern Ireland. Then Julia Paul Profiles the healing through remembering idea of dealing with the past in their exhibition called everyday objects transformed by the conflict. Kate Turner explains the exhibition objects and their purpose in the exhibition to encourage people to talk about the troubles. Dawn Purvis of Healing Through Remembering gives her views on this and what's needed for dealing with the past. Next Noel Thompson talks to UUP's Tom Elliot about his remark that Scottish Nationalists are a greater danger to the Union than the IRA, He debates his opinion with Scottish Nationalist Party MP Angus Brendan MacNeill who defends Scotland's right to independence. Tom Elliot says the union is prosperous but Angus Brendan MacNeill says Scotland will keep the Queen as head of state, they argue over which Union they are defending 1603 or 1707 ends with comic taxi driver routine. (Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 19th Jan 2012
24 mins 0 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Teilifis na Gaeilge (TG4)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Mna An Ira
Programme Title:
Pamela Kane
This series profiles women who joined the IRA and examines their motives and experiences in doing so. Programme begins with a film clip of Pamela being released from prison after serving 10 years. She was born in Dublin, her father Albert was from County Tyrone. She recalls holidaying in Cappagh, seeing British soldiers and experiencing house raids by them and neighbours being imprisoned and killed. Ite Ní Chionnaith comments, black and white film clip of IRA foot patrol shown. Then ex prisoner Seanna Walsh comments on the entire community in a revolution, Pamela recalls aged 13 being called names by a UDR patrol, she comments on relatives who were jailed. Father Raymond Murray then comments on the impact of the hunger strikes, which he says was used for political purposes. Pamela went to hunger strike demonstrations aged 16, by September 1981 10 hunger strikers where dead. One was Martin Hurson from Cappagh, Film clip of funeral shown. At 17 Pamela joined Na Fianna Éireann, the IRA's youth wing. Fionnuala Ní Aoláin comments on what draws people towards violent groups, then Seanna Walsh on the fearless nature of young people. In the 1984 elections Sinn Fein candidates were not allowed on T.V. or radio due to a broadcasting ban, her protest was to climb an RTE TV Mast with a banner demanding free speech and end of Section 31 ban, film clip shown, and newspaper stories. Pamela now in Sinn Fein protested on Sinn Fein picket lines against extradition. She still visited Cappagh often. Northern Ireland Secretary of State Jim Prior denied RUC men were involved in shoot to kill operations, paperclip shown. Pamela recalls thinking she should join the Provisional IRA, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin comments on how women paramilitaries were regarded in their communities then Donncha Mac Niallais a republican praises the role of women in the Provisional IRA as does Seanna Walsh. In 1987 Pamela stood for Sinn Fein in Irelands General Election in Dublin. She recalls being discriminated against, newspaper clip shown about women's political association action against Pamela, then Ite Ní Chionnaith comments, Pamela was not elected. In 1987 the SAS damaged the IRA's East Tyrone Brigade with The Loughgall ambush, newspaper clips shown, and then Journalist Henry McDonald comments on Loughgall. Pamela recalls her reaction to Loughgall and Henry McDonald explains it as a counter insurgency move to force the IRA to negotiate. In 1990 Pamela was part of an IRA gang that tried to rob a Wexford bank, flip clip and newspaper cuttings shown, then Pamela describes how they were caught, their driver was shot and wounded she recalls her family's reaction. Pamela got 10 years and was moved from Mount Joy to Limerick, TV clip shown. She recalls how she felt at that time, in prison as a republican she was often held in isolation, picture of protesters outside Limerick shown, academic comments on women prisoner's role. Pamela recalls prisoner release process in peace process, then film clip of her release shown, Seanna Walsh praises women for their role in the "struggle" Pamela supports the Peace Process. (Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 20th Jan 2012
16 mins 36 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
At Massereene murder trial Lurgan dissident republican Colin Duffy is acquitted and co accused Brian Shivers found guilty. Film report from Antrim Courts, reviews the evidence and the Judge comments on the killing of British Army Sappers Mark Quinsey and Patrick Azimkar in March 2009. First report from Tracey Magee, still photo shows soldiers moments before their deaths, then 999 recording played, 60 bullets fired, Colin Duffy had been on remand for 2 and a half years. Brian Shivers had bail. Forensic evidence explained as DNA found on getaway car, Judge comments on this documented. He was not satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that Colin Duffy's DNA on a glove linked him to the murders. Judge then explains why he convicted Brian Shivers on forensic evidence of setting fire to the getaway car, film of Colin Duffy leaving Court. In second report soldiers Sister Jamie Quinsey gives family's reaction to the verdicts at press conference, then PSNI's Chief Superintendent Peter Farrar's reaction. Next Brian Rowan interviews former RUC Assistant Chief Constable Peter Sheridan on the repercussions from the verdict and the dissident republican threat posed to the peace process, film clip of dissident republican training and their co-operation in this attack. A further report highlights Colin Duffy this is the third time he has been charged with murder and the third time he has been released, film clip shows his welcome home in Lurgan then autumn 1996 film of his acquittal and release of murdering ex UDR John Lyness in June 1993. On 16th June 1997 RUC's John Graham and David Johnston killed in Lurgan, Colin Duffy was charged but the case was dropped, film of Colin Duffy celebrating, film of Colin Duffy at Éirígí rally. Next report shows the reaction of Patrick Azimkar's family, his mother and father interviewed, his father watched the video of the killing. In Derry last night two dissident republican bombs blasted tourist centre and Strand Road, film report with SDLP's Colum Eastwood's reaction then PSNI Chief Superintendent Stephen Martin comments then Father (MISSING) and DUP's Gregory Campbell and Sinn Fein's Raymond McCartney (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 20th Jan 2012
17 mins 24 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Headlines then coverage of trial verdict of Colin Duffy and Brian Shivers in trial for murdering two soldiers in Antrim in 2009. First report covers the not guilty verdict on Colin Duffy and guilty verdict on Brian Shivers, the judge's views on DNA evidence found at the scene given, Brian Shivers get life, PSNI Chief Superintendent Peter Farrar comments, then Jamie Quinsey's reaction and Geraldine Ferguson (Patrick Azimkar's mother) views. Next report interviews the parents of Patrick Azimkar about their son's death, then live from Antrim journalist Julien O'Neill profiles what is known about Brian Shivers to date and he also profiles Colin Duffy's previous appearances on murder charges. A further report gives analysis of the forensic evidence found in the getaway car on a matchstick and a glove, forensic scientist Peter Barker explains the process for analysing forensic evidence. Next report from V. Kearney covers the killing of the soldiers but detectives believe 6 men were involved, today PSNI Chief Superintendent Peter Farrar promised the search for them goes on, veteran republican Marian Price has already been charged in connection to a mobile phone used in the attack. In Derry last night two bombs exploded, dissident republicans blamed, DUP's Gregory Campbell comments then C O'Connor of Derry visitor centre, then PSNI Chief Superintendent's Martin and Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness. (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 21st Jan 2012
1 mins 13 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC News
Programme Title:
Report covers Colin Duffy's press conference on his acquittal, he says his DNA was planted at the scene. (6pm Sat)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 23rd Jan 2012
8 mins 17 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines then report on all Ireland Festival fallout in Derry as Ulster Festival Group says the All Ireland Fleadh should not come to Derry because of the dissident republican activities and those behind the bid say it should go ahead, comments from Eibhlín Ní Dhochartaigh, then Sinn Fein MLA Gerry O'Hara's views, followed by SDLP's MP Mark Durkan. Its 5 years since revelations were revealed about the state agents operating within the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) group in Mount Vernon in North Belfast, relatives of their murder victims are angry not one of their RUC Special Branch handlers has been charged with crimes to date. Film report with Paul McKenna comments, then a review of Nuala O'Loan's report, followed by Kieran Fox views, and solicitor Pádraig Ó'Murchu comments. Next a report on false security alerts in Co. Derry. Lady Lucy Faulkner the widow of Brian Faulkner has died ages 87. In Stormont Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness has said parties here should stay out of the Scottish Independence debate, film report from Ken Reid review question time today at Stormont. Also mentioned is the issue of replacing the Police Ombudsmen's Al Hutchinson. (6pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 23rd Jan 2012
4 mins 18 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines; the former Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain has published a book today titled Outside In, in which he reveals his views on Northern Irelands politicians and the talks process he was involved in at St Andrews. Peter Hain says he related to all the politicians and admits using flattery, encouragement, and strong arm tactics to get them all together and signed up. Ian Paisley Junior was called Trouble with a capital T. Peter Hain comments on his role as his dad's gatekeeper. Peter Hain recalls threatening to cut all the MLA's salaries and introduce water charges. Peter Hain says he loved Northern Irish people and the job he done. (10:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 23rd Jan 2012
28 mins 31 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Noel Thompson begins the programme with an interview with Labour MP and opposition spokesman on Northern Ireland matters at Westminster, Vernon Coaker. He begins with a quest on about how easy his job is compared to other cabinet posts. Vernon Coaker calls his job interesting and explains why he thinks so, he goes on to comment on the optimism around the Northern Ireland economy despite job losses and welfare reform. He points out flaws in DUP's Finance Minister Sammy Wilson's rosy view of Northern Ireland finances, he feels the Tory Liberal coalition is cutting the deficit too far and too fast. He would have a temporary cut in VAT to bring in investment and allow small businesses a national insurance holiday and create schemes for young unemployed. He also says Northern Ireland's block grant would have done better under a Labour government, Noel Thompson questions him on this claim about what figures he is talking about. He also comments on the 'Alice in Wonderland' economics of the government who believe the private sector can replace the jobs cut by the government in the public sector, and he comments on the 1 in 5 young people out of work in Northern Ireland. He says the Northern Ireland Executive is doing the best it can to act like a shield against the Westminster cuts and he will support them in that work. On legacy issues he thinks the government should facilitate all party talks on funding a way of dealing with the past, he comments on Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Patterson's current talks plan on a bi-lateral basis. He outlines he would also include victims and survivors in the talks, and he believes a solution can be found. Vernon Coaker then refuses to comment on Peter Hain's comments about judges in his memoirs. In the 'if you ask me spot', commentator Alex Kane talks about the chances of Unionist unity as DUP's Peter Robinson approaches the UUP on the subject. Alex Kane highlights the problems facing a united Unionist party, including the UUP links to the Tory party. Next Noel Thompson introduces a Julia Paul, a film on the memoirs of former Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain called Inside Out is shown, in which he gives his views of Northern Ireland's local politicians. In 2005 the peace process faltered, Peter Hain recalls the tactics he used to pressurise the parties to work together including threatening water charges and cutting salaries; and on May 7th 2007 the Assembly is restored. Peter Hain comments on whether he should have got more credit, he calls Ian Paisley a gentleman, and outlines Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams played good copy bad cop with him. Mark Durken was talented leader, and David Ford was quick to take offence. Peter Hain elaborates further on talks with Ian Paisley, then he recalls the Northern Back robbery, the Robert McCartney murder, its effect on his talks with Sinn Fein, and whether he trusts them and them him - he says they kept their word. Peter Hain recalls the table photo of Ian Paisley and Gerry Adams sitting at an angle and how that came about. Next Noel Thompson talks to Les Allamby from the Northern Ireland Law centre and economist Graham Gudgin about the effects of the upcoming government welfare cuts on Northern Ireland families, which the government says it has widespread support for. The two commentators discuss the figures and the special case that is Northern Ireland compared to England, like the benefit cap issue. Programme ends with comic taxi driver's routine on the news (Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 24th Jan 2012
59 mins 8 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Bloody Sunday: The Long Wait
Programme Title:
This is the Inside story of the Saville report publication in June 2010 into the Bloody Sunday killings on January 30th 1972 by the British Army's Parachute Regiment, it interviews family members and campaigners and contains old film clips of that day. Programme begins with global news reports of Saville's findings, then the programme looks back to January 30th 1972. Father Edward Daly's words after the killings shown, then film of the Civil Rights Association parade in Derry that day. Liam Wray recalls the family heading to the parade, followed by John Kelly then Gerry Duddy; as the relatives speak a photo is shown of their relative killed that day. Film of the actual march heading towards town is shown. In January 1998 Tony Blair announces an enquiry into the killings. Tony Doherty comments, and Jean Hegarty comments on the report release and the pre read they got, as does solicitor Des Doherty and Michael Mansfield QC, they recall the tension of the day. A photo is shown of Kevin McIlhinney (17) then his sister Jean Hegarty recalls the conversations. Kay Duddy was quite confident of justice. Tony Doherty (his father Pat Doherty's photo shown) then Michael McKinney's views, (his Brother William McKinney's photo shown), then Kate Nash and Linda Nash recall their feelings (Brother William Nash's photo shown) Des Doherty recalls opening the boxes to read the report and his negative feelings. Then Regina McLaughlin, daughter of Gerard McKinney, recalls going to Bloody Sunday monument and walking with relatives to Guildhall. Michael Mansfield talks of increasing excitement as the paper says soldiers fired first, as lawyers face the relatives, John Kelly gives his reaction to reading report, then Eamonn McCann recalls arriving at Guildhall feeling this would be our day; a film clip then shows families enter the Guildhall. John Humes words from January 1994 about the victims innocence are played, then using old film clips of January 30th memorials a voiceover of victims' relatives recall their campaign down over the years that got them the Saville verdict of innocence. Michael Mansfield criticizes the widgery report, Eamonn McCann praises the family's commitment to their cause, and he calls it people power. May 2002 Ian Paisley Senior statement on the Saville inquiry played its critical of 'conspiracy theorists', then SDLP MP Mark Durken and Northern Ireland Secretary Tory Owen Patterson on the Westminster apology by David Cameron. Owen Patterson recalls David Cameron's reaction on reading the report, then General Fords January 30th 1972 comment that the paratroopers were fired at first played. Old film clips of army that day are shown as victims' relatives recall what they saw on the day 'as all hell broke loose'. Then film shows families entering the Guildhall to read the Saville report, families recall their feelings and nervous excitement and tension, families' photos of that day shown. Michael Kelly, John Kelly's brother, recalls his reaction to the news the victims were innocent, then views of Tony Doherty whose father was killed (Pat Doherty) then Jean Hegarty sister of Kevin McEIlhinney (17) then Liam Wray brother of Jim Wray (22); then Michael Mansfield recalls Burney McGuigan's (41) wife's reaction, followed by solicitors views. Then Michael McKinney recalls his anger that no one was to be prosecuted, then John Kelly comments on the findings about Gerard Donaghy, as does Geraldine Doherty his niece. Saville rules Gerard was innocent but he also said Gerard had nail bombs on his possession - the words Saville uses was ' probably' had them. Photos of Gerard's body shown with nail bombs, the families claim they were planted on him, Eamonn McCann then comments on this finding. Then John Humes remarks on April 1972 about the widgery report are played, and Brian Doherty, a community worker, recalls being in crowd outside the Guildhall, he's from the unionist protestant tradition. Bishop Edward Daly recalls being cautious, other family members recall tension of waiting to hear the news from those reading the Saville report and how the news filtered out into the crowd outside. John McKinney recalls giving thumbs up to the crowd outside, then Paul Doherty's views. Lord Carrington's statement in April 1972 that the army had nothing to be ashamed of is read out, followed by more film clips of the paratroopers on Bloody Sunday, then Bishop Edward Daly recalls what he saw that day. Photos are shown of John Duddy, then a film clip; Bishop Edward Daly says he feels close to Jackie even today. Then Jean Hegarty who lived in Canada recalls hearing the news about Derry, then John Kelly recalls hearing his brother Michael Kelly was dead, more still photos of bodies are shown. Liam Wray describes seeing Jim Wray's body and his reaction, then paratrooper Colonel Derek Wilford's statement on the shootings from January 1998 is played. Mark Durken recalls the mood at Westminster as David Cameron reacts to the Saville report "Unjustified and Unjustifiable" David Patterson comments, then a film clip in Derry's Guildhall Square where Michael Mansfield recalls his reaction, to David Cameron's 'sorry'. Bishop Edward Daly comments, film of applause in Derry, then Jean Hegarty's views, followed by the other relatives comments, then Eamonn McCann's views, and Michael Mansfield on the 'sorry' word. Simon Hoggart, a journalist, praises David Cameron for telling it like it is. Then news reports from around the world, covering David Cameron's words are shown, followed by John Kelly, Liam Wray, Tony Doherty's reactions. A film clip shows families being cheered by crowd in Guildhall Square, "words can't describe it" "a black veil has been lifted off Derry", then film clip shows the main family spokespeople addressing the Guildhall crowd on their dead relatives innocence, including ripping up a copy of the Widgery report. Eamonn McCann praises the Bloody Sunday families, then Patrick Mayhew's words of February 1997, supporting the Widgery report are played followed by Jean Hegarty's reaction to Saville, now one year later. Then Bishop Edward Daly's thoughts, then Eamonn McCann on the reports of serious faults, including letting senior British army officers off lightly. John Kelly comments on what he got out of the report, but he wants soldiers prosecuted to complete the job. Then Kate Nash views that the whole truth did not come out, then Regina McLaughlin says she forgives the soldier who killed her daddy. Then the Duddy's reactions, a sense of relief, then Liam Wray hopes it becomes a healing force. (10:30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 24th Jan 2012
29 mins 15 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
The Late Late Show
Programme Title:
Part 3 of this show opens with film of the scenes in Derry on January 30th 1972, Bloody Sunday, it shows British Army Paratroopers attacking the Civil Rights Association march of that day (1 m 30s). Then programme presenter Ryan Tubridy talks to relatives of Bloody Sunday victims in his audience, firstly Kay Green whose brother was Jackie Duddy, she recalls her whereabouts on hearing of his death and how she eventually heard by phone. She recalls his character and likes, he was the first killing that day and is filmed being led away with Father Edward Daly waving a bloody stained hankie, which his sister still has, now it's in the Bloody Sunday Museum. Then Tony Doherty, aged 9 when his father Patrick Doherty was shot dead, reveals his recollections of his father's death. A friend told him first, playing in the street, he recalls the effect on him; at 17 he joined the IRA and he explains he did that as he had no faith in state or institutions. Then John Kelly who was on the march recalls that day, his brother Michael Kelly was shot dead. He gives details of that day and footage of Michael with Ivan Cooper is shown. Soldier F Shot him in the stomach, John had been fired at twice that day but escaped, he recalls the effect on his mother who was also on the march. Then Alana Burke recalls the march, she recalls being soaked with a water cannon and then heading home an army Saracen ran her over smashing her leg and pelvis, then a film clip is shown of a young Father Edward Daly giving an interview on Bloody Sunday and the death of Jackie Duddy. Then a live interview with Bishop Edward Daly from his home, he says it was a day that changed his life. He heard the shot that killed Jackie beside him, he hid behind a wall, he describes what happened next, and carrying Jackie towards hospital. Eamonn McCann recalls what he was doing when he heard the shots, he was bewildered, he explains why and describes what he saw, people being shot, and why Bloody Sunday is a unique atrocity. Then journalist Peter Taylor who arrived in Derry for ITV that night says Bloody Sunday changed his life also. He recalls the mood in the Bogside, people told him their stories and he found it difficult to believe British Soldiers would shot innocent people, but an eye witness who lived in Flats end was a former soldier convinced him of what had really happened. He recalls hearing eye witness stories and Paratrooper's stories and he believed eye witnesses. Then Julie Anne Campbell, a niece of Jackie Duddy, after viewing Prime Minister David Cameron's apology, gives her views on what the apology meant to the Bloody Sunday families. Then Eamonn McCann recalls his reaction on that day, and mentions Saville did not criticise army officers, then Peter Taylor comments on what effect Bloody Sunday had on the Troubles, and he believes it legitimised the IRA and its tactics, and things would have been different if it had not happened. Then Bishop Edward Daly says Saville and David Cameron's speech have brought about a sea change in Derry, he praises the families' campaign and calls Bloody Sunday mass murder. Then John Kelly says the job is not finished until soldiers are prosecuted.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 25th Jan 2012
17 mins 14 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines then a report covers the years of sectarian abuse that Castlewellan catholic woman Laurina Kane endured while working at the Belfast Trust as a Social Worker, she was awarded £60,000 by the courts yesterday. Film report with interview with Laurina, she recalls 2004 job at Knockbracken, but a colleague told her she hated Catholics. Laurina recalls her disbelief as remarks got nastier, details given of name calling, and her line manager took no action to stop the insults; in 2008 she decided she had enough and lodged a complaint. Laurina became ill and depressed, she recalls her illness. It took 3 years for the Trust to admit liability. A trust statement is read; Laurina still works with the Trust. Then in the studio Laurina Kane's solicitor Maura Heron, and Eileen Lavery of the Equality Commission, discuss the case and dealing with sectarianism in the workplace and challenging it when it appears. The Belfast Trust's handling of this case is criticised by the solicitor. The all Ireland Fleadh going to Derry is back on track, as the Ulster Branch reversed its original decision not to take the Fleadh to Derry. Film report with Eibhlín Ní Dhochartaigh's reaction, then Brendan Molloy from Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir. Today Scotland's First Minister announced the question that will be put to Scotland's people in the referendum on independence. Film report on his press conference, then from Edinburgh Ken Reid gives his analysis of Alex Salmond's press conference and his performance, and the implications for the union and Northern Ireland if Scotland voted for independence. (10:30pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 26th Jan 2012
25 mins 29 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Teilifis na Gaeilge (TG4)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Mna An Ira:
Programme Title:
Martina Anderson
This series profiles women who joined the IRA and explores their reasons for doing so, tonight it's Derry woman Martina Anderson who tells her story. The programme begins with Martina saying she could not have sat as a witness to the wrongs happening around her, when she applied to join the Republican movement she was told to think about it as she would either end up in jail or the cemetery. Then using photos Martina's family background is detailed, she was one of ten children. Fionnuala Ni Aolain explains the community divisions and tensions in Derry during the late 1950s and early 1960s and their different perspectives on the Northern Ireland (UNKNOWN). Martina recalls her mother was a republican who supported John Hume's one man one vote campaign, her father was a protestant, she recalls not meeting any of her father's family until the day he died in 1973. Then Donncha Mac Niallais recalls the Battle of the Bogside when he was 11 years old, and the fear of the B Specials invading their area. Martina recalls her first experiences of seeing a riot outside their house, Des Beattie was killed that day, she was 8 years old. Then Martina recalls Bloody Sunday, 30th January 1972, she recalls deadly silence in the Bogside that night and she remembers seeing the lines of coffins in the church. Author Henry McDonald recalls the fear in communities in those days, then journalist Ian Malcolm, whose father was a local paper editor, often criticized the Provisional IRA in editorials and was often threatened by the Provisional IRA. Martina then recalls her house being constantly raided, the first hunger strike started, and as a teenager she joined protests at 16 she was arrested and screened; she was now an active republican. At 18 she was charged with causing an explosion and remanded to Armagh prison, a newspaper clip shown, she was released on bail as the second hunger strike advanced and Bobby Sands was to die. A film clip is shown of Margaret Thatcher's refusal to meet their demands, Martina meanwhile decided to jump bail and go on the run. She explains what the impact of that was, she stayed on the run for 4 years in Donegal then travelled to join an IRA unit in England. Henry McDonald comments on Provisional IRA's England department, then Martina comments on why she chose war. In 1985 Martina and Ella O'Dwyer where arrested in Glasgow, a news report is shown. They were charged with conspiracy to cause explosions and she and Ella O'Dwyer were sent to Brixton prison (6 others including Pat Magee and Gerard McDonnell were also charged). Martina recalls her 13 months on remand in a male prison, they were strip searched 24 times a week, Donncha Mac Niallais comments on the campaign to have it stopped, then Fionnuala Ni Aolain. At the Old Bailey in 1986, the judge had harsh words for Martina, newspaper and TV News shown, she was sentenced to life and moved to Durham prison along with Ella O'Dwyer. Gerard O'Hara comments on her 13 tough years in prison, with strip searches and beatings; Martina recalls coming to terms with having to survive in Durham. 3 years into her sentence she married Paul Kavanagh who was also in prison for IRA offences, Martina recalls the wedding. Her campaign for prison improvements resulted in the Lester and Taylor report and a new prison governor. Martina recalls during her 8 years in Durham she received a degree in social sciences, with the Provisional IRA ceasefire she was transferred to a Northern Ireland Prison. Martina comments on the peace process and the Good Friday Agreement, then film clip shows their release from prison. She became involved in community work in Derry and Sinn Fein politics, she recalls missing having children. She now works in the Office for First Minister and Deputy First Minister, commentators comment on her skills. (Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 27th Jan 2012
5 mins 28 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines then former Loyalist Volunteer Force member Neil Hyde is to give evidence for the Police Service Northern Ireland against the killers of journalist Martin O'Hagan. Film report on his court appearance, with review of 2001 killing of Martin O'Hagan in Lurgan, and Neil Hyde's (32) testimony. He also gave details on the murder of Graham Marks in Tandragee in April 2001, he will be sentenced on Friday. Also in courts Downpatrick man Ryan Lavery (27) appeared on a charge of gathering information useful to terrorists has been described by his lawyer as a train spotter. Film report says he had photos and car numbers of vehicles entering Ballykinlar army base. (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 28th Jan 2012
3 mins 50 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
The Executive of Comhaltas has awarded the All Ireland Fleadh for 2013 to Derry after a meeting today. Film report with Eibhlín Ní Dhochartaigh and Sinn Fein MLA Martina Anderson's reactions, then Labhrás Ó Murchú of Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann comments on his organizations first trip ever north of the boarder. Controlled explosions carried out in Fermanagh. The UUP MLA David McNarry has resigned from the party after being disciplined by leader Tom Elliott for leaking the news that the UUP were talking with the DUP. Film report with the UUP's Danny Kennedy and Basil McCrea's reactions (5:30pm Sat)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 29th Jan 2012
4 mins 22 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
DUP First Minister Peter Robinson has attended his first GAA Match last night he went to the Dr McKenna cup final between Tyrone and Derry. Film report shown of Peter Robinson's comments afterwards. He did not enter the ground until after the Irish national anthem was played, then Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness praises Peter Robinson's move, then GAA chairman's welcome. In Coalisland two shots were fired at a house, followed by a report that in Derry 3000 people attended Bloody Sunday commemorative march. Film report with Kate Nash on the fallout between Bloody Sunday families over whether the march should continue, then Michael Bridges one of the Bloody Sunday wounded comments on prosecutions of the soldiers, then Michael McKinney's views. (5pm Sun)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 29th Jan 2012
2 mins 45 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Coverage of Peter Robinson's attendance at the Dr McKenna Cup Final in Armagh last night. Film report with Peter Robinson's comments on the GAA, then Ulster council president Aogán Ó Fearghail's views. In Derry a 40th anniversary commemoration of Bloody Sunday took place. Film report covers the split in families' views over the marches with Tony Doherty and Kate Nash comments. (6:30pm Sun)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 30th Jan 2012
13 mins 12 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Another UUP crisis as MLA David McNarry walks away from assembly team over being disciplined by Tom Elliot over press leaks on DUP and UUP talks on unity. Film report with Tom Elliott comments on the leaks and David McNarry's resignation. Two former senior police officers Chief Superintendent Norman Baxter and Former Assistant Chief Alan McQuillan have called for a watchdog inquiry into the rehiring of Patten redundancy officers as civilian workers in the Police Service for Northern Ireland. Film report with Norman Baxter interview, then Alan McQuillan's views. Meanwhile the DUP has dropped its opposition to a watchdog inquiry, their MLA David McIlveen comments, then Sinn Fein's Gerry Kelly's views on the accountability issue. Then Deputy Chief Constable Judith Gillespie's reaction. At the trial of Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton charged with murdering Police Service of Northern Ireland's Constable Stephen Carroll; a Detective gave evidence about a computer held by John Paul Wootton and the information found on it about getting weapons. A forensic evidence expert gave DNA evidence about a coat owned by Brendan McConville. Next DUP'S Peter Robinsons visit to GAA match in Armagh has been widely accepted, film report with Peter Robinson comments on moving away from a them and us mentality. Film report reviews Queens's visit to GAA headquarters, vox pop of East Belfast voters. (6:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 30th Jan 2012
13 mins 14 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Coverage of the fallout in UUP with David McNarry resigning from the party after being disciplined by party leader Tom Elliot for his comments to the press about DUP and UUP talks. Film report on the secret talks issue with Peter Robinson's and David McNarry's comments, then Tom Elliot on why he took action, followed by commentator Alex Kane's views. Then the studio a live interview with David McNarry who says he has been stitched up, he says he is baffled by Tom Elliott's agenda, he comments on what he said to the Belfast Telegraphs' Liam Clarke. Then Ken Reid gives his analysis of the UUP and DUP talks, how long they are going on and which politicians were in each party delegations and the mood now in the UPP. DUP's Peter Robinson's attendance at the GAA match at the weekend has been welcomed by one small steps Trevor Ringland. Film report on the McKenna Cup Final with Peter Robinsons comments. Then Trevor Ringland comments on the UUP's Tom Elliot's refusal to go to a GAA match, he says Peter Robinson's visit was symbolic, then the GAA's Ryan Feeney gives his reaction. In West Belfast a vox pop of people welcomed the visit, on the East there was a missed response. (6pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 30th Jan 2012
1h28 mins
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Teilifis na Gaeilge (TG4)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Bernadette (in Irish with English subtitles)
Programme Title:
This programme is a profile of the life of a socialist republican activist Bernadette Devlin (McAliskey) from her involvement in the civil rights movement in the 1960s to founding the IRSP, through the hunger strikes to the present day. It uses many excellent black and white film clips from the 1960s and interviews with Bernadette on the key movements and decisions of her life. It begins with a March 1971 clip of Bernadette addressing voters during an election campaign, she outlines her beliefs on social justice and class politics, and then from the same era she answers the question who is Bernadette Devlin from Cookstown, the person she is, not the person who lives in the minds of different people at different times, she says, newspaper headlines shown and press cartoons of her plus a series of film clips, through it all she says she has survived with her integrity intact, as is her sanity and emotional health and physical wellbeing intact, and she still believes in the core values she started with. Then a film clip of April 18th 1969 Bernadette Devlin wins the Mid-Ulster by election, with a 4211 majority aged 21 she is Westminster's youngest MP. Film clip shows her arriving at Parliament in London and coverage of her first speech, then an interview with Bernadette about her speech and how it was received, then she recalls first Civil Rights Association march in summer of 1968 in Coalisland. Film clip of her in pole, she recalls it and 5th October march were RUC beat marchers, film clip shown with Bernadette recalling the RUC attack and the affect it had on her understanding of Northern Ireland and her place in it. During this time of marches she says she learned her trade, more film clips shown of her speaking and marching. She recalls the dynamic around the world in the 1960s in Britain, Europe and the USA, then TV clip shows her comment on the 6 points of the Civil Rights Association, created after the October 5th 1968 march, then film clip of People's Democracy march from Belfast to Derry in January 1969 shown. Bernadette recalls the government decision to allow it but gave it no RUC protection. 4th January 1969 Burntollet Bridge, loyalists attack the marchers, film clip of People's Democracy, Michael Farrell addressing marchers, then film of loyalist attack. Bernadette Devlin recalls RUC arrested 84 students not the attackers, film of the march reaching Derry singing 'The Internationale', then film of Bernadette Devlin speaking at Newry rally. Bernadette Devlin then recalls her mother's rebellious nature, photos shown, she says she got her mother's characteristics, her father was a self-educated serious man, a socialist republican and trade union member, family photos shown, she recalls impact of her parents on her and her siblings. She grew up in largely female surroundings, a concept of equals she says, she recalls going to Queens University Belfast, lodging at Aquinas Hall, getting a student grant doing Celtic studies, French and psychology, she recalls her mother dying of cancer at 46. Looking back to the beginning of the Civil Rights Association Bernadette Devlin says it was not about a United Ireland but about housing, she explains the situation in Dungannon and Coalisland, and if you did not have a house you did not have a vote, then film of Derry march August 12th 1969 and the Apprentice Boys march. Bernadette Devlin gives her views on Orange marches, then film of the RUC battling civilians at barricades and Bernadette Devlin in the Bogside with rioters, she gives and interview about manning The Derry barricade and not going to Parliament in 1969, more Rossville Flats riots film shown, then Radio Free Derry clip, and Bernadette Devlin organising building barricades with megaphone speech, she recalls now that she did not know what she was doing, she says she organised stone breakers to supply the stone throwers, picture of her breaking stones is shown, followed by her 1969 TV comments on barricades and the RUC attacks, then film of Bernadette Devlin in Downing Street trying to get in to see PM Harold Wilson, after the Battle of the Bogside Bernadette Devlin went to the USA to raise money for a relief fund, she explains why on a TV interview clip, then film of her speaking in the US, while Bernadette Devlin recalls with hindsight that visit and its profile, then more US TV interviews shown, during her first visit to the US unionist politicians Ian Paisley and UUP's William Stratton Mills arrived and tried to discredit her calling her a Marxist and called her Castro in a mini skirt, Bernadette Devlin recalls her good learning on Feminism in America, she recalls meeting radical groups, she recalls herself as a loud hailer, more US TV comments shown, on returning home Bernadette Devlin is charged with organising a riot in the Bogside, in a TV interview she gives her reaction to the charge, then a TV clip of her trial, she is convicted and her 6 month sentence is postponed until after the Westminster election, film clip of her election campaign shown. In East Tyrone she recalls herself as a "speechifier" and explains what people thought of her. She is filmed in unionist Sion Mills speaking, then interviewed in Irish at that time about getting re-elected. She was re-elected but has to go to Armagh prison, film clip of her comments on that, then she looks back wondering why she was the only person charged, Bogside women's angry reaction with 3 days of rioting, Bernadette Devlin says prison was no big deal, she calls it a blessed relief from political arguments, she recalls taking stock of her life and plans. Irish interview from back in 1970s shown, then film clip of her release, she speaks in Carrickmore that night, film shown of this and her prison release press conference in which she calls for end to street riots and explains why. Now in modern times she comments on not being a militarist as film clips show violence, she says she has no blood on her hands, then film of Northern Ireland Prime Minister Brian Faulkner announces the introduction of internment, then Bernadette Devlin addressing anti-internment rally, then Harold Wilson British PM on political bass of internment, then vox pop of Derry girls on internment. Bernadette Devlin recalls January 1972 the week before Bloody Sunday, the Citizens Rights Association held a march Dungannon to Coalisland, she describes how it was attacked by British troops with film clips shown of her arguing with troops and RUC, she says they were threatened with being shot, then film of next week January 30th 1972, Bloody Sunday, she was not shocked by the level of British hostility because of Coalisland. Bernadette Devlin recalls Bloody Sunday and the fear she felt that day, she was on a platform speaking when she heard shots fired, she thought shots were over their heads, but her eyes, people falling, time slowed down, film clips of Bloody Sunday shooting shown, she recalls it as a key moment in her life, more film clips shown of bodies on streets then General Robert Ford interview. Film of Irish Prime Minister Jack Lynch's response shown in TV clip, then film of Bloody Sunday funerals, 24,000 outside church. In Westminster Home Secretary Reginald Maudling says paratroopers fired in self-defence, Bernadette Devlin walked across Parliament and hit him, Bernadette Devlin is filmed outside commenting on hitting him, saying she will not apologise and rejects the idea of a British inquiry. Next Bernadette Devlin recalls the officials as Partitionist and Provos with no politics, she says a vacuum republican socialism existed, Bernadette Devlin comments and film of rowdy left wing socialists shown from 1970s. In 1974 Bernadette Devlin and Seamus Costello founded the founded the Irish Republican Socialist Party, she recalls that event and explains her thinking at that time, film of Seamus Costello shown, but after 1 year she left over the Irish Republican Socialist Party having a secret military wing, the INLA. She explains her disagreement with Seamus Costello over militarism, she recalls that by 1976 loyalists were killing random Catholics, film clips shown she recalls the 'conveyor belt' to prison of mid 1970s and the harsh treatment of prisoners, abolition of special category status and the Christmas 1980 H Block situation and outside support groups, this was attacked by loyalists, she recalls Miriam Daly, Ronnie Bunting, J Turnley then Bernadette Devlin was shot she was the only one to survive, she recalls UDA's John Mc Michael's threats, she recalls the attack on her house she had only returned to the house at Christmas, she explains the army let the murder bid go ahead then arrested the gunmen news report shown. Bernadette Devlin recalls being hit 8 times in the loyalist attack. Then film report from 1981 shows her interview after the shooting about the army's presence there, then today she looks back, then film report of her addressing the hunger strike rally, she calls hunger strike a massive defeat now looking back at it, she says after the hunger strike she stepped back from it all because of the enormity of what she had been involved in, she was overwhelmed by it all, and from 1981 to 1994 secret talks all her involvement was at a local level, she was disgusted by secret talks and rejected the peace process as the wrong way to go, during peace talks she was battling for survival, personally and community wise, she says the price others paid for what she has done has troubled her. Film report on Roisin McAliskey (25) remand in London on German extradition process, with Bernadette Devlin on racism and inhumanity of the British State, then decision not to extradite Roisin McAliskey shown, then Bernadette Devlin recalls what Roisin McAliskey suffered while in prison, not for what she has done but because of who she was. Then in July 1997 Bernadette Devlin talks about her current job in the South Tyrone Empowerment Programme (STEP) Bernadette Devlin says she believes this war is over but the warring mentality has not left the people, that's the way of Ireland she says we have a war then lie about the war, we have to break that cycle she says, film clip of April 1998 shows Good Friday Agreement signing, she asks what did we get out of the war, as the British only offered the same as they did at Sunningdale, Republican leaders accepted the right to share power with Unionists in maintaining British rule in Northern Ireland she says there is no Stormont opposition, everybody's in the same club this process manages sectarianism and segregation, Bernadette Devlin outlines what should have been fundamental in a proper peace process its sectarian structure should be challenged, for her to go to Stormont now is a step too far for her, she still wants a socialist republic.(Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 31st Jan 2012
11 mins 26 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines then interview with Lord Saville on the impact his Bloody Sunday inquiry has had, 40 years after the event. He says he is pleased his report has advanced the cause of peace. Film report reviews Widgery's findings, he watched David Cameron on TV, two of his lawyers attended Guildhall that day, David Cameron's Commons statement and apology was the correct response and he never thought he would see Derry audience applaud a Tory Prime Minister. The report took 12 years and cost £200 Million. In Court after 71 days in the UVF super grass trial the judge has retried to consider his verdict, on the evidence from super grass brothers Robert and Ian Stewart against 13 alleged UVF men. Film report, on a visit to Belfast today the UK Business Minister Vince Cable says there is no desire in Northern Ireland for a Scottish type independence referendum on Irish unity. Film report on his visit with interview on the local economy and the role of the private sector and the corporation tax issue. The DUP says The Boundary Commission's new electoral boundary changes are gerrymandered. Film report on the proposed changes with Political reaction (6:30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 31st Jan 2012
15 mins 15 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The family of a Shankill Butcher gang victim Joe Morrissey have decided to sue the police for delays in catching the killers. Film report with Charlotte Morrissey's comments on the case and solicitor Shauna Carberry's views, profile of Lenny Murphy's gang, with RUC Detective Chief Inspector Jim Nesbitt's views on catching the gang, Joe Morrissey was killed on February 3rd 1977, his body was found on Forthriver Road, Charlotte describes the body's injuries, Jim Nesbitt explains why he thinks the gang was difficult to catch, he says the killers couldn't be caught sooner than they were on May 7th 1977. Details of family writ given, Solicitor Niall Murphy comments. Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness says he will attend a Northern Ireland soccer match. Film report with interview, he says he is not totally hung up on a 2016 Irish unity referendum, he also comments on how he would regard a visit by Queen Elizabeth to Northern Ireland and if he sees himself as leading Sinn Fein into the next election, then Ken Reid gives his analysis of the Martin McGuinness interview and the latest news on the David McNarry and Tom Elliot UUP fallout and what will happen next as Danny Kennedy and Basil McCrea support Tom Elliot's position. (10:30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 1st Feb 2012
5 mins 29 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines then preview of tomorrows UTV 10:30pm report on the 20th anniversary of the Ormeau Road Bookies shooting and the Teebone killings, then report from courts on trial of Brendan McConville for murdering PSNI Constable Stephen Carroll hears evidence from unnamed witness who says he saw Brendan Carroll at murder scene. Defence lawyers call witness in a Walter Mitty character. Film report with details Paul Somerville (31) who fell out of a PSNI van last Thursday has died. Film report, in Portadown 4 pipe bombs were found and made safe. (10:30pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 2nd Feb 2012
15 mins 13 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
The European Economic Community is providing £18 Million for a conflict resolution centre at the Maze prison site. Film report reviews the history of the Maze and a £300 Million plan to regenerate the whole Maze area and what the new centre will actually do, with Mark Davenport's analysis. In the courts today at the Stephen Carroll murder trial, a detective named the leader of the Craigavon Continuity Irish Republican Army as Eddie Breen, who was arrested and released, witness M claims it was Breen who threatened him. Film report, the Historical Enquiries Team has released a report on the IRA killing of British Soldier Private Paul Cater in 1971, at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast contradicting previous belief that local people had not assisted the dying soldier. Film report with his sister Trudie Baker's comments and look at task facing the Historical Enquiries Team as it reviews 3000 murders with Historical Enquiries Team chief Dave Cox's comments. The UUP's David McNarry is to be disciplined by the party for saying on radio that Tom Elliot did not know what he was doing as leader. At the policing board the PSNI Chief Constable has given his first reaction to BBC reports that former Patten retiring police officers were being rehired by the PSNI, he defends the practice and reveals the PSNI has paid £41 Million to Grafton Recruitment for its services in rehiring officers. Film report with Matt Baggett's comments. In the Republic, Irish soldiers who deserted the Irish Army to fight in the British Army against Hitler were blacklisted and denied government employment for 7 years, the Irish government is now considered pardoning the men. Film report with Tommy Graham of History Irelands comments then Paddy Reid Jr, whose father was banned, comments on the effect on his family, then Irish Justice Minister Alan Shutter's views, and reaction from DUP's Peter Weir (6:30pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 2nd Feb 2012
17 mins 5 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Noel Thompson examine the internal UUP row between David McNarry and party leader Tom Elliott with newsletters Sam McBride and unionist commentator Alex Kane, and BBC's journalist Martina Purdy. They discuss the issue at the root of the fallout, should there be one unionist party, closer co-operation, or will the UUP always be second fiddle to the DUP ' This section is badly interrupted by a recording fault ' Next a film report from Julia Paul looks at DUP's Peter Robinson attending a GAA match and his comments on why he didn't in Jan 2008. DUP's Edwin Poots attended a GAA match and last year the current Sports Minister Caral Ni Chuilin attended a Windsor Park match between Northern Ireland and Faroe Islands, but Peter Robinson may want to move away from 'a them and us' attitude, in some areas of his party it might take a little longer. In Cookstown Council DUP members have been avoiding anything to do with Sinn Fein, even photos, Julia Paul explains. Sinn Fein Counselor John McNamee comments on the DUP Counselor's behavior, no DUP Counselors were willing to be interviewed, a statement was read out instead. Mark Brown editor of the Mid ' Ulster Mail comments, then a vox pop of pensioners at a luncheon club. Next Noel Thompson examines the current campaign in the USA for the Republican Party's nomination for President and the role this time of politician action groups who following a Supreme Court ruling in 2010 are allowed to take unlimited cash contributions from companies and individuals. Some of the funded TV adverts criticizing each other are shown, then in the studio professor Catherin Clinton (Queens University Belfast) discusses the 'Pucks' issue with Noel Thompson. Again a recording interruption in this section also. Programme ends with comic taxi driver routine (6:30pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 2nd Feb 2012
12 mins 31 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
On 20th anniversary of the loyalist murder of 5 Catholics in Sean Graham Bookmakers and the Provisional IRA (PIRA) killing of 8 protestant workmen at Teebane, a Brown Rowan report looks back to February 1992. Begins with old film clips and relatives voice overs, then a clip of RUC Chief Constable Hugh Annesley's reaction, Reverent Ivor Smith recalls Teebane relatives horror that UFF bookmakers killing was in revenge for Teebane, then UDA's Jackie McDonald comments on the killings, he says that the bookmakers victims were innocent. A film clip of Teebane relatives commemoration is shown, Reverent Ivor Smith speaks on lack of justice, then from bookmaker's families Willie McManus, Tommy Duffin, Eileen McManus, Maria Sykes comment. Brian Rowen interviews Mark Sykes on the collusion allegations about the bookmaker shootings, then solicitor Kevin Winters comments on weapons used and concerns about their sinister history. Then Relatives for Justice Mark Thompson on the role of people in grey suits in the Dirty war. Then Reverent Ivor Smith says Teebane relatives want someone convicted but says that's unlikely. In 1992 Jackie McDonald was in jail, he says the February 1992 killings helped quicken the pace of the peace process, he says he cannot say sorry for the bookmakers killing as he was not involved. Next political editor Ken Reid comments on the European Economic Community's decision to give £18 Million towards a Maze conflict resolution centre and the issues still outstanding, and the future of the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society (10:30pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 2nd Feb 2012
24 mins 51 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Teilifis na Gaeilge TG4
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Mna An Ira:
Programme Title:
Rosaleen Walsh
This series profiles female members of the Provisional IRA (PIRA) and explores why they joined the organisation, this episode is about Belfast woman Rosaleen Walsh who was born in 1950 in Fort Street. It begins with Rosaleen sitting in the grounds of Clonard and comments on joining the IRA comparing it to joining a club, they all had rules. The narrator then details Rosaleen's early life, born on the Springfield Road, the family moved to Andersonstown, photo shown while Rosaleen recalls an idyllic childhood. She recalls having protestant neighbours called Henry's who eventually moved away at the start of the Troubles. Then academic Fionnuala Ní Aoláin comments on the traditional nature of Belfast society, ruled by church dogmas which did not promote women's rights or the status of women. Rosaleen comments on notable changes in women's roles within the nationalist community once the British arrived, women started going to local clubs. Then Íte Ní Chionnaith comments on women's economic role in families with male unemployment high. Then Republican Seanna Walsh gives his views on the changing role of women in the 1970s. Rosaleen's father had been interned when he was younger, a photo is shown of her father, he had also been jailed with three other IRA men for robbing a bookmakers shop. Rosaleen recalls the stories he told about prison conditions, she recalls that he did not try to instill republicanism in them. Then Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, highlights events like Bloody Sunday that made people become republicans. Rosaleen at 15 began work at Woolworths, she recalls a sectarian incident at work, after a few weeks she left Woolworths, she recalls that by age 17 she was aware of social injustices in Northern Ireland. Íte Ní Chionnaith describes the inequality in Northern Ireland in the late 1960s against nationalists and the establishment of the Civil Rights Association (CRA) and their marches and demands. Rosaleen was working with the Legion of Mary in 1971, she went to London to work with poor people; she recalls her year there, but in August 1971 her two brothers were interned and Rosaleen returned to a changed city. Film clips of army patrols shown. She joined Cumann na mBan, Seanna Walsh then describes the role of women in the IRA, moving guns etc. Rosaleen expects she surrendered her individuality when she joined the IRA, she done what she was told to do, journalist Henry McDonald comments on the feminist ideology. Then Rosaleen recalls 40years ago and the conditions that made people stand up to oppression, then Fionnuala Ní Aoláin comments on victims and perpetrators. Rosaleen says her whole life was in the republican movement, in 1973 she was arrested, she recalls the interrogation and eventual internment in Armagh prison for 13 months. Father Raymond Murray the Armagh prison Chaplin describes the 32 female internees, Rosaleen tells how she kept herself busy with poetry and art, a film clip of Armagh shown. Rosaleen describes the prisoners, Father Raymond Murray says the girls would not have been in prison expect for the Troubles. On Release she married a republican she had only known for 12 weeks, Two months later he was jailed and Rosaleen was now pregnant. Rosaleen recalls she only saw her husband 30 hours over four and a half years but they are now married 35 years. Rosaleen has continued with her writing and poetry, she reads out a poem and then comments on sadness about some things but she did not create this mayhem.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 6th Feb 2012
10 mins 51 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Ian Paisley Senior has been rushed to the Ulster Hospital and treated in intensive care unit. Live report from outside the hospital, then further report says he is suffering from heart problems, his family release a statement and Ian Paisley's last TV interview after preaching his last church sermon are shown. Then from Stormont Ken Reid gives a sense of the reaction in Stormont amongst the MLA's and parties. At a Stormont debate on the Queens 60th year on the throne Peter Robinson opened the motion and then UUP's Tom Elliot asked the Republic to re-join the commonwealth, then SDLP's Alasdair McDonnell's comments. Sinn Fein MLA did not speak, Robert McCartney comments. In Courts forensic evidence heard in Stephen Carroll murder case. In Lurgan a man's body found. (6pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 8th Feb 2012
4 mins 16 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Dissident republicans have sent the Irish news photos of police officers taken from the phone of a woman constable. Film report on Óglaigh na hÉireann claims with Irish news editor Noel Doran comments, and Sinn Fein Gerry Kelly's comments, then security expert and former RUC officer Alan Mains reaction (6pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 9th Feb 2012
24 mins 27 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Teilifis na Gaeilge (TG4)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Mna An Ira
Programme Title:
Rosaleen McCorley
The programme begins with Rosaleen's comments about living a double life, although she did normal everyday things, she also had a secret life in the Provisional IRA (PIRA), then she recalls her early family life born in 1957 her mother and father were republicans she had two sisters and 1 brother, photo shown. She recalls that aged 9 or 10 she began to hear her parents talk about issues like job discrimination against Catholics. Then Sinn Fein's Gerard O'Hara comments on the job situation in his family in Derry, the poverty and the close knit community interdependence. Everyone knew if you were a Catholic you would not get a job in Harland and Wolfe, Shorts or Mackie's. She says Catholics felt like second class citizens. Film clips of Citizens Rights Association (CRA) marches shown. Then Sinn Fein's Seanna Walsh recalls the hope of people here that this would change society significantly. Rosaleen recalls seeing TV clips of RUC beating CRA marches, TV Clip shown and her anger watching these. In 1970 the British Army raided nationalist homes in the Falls Road area, photos of guns found shown, and photos of the Army curfew in the streets which had been imposed shown. Over 3 days 4 civilians were killed and soldiers injured, Rosaleen's aunt lived in the area. Then Íte Ní Chionnaith comments on the role of Maura Drumm and other women in trying to break the army curfew, photos shown. Then journalist Henry McDonald views on Maura Drumm. Rosaleen recalls the tension back then, she recalls street barricades going up around Belfast as community fear of each other increased, her father manned the barricades in her area, then Henry McDonald recalls the day to day humiliations suffered by nationalists at the hands of the British Army foot patrols. Rosaleen now a teenager recalls the army raids on her home and their behaviour towards locals on the streets. Then Sinn Fein's Donncha Mac Niallais recalls increasing support for the IRA campaign, especially after Bloody Sunday. Rosaleen recalls aged 15 becoming involved with the Republican movement's youth wing, Seanna Walsh then states the PIRA was the people's army and defines what he means by that. Rosaleen recalls how her activities advanced from banging bin lids and going to lectures to carrying guns. Then Henry McDonald comments. Rosaleen then talks about her normal life, at that time she worked in the Housing Executive. Then Fionnuala Ní Aoláin's views on women's role and status within the male dominated paramilitary groups, followed by Henry McDonald's views on that topic. Rosaleen talks about questions she asked herself as her IRA role got more and more risky, is this right for me? She decided it was right for her. In 1990 she was charged with attempted murder of an RUC officer, she got a 22 year sentence, newspaper clip show. Rosaleen describes her reaction to that at that time. Outside by the mid 1990s secret peace talks had begun, Rosaleen recalls feeling guilty about how her imprisonment affected her family. While in Maghaberry prison Rosaleen was subjected to strip searches, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin comments on this issue, then Rosaleen describes what happens during a strip search, with newspaper clips shown from that time about the issue. During her 9 years in jail Rosaleen completed a degree course, she became the first female prisoner released under the Good Friday Agreement and now works for Sinn Fein in Stormont as a political advisor and in promoting the Irish language, she comments on the role of republican women now in the peace process. Then Íte Ní Chionnaith gives views on the importance of women in the Republican movement, Rosaleen then gives her views on the violence that the IRA inflicted on others during the Troubles. Now she looks to the future.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 10th Feb 2012
7 mins 0 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Masserene army barracks killer of two British Soldiers has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. Film report includes recording of killer's voicemail message and two pictures of the scene plus judges' comments and family statements, also PSNI's Detective Chief Inspector Justyn Galloway's reaction. In Donegal, a Derry man Andrew Alan (24) was shot dead near Buncrana, dissident republican group Republican Action Against Drugs (RAAD) is believed to have been responsible. Film report with Sinn Fein's Padraig Mac Lochlainn reaction and neighbours Nat Black's views. Then Michael Doherty and SDLP MP Mark Durkan and Father Michael Canny and Garda John Gilligan's Comments. (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 10th Feb 2012
7 mins 49 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Coverage of the dissident republican killing of Andrew Alan (24) in Donegal, in film report Garda Super intendant John Gilligan comments then neighbour Nat Black views. In Derry Michael Doherty of the Peace and Reconciliation Group comments on dissident republicans forcing men out of Derry. DUP's Jeffery Donaldson has backed the families of the last two RUC men killed in the Troubles in the call for the Historical Enquiries Team to re-open the case. Film report on David Johnston and John Graham's killing in Lurgan by the Provisional IRA in 1997 with Thelma Johnston's comments. Then DUP's Jeffery Donaldson's views. In Courts Brian Shivers is sentenced to 25 years for murdering two soldiers in Antrim, recording of killers on mobile phone released. The PSNI Justyn Galloway's views. (6:30pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 13th Feb 2012
3 mins 48 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then at PSNI constable Stephen Carroll's murder trial a military witness has told the court they bugged a suspect's car (John Paul Wootton) but the recorded information was wiped. Film report. Also in courts Dungannon man Patrick Cardy (32) was charged with possessing explosives. In Derry the funeral was held of Derry man Andrew Alan who was murdered by dissident republicans. Film report. (6pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 14th Feb 2012
5 mins 41 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then at the PSNI constable Stephen Carroll's murder trial a Detective Chief Inspector told the court they had to threaten the army with legal action to get the recording device planted on John Paul Wootton's car. Film report on details of the evidence. In South Armagh victims group Families Acting for Innocent Relatives (FAIR) led by William Frazier plan to hold a march through Silverbridge and Whitecross to mark the anniversary of the 1976 Kingsmills massacre of 10 Protestants by the Provisional IRA but Sinn Fein and SDLP representatives have objected to the parades commission about the march. Film report with Sinn Fein's Conor Murphy and FAIR's William Frazier's views. In courts Eamon Cassidy (48) from Derry charged with car bomb offence. (6pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 16th Feb 2012
10 mins 6 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Victims of La Mon Hotel bombing by the Provisional IRA in 1978 are unhappy with the Historical Enquiries Team report on the atrocity. Film report reveals key RUC files are missing, old film clip of bombing, Jim Mills recalls that night and gives his reaction to files going missing. Then UPP's Michael Copeland's views, then TUV'S Jim Allister's allegations about Sinn Fein Stormont MLA's knowledge. In June the Queen has her Jubilee celebrations. Belfast council's Sinn Fein members say they will support the council celebrations. Film report with Sinn Fein counsellor Jim McVeigh's comments they DUP's counsellor Ruth Patterson's. A film report on Families Acting for Innocent Relatives (FAIR) Kingsmills march follows. The parades commission has ruled and put restrictions on the numbers who can attend. FAIR's William Frazier and Sinn Fein's Conor Murphy comment. In the studio Ken Reid comments on the Chief Constable's decision to extend the Historical Enquiries Team's work for another 2 years, he also comments on the current dissident republican threat and crime. Ian Paisley is out of intensive care today (6pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 16th Feb 2012
2 mins 38 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines, then coverage of La Mon victim's reaction to Historical Enquiries Team report on 1978 Provisional IRA bombing. Film report reviews the death of 12 people, then Billy McDowell a survivor comments, then TUV'S Jim Allister says the Historical Enquiries Team were sloppy, he cites case of gloves found in car. (6:30pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 16th Feb 2012
29 mins 17 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Noel Thompson talks to education minister Sinn Fein's John O'Dowd about his reaction to the Catholic grammar schools decision to keep academic selection and what he thing that means for education here. 'If you ask me spot' has journalist Lindsay Allen's comments on how Irish men look and the Irish economy. Film report with Julia Paul on the Stormont executives cohesion sharing and integration Policy, followed by a studio discussion on the topic with SDLP's Conall McDevitt and Alliances Chris Lyttle. Programme ends with comic taxi driver routine.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 17th Feb 2012
8 mins 27 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Information received from the PIRA will lead to a new dig for one of the disappeared Colomba McVeigh. Film report reviews previous unsuccessful dig in September 2003 and reviews the work of the Disappeared Commission and its success to date with comments of the Commissions Jon Hill. Film clip of Colomba's mother Vera McVeigh with Ian Paisley Senior, she died in 2007. Disappeared since 1978 Brendan Megraw's case profiled with his brother Kevin Megraw's remarks. In the studio analysis of new move from journalist Sharon O'Neill. Dissident Republican Marion Price has been moved from Maghaberry Prison to Hydebank Prison. Film report she has been interned by remand. At the Stephen Carroll murder trial Sharon Wootton (38) admits guilty to assisting offender charge, her son John Paul Wootton is charged with murdering Constable Stephen Carroll. Film Report (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 18th Feb 2012
1 mins 19 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
In Derry a protest rally was held to protest against Republican Action against Drugs (RAAD) killing of Andy Allen in Buncrana. Film report with Eamonn McCann's comments (5pm Sat)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 20th Feb 2012
6 mins 38 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The PSNI have appealed for information about the killing of PSNI Constable Ronan Kerr 10 months ago. At a press conference PSNI Detective Superintendent Raymond Murray says they are interested in 11 vehicles and 1 man seen near Ronan Kerr's home before the murder, he says this is the biggest PSNI investigation since the Omagh bombing, Film report. At Stormont a political row has erupted over suggestions the Department of Agriculture is to pay to refurnish an IRA monument in Crossmaglen. Film report with Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV) Jim Allister's comments and Sinn Fein's statement on the issue (6pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 22nd Feb 2012
11 mins 39 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
In Belfast Courts the UVF Supergrass trial of 13 men has ended with 12 of the 13 men walking free. Film report hears the collapsed trial cost £6 million, among those released was former North Belfast UVF Leader Mark Haddock, Justice Gillen rejects evidence of the UVF supergrasses Robert Stewart and Ian Stewart calling them ruthless criminals, the trial lasted 71 days, the one man convicted is named Lee Pollock who confessed. The Stewart brothers admitted their part in killing UDA man Tommy English and in 2008 entered an assisted offender's programme with each only receiving a 3 year sentence. The Judge's comments on the Supergrass trial's highlighted, then PSNI statement, outside the court PUP's Ken Wilkinson calls the trial a sham and a show trial, then a further film report reviews previous Supergrass trials of loyalists and republicans in the 1980s and solicitor Padraig O'Muirigh comments on options now facing the Public Prosecution Service. Then Raymond Laverty of Families Against Supergrass Trials condemns the whole system. DUP MLA Paul Girvan and Sinn Fein's Gerry Kelly give their reactions to the trials collapse. Then the Public Prosecution Service's statement is read out. Forty years ago a Provisional IRA bomb which was placed in a family's garden in Derry killed a 9 year old boy Gordon Gallagher, the boy's mother Patricia Gallagher recalls the scene, then his father Billy Gallagher recalls his sons last words, the Provisional IRA told the family the bomb was harmless and blamed the British Army for arming it. The father recalls challenging Martin McGuinness, they now want the Provisional IRA to tell the truth about their son Gordon Gallagher's death. At the Stephen Carroll murder trial it was revealed the alleged leader of the Continuity IRA in Lurgan, Eddie Breen remained silent in police interviews, he had been alleged by another witness to have been seen with the accused at the murder scene. The Kingsmills families have postponed a march through Whitecross this Saturday. (6pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 22nd Feb 2012
16 mins 17 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Coverage of the collapse of UVF Supergrass trial in Belfast Courts, 9 men accused of murder are acquitted, 12 men in total released, 1 convicted. The Judge remarks the Stewart brothers were drug users, alcoholics and liars. Film report on the end of the 72 day trial and the charges the men faced including the murder of UDA's Tommy English, amongst the acquitted is UVF's Mark Haddock however he was detained on other matters. Justice Gillen's words shown, he lists the problem with their evidence. Outside the Courthouse PUP's Ken Wilkinson gives his reaction then Doreen English widow of Tommy English gives a quick word. In a further report Vincent Kearney looks at the Supergrass system now, reviews the history of the Stewart brothers offering to go Supergrass, the first such trial here for 26 years which was made possible by the UK's serious organised crime and police act of 2005, creating assisted offenders status, the report details how the Stewart brothers had sentences reduced to 3 years under this scheme. The judge did not find fault with the Legislation just the flawed witnesses, then the Public Prosecution Service's statement, then PSNI's statement. A further report from Mervyn Jess looks back at the 1980s Supergrass trials of loyalist and republicans with old film clips, with Jim Gibney's comments he was jailed on Supergrass evidence in 'show trial', then the views of barrister and law lecturer Mary O'Rawe on safeguards now and flaws now. In Derry parents of Gordon Gallagher aged 9 killed by a Provisional IRA bomb in their Creggen garden want Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness to tell the truth about what happened, back in February 1973 the Provisional IRA blamed the British Army for tampering with the bomb. Film report with Billy Gallagher's comments, then their solicitor Des Doherty's views, then Sinn Fein's statement. In Derry Republican Action against Drug's (RAAD) has admitted shooting dead Andrew Allen last week (6:30pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 23rd Feb 2012
3 mins 55 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines then Northern Ireland Justice Minister David Ford (Alliance) refused to be drawn into a row over the use of supergrasses, as those released yesterday attend a press conference. Film report with David Ford's comments then views of John Greer a solicitor for 3 of those released. (6pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 23rd Feb 2012
4 mins 0 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines then Public Prosecution Service to consider implications of Stewart brother's evidence in the failed Supergrass trial, asking did the brothers breach the terms of the deal that gave them shorter sentences. Film report covers acquitted press conference with Ken Wilkinson's (PUP) views, then solicitor of 3 of the acquitted John Greer and Public Prosecution Statement, then Tony Cahir, solicitor and law lecturer says he believes there will be more Supergrass trials. (6:30pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 23rd Feb 2012
29 mins 54 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Noel Thompson begins the programme by interviewing the UDA's political groups Ulster Political Research Group (UPRG) spokesman for North Belfast John Howcroft (a former UDA life sentence prisoner), about the UDA's current charm offensive by removing violent murals and the UDA says it is leaving wrong doing behind and embracing social responsibility. John Howcroft says there is a massive process of change going on within the UDA, a reimaging of North Belfast, he says the UDA now sits at a table of accountability with the police, church men and city counsellors and they should deal with UDA members involved in crime. Noel Thompson quotes UDA's North Belfast leader John Bunting as saying there are UDA people involved in crime, John Howcroft says in North Belfast they will be expelled and the police should deal with them. He explains the role of the so called table of accountability in dealing with local North Belfast crime and accepts the UDA is no longer extorting money from shop keepers in the Yorkgate complex for 4 years now. John Howcroft explains why the UDA has a right to sit at a table of accountability of community organisations, then answers a question why doesn't the UDA just go away, which he says is a process of demilitarising mind sets, John Howcroft comments on the Independent Monitoring Commission (IMC) concerns about UDA activity and is pushed on why do we need a UDA at all, again he highlights the process of change taking time with lots of sensitivities. Next in the 'if you ask me' spot journalist Fionnuala O'Connor gives her views on the decision of catholic grammar schools to defy the catholic hierarchy over academic selection, as many catholic grammar schools decide to stick with selection. Next a Julia Paul film report looks at the economic situation in the Republic of Ireland where thugs are still finely balanced, yesterday the government announced the sale of 3 Billion Euros of state assets while 1000 new jobs were created in Dundalk. Julia Paul tells the story of Ireland's two economies, local people comment on job loses yet China's Vice President visits for 3 days. Journalist Pat Leahy's views on the two economies situation, the international one and the domestic one. Dr Elaine Byrne from Trinity College Dublin's views on unemployment figures, suicide rates and immigration. Journalists answer question has the Euro bailout been a success, then Northern Ireland economist Esmond Birnie's views from Northern Ireland's perspective. Could the Republic have a referendum on any future bailouts? In a new political history book author Brian Walker claims to have measured myth against facts, the book titled From Partition to Peace, in the studio Eamonn McCann debated the issues with Brian Walker who says it's a myth that in the 1960s a catholic could not get a job or a house in Derry, he outlines the facts on this as he sees it but does agree there was a need for a Civil Rights Association and does accept gerrymandering existed. Eamonn McCann says statistics are not everything, he recalls the housing conditions where he lived in the Bogside and the population growth of that time when house building stopped. Eamonn McCann's parents where on the housing list for 22 years. Brian Walker then says it is untrue the unionist government starved Derry of jobs in the 1950s, Eamonn McCann insists discrimination was in the public sector, not one catholic had a job in Guildhall, both agree gerrymandering did exist. Brian Walker outlines why unionists did it, Sean Lemass and Sean O'Neill talks discussed. Programme ends with taxi driver routine. (Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 24th Feb 2012
7 mins 36 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines then the widow of UDA's Tommy English who was killed by the UVF in a feud in North Belfast on 31/10/2000 has defended the use of Supergrass trial against the UVF suspects. Film report with Doreen English and her daughter Charlene English comments. In Derry Republicans have admitted causing the death of 9 year old Gordon Gallagher in a bomb explosion in the family's garden in 1973, Republicans issued a statement through the Pat Finucane Centre. In Belfast 3 PSNI officers were hurt in a car chase after an attempted hijacking. The International Fund for Ireland (IFI) is celebrating its 25th anniversary, it has invested over £700m in Northern Ireland. Film report with Dr Denis Rooney's (IFI) comments, then a profile of help given to Suffolk and Lenadoon interface areas with community workers Jean Brown and Renee Crawford's views. (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 24th Feb 2012
6 mins 49 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
In Derry Republicans admit the Provisional IRA was totally responsible for the killing of 9 year old Gordon Gallagher in 1973 and apologise to his family. Film report reviews the 1973 death, and shows the Provisional IRA statement. Gordon's father accepts the apology, then solicitor Des Doherty's reaction and Paul O'Connor of Pat Finucane Centre gives his views. In Courts two men are convicted of having explosives, they are Conan Murphy (25) from Dundalk and is the son of Omagh bomb suspect Colin Murphy, and Philip McKevitt from Co. Louth. The government's spending watchdog investigation into the PSNI's rehiring of retired police officers as civilian staff will begin next week with an audit office report to be ready by the end of May. Film report from Vincent Kearney who profiles the £60 million paid to Grafton Recruitment over 5 years, then former Detective Chief Superintendent Norman Baxter's views and Assistant Chief Constable Alan McQuillan's comments. (6:30pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 27th Feb 2012
14 mins 56 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Celebrations in Killough as Terry George's film 'The Shore' wins an Oscar in Hollywood. Film report from the Los Angeles ceremony with Terry George's acceptance comments, then a clip of the film shot in Coney Island shown. Anthony George comments on the story line and his role, then Martin George comments. The DUP Leader Peter Robinson says the new Maze Reconciliation Centre could be used by Troubles victims to tell their stories, he has also ruled out any amnesty for paramilitaries here or an independent truth commission. Film report from Stormont shows families of victims of Ballymurphy massacre demand an inquiry into the 1971 army killings, then Peter Robinson's interview after meeting with Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Patterson about dealing with the past, then Sinn Fein's Mitchell McLaughlin blames British Government for its role in blocking the truth, the TUV'S Jim Allister says the government is only in listening mode. Meanwhile the assembly debated an Alliance motion on handling the celebrations of 1916 Ulster Convent Centenaries, then Ken Reid's analysis of today's talks on dealing with the past. In Courts a case against 13 people charged with drugs offences in 2010 in Portstewart has become a Supergrass type trial as one of the men Sean McManus is giving evidence against the co-accused. Film report with defence Lawyers concerns. In Stephen Carroll murder case, defence want 'witness M's' evidence rejected. In Glasgow the trial of two men charged with conspiracy to murder Celtic's Neil Lennon has begun. Film report at North Belfast's Newington Street interface a security barrier is to open on a trial basis, film report on history of the barrier with community workers Kate Clarke, Sam Cochrane and Justice Minister David Ford's views. (6pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 27th Feb 2012
6 mins 20 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
More coverage of Terry George's Oscar win in Los Angeles for his short film 'The Shore' set in Coney Island with film report from Chris Page on the film contents and interviews with Terry George in Los Angeles, then Oorlagh George comments, then actress Maggie Cronin and then casting director Georgia Simpson. Then from the Anchor bar in Killough the reaction from Michael George, Maura George and Rick Hill of Northern Ireland Screen. (6:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 28th Feb 2012
3 mins 41 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines then at the Stephen Carroll murder trial the judge has refused a defence lawyers request to throw out the evidence of key witness 'M'. Film report covers witness 'M' evidence details about Brendan McConville's presence at the murder scene and Lord Justice Girvan's comments. Ian Paisley Senior has been released from the Ulster Hospital. A body has been found on the Donegal border Garda and PSNI are trying to establish if it is David Colhoun from Lifford who went missing from police custody last May. (6pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 29th Feb 2012
9 mins 19 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines then the first major report since the Good Friday Agreement says we are still a very divided society, film report on mixed picture presented by the Community Relations Council report begins with a look at the main findings. At the time of the Good Friday Agreement there were 22 interface walls now there are 48, 90% of social housing here is segregated, 93% of children attend either a protestant or catholic school. Derek Wilson co-founder of Mill Strand Primary School comments on segregated education theme, then Dominic Bryan, Irish Studies Queens University Belfast comments of the cost of running a divided society and politician's roles, report also says catholics have higher educational attainment and at every level, also in major employment sectors they have moved up managerial ranks. Then in the studio reports author Paul Nolan answers the question if he accepts the continuing divisions are no real surprise, he says he is disappointed that progress has not been made in housing, education and in any new political parties emerging. He lists positives as low level of violence now, a failure of politicians here is a strategy to guide an integration strategy. Since 2001 US students have come to Northern Ireland to study as Mitchell Scholarship students, a film report asks some students why they keep coming. Firstly Boston's Anese Vance (23) comments on creating shared space, then Derek Naughton (22) from Wisconsin's views on Healthcare. Both comment on their meeting with Martin McGuinness and Peter Robinson (6:30pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 1st Mar 2012
7 mins 11 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
The Director of the Public Prosecutions Service Barra McGrory says supergrass trials will continue. Film report with his first interview since becoming Director Public Prosecutions Service, reviews failure of recent UVF supergrass trial involving the Stewart brother's evidence, then Barra McGrory's reaction on the trials failure and role of his office and the PSNI in assessing the evidence. He rejects costs being an issue for justice, the law itself was not criticized by the Judge he claims. Former Northern Ireland captain and Celtic manager visited Windsor Park Northern Ireland match for the first time in 10 years, he recalls being booed and threatened by Northern Ireland fans when he joined Celtic. Film Report (6:30pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 1st Mar 2012
29 mins 55 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Noel Thompson discusses dealing with the past with DUP's Jeffery Donaldson and Sinn Fein's Mitchel McLaughlin as the Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Patterson held talks with the local parties this week, also this week a Community Relations Council report pointed out the obvious we are a divided society, so to what extent will our future be determined by how we approach our legacy issues. Noel Thompson begins by asking Mitchel McLaughlin about his view of the DUP and the Northern Ireland Office agreement on no amnesty and no truth commission, he wants some new thinking on these issues, and he says the bottom line for victims and survivors is they want to know what happened. Jeffery Donaldson says justice is about bringing people to account, he says Sinn Fein's proposal denies victims and survivors justice, he accepts no one size fits all and many would accept truth, but others have the right to get justice if they want it. Mitchel McLaughlin says if DUP were consistent then that should apply to army and RUC's victims and loyalists. Jeffery Donaldson says they do not want a hierarchy of victims, but Sinn Fein do he says, he does not think a truth commission will work and recalls Martin McGuinness's evidence to Saville Inquiry and Gerry Adams denials he was in the Provisional IRA. He says why sacrifice justice for a partial truth, Mitchel McLaughlin defends Martin McGuinness's role at the Saville Inquiry, he avoids saying if IRA people would be named in the truth commission. Jeffery Donaldson calls this an amnesty and rejects the idea the army have already amnesty here, he mentions Kingsmills denials by the IRA and says IRA should talk to the Smithwick Tribunal in Dublin and come clean. Mitchell McLaughlin says the IRA did give evidence to Smithwick. Noel Thompson quotes An Phoblacht on uncomfortable conversations that are needed, Mitchell McLaughlin says he's in agreement with that, Sinn Fein want truth he says. Jeffery Donaldson says truth can't be substitute for justice. On the Community Relations report Mitchell McLaughlin says failure to agree on the past is inhibiting the future. Jeffery Donaldson says injustice and hurt must be addressed. In the 'if you ask me spot' Newton Emerson gives his views on Peter Robinson's call for less negativity from the local press, he criticizes DUP MP David Simpson for saying 756 people died here due to fuel poverty, he accuses DUP of playing along local pressure groups and poverty pimping as he calls it, that ensures negative headlines for years to come and calls it a self-serving circus with 161 Stormont press officers, with Peter Robinson at the top of a scare story machine. Next Noel Thompson introduces a Julia Paul film report from Strabane on the links between local schools and the US business. Pupils from Holy Cross are filmed taking part in a video business conference with a US business which is considering selling its products in Europe. Johnny McKane Strabane Academy comments on the products and the student market research, it is part of export clever programme. Holy Cross Principle Maria Doherty praises the programme as cross community, a vehicle of collaboration. Then vox pop of pupils views, then comments of Geraldine Stafford an economic development manager. Next Noel Thompson previews the European stability treaty which is to be put to a referendum in the Republic of Ireland, he asks is it a needed confidence booster or a bankers charter condemning generations to bondage, he is joined from Dublin's yes and no camps, Sinn Fein's Padraig Mac Lochlainn TD from the no camp and Labour TD Dominic Hannigan from the yes camp debate the issues involved. Programme ends with comic taxi driver routine. (Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 2nd Mar 2012
9 mins 17 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
In Belfast City Centre Christopher Mackin (31) was shot dead. Film report says he was known to the police who rule out any paramilitary involvement, PSNI's Detective Chief Inspector John McVea's comments that political reaction from SDLP's Alasdair McDonald and Sinn Fein's Paul Maskey. A man and a woman have been arrested by the PSNI. The Director of Public Prosecutions Service (DPP) Barra McGrory has criticized the quality of PSNI files sent to his office in cases for pro solution. Film report hears PSNI send boxes of files to the DPP each year, 3 Thousand files deal with serious crimes. Barra McGrory outlines the faults he sees in the files, he sends back 50% of the files to the PSNI, then PSNI Chief Constable George Hamilton gives his response to the matter, both men hope to work closer together in future. In Court 4 UVF men have had charged against them dropped as the evidence against them was from UVF supergrasses the Stewart brothers. Film Report Irish President Michael D Higgins, made his first visit to Northern Ireland today since elected. Film report on his visit to the Metropolitan College and in interview he calls for the same determination shown in peace process shown in dealing with the economic crisis. (6:30pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 4th Mar 2012
2 mins 41 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Lawrence Rush (70) whose wife died in the Omagh bombing in August 1998 has died. Film report on his campaign for justice for Omagh victims, WAVE worker Jean Caldwell comments. In Belfast WAVE held a service in St Anne Cathedral to commemorate troubles victims. Film report with Sandra Peake's comments. PSNI have appealed for information on a silver car involved in the murder of Chris Meekin found burnt out in Linden Street. Film report (5pm Sun)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 4th Mar 2012
1 mins 41 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Coverage of the death of Lawrence Rush and the WAVE commemoration ceremony with Father Kevin Mullen's comments. (5:15pm Sun)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 5th Mar 2012
5 mins 18 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines then coverage of news in brief stories. Firstly a man and a woman to appear in Court tomorrow charged with the murder of Christopher Mackin last week. At Constable Stephen Carroll's murder trial the two accused Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton will not be giving evidence on their own behalf. A Historical Enquiries Team report on the murder of republican Sam Marshall in Lurgan by loyalists has revealed 8 undercover soldiers were at the scene in 1990, the report concludes there was no evidence of state collusion with the gunmen. Next coverage of Oscar winner Terry George and Oorlagh George return to Northern Ireland with his Oscar for short film 'The Shore', film report with Terry George's comments then Oorlagh George, then Sinn Fein culture minister Carol Ni Chuilin's reaction. (6pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 5th Mar 2012
7 mins 0 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines then film report on Historical Enquiries Team report claim that there was no collusion in the loyalist murder of Lurgan republican Sam Marshall in 1990 despite 9 undercover soldier's presence at the scene. The family reject the report John Marshall comments then Colin Duffy comments on the Historical Enquiries Team report. Arriving in Belfast with his daughter Oorlagh, Terry George says the Oscar is Northern Irelands Oscar. Film report with Terry George's comments, then Oorlagh George. (6:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 5th Mar 2012
3 mins 4 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness attended a soccer match tonight at Windsor Park between Linfield and Derry, his first time at Windsor in 50 years. Film report with vox pop of Linfield fans (10:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 5th Mar 2012
26 mins 12 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE)
Teilifis na Gaeilge (TG4)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Éalú: An Cochall an Cléireach (The Hood and the Collar)
Programme Title:
(In Irish with English subtitles) Programme begins with brief background to story during internment in 1971, some interns were subject to a new form of torture by their British captors and Kevin McGuigan recalls what he was subjected to, Paddy Joe McClean compares it to Guantanamo Bay camp today operated by USA. After titles old TV clips of internment day in Belfast shown, then Francis McGuigan recalls his arrest with comments of writer Gerard O'Muilleoir on the 300 arrests on 09/08/71, then a reconstruction is shown of the internees welcome to Girdwood barracks with Francis McGuigan's recollections of his initial treatment as friendly and then the violence directed at him began, then Paddy Joe McClean recalls, then Kevin Hannaway recalls being hooded, Kevin and Paddy Joe recall their ordeal in an army helicopter then back in Girdwood the physical and mental ill treatment continued. Paddy Joe McClean, Kevin Hannaway and Kevin McGuigan describe the beatings and forced standing positions with constant white noise they were subjected to. Gerard O'Muilleoir says the torture was not to gain information but just torture for the sake of it. Kevin Hannaway recalls his interrogations under bright lights and frequent punches he received, he did not know what day it was or if it was day time or night time, he recalls the constant fear of what is coming next, he recalls one reaction when that night he was hooded and left handcuffed to a radiator, he recalls a dream or hallucination. Then Paddy Joe McClean on nightmares he still suffers. Kevin Hannaway describes a session when they stopped him drinking water for 3 days then gave him a spoonful offering him more water if he answered their questions, he was determined they would not break him. After over a week the hooded men were moved to Long Kesh. Francis McGuigan recalls arriving at the camp and the camp governor's reception, reconstruction shown, then Kevin Hannaway recalls forming an escape committee, Francis McGuigan recalls every Sunday 7 priests came to Long Kesh to say mass. Kevin Hannaway and Francis McGuigan decided that a prisoner dressed as a priest might be able to drive a priest's car out of the camps main gate, using a short draw method it was eventually decided Francis McGuigan would try out the plan, he recalls the main problems facing him and the lack of their knowledge about camp security. Kevin Hannaway describes how they got a priests uniform and held Father Parks while the actual escape happened, with a reconstruction. Francis McGuigan describes step by step how the actual escape happened and his feelings during the actual event, he actually gave a couple of soldiers a lift to the main gate and managed to bluff his was out of the main gate without a pass. Francis McGuigan drove to a safe house in Belfast, he describes his elation. Back in Long Kesh Kevin Hannaway describes the army's reaction, Francis McGuigan sent the governor a postcard. In 1977 Francis McGuigan was awarded £11,750 from the British Government for ill treatment in 1971, in 1978 the Irish Government took a case against the British in the European Court of Human Rights, they were found guilty of inhumane treatment of the 12 hooded men.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 6th Mar 2012
12 mins 34 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
In courts Belfast couple Charles and Julianne Valliday were charged with the murder of Chris Meekin last Thursday. Film report alleges accused are major drug dealers. The head of the Prison Service here Colin McConnell has resigned after a year in the job, he is taking over the job of head of Scottish Prison. Film report examines the state of Northern Irelands Prison Service at present with views of DUP's Paul Girvan, then views of Colin McConnell - the outgoing Director of Prisons. In the studio Oscar winners Terry George and Oorlagh George are interviewed about their short film 'The Shore' and what they see as its strengths and the difference the Oscar will mean for their careers. Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness visited a Linfield verses Derry football match last night, his first in 50 years. Film report on gesture politics with Martin McGuinness's comments. PSNI Constable Stephen Carroll murder trial ends, Funeral of Lawrence Rush in Omagh. Brief reports. (6:30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 7th Mar 2012
6 mins 10 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines then a report on the healing through remembering exhibit titled everyday objects transformed by the Troubles with director Kate Turner and Dawn Purvis's views. Then comments of private collector Vincent Dargan. In Antrim a memorial stone was unveiled for two British army soldiers, Mark Quinsey and Patrick Azimkar, killed by dissident republicans in March 2009 at Antrim Army Barracks; followed by a film report with Geraldine Ferguson and Jamie Quinsey's reactions, then mayor of Antrim Paul Mitchel (6pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 8th Mar 2012
20 mins 23 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
UUP leader Tom Elliot has resigned over what he calls the relentless hostility and obstruction he faced. Film report reviews Tom Elliot's leadership including his fallout with David McNarry over DUP talks, at assembly elections in May 2010 the UUP lost two seats, and at the election count he called Sinn Fein scum, and in leaders debates he struggled against his rivals. Then Trevor Ringland resigns over Elliot's refusal to go to a GAA match and further internal trouble over the de-selection of David McClarity in East Londonderry. Tom Elliot's resignation statement is read out. In the studio Ken Reid and commentator Alex Kane discuss Tom Elliot's resignation and what has brought him to this point after a dismal 18 months as leader, and the difficult task facing the next leader as the UUP is in decline. Then an earlier interview with independent unionist David McNarry who fell out with Tom Elliot says he is not surprised by the resignation, he bears Tom Elliot no ill will; he says the reasons for the hostility against Tom Elliot were he lost support of a 'firm UUP constituency' by cosying up to people who pretended to be his friend. He says the UUP is in crisis as there are too many fractions in the assembly group; he keeps referring to 'these people who want to turn the UUP into something it's not. He says Tom Elliot was not the party leader he thought he would be, as he listened to the wrong people. Then Ken Reid and Alex Kane comment on David McNarry's views and the internal clash between liberal and traditional orange wing over talks with the DUP. They also comment on the Tom Elliot and David McNarry fallout over the talks with the DUP. They speculate on the direction of party and who will be the next leader, names mentioned, Danny Kennedy, Mike Nesbitt, John McAllister and Basil McCrea. They are doubtful however the UUP has a bright future and speculate it will decline to 6 or 7 MLAs. In Derry Republican Action Against Drugs (RAAD) has been blamed for shooting two teenage cousins shortly after 100s attended a rally protesting about the group's activities. Film report names the men as Kieran and Sean McFadden who were shot by appointment, their uncle Brian McFadden rejects RAAD claims they were drug dealers. Then Jacqueline Burke whose son is under threat from RAAD comments, report then reviews recent attacks by RAAD and views of Michel Doherty from a Peace and Reconciliation group, In Co. Louth Garda found two bodies in a burnt out car. At Stormont a special reception was held for Oscar winners Terry and Oorlagh George in the long gallery. Film report with Peter Robinson and Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness's views, then brief Terry George interview ends abruptly.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 9th Mar 2012
9 mins 10 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Tom Elliot explains why he resigned as UUP leader. Film report from Stormont where MLA Danny Kennedy will not say if he will stand for leader, then John McAllister refuses to answer either, Mike Nesbitt and Basil McCrea also keep their cards close to their chest. Then commentator Alex Kane and former leader Reg Empey's views on next leader's task. Then in studio Tom Elliot outlines the reasons behind his resignation, he says negative briefing was being put to the press about his position on a daily basis. He refuses to name those who done the briefings and felt it better he goes for the party's sake. He does not do regrets, and says he will support the new leader, he feels the UUP will rise again not collapse, as is the normal for parties he says. Then Ken Reid's analysis, basically Tom Elliot has had enough, he lists the possible successors as Danny Kennedy, Mike Nesbit, Basil McCrea and John McAllister. The election will be on 31st of March; he then comments on the Paisley family pictures released today on going home from hospital (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 9th Mar 2012
8 mins 28 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
(No opening titles) The review of UUP Tom Elliot's resignation and his term as leader, includes film clip of his 'Sinn Fein scum' remarks in Enniskillen election count, refusal to attend GAA match, attending Constable Robert Kerr's funeral, then his fall out with David McNarry. Tom Elliot's remarks about media briefing against him, Mike Nesbitt is shocked, as is Danny Kennedy and John McAllister. Then in interview with Tom Elliot he refuses to name the UUP members who have been back stabbing him, he resigned as it was best for the party. He again comments on media briefings against him, he outlines what improvements he has made for the UUP, but says the party will be in government here again. In Dublin the Smithwick Tribunal into Garda and PSNI collusion in the 1989 Provisional IRA killing of RUC men Harry Breen and Bob Buchanan has released its interim report in which it criticises some RUC officers for not co-operating with the inquiry. Film report reviews the rumours in 1989 of a Garda and Provisional IRA mole dismissed by senior police north and south. Review of evidence given so far, and comments today of Judge Smithwick. (6:30pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 10th Mar 2012
1 mins 55 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
In Sydenham area of East Belfast a house and car have been bombed by loyalists. Film report with William Hamilton's reaction to the attack on his sons' home. Then Alliance party counsellor Laura McNamee's views then UUP counsellor Jim Rodgers reaction (5pm Sat)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 12th Mar 2012
6 mins 45 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines then the inquest into the October 1990 killing of Provisional IRA volunteers Martin McCaughey and Desmond Grew by the SAS has opened. Film report on the 'shoot to kill' allegations with old film clip of scene, then evidence of Dr Brian Cupples on the dead man's injuries. In separate court Martin McCaughey's mother failed to find out what role her son's SAS killers had played in other shoot to kill incidents. The UUP's Danny Kennedy has confirmed he will stand for his party's leadership. Ken Reid comments on this and Mike Nesbit's role. Also in London David Cameron rules out Pat Finucane inquiry as he meets Irish Prime Minister Edna Kenny. The families of Eddie Burns and Joe Jones killed by the Continuity IRA in a republican feud 5 years ago have appealed for information, film report with Kathleen Burn's comments. (6pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 12th Mar 2012
4 mins 33 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
TUV's Jim Allister hosted an event today at Stormont to mark European Victims Day. Film report with Jim Allister's comments then SDLP's Alban Maginness. Then Sam Heenan whose father was killed by provisional IRA in 1985, the Stephen Gault whose father was killed in the 1987 Enniskillen bomb by the Provisional IRA and WAVE's Mark Kelly who lost both legs in a UVF bomb in 1976. In London David Cameron and Enda Kennedy signed an economic co-operation declaration but they could not agree on the Pat Finucane review. Film report with Irish Prime Minister Enda Kennedy and British Prime Minister David Cameron's comments. Then Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Patterson comments on dealing with the past (10:30 pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 12th Mar 2012
29 mins 0 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Stormont Today
Programme Title:
Presented by Tara Mills the programme begins with Tara talking to Janet Hunter from the Housing Rights Service about the lack of social housing urgency in the Executives programme for government. She says 8000 homes over 4 years in inadequate, and Northern Ireland needs 10 thousand over 4 years. The a film report shows Department for Social Development Minister Nelson McCausland (DUP) answer questions on his ability to introduce flexibility in proposed Westminster welfare reform, he says he hopes to ease the negative effect of welfare reform with yet un-decided flexibilities. He has met with the Northern Ireland Secretary of State on this issue and the Department of Work and Pensions in London, then SDLP's Pat Ramsey asks him to point out to Lord Freud the fact the Northern Ireland's troubles have increased the number of DLA recipients here in respect of mental health issues. Then Nelson McCausland revealed he is looking at tackling the issue of unoccupied houses and flats which is a waste of a valuable resource, he will bring forward a new housing strategy for 40 thousand empty homes across Northern Ireland. Then at Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness question time Chris Lyttle (Alliance) asked him for his views on the recent peace monitoring report. Martin McGuinness comments on addressing the report challenges, he lists the aims of himself and Peter Robinson, then DUP's Gregory Campbell asks Martin McGuiness will he own up to his role in violence in the past or take the 5th amendment as he did at Saville Inquiry. Martin McGuinness accuses Gregory Campbell of negativity and says he has put his life on the line for the peace process and will continue to do so. Back in the studio Janet Hunter gives her views on Nelson McCausland's housing strategy which she welcomes, then Tara Mills introduces a film report from Stormont in which MLA's get to share their views on the Executives programme for government which are answered by First Minister Peter Robinson. At times the debate gets personal, questions from Kieran McCarthy (Alliance) on pensioners free travel, UUP's Danny Kinahan praises the plan but calls it vague. TUV's Jim Allister calls it vague, then Martin McGuinness critises SDLP's Alex Attwood for not attending the last executive meeting, SDLP's Dolores Kelly and DUP's Jonathan Bell jump into the issue. Then in the studio Dolores Kelly answers questions on the where about of Alasdair McDonnell and Alex Attwood, as well as Martin McGuinness accusations, and the SDLP's stance on The Executives programme for government which does not meet the aspirations of the people she claims. She outlines the SDLP proposals. Next Tara introduces a report on Jim Allister's organised European Victims of Terrorism event at Stormont with Jim Allister, Sam Heenan, Mark Kelly and Stephen Gault's comments. Next issue profiled is a roundup of the Stormont committee's work this week, including pensions, fuel poverty. Lord Chief Justice Declan Morgan met the Justice committee on judicial appointments. Next the UUP met tonight to discuss the leadership race, Mark Davenport comments on the latest news about that with Danny Kennedy the front leader and Tom Elliot's comments. Also tonight Sinn Fein culture minister Carol Ni Cullen's decision on salmon fishing, then finally Janet Hunter comments on Northern Irelands 10 thousand homeless people.(Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 13th Mar 2012
34 mins 56 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Deadly Liasons
After the collapse of the recent UVF Supergrass trial Mandy McAuley explores the Supergrass issue and asks questions about collusion and the lack of prosecutions of agents and informers of RUC Special Branch and army handlers. Begins with a film clip of UVF defendants walking free from court, DUP's Nigel Dodds' views on the case, then speculation that a senior UVF figure Gary Hegarty is going to be the next Supergrass, with journalist Brian Rowan's views on Hegarty's senior UVF rank. Mandy McAuley then profiles former Police Ombudsman Nuala O'Loan's Ballast Report findings on the Mount Vernon UVF and its links to the RUC's Special Branch. The report examined 15 killings over a 10 year period by North Belfast UVF. The gang was riddled with RUC informers. Nuala O'Loan wanted two inquiries, one into the UVF murderers and the other into the allegation their handlers permitted them to kill with impunity. 5 years on the latter inquiry appears to be going nowhere, then Nuala O'Loan is interviewed on her views and why the police officers involved in killing are not prosecuted, then Brian Rowan comments on who was pulling the strings of the UVF killers and directing the Dirty War. The programme then profiles the UVF killing of UDA's Tommy English on 31/10/00 at his home by Mount Vernon UVF men, reconstruction shown with the recollections of Doreen English, his son Mark English and his daughter Charlease English. CCTV footage of the killer buying a sledge hammer shown, Doreen recalls that man was her brother Neil Pollock, family photos shown, he was found guilty, Doreen appeals to Neil to do the right thing. Doreen comments on animosity between her husband and UVF's Mark Haddock and their UDA and UVF run-ins, another UVF man John Bond (who was acquitted) was Doreen's brother in law and there was personal hatred there also. Doreen explains the UVF supergrasses the Stewart brothers handed themselves in to police in 2009 apparently after seeing Thomas Junior killed in a motorbike accident, Doreen tells what they said about this incidents effect on them, then Charlease's views, Judge Gillen's comments on the Stewart brothers is read out. Programme asks about case cost at £15 million, and how could the Public Prosecution Service have thought the Stewarts were creditable witnesses. Director of Public Prosecutions Barra McGrory gives his answer, then the programme profiles Raymond McCord's role in getting Nuala O'Loan to begin Operation Ballast in 2000, his son was killed by Mount Vernon UVF. She found 4 of the Chief suspects were special branch agents and were not investigated, one was Mark Haddock, Doreen English comments on Mark Haddock's links to her husband's killing. Nuala O'Loan's report also named Mark Haddock in this case. Then Mandy McAuley comments on her inquiries into Mark Haddock's role in 2006, she says he was an informer from he was 17 years old, she quotes what CID's Trevor McIlwraith told her, his interview is shown, he says senior RUC officers let Mark Haddock off. Programme then profiles the March 1992 murder bid on John Flynn by the UVF as detailed in the Ballast Report, John Flynn tells what happens then Trevor McIlwraith says it was Mark Haddock. In 1997 UVF tried to kill him again, Nuala O'Loan said collusion was systematic, she comments on the clear evidence she found in comments, she wanted an inquiry into collusion but so far the successors have done nothing. Then solicitor Kevin Winters comments on the Historical Enquiry Team inquiry in 2007 into the Ballast Report findings, but in 2009 the police serious crime branch took it over and 3 years later there is little movement with only two officers assigned to investigate collusion due to lack of resources, Nuala O'Loan gives her reaction, then current Ombudsman's statement, also victim's families are troubled, Nuala O'Loan and QC Richard Harvey sitting as an independent monitoring panel of the police inquiry have concerns about lack of inquiry into handlers. She explains her position, then Kevin Winters views on what he says is the downsizing of the key investigation that needs to take place against special branch handlers, this view is shared by Daniel Horner of the Committee on the Administration of Justice. Mandy McAuley then speculates if a Gary Haggarty Supergrass trial will finally bring the situation around the handlers to a head, he turned grass in 1997 when charged with John Harbinson's murder, film clip shown then Brian Rowan discusses UVF fears over Gary Hegarty and his creditability, PUP's Ken Wilkinson warns that these trials will destabilize loyalism, Brian Rowan responds, Ken Wilkinson however wants to know who the handlers where. Mandy McAuley comments on the recent Haggarty tapes made, then Nuala O'Loan on that evidence, then John Flynn's reaction and DUP's Nigel Dodds' views. Brian Rowan says 'honest referee' became played in the war, Nuala O'Loan says the truth will come out eventually.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 13th Mar 2012
9 mins 12 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
At Dublin's Smithwick inquiry into Provisional IRA's 1989 killing of RUC men Harry Breen and Bob Buchanan, evidence from a senior RUC officer who investigated the Provisional IRA's 1979 Narrow Water killing of 18 soldiers claimed Irish Prime Minister then Jack Lynch told Garda officers to treat Narrow Water as a political crime and to give no assistance to the RUC. Film report on witness 68 evidence with old file clips. Then in the studio the Breen family solicitor John McBurney outlines why he thinks the 1979 Narrow Water evidence is related to the Harry Breen and Bob Buchanan case. The Breen family are very pleased with the Smithwick inquiry. Next Ken Reid reports that Sinn Fein special advisor Mary McArdle is to leave her post as special advisor and move to another post. Also in the UUP leadership race Basil McCrea will not be standing but John McAllister will, he says he will take the UUP out of executive and go into opposition. A security alert in East Belfast's Beersbridge road, followed by the film report. At the Martin McCaughey and Dessie Grew inquest a soldier 'K' has denied the operation was a shoot to kill ambush. Brief report. (6pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 15th Mar 2012
19 mins 8 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Sinn Fein's national chairman Declan Kearney calls for the Provisional IRA to consider saying sorry for all the hurt done by its armed actions. A film report from Brian Rowan looks at the reaction from inside republicanism, it begins with Declan Kearney's interview, then views of Evelyn Glenholmes and Jim McVeigh. Brian Rowan then reviews 1972 Bloody Friday bombs and the Provisional IRA said sorry for any non-combatants death, film clip shown, Declan Kearney then talks about extending sorry to all Provisional IRA victims, everything is possible he says. An Phoblacht article read out, then Brian Rowan talks to Jim McVeigh, Michael Culbert and Seanna Walsh give their reaction to saying sorry. Then film clip shown of Evelyn Glenholmes court appearance and release in the 1980s, then she gives her views on IRA war and saying sorry. Then Declan Kearney comments on lessons of the past. Back in the studio Paul Clark talks to Reverend Harold Good about the Kearney statement, he says we should take it seriously, then Alistair Little convicted UVF killer welcomes the statement but says he would struggle with what he means by saying sorry, they comment on victims roles in this issue, do victims want to hear sorry at an individual level or collective level. Reverend Harold Good says we should reach out without hidden agendas, Alistair Little highlights Evelyn Glenholmes refusal to say the war was wrong as a difficulty between the individual and collective views and people hiding behind the collective view. Next report by Gareth Wilkinson from Derry asks who are Republican Action Against Drugs (RAAD) and it reviews their recent murder of Andrew Allen and their 4 year history of attacks in vigilante law, it interviews Donna Smith, mother of Andrew Allen, then journalist Eamon McDermott outlines who are RAAD, ex Provisional IRA members who are unhappy with policing he claims, then PSNI Chief Superintendent Steven Martin explains why it has been difficult to catch RAAD members and bring charges, he defended the PSNI record against drug dealers, then Sinn Fein's Raymond McCartney gives his views on RAAD and what he sees as their achievement in creating fear. Film report of anti RAAD protest, then Michael Doherty community worker's comments, then RAAD statement. Executive to coordinate decade of commemorations. (10:30pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 16th Mar 2012
5 mins 11 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The UUP leadership battle is to be between Mike Nesbitt and John McAllister as Danny Kennedy decides not to run. Film report with interviews with Danny Kennedy and John McAllister and comments from Mike Nesbitt. The election will be on the 31st of March at the party annual general meeting, then Ken Reid's analysis of the candidates and Danny Kennedy's decision and the key issues of the campaign. (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 19th Mar 2012
7 mins 44 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC News
Programme Title:
Headlines then a peace building exercise has been taking place between loyalist and republican paramilitaries and PSNI officers in South Africa, to where they have travelled to study policing and dealing with the legacy of the past. Film report from Fergal Keane with PSNI's Chief Superintendent Stephen Martin's comments, then ex Provisional IRA prisoner Seanna Walsh on the truth process, then Ulster University professor Brandon Hambers views, then Brendan Mackin of Intercom Cross Community Project. Next report on the weekends St Patrick's Day celebrations in Belfast featuring no trouble in student Holylands area. In Armagh two arrests as a loyalist band parade and St Patricks Day parade took place, film report. In Downpatrick they held a parade, then a report on Dublin parade and also on Derry Parade. In Newtownabbey army cadets received shamrocks at fun day. (6:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 19th Mar 2012
13 mins 3 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
As the leadership race for the UUP begins between Mike Nesbitt and John McAllister the UUP has in recent years been regulated to the side-lines, the question facing the UUP is, can either of the candidates build the party up again? Film report with commentator Alex Kane's comments, then PR consultant Paul McErlean calls it a tired brand needing to be refreshed, reporter then reviews recent decline in its MPs and MLAs and mistakes and controversy of Tom Elliot's leadership. Alex Kane says currently the UUP looks to like the DUP, report covers UUP infighting and defections of the like of Paula Bradshaw who went to Alliance, she explains why, then young Ulster Unionists Frank Geddis and John Stewart outline what they think the party needs to do, then PR consultant Paul McErlean comments again, followed by Alex Kane on party unity being essential. Then back in the studio Paul Clarke interviews John McAllister on his policies and vision for the party, he wants to move to normal politics away from sectarianism and for the party to go into opposition, he explains why, he is opposed to unionist unity. Then Mike Nesbitt explains his policies he is against opposition, he wants DUP to be in opposition but he wants a cross community government with cross community opposition, he wants to maintain UUP values and he believes cooperation with the DUP on victim's issues would work. (10:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 19th Mar 2012
24 mins 20 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann / Teilifis na Gaeilge
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Ealy: The Mud Below
Programme Title:
On 15 October 1974 Republican prisoners burned down Long Kesh, in the following days an escape tunnel was dug, prisoners and journalists recall the escape with old film clips (In Irish with English subtitles). Programme begins with Tony Hughes, Fra McCann and Paddy Joe Rice recollections, plus film of Long Kesh huts and camp, reconstruction of the dig shown with prisoner comments on problems that confronted them, the conditions and tensions in the camp prior to 1974 are mentioned. Writer Eoghan O'Neill comments on the Red Cross concerns as does the Irish Times journalist Conor O'Clery. After a warden/prisoner dispute in yard 13 the IRA ordered its men to burn the camp down. Fra McCann recalls that night, film of burning camp shown, and the wardens pulled out leaving control to the prisoners, Still photos shown, The British army regained control with prisoners left in the burnt out yards. Tony Hughes recalls plans were made for an escape, internees in yard 5 closest to the perimeter planned to dig a tunnel, Paddy Joe Rice recalls, and then Fra McCann as a reconstruction is shown, they used spoons for the digging, they sang to cover the digging noise, they dug virtually 24 hours a day, as long as they appeared for the wardens head count, the prisoners motivation was high. Tony Hughes on its construction, but the tunnel collapsed, big Neds rescue role told by Tony Hughes and Fra McCann. After two weeks they had dug out 100 feet of tunnel, Paddy Jo Rice recalls how he tricked wardens into giving him 100 foot of lighting, this solved their problem of how to dig at night, at 130 foot they hit a wall and had to dig deeper to go under it, but it flooded when it rained, Fra McCann recalls, after 3 week they had dug 180 foot, they estimated they were outside the fence but were afraid the rain would collapse the tunnel so decided to escape that night, the IRA had a list of prisoners it wanted freed, Hugh Coney from Coalisland and Paddy Joe Rice were in the first group, they hoped 100 would escape. Reconstruction shown of 5th November escape, Fra McCann describes events as jeeps patrolled the perimeters, Fra McCann, Paddy Joe Rice and Hugh Coney crossed the road, Tony Hughes was at the tunnel exit when jeeps stopped having spotted something and opened fire. Fra McCann recalls Hugh Coney was shot dead beside him, the British arrived in numbers and arrested everyone except for Paddy Joe Rice and 3 others who got away but they were recaptured near Lisburn. The others were captured outside Belfast the next day. Hugh Coney was buried in Coalisland on 09/11/1974. (Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 21st Mar 2012
4 mins 17 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines then report on clash between Linfield and Derry City supporters at the Brandywell, with comment of Brandywell resident Jim Doherty, then Sinn Fein's Patricia Logue blames Linfield fans, then PUP's Billy Hutchinson, a Linfield fan gives his views. Derry City's Sean Barrett comments. In North Belfast Mackey Street area two shots were fired at a house, in Derry a home was petrol bombed. (6pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 22nd Mar 2012
9 mins 48 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Plans to change the name of the RUC Athletic Association have been scrapped. Film report with DUP's Peter Robinson's views, then former RUC officer's views, then TUV's Jim Allister's reaction. In Dublin the Mahon tribunal has found that former Prime Minister Bertie Ahern failed to account for thousands of pounds and called him untruthful. Film report says the report however did not find evidence that Bertie Ahern was corrupt. Bertie Ahern's secretary Grainne Coruth's evidence contradicted Bertie Ahern. Then Ken Reid's analysis of the Mahon report on possible charges. At Stormont the Director of Public Prosecutions Barra McGrory met the Justice committee about the Supergrass issue. Film report with DUP's Jim Wells question and Barra McGrory's answer, then Sinn Fein's Raymond McCartney's comments. See also DVD D09160 BBCNI news on Bertie Ahern. (6pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 22nd Mar 2012
7 mins 19 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Coverage of the Mahon Tribunal in Dublin the findings are that former Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern was untruthful about his finances in his evidence. Film report on long and expensive inquiry with a summary of its main findings on corruption and review of Bertie Ahern's appearances with journalist Colm Keena's comments. Film clips show Bertie Ahern's TV denials of any wrong doing, right up to his resignation, then reporter Julie Kirby's analysis of the report findings against other Fianna Fáil personnel and details of money paid to Bertie Ahern and then a report on its effect on Southern politics with Fine Gael and Prime Minister Enda Kenny's reaction. (6:30pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 23rd Mar 2012
7 mins 40 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines then in the Republic Fianna Fáil leader Micheal Martin comments on Bertie Ahern's untruthfulness, next week Fianna Fáil will have a vote on expelling him from the party, film report covers the reaction to yesterday's Mahon report from Micheal Martin then further denials from Bertie Ahern in a statement, then the views of Trinity College's Professor Elaine Byrne on corruption in Irish political life in the 1990s and after, then vox pop of people in the street. In February 1991 the Provisional IRA fired a mortar at 10 Downing Street narrowly missing the building, inside was Prime Minister John Major, today the Army Technical Officer Peter Guerney who defused two other mortars presented the then Prime Minister John Major the firing pin from the devices. Film report with John Major's interview, then Army Technical Officer Peter Guerney and old film clips. (6:30pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 27th Mar 2012
5 mins 18 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Failed UVF Supergrass trial has cost £6 million to date. Film report says legal aid costs still have to be added on, detailed breakdown of costs shown to date. The reaction from DUP's Paul Givan and Sinn Fein's Raymond McCartney. Then victim's campaigner Raymond McCord supports the use of Supergrass trials, then Ken Reid's analysis of the costs and reaction to it. (6pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 27th Mar 2012
3 mins 51 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Coverage of revelations about the cost of the recent UVF Supergrass trial, with details of the figures and the reaction from DUP's Paul Givan and the views of the Public Prosecution Service's Barra McGrory. (6:30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 27th Mar 2012
14 mins 33 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Northern Ireland faces a decade of commemorations of the Easter Rising, the Battle of the Somme, the Ulster Covenant and Partition but 100 years on how important is it for us to stop and remember. A Mark Mallet film report explores this question with historian Eamon Phoenix's views, then profile of Edward Carson and the Covenant signing at Belfast City Hall. Today republicans launched their Easter lily campaign as a symbol of 1916. Eamon Phoenix on Edward Carson's views of the Easter lilies at Stormont, then historian Dr Fearghal McGarry's views on whether the different commemorations can be inclusive. Report reviews the recent actions of Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness on sporting issues then DUP's Arlene Foster comments on executive decision on the issue followed by Sinn Fein's Caral Ni Chuilin's views, then vox pop of Belfast public. Then in the studio commentators Brian Feeney and Queens University Belfast's Peter Shirlow discuss the issue of commemorations, Brian Feeney says contemporary events shape the future and not something that happened 100 years ago. Peter Shirlow says people might realise history is more shared than we think, with Catholic unionists and Protestant republicans, equality of esteem has removed the idea of one man's victory is the others defeat says Brian Feeney, all events are legitimate, the Queens visit showed that. They look at loyalist and republican attitudes and those of young people in Northern Ireland and how do we know we are not prisoners of our history and is there a good history and bad history. In Derry the first and only debate between the UUP leadership candidates took place. Film report with interviews of both candidates on their visions, Mike Nesbitt and John McAllister then Foyle unionist Terry Wright. (10:30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 28th Mar 2012
6 mins 21 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
On the First anniversary of the Killing of PSNI constable Ronan Kerr by dissident republicans, his family give a TV interview on the effect on them of his murder. Film report with his mother Nuala Kerr and brother Cathair interviews, also reviews community anger at Ronan's murder and the powerful image of his funeral attended by GAA, PSNI, Sinn Fein and DUP politicians. (6pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 30th Mar 2012
7 mins 37 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Brendan McConville (40) and John Paul Wootton (20) have been convicted of the murder of PSNI constable Steven Carroll in March 2009, the first PSNI man killed by dissident republicans. Film report on the Judge's decision and his remarks, then widow Kate Carroll's reaction at a press conference with Chief Constable Matt Baggott who paid tribute to Kate Carroll and Constable Steven Carroll. A further report examined the background to the Craigavon murder in March 2009 and the background of the convicted killers within republicanism, police photos of the murder scene and weapon are shown, then SDLP's Counsellor Joe Nelson gives his comments (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 30th Mar 2012
8 mins 51 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Coverage of conviction of Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton for the March 2009 dissident republican murder of PSNI constable Steven Carroll in Craigavon. Film report shows the arrest of John Paul Wootton and the role of John Paul Wootton's mother is mentioned, then the Judge's comments and Kate Carroll's remarks at the PSNI press conference, followed by Chief constable Matt Baggott's remarks. A further report looks at the killing 3 years ago and the case against the two men. The Continuity IRA claimed responsibility for the killing, Martin McGuinness called the killers traitors to Ireland, profile of Steven Carroll, a Catholic officer. Kate Carroll recalls his final moments, then profiles of Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton and the evidence against them revealed. Next report from Gareth Gordon looks at the Unionist Party leadership battle with the comments of Mike Nesbitt and John McAllister, then deputy leader John Taylor's views on the party splits. (6:30pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 31st Mar 2012
3 mins 58 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Mike Nesbitt wins the UUP leadership battle by 536 votes to 129 votes. Film report covers Mike Nesbitt's victory comments, then his wife's comments. In Antrim a burnt out car is being treated as a hate crime. In Belfast Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness opened the Titanic Centre. Film report with both men's remarks then vox pop of people at the ceremony. (5pm Sat)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 31st Mar 2012
5 mins 42 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Mike Nesbitt has won the UUP leaders battle with 80% of the vote. Film report with Mike Nesbitt's comments on his long haul task, then John McAllister offers his support. In Belfast the Titanic Centre was opened by Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness. Film report with Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness comments, then vox pop of people at the ceremony, with a profile of the contents and designer Eric Kuhne's views. Other news reports on a suspect device in Belfast and a man has been shot in the leg in Lenadoon Avenue, West Belfast. (6pm Sat)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 1st Apr 2012
4 mins 2 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Twelve people have been rescued from a fire in an apartment block in Alfred Street in Belfast. Film report with fire services Alan Walmsley's comments. Today Mike Nesbitt commented on his victory he says he may take the minister's post before the next election, he says an electoral pact with the DUP would not be good for the UUP or unionism, he says he would like to live for 24 hours in an area of social deprivation. (See Sunday Politics programme for full interview). In East Belfast 1000 people dressed up in 1920s style to raise funds for cancer. Film report with Alliance's Naomi Long's comments then the organiser Wendy Lanham's views. (6pm sun)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 1st Apr 2012
26 mins 42 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann / Teilifis na Gaeilge
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Would you believe
Programme Title:
Father Alec Reid, The Secret Peacemaker
The programme profiles Tipperary born Father Alec Reid of Clonard Monastery in Belfast efforts to bring peace to Northern Ireland using old film clips and interviews on his behind the scenes contacts. It begins with brief comments of contributors to the programme about Father Alec Reid who then says he was 'representing the next person about to be shot'. Then Father Reid describes the events leading up to and around the John Hume and Gerry Adams talks, then a March 1989 film of the funeral of IRA volunteer Kevin Brady who was killed in the UDA's Milltown Cemetery attack. Father Reid was at the funeral to pick up the talks paper from Gerry Adams for John Hume, he describes the killing of two British soldiers at the funeral and what he did for them, film clip shown and still photos. RTE's Tommy Gorman comments, then Methodist Reverend Harold Good gives his reaction to Father Alec Reid's actions, then Father Alec Reid comments on still having the talk's papers. Next he recalls the loyalist invasion of Clonard in August 1969 and he says he saw them burn down Bombay Street, photos shown, Tommy Gorman comments on his creditability in the Catholic/republican area, then Father Reid recalls riots and says to stop it you have to talk to them about the principle of the alternative. Then Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams recalls first meeting Father Alec Reid in Long Kesh, Father Gerry Reynolds says republicans could relate to him, film clip of Gerry Adams with Father Alec Reid in Clonard, then Gerry Adams recalls his talks with Father Alec Reid during the hunger strikes and how Father Reid went out on a limb against the church hierarchy who condemned the hunger strike and the Provisional IRA violence. Then author Brendan O'Brien comments on this era and how unpopular it was then to talk to Sinn Fein and IRA. Father Alec Reid then says he never believed in condemnation but he understood the hierarchy's position that the violence was wrong. Then Father Gerry Reynolds talks about the connections Father Alec Reid built up with loyalists and his private network, then Reverend Harold Good comments, Father Alec Reid recalls a funeral wake he attended and the suffering, he began to formulate principles to stop violence, he recalls the basis of his strategy and Gerry Adam's views on things, Brendan O'Brien comments. Gerry Adams recalls talks in Clonard and who would not attend. Brendan O'Brien recalls Father Alec Reid being labelled a Provisional IRA Priest. In 1987 Father Alex got his break through when John Hume met Gerry Adams in Clonard. Father Alec Reid then targeted Fianna Fáil leader Charles Haughey and his advisor Martin Mansergh, nationalists North and South were now talking. Martin Mansergh comments then Gerry Adams then Father Gerry Reynolds on Father Alec Reid's mediation abilities, then Tommy Gorman's views. Father Alec Reid recalls the Provisional IRA ceasefire. Brendan O'Brien and Gerry Adams comments, then Father Alec Reid. In April 1998 GFA signed Tommy Gorman on the decommission blockage, Gerry Adams gives his views on sceptics. Reverend Harold Good's views on his and Father Alec Reid's role to observe decommissioning and gives details of the last gun handed in. Brendan O'Brien comments on Father Alec Reid's role, then Wave's Alan McBride recalls meeting Father Alec Reid at a meeting where Father Alec Reid was heckled, film clip of his angry responses to William Frazier using Nazi's phrase, Father Alec Reid explains his remarks then comments on the current Northern Ireland situation, then Reverend Harold Good calls it miraculous. (Sun)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 1st Apr 2012
21 mins 16 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Sunday Politics
Programme Title:
Tara Mills interviews the new UUP leader Mike Nesbitt, but first asks Belfast Telegraph journalist Liam Clarke and Queens University Belfast Professor Graham Walker for their views on why they think Mike Nesbitt won. Then a film report gets the reaction of the UUP members at the election meeting, then Tara Mills asks Mike Nesbitt when are voters going to hear real policies from you like John McAllister did yesterday, Mike Nesbitt is asked to outline how he is different from the DUP, he mentions delivering a social justice agenda, a shared future not a shared out future, he says there is nothing wrong with being aspirational, he talks about growing the private sector and eventually doing away with the block grant. His main disagreement with the DUP is over a shared future, he is asked to comment on only 30% of the party members turning up for the vote and asked will he ever be leader and a minister which he does not rule out. On Unionist unity he says they will always stand as UUP and he cannot imagine any circumstances when it would be good for unionism to have an electoral pact with the DUP, he outlines Upper Bann and South Antrim as Westminster seats to win back, then Liam Clarke comments on the UUP's battle with the DUP and the party differences and visions, then Graham Walker's views on the UUP losing touch in less well-off areas and the future of the union in Scotland. Mike Nesbitt says he would like to live in an area of social deprivation for 24 hours. Next film report looks at why Northern Ireland has not introduced enterprise zones here like England, Scotland and Wales with economist John Simpson's views, then Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Patterson's views and then Northern Ireland enterprise minister Arlene Foster's (DUP) reaction and Glynn Roberts of the Retail Association. The Stephen Walker's political week in 60 seconds, a film clip. Back in study final comments of Liam Clarke and Graham Walker. (Sun)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 2nd Apr 2012
4 mins 18 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines then new UUP leader Mike Nesbitt is to lodge with a disadvantaged family for 24 hours following a radio conversation. Film report with DUP's Simon Hamilton's critical reaction, then vox pop from the West Winds estate in Newtownards, his constituency which includes Amanda Donald. (6:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 3rd Apr 2012
9 mins 2 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
In North Belfast's Evelyn Gardens a gun attack has left a father and daughter critically ill. Film report on the gunmen and the red van used in the attack, then PSNI Detective Chief Inspector Karen Baxter's comments, then SDLP's MLA Alban Maginness's reaction. The Historical Enquiries Team (HET) has been called into question relating to killings by British soldiers during the Troubles, a University of Ulster report by Patricia Lundy claims soldiers are given favourable treatment. Film report reviews the 11 killed in Ballymurphy massacre in August 1971 and 140 other killings between 1970 '1973 that were originally investigated by military police and were ruled inadequate, then the HET using English policemen re-opened the cases. Now Patricia Lundy's report says the HET inquiry was not independent, she explains her reasons for this in an interview. Then Ballymurphy families and Francis Rowntree's (killed 1972) solicitor Padraig O'Murigh's views. The HET in a statement deny Patricia Lundy's claims saying that many families including Aiden McAnespie (killed Feb 1988) welcomed their work. Then PSNI statement. In Rosslea Co. Fermanagh a bomb was left at the home of UUP counsellor Harold Andrews, film report with interview in which he claims it may be an attempt to force Protestants out. (6:30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 3rd Apr 2012
9 mins 51 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Antrim Road shooting victim Harry Hales (47) and his daughter are badly wounded. Film report with an eye witness account of the aftermath as the victims lay in their car, then Tracy McKee, another resident, gives her reaction. The gunman's escape van was found burnt out in the Oldpark area, then PSNI's Detective Chief Inspector Karen Baxter's comments, then the political reaction from SDLP'S Alban Maginness and DUP's Nelson McCausland. This is followed by more neighbour's reactions including community worker Michael Cunningham, then in the studio Sinn Fein's North Belfast MLA Gerry Kelly gives his reaction to the shooting and condemns the attack, and calls on people with information to give it to the police. (10:30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 4th Apr 2012
3 mins 45 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines then the new Police Ombudsman will be Michael Maguire who formerly was the Criminal Justice Inspector. Film report covers Michael Maguire's report criticising former Ombudsman Al Hutchinson's time in office, the report also recommended the historical inquiries be suspended. In yesterday's North Belfast shooting a further report gives the latest details and an interview with Martin Moreland, the wounded girl's headmaster. Photo of Emma Hales shown. In Strabane a man was beaten and shot in the leg. Film report. (6:30pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 5th Apr 2012
4 mins 21 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
External inspectors from Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary have been asked by the PSNI Chief Constable to investigate a University of Ulster report that the Historical Enquiries Team gave preferential treatment to British soldiers in killings investigations. Film report with University of Ulster's Dr Patricia Lundy's comments then Chief Constable Matt Baggott's views, then Sinn Fein's Gerry Kelly welcomes the investigation, but Relatives for Justice spokesman Mark Thompson wants an independent inquiry not one by another branch of the police. (6:30pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 5th Apr 2012
59 mins 2 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Bomb Squad Men: The Long Walk
Three former British Army bomb disposal officers (ammunition technical officers ATO's) names Dave Young, Dave Greenaway, and Paul Wharton return to Northern Ireland after 30 years absence to review the moments from their careers and the Troubles using old film clips from the 1970s. After the opening comments from an officer praising the work of ATO's in Northern Ireland and highlighting its relevance to the British army's work today in Afghanistan, the programme begins with a description of the effect of a bomb explosion on the human body, then the three ATO's describe putting on their bomb suits in the 1970s. A film clip is shown and they describe their thoughts at the time, then the 3 men are filmed arriving back in Northern Ireland after 30 years away. Dave Young recalls being posted to Derry, then Dave Greenaway recalls joining the army and becoming an ATO, then Paul Wharton recalls what an ATO in the army normally does and how Northern Ireland changed that, he recalls his first impression of Northern Ireland. In 1969 the IRA planted 10 bombs and within 3 years had planted 500 bombs. Film of blasts shown with details of crude early IRA explosions, a personal battle between IRA bomb designers and the 321 Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit had begun. Gareth Collett talks about the makeup of an Improvised Explosive Device (IED), he is the Colonel who trains today's ATO's, he has served two tours in Northern Ireland in 1993, he describes devices used against the army. Then Dave Greenaway and Dave Young recalls the early IRA devices, film of the 1972 bombs. An army officer describes the IRA bomb at the Abercorn bar and the casualties, then Paul Wharton revisits Belfast's Royal Avenue, he was stationed in the Grand Central Hotel. He recalls a bomb at the nearby Post Office sorting office, still photos shown, which had a second device detonate, he escaped that, then another big blast, he is glad he is lucky. The first ATO killed was in 9th September 1971 by the new IRA's anti ' handling device on a bomb, Paul Wharton recalls Caption Stewartson's death, at an orange hall. Dave Greenaway recalls the army's response to a 'disruptor' device, film clip of it shown and tells how it worked. Colonel Gareth Collett then talks about the cat and mouse tactics between the ATO's and the IRA over the bomb devices, then Dave Young talks about the ATO's taking unnecessary risks and how psychological tests were brought in to weed out this type of personality. Dave Greenaway recalls the questionnaire contents and the interview with the army psychiatrist. Dave Greenaway and Dave Young were posted to Derry, and they recall the dangerous journey down to Lisburn Headquarters. The men that walked about Derry city centre were sometimes bombed 15 times a day. They visit sites were they defused bombs; Dave Greenaway tells his 'nice one Cyril' story. Dave Young recalls a device at Austin's store where he neutralized two bombs and shot a tailors dummy and found 4 more devices. Dave young gives a personal view of Derry and its population. The IRA's bomb making ability advances, they began using electromagnetic technology, and radio controlled bombs. Dave Greenaway recalls boarder post bombs like this, he revisits the site and describes what happened and using he electronic counter measures which proved the device was radio controlled, the ATO set off the device remotely, Colonel Gareth Collett details the range of the IRA devices used in Northern Ireland. 1972 saw the IRA plant 1400 car bombs, a deadly new device, film clips shown, 3 ATO's were killed in 1972 by car bombs. Dave Young comments on the shorter time delays on car bombs. ATO's Lieutenant John Stiles devised the wheelbarrow device for dealing with car bombs, film clip shown of this game changer. Dave Young recalls its early limitations, more film clips shown, then Paul Wharton on using disruption devices. In Derry Dave Young recalls a bomb near Guildhall as he visits the site and describes his operation. two milk churns which were in the car boot, but the car exploded and there was a third milk churn on the back seat, the wheel barrow was destroyed, still photos shown, he gets emotional. By the end of 1972 8 ATO's had been killed, Paul Wharton says the IRA devices were no longer simple and they developed sophisticated tactics, things like anti-handling devices, anti-lift switches, radio controlled and tremor devices - but IRA men were killed making and planting these devices. In the country side the ATO's wheel barrow could not operate over the fields of South Armagh, Colonel Gareth Collett comments on IED's in rural areas and command wires. Paul Wharton recalls a device at Chancellors Road at Bessbrook where two milk churns were found, he revisits the scene and describes what happened that day, he recalls his nervousness, he found 7 milk churns with one quarter of a ton of explosives, an ambush device, still photos shown, it had command wire control and the battery pack was also booby trapped. Later in this tour a similar device exploded on Chancellors Road killing 5 soldiers, still photo shown. Then Dave Young and Dave Greenaway give their personal attitudes to the bomb makers and their devices, they were not interested in the bombers from both sides but in getting rid of their bombs. Paul Wharton says whoever they were they rewrote the Anarchist Cookbook, he calls their campaign ruthless and without pity and global terrorists today have learned from them. By 1974 14 ATO's in their squad were killed, Dave Greenaway's first tour was 1973 he recalls the stress of losing friends like Ron Beckett, then Dave Young recalls his wife's worries. The men recall playing down what they were doing. Paul Wharton recalls Michael O'Neill replacing him and being killed in Newry, photo shown, he revisits the scene at Whitecross End and describes what happened there, the car had been used in the murder of an RUC man, he expresses his feelings about the death and still remembers him. Colonel Gareth Collett then defines what makes a good ATO. By 1977 the rule book on bomb making and bomb disposal had largely been rewritten, sitting in the Europa Hotel the 3 men look back at the Northern Ireland conflict in which they lost 17 ATO's, most killed by the end of 1974. Paul Wharton praises these ordinary men doing an extraordinary job and he doubts that they have been appreciated. Then closing comments of Dave Young, Dave Greenaway and Colonel Gareth Collett.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 6th Apr 2012
3 mins 19 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Four PSNI officers have been suspended from duty after the discovery of sectarian and racist text messages, an internal investigation has been launched. Film report with Deputy Chief Constable Judith Gillespie's views, then Sinn Fein's Gerry Kelly's reaction and DUP's Sammy Douglas. A viable device has been found on the Belfast to Dublin Road. In Donegal a Northern Irish man has been arrested over the murder of Andrew Allen in Buncrana by dissident republicans. (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 8th Apr 2012
3 mins 2 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Last night a Newry taxi driver was hijacked and a suspicious device placed on board the taxi then the taxi was abandoned. Film report with the taxi firm owner Ian Murtagh's comments, then SDLP's Dominic Bradly's views, then a PSNI statement. The bomb was declared a hoax, it is the second incident in Newry over the weekend. A 10 year old boy has found a gun in Lurgan and took it home, film report with SDLP's Joe Nelson's reaction. (5pm Sun)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 8th Apr 2012
0 mins 36 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
At Sinn Fein's Easter commemoration in Milltown cemetery chairman Declan Kearney said there was no armed struggle to finish. (5:30pm Sun)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 9th Apr 2012
1 mins 13 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
In Derry at PIRA Easter Monday commemoration a masked man threatened fury and violence against the PSNI. Film report. (6pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 12th Apr 2012
6 mins 23 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
A Chinese political bureau member Madam Lue has visited Northern Ireland. Film report from Aldergrove Airport with Garett Gordon's analysis of the importance of the visit for business here. Then in a separate report David Dobbin of the United Derry Farmers outlines the size of the business already being done with China. (6:30pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 13th Apr 2012
5 mins 31 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines then the family of Derry woman Joanna Mathers, a census collector who was shot dead by the Provisional IRA in April 1981 have offered a reward leading to the capture of her killers. Film report with DUP's Gregory Campbell's comments. The senior Chinese politician Madam Lue spoke during her visit to the University of Ulster, where Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness welcomed her. Film report, Queens University Belfast is to open a college in China, DUP's Jon Bell's comments on the Human Rights issue. (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 15th Apr 2012
46 mins 12 secs
Broadcast Company:
Sky Group
B10 Channel
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Programme Title:
True Story Crimes that shook Britain: The Omagh Bomb
This programme was first shown in 2008, it deals with profiling the criticised RUC investigation into the Real IRA's bomb in Omagh in August 1998 that killed 29 people and two unborn children. It uses old archive film of the bombs aftermath and interviews with victims' families, survivors, former RUC officers, former Police Ombudsman Nuala O'Loan and commentator Brian Feeney. The programme begins with film of the bomb aftermath and brief comments of the programme contributors, then a profile of Omagh with views of Omagh injured Suzanne Travis on the market town. Then Brian Feeney gives a summary of why the Troubles erupted in 1969, with troubles events film clips shown, then Michael Gallagher the father of a victim recalls the Good Friday Agreement (GFA) being signed and people's new sense of ease, then Suzanne Travis recalls 15th August 1998 and her movements on the day of the bomb, as does Michael Gallagher (reconstruction shown using actors) then details from Stanley McCombe husband of a victim of his day. Omagh was bustling with people, then RUC started evacuating people as a bomb was supposed to have been left at the courthouse, Stanley McCombe recalls his wife's movement away from the shop she worked in, then Suzanne's recollections of the evacuation down the street, till the explosion. Michael Gallagher was working in his garage when he heard the explosion, he recalls his actions, then Suzanne Travis describes being covers in rubble, real TV clips of the scene shown, the person next to her was dead, then Michael Gallagher and Stanley McCombe give more details of their actions that afternoon with Michael Gallagher describing what he saw when he arrives at the hospital, as injured started arriving he searched for Aidan his son. Clive Russell a former physician at Tyrone County Hospital recalls the casualties arriving and the nature of the injuries they suffered, film of scene at the Market Street site of bomb shown. The 500 pound bomb exploded in the location that people had been evacuated to. Suzanne Travis describes seeing her foot was missing, she describes arriving in hospital. Michael Gallagher then traces Aiden's steps. Stanley tried to phone his wife Anne. Michael Gallagher found Michael, Aiden's friend in the hospital. Meanwhile RUC's Chief Constable blamed the Real IRA as the 3 warning messages were received they were not clear, police believed the bomb was planted at the court house, map of the town shown with Michael Gallagher's comments. Stanley McCombe's brother tells him Anne is missing, then Clive Russell describes the scene at Tyrone hospital which was overwhelmed with casualties but Michael could not get information on the deceased. Stanley McCombe received phone confirmation that his wife Anne was dead, he recalls that moment. At 6am Michael Gallagher gets information on his son, he tells his family Aidan is dead he recalls that moment. Then a film clip shows Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern's reaction, Suzanne Travis recalls giving doctors permission to amputate her foot, she still did not know of her mother's whereabouts. Then RUC's former Assistant Chief Constable Raymond White describes the crime scene and their investigation begins, then political leaders Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern's reactions with Brian Feeney's analysis of their concerns and why they and US president Bill Clinton all visited Omagh, film clips shown. Michael Gallagher recalls victims taking comfort in the politician's promises. 72 Hours after the bomb the Real IRA claims responsibility, Brian Feeney comments. Suzanne Travis was in intensive care, her father told her that her mother was badly injured and had not woken up after surgery, a week later she woke from her coma. 250 people were injured in the blast, 31 people including a pregnant woman with unborn twins lost their lives. RUC's Raymond White says within 3 weeks they had established the main suspects, in September 1998 the RUC arrested 12 men, key suspects names as Liam Campbell, Seamus Daly, Michael McKevitt, Seamus McKenna and Colm Murphy. RUC's Raymond White describes their inquiries around phone calls and the Garda's knowledge of the bombers movements. Michael Gallagher says they should have had a joint investigation not two separate ones, he mentions the lack of trust between the two police forces. 5 months later Colm Murphy was charged with conspiracy but two years on from his arrest the process was slow and victims were unhappy. Then Michael Gallagher recalls the TV Programme allegations against British Intelligence and what Government Communication Headquarters (GCHQ) knew about the telephone messages monitored belonging to the bombers. RUC's Raymond White says he has no knowledge of their actions, Michael Gallagher and Stanley McCombe give their views on these revelations, the programme asks why was such crucial evidence not shared, Michael Gallagher says the GCHQ had told the RUC Special Branch who did not tell the RUC Criminal Investigation Department (CID) detectives investigating the bombing. Stanley McComb on his anger, relatives launched civil action against key suspects, the 5 men named above, then the programme interviews a former IRA informer named Kevin Fulton who says he told his handlers the Real IRA were making a bomb which was going North, then Police Ombudsman Nuala O'Loan describes how this undermined the RUC inquiry if the allegation was true. She investigated Kevin Fulton's claim but did not get co-operation from many RUC officers. She describes the undisclosed intelligence found, including the 4th August 1998 phone call warning that the RUC would be attacked in Omagh on 15th August. Nuala O'Loan wanted to know why this information was not acted upon, she says she does not know to this day. Nuala O'Loan comments on the threat book going missing, Kevin Fulton comments, then Nuala O'Loan says RUC Special Branch fails to pass on 78% of intelligence it has to CID. RUC's Raymond White gives his reaction, Nuala O'Loan says the Omagh investigation was flawed, she wanted a fresh inquiry, and this became a review. Kevin Fulton says he is vindicated, he gave the information exactly as he said he did. Michael Gallagher recalls hearing Nuala O'Loan's report and gives his reaction, the RUC's Chief Constable's response to the O'Loan report was extraordinary, film clip shown. Michael Gallagher says the truth was the RUC investigation failed. In the next month after a 3 year trial Colm Murphy was sentenced to 14 years for conspiracy to cause the Omagh bombing but he got off on appeal in 2005. In 2006 Sean Howey a nephew of Colm Murphy was charged but it was unsuccessful. Stanley McCombe gives his reaction. On 8th June 2009 the family's launched a civil case. Michael Gallagher comments on its uniqueness, it has a lower level of proof, two years later they win a judgement against 4 of the bombing suspects, Michael McKevitt, Seamus Daly, Liam Campbell and Colm Murphy winning £1.4 Million. Michael Gallagher comments. Stanley McComb wants a public inquiry, Suzanne Travis is now a teacher in Liverpool and is married, Stanley Travis and Michael Gallagher closing comments on their loss and the bombers being protected.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 16th Apr 2012
5 mins 26 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
In Derry dissident republicans have left pipe bombs at the parents' home of a Catholic PSNI officer. Film report from Shantallow with neighbour Laura Deery's comments, then PSNI Superintendent Chris Yate's reactions. At Ligoneil in North Belfast a bomb scare was a hoax. Reg Empey is to be the UUP party chairman as James Cooper turned down the job. Film report with Mike Nesbitt's comments. Reverent Ray Davy founder of Corrymeela in 1965 has died. (6:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 16th Apr 2012
25 mins 26 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann / Teilifis na Gaeilge
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Programme Title:
An Tost Fada: The Long Silence (Cork's Bloody Secret 05/10/09)
In West Cork area of Ireland in April 1922 a year after the war of independence had ended the IRA killed Protestants in Bandon, Clonakilty and Dunmanway, in an RTE programme called 'Corks Bloody Secret' on 05/10/09 families talked about these murders for the first time, George Salters (a Canon) knew about these families, now another man is telling his story. Canon Salters, now 87 years old, has spent his life in Ireland but never visited the ancestral home, the Canon is proud to be an Irishman, Dr Barry O'Connor comments on how passionate the Canon is about Irish language, culture and music. George sits on the board of the Cork Institute of Technology also on the board is Dan Collins from West Cork's Dunmanway. Dan Collins explains the connection between the two men and explains he is taking George back to his ancestral home now occupied by relatives of Dan, photos of George's family shown, then in an interview George recalls why he is interested in the Irish language and Irish culture and in storytelling, George's father had 6 sisters and two brothers but they had all left Ireland by April 1922 due to threats, photo shown from 1915. Then George meets Liam O'Muirthile who is from a mixed Church of Ireland and Catholic background, they discuss how the family managed these differences in West Cork. In Skibbereen, George finds Richard Draper who is 100 years old, the last living witness to the events of April 1922, he recalls the fear and the religious factor in those years and what his father was told, and George recalls the various threats and intimidation used against his parents and the IRA's role in it. George believes the IRA thought his father was a spy as he travelled so much to England to sell his livestock. Bill Salters was told he would be killed. In April 1922 13 local protestants were murdered, two of them in Aghadown were Bills friends, George recalls how they were murdered. Bill Salters fled and for £1700 compensation from the British Government, George still has Kilronanes family clock, everything else the family had to leave behind. In 1924 the family quietly returned to Cork and bought a farm near Castletownsend, George was born here in 1925, he went to Bandon Grammar School a protestant school back then, now a mixed religion school. George talks to pupils about 1922, then George recalls a modern incident of intimidation he suffered in a pub. Then George is filmed at Kilronene House, the ancestral home before 1922, how he is welcomed by the Crowley family, Oliver Crowley explains they have owned the farm since 1927. George recalls a story his father told him in 1930 when he visited a man in Cork hospital who confessed he had killed Protestants and he asked for forgiveness, his father accepted the man's apology. George tells the Crowley's his story at dinner then his daughter Bridget Aylmer comments on the journey's importance. Then George gives his views on putting his ghosts to rest.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 17th Apr 2012
11 mins 33 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines then the Orange Order is to get £1 million from the EEC to be used to organise cross community dialogue, but the order says it will not meet Sinn Fein. Film report with Drew Nelson of Orange Community Networks comments, then Pat Colgan of the EU special programmes body, then political commentator Brian Feeney. The Belfast Telegraph is to switch to morning only publications. Film report covers the Belfast Telegraph history, Northern Ireland has now no evening papers, Tony Axon media analyst comment's then National Union of Journalist's Bob Millar on staff concerns. Belfast unionist counsellors are opposing a plan to rename any streets after victims of the UVF's 1971 McGurks bar bombing, film report with residents spokesman Frank Dempsey's views then DUP's Brian Kingston's comments, then victims relative Ciaran MacAirt. Founder of Corrymeela Reverent Ray Davey aged 97 has died. Film report from Corrymeela on his life's work, interview clip, then R Naylor comments then Paul Hutchinson. (6:30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 17th Apr 2012
24 mins 50 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann / Teilifis na Gaeilge
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Eagoir (Injustice)
Programme Title:
Danny McNamee
Journalist Michelle Nic Phaidin examines the case of Danny McNamee who was branded a Provisional IRA bomber and sentenced to jail in England for the 1982 London Hyde Park bombing, the documentary profiles his fight to prove his innocence and win his freedom. This programme is one in a series of six about people who took on the justice system to prove their innocence. Documentary begins with a film clip of the July 1982 Provisional IRA bomb attack on Calvary soldiers in Hyde Park, 4 soldiers and 7 horses were killed, writer Antoin McCaba comments, then journalist Martin O'Mulleoir comments on the political situation at that time, the year after the Hunger Strikes, Margaret Thatcher comments in parliament. The police investigation ended up in South Armagh. Journalist Eamon Maillie and Solicitor Niall Murphy give a profile of South Armagh. Danny McNamee an electrical engineer from Crossmaglen recalls his arrest 4 years later in 1986, Eamon Maillie comments on Police belief he was an IRA bomb maker. Martin O'Mulleoir comments on the arrest with Danny McNamee's belief he was innocent, he recalls his shock when he was charged, film clip shown of his arrival at the Old Bailey. The evidence against him was three fingerprints, Two of them on tape found in a bomb cache in England in the 3rd print on a battery that was in the bomb. Danny's explanation is explained, he worked in a Dundalk electronics factory making gambling machines, journalist Antoin McCaba and solicitor Niall Murphy point out weaknesses in the crown case, then Danny McNamee and the forensic experts view given in court. Eamon Maillie says Danny's knowledge of circuit boards when giving his evidence may have harmed his defence. Danny says he had not got a jury of his peers and the bombing was emotive in England, he recalls hearing jury members calling him an Irish murdering bastard while he gave evidence. Danny was sentenced to 25 years in jail, he gives his reaction, his barrister Richard Ferguson, a former believed the verdict was a miscarriage of justice. Niall Murphy comments, Danny describes prison, he failed to secure an appeal and began studying a law degree in prison. He recalls his motives and strengths. Eamon O'Mailie recalls the press propaganda against him, with front pages shown. Danny recalls why he escaped from Whitemoor prison, CCTV shown, but he was soon recaptured, after being in prison for 10 years lawyer Gareth Pierce contacted him, Danny recalls winning an appeal as other people's finger prints were also found on the bomb besides his and that was not mentioned in his trial. Niall Murphy explains the significance, Danny McNamee was freed under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 but kept fighting his case in 1998. Danny recalls his appeal and doubts about the fingerprints, Dr Peter Swann explains doubts, Antoin MacCaba explains why the crown case failed, after 12 years in jail Danny cleared his name, he recalls his reaction, he now works in Belfast courts.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 20th Apr 2012
5 mins 33 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then Derry SDLP MLA Colm Eastwood has defended his attendance at the funeral of Seamus Coyle a Former Official IRA and Irish National Liberation Army member. Film report with Colm Eastwood's interview, then DUP MP Ian Paisley Junior's reaction. Assembly speaker (former) Lord Alderdice is to lead a new effort in finding a solution to the Ardoyne parade impasse, he will work with Father Gary Donegan and former Presbyterian moderator Norman Hamilton. Film report with Lord Alderdice's interview, then the views of Crumlin Ardoyne Residents Association's (CARA) Joe Marley, then Winston Irvine of the North West Parades Forum, then Damien Fennell of Greater Ardoyne Residents' Collective views. (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 20th Apr 2012
25 mins 9 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann / Teilifis na Gaeilge
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Eagoir (Injustice)
Programme Title:
Charlie McMenamin
Journalist Michelle Nic Phadin introduces the theme of her series of the programme, people who were wrongly convicted of crimes. These people tell of their struggle to clear their names. She begins using old film clips of rioting in Derry, to recall what the city's tensions were like in the Troubles years. Local man Danny Brown recalls his experiences as a teenager at that time, Charlie McMenamin was a teenager in 1978 living in the Bogside (photo shown) he recalls teenage activities at that time, then Danny Brown and Seamus McKinney's recollections (film clip of riots shown) then they recall house raids and going to school (armed IRA man shown). Charlie had behavioural problems and spent time in Borstal. Michael Culbert, a social worker in Belfast in the 1970s, recalls meeting Charlie in St Patricks, Borstal, he was sent there for a minor offence, truancy from school. Then Seamus McKinney's views, then Charlie recalls a raid on his home at Easter and his arrest at aged 16, he was accused of being involved in killing an RUC man which he denied (film clip of RUC) then Seamus McKinney comments that the state needed convictions and did not care how they got them. Then solicitor Michael Flanagan on detention rules, Charlie recalls the verbal abuse he received and the fear he felt, he was terrified, he says he began to cut his wrists with a plastic knife, but the interviews continued on a doctors say so. Charlie was held for 3 days and interviewed for 11 hours and 20 minutes, then Caoilte O Ciardha (PhD) comments on the effects of pressure on Charlie, who confessed to conspiracy to murder and possession of a gun. Charlie says the RUC dictated the list of things they wanted him to confess to, they told him he would be home in no time, Caoilte O Ciardha (PhD) comments on the 16 year old thinking under this pressure. Charlie was charged and sent to Crumlin Road Jail in Belfast, his solicitor comments on the reason he was not sent to a youth centre, then Danny Brown and Seamus McKinney's comments on the effect on his family. Then Charles's former social worker Michael Culbert, now in prison himself on a charge of killing an RUC man, tells of meeting Charlie in the Crumlin Road Jail. Charlie spent two years on remand, he recalls he had an alibi and good defence case, Danny Brown explains how the Diplock courts worked and the low level of evidence they accepted, then solicitor Michael Flanagan's views. Charles's alibi was he was in St Pats borstal on the dates on his charge sheet, the only state evidence against him was his confessions, the courts were however pre disposed to believe the police, Michael Flanagan recalls, Charlie says his legal team told him to plead guilty to get a lesser sentence, also at this time 11/11/79 Charles's girlfriend died. He pleaded guilty hoping to be out in 12 months, he had already served two years on remand. Michael Culbert comments on the case. Charlie recalls his negative feelings when he was released, Danny Brown comments on jail time effects on Charlie's education and his sense of injustice and failure to get employment. Eventually Charlie got married in 1989 and he had a daughter in 1993, he says he never forgot the wrongful conviction, with the coverage of the Birmingham 6 and Guildford 4, Charlie realised his case was the same, the criminal cases review commission was set up to look at controversial cases. Charles took his case to them he explains his doubts and comments on the day he won his appeal.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 21st Apr 2012
2 mins 37 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
An ambulance which was called to an arson attack in McDonnell Street, West Belfast has had vital equipment stolen from it. Film report. At the Alliance Party conference its leader David Ford comments on building a shared future in Northern Ireland. Film report. In County Antrim a suspicious device was declared a hoax. In Lurgan a 47 year old man was arrested on suspicion of dissident republican activity. (5pm Sat)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 23rd Apr 2012
8 mins 58 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Northern Ireland's second largest prison at Magilligan near Derry has been earmarked for closure and a new medium security jail to be built to replace it near Belfast, in 6 years' time costing £140 million. Film report reviews Magilligan's history and its conditions, prison services 10 year plans revealed with DUP's Paul Girvan's reaction. In County Monaghan at Bogland near Bragan a new search has begun for the body of Disappeared Colomba McVeigh. Film report with Jon Hill of the commission for the location of victims remains comments. Downpatrick's St Patricks Heritage century is in danger of closing due to Down council cuts. Film report with UUP's Basil McCrea's reaction. (5pm Sat)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 24th Apr 2012
8 mins 57 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
At the Smithwick inquiry in Dublin into the 1989 Provisional IRA killing of RUC, Superintendent's Harry Breen and Bob Buchanan, a British Army Force Research Unit agent Ian Hurst (Martin Ingram) has alleged that Martin McGuinness authorised the killings. Film report on Ian Hurst's allegations, then reaction at Stormont from TUV's Jim Allister, the UUP's Mike Nesbitt, Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness denies the allegations and doubts Ian Hurst's honesty. Ian Hurst also told the tribunal that Stakeknife was West Belfast man Fred Scappaticci, film clip shown. Ian Hurst was given Ministry of Defence approval to give evidence, then analysis from Ken Reid on Unionist reaction at Stormont. Former Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain is subject of a contempt hearing for a comment he made in his book 'Outside In' about Lord Justice Paul Girvan's decision over appointing Bertha McDougall as Victims Commissioner. Film report. The case will be heard in full in June. In Blackpool a man has been arrested by the Historical Enquiries Team over the shooting in March 1973 of John Huddleston in West Belfast by loyalist paramilitaries. (6pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 24th Apr 2012
5 mins 18 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines then coverage of Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness's denials he was involved in the Provisional IRA killing of RUC Superintendent's Harry Breen and Bob Buchanan, the allegation was made at the Smithwick Inquiry in Dublin by Force Research Unit intelligence unit member Ian Hurst. Film report says he knew Garda officers worked with the Provisional IRA and that Fred Scappaticci was Garda Owen Corrigan's handler, then reaction in Stormont from TUV's Jim Allister and UUP's Mike Nesbitt, then a Sinn Fein statement is issued with Mark Davenport's analysis. (6:30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 25th Apr 2012
3 mins 57 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines, then at the Dublin Smithwick Inquiry into Garda and PIRA collusion, British Army Force Research Unit agent Ian Hunter claimed Martin McGuinness was the Officer in Command (OC) of the Provisional IRA's northern command and authorised the Provisional IRA's human bombs, another British Intelligence agent who was Ian Hurst's Force Research Unit boss named only as witness 82 said he was also Fred Scappaticci's handler and he contradicted much of Ian Hurst's evidence on Garda and PIRA collusion. (6:30pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 26th Apr 2012
4 mins 8 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then Peter Robinson says if there is evidence against Martin McGuinness in killings it should be brought before the courts. Film report on Ian Hurst's evidence at the Smithwick Inquiry in Dublin and the latest Sinn Fein statement of denial. Coroner John Leckey is to go ahead with an inquest into the 1990 loyalist murder of Lurgan republican Sam Marshall. Film report. (6pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 27th Apr 2012
11 mins 26 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
In Derry Republican Action Against Drugs (RAAD) group have shot another man in the legs in a punishment shooting. Film report with details of the shooting by appointment and the reaction from Sinn Fein MLA Raymond McCartney, then SDLP MLA Mark H Durkan and priest Father Michael Canny's views. Then live from Derry David McCauley explains why he is organising an anti RAAD rally there tomorrow. Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness says he is willing to appear at the Smithwick Tribunal, today's comments come as he and DUP's Peter Robinson attended a conference in Dublin about the Northern Ireland peace process. Film report with Martin McGuinness's comments on Ian Hurst's evidence, then analysis from Ken Reid on the issue and the possibility of Martin McGuinness meeting Queen Elizabeth this summer. In Glasgow two men Trevor Muirhead (44) and Neil McKenzie (42) got 5 years each for sending parcel bombs to Celtic manager Neil Lennon, film report. Prince Charles today visited Armagh jail which has been turned into a hotel, his wife visited a local school then both visited the planetarium. Film report. (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 28th Apr 2012
5 mins 45 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
A 600 pound dissident republican bomb has been abandoned outside of Newry. Film report on two bombs found overnight, the other in North Belfast. PSNI Chief Superintendent Alasdair Robinson comments then Sinn Fein MLA Micky Brady and UUP's Danny Kennedy's views. The North Belfast bomb was in Ballygomartin Road and guns and ammo were recovered, dissident republicans were blamed, the DUP's William Humphrey's comments. In Glenarm 3 people escaped injury when 4 shots were fired at their home, A 44 year old man was arrested in Broughshane, In Derry hundreds of people attended an anti ' Republican Action against Drugs (RAAD) rally at the Guildhall Square. Film report with Rosaleen Coyle's views, then Donna McCloskey of mothers against violence and organiser Colm Bryce's comments. In courts two men have been charged with grievous bodily harm against Michael McCann in Belfast's Arthur Street. Film report. (5pm Sat)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 30th Apr 2012
6 mins 14 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines, then film report on two dissident republican bombs that were defused at the weekend, one in Newry and one in North Belfast with PSNI ACC Alistair Finlay's reaction. The DUP's Peter Robinson has announced he will not be a candidate for the Westminster MP seat which he lost to Naomi Long. Film report will Alliances Chris Lyttle's views. DUP's Gavin Robinson may be the DUP candidate, Bill White comments on boundary changes. (6:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 2nd May 2012
2 mins 35 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines, then Relatives for Justice (RFJ) families want an independent inquiry into the news the Historical Enquiry Team does not want to investigate British Army killings properly. They are not happy with Chief Constable Matt Baggott's decision to let the HM Inspectorate of Constabulary do the inquiry, the British army killed over 150 people in the 1970s. Film report with Ulster University's Dr Patricia Lundy's comments, Margaret Kennedy (RFJ) a victim's daughter's comments and Shauna Carberry's (RFJ) views. (6:30pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 3rd May 2012
29 mins 14 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
In the studio Noel Thompson chairs a discussion amongst local politicians Alasdair McDonnell (SDLP), Jonathan Bell (DUP) and Martina Anderson (Sinn Fein) about the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic church and the revelations of the role of the current Catholic Cardinal Brady was part of the cover up, politicians in the South and North have called on him to resign. Alistair McDonnell begins by outlining his position on whether he thinks Cardinal Brady should resign, but he puts most of the blame on Father Brendan Smyth and his order, then Martina Anderson (Sinn Fein) defends Martin McGuinness's statement that Cardinal Brady should go, then DUP's Jonathan Bell is asked to defend the DUP's asking for a prosecution of the Cardinal, he denies it is a political stunt and quotes the 1967 law covering the Cardinals failure to tell the police about Brendan Smyth. Alistair McDonnell again says the DUP are dramaticising the issue, for which he is challenged by Noel Thompson. Martina Anderson says the DUP on the justice committee is out of order in recommending charges. The debate continues around the topic of has the situation become a witch hunt. In the 'if you ask me spot', journalist Malachi O'Doherty talks about the same topic and the unrest within Catholics over the abuse cover up and the silencing by the Vatican of Father Brian D'arcy for expressing his personal opinions, he also raises the issue of ordaining women and conservative opposition to it, he calls Sean Brady 'spineless'. Next a film report from Julia Paul investigates the effect of the recession and rocketing food prices on the working poor, within Northern Ireland an increasing amount of families with a working parent are having to rely on foodbanks. The efforts of the thriving church in Newtownards are profiled with comments of its voluntary workers Jim Clarke on the high level of uptake of their foodbank services, then volunteer Julieann Brownlee on her motivation for helping, then Cormac Wilson of the society of St Vincent De Paul talks about the dilemma they see in families heat or food, they have had a 40% increase in calls for help. Then Queens University Belfast's Professor Mike Tomlinson says the situation is an indictment of the welfare system. The Irish Government has supported 'The Gathering' concept calling on Irish abroad to visit their homeland, but Stormont unionists are unhappy about it. Film report includes promotional video, then DUP' Alistair Ross and SDLP's Dolores Kelly debate the matter, finding faults in each other's positions. Programme ends with comic taxi driver routine. (Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 3rd May 2012
25 mins 5 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann / Teilifis na Gaeilge
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Eagoir (Injustice)
Programme Title:
Nicky Kelly
This third story in the Eagoir series tells about Nicky Kelly's conviction for the armed robbery of the mail on the train at Sallingtown in the Republic of Ireland and his fight for justice since 1976. The programme begins with journalist Michelle Nic Phadin's introduction and then Fionnuala Crokers description of the exceptional case that brought notoriety to the town of Sallins in the 1970s. Then Íte Ní Chionnaith's views, she calls the state prosecution a scandal, it was the biggest robbery in Irish history and the prosecution was the state's longest running and most expensive and the most famous case of injustice in Irish history. News clip shown then comments of Gearoid O'Ciaran on robberies in the 1970s, details of the robbery are given and Íte Ní Chionnaith outlines the Garda's response to arrest members of the Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP), then Gearoid O'Ciaran on the state's view of the IRSP and Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) then journalist Deaglan De Breadun's and Sinn Fein Teachta Dála Aengus Ó Snodaigh's give their views on paramilitaries at that time followed by Nicky Kelly's comments, the commentators then assess the 1973 ' 1977 Fine Gael government as Irelands most repressive ever. Nicky Kelly who was in the IRSP was among a number of IRSP members arrested across Ireland, he recalls his arrest, he was not interrogated but beaten and water hosed in 3 Garda stations, they wanted him to sign a written confession, he describes his isolation and mood, he thought he could not be jailed for something he did not do so he signed the confession Oscar Breatnach and Brian McNally also signed confessions. All three were released on bail, Íte Ní Chionnaith recalls meeting Nicky Kelly and recalls his fears. 21 months later at his trial in the special criminal court, which commentators profile its rules and history, all 3 pleaded not guilty and said they only confessed due to ill treatment but 80 Garda officers denied this, saying the prisoner's injuries were self-inflicted. Nicky Kelly rejects this claim, during the trial defence lawyers noticed one of the Judges fell asleep from time to time, they asked for and got a retrial, Nicky Kelly comments with paper clip shown. The Judge died a month later, the retrial began, lawyer comments, then Nicky Kelly recalls the prosecution ignoring the medical reports on the beatings. It was now two and a half years since the men's arrests and 100 days were spent in court. Nicky Kelly recalls his optimism but they were found guilty. On bail Nicky Kelly fled to America, he recalls why he fled, he had been given 12 years. Aengus Ó Snodaigh's comments. In the USA Nicky worked as a lorry driver and used the name Barry Ryan, then the IRA admitted they has robbed the Sallins train, lawyer F Croker explains that legally Nicky Kelly was still guilty. After 18 months the two jailed men's appeal went ahead, newspaper clip shown, film clip shown, the two men won their appeal, Oscar Breatnach interview shown, he describes the beatings he received, Nicky Kelly recalls coming home and his arrest at Shannon. The commentators give their views on his legal predicament, in jail Nicky Kelly protested his innocence and broke prison rules for which he was beaten. Lawyer F Croker comments on his appeal, which failed, he was sent back to prison for 9 years. Commentators recall the 'Free Nicky Kelly' campaign, photos shown of protests, Christy Moore wrote a song about Nicky Kelly. The campaign failed so Nicky Kelly went on Hunger Strike, he recalls this decision and his physical deterioration, he describes the attitude if the Irish Government who were prepared to release him, but not under the threat of hunger strike which he ended after 38 days, he spent another year in prison before he was released, film clip shown, commentators and Nicky Kelly recall his ongoing campaign for exoneration which took another 8 years. In 1992 the government granted a pardon by the president. Nicky Kelly then comments on the effect on his life of this injustice.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 4th May 2012
3 mins 33 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then an 18 year old has been shot by dissident republicans in Twinbrook. Film report on the punishment attack with reaction from SDLP's Alex Attwood, then Harry Maguire from Community Restorative Justice's views. Then at the policing board yesterday Chief Constable Matt Baggott promises action. (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 6th May 2012
1 mins 46 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
DUP's finance minister Sammy Wilson has refused to pay the wages of Sinn Fein's culture minister Caral Ni Chuilin's special advisor Jarlath Kearney as he has not received security clearance yet. Sammy Wilson has increased the DUP's Peter Robinson's advisors wages. Film report. (5pm Sun)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 6th May 2012
7 mins 15 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Stormont Today
Programme Title:
Tara Mills covers the MLA's debate at Stormont over the European Economic Community (EEC) definition of a victim with clips of comments by Sinn Fein's Francie Molloy, then SDLP's Conall McDevitt, then DUP's Maurice Morrow then in the studio UUP leader Mike Nesbitt outlines his reasons for bringing today's motion up for debate.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 7th May 2012
3 mins 3 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The PSNI have arrested and are questioning a man after Ballymena man Owen McKeown drowned in the River Bann at Kilrea as he tried to escape a gang, film report. In Cookstown a suspicious object was found need Cookstown's Teebane roundabout, film report with SDLP counsellor Tony Quinn's reaction. In Belfast post mortems are to be carried out on two bodies found over the weekend. (6pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 8th May 2012
3 mins 25 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines then Derry footballer James McClean has received death threats over his decision to play for the Irish Republic. Film report shows twitter sectarian messages then Sinn Fein's Ray McCartney's views and DUP's Gregory Campbell's reaction. (6pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 8th May 2012
2 mins 36 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines then at Stormont MLA's debate the European Economic Community (EEC) definition of a victim, then SDLP's Colm Eastwood, then DUP's William Humphrey, then Sinn Fein's Mitchel McLaughlin. (10:30pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 9th May 2012
4 mins 8 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then a Craigavon Counsellor Colin McCusker UUP has called on the parades commission to set up an initiative like the one in Ardoyne to solve the Drumcree Parades dispute. Film report with Counsellor Colin McCusker's views then Brendan McConnell of Garraghy Road Residents Association says it is not necessary as the Drumcree problem have been solved, then orange order chief in Portadown Darryl Hewitt comments, then SDLP counsellor Joe Nelson. (6pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 10th May 2012
5 mins 24 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Dissident republican Marian Price and 3 others have had charges against them of organising masked men at an Easter Rally dropped. Film report but Marian Price was held in custody on murder charge relating to 2009 masserene Barracks attack. It is a century of the ulster covenant signing this September, but the 1st page of the original document is missing, film report with photo of original page one signed by Ed Carson and speculation on where is the missing page, historian Henry Bell comments. (6:30pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 10th May 2012
29 mins 49 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Noel Thompson introduces Northern Ireland Secretary Own Patterson who this week met the relatives of the Omagh Bomb victims who want a public inquiry, he says the priority for him is to see the perpetrators caught and jailed and he says the chief constable told him this is a very live investigation. Owen Patterson will meet the families again to see what the new evidence is that they say will help their case to have a Public inquiry, he repeats his scepticism on Public inquiries. He will not speculate if the families 'new evidence' would undermine the police inquiry as ombudsman Nuala O'Loan's report did in 2001. Next Owen Patterson replies to local politicians criticisms of the Queens speech bills referring to Northern Ireland, he says that 14 of the bills will apply to Northern Ireland and that Northern Ireland largely now deals with its own affairs and that is a good thing, he then defends welfare reforms and says that will help poorer families here, he says they will make work pay, he then rejects Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness's suggestion that the Northern Ireland Office should dissolve and leave Northern Ireland, he outlines the issues like the national crime agency which makes it essential that the Northern Ireland office stay here and in the British cabinet. In the 'if you ask me' spot, commentator Alex Kane talks about the current Tory and Liberal coalition government's current difficulties between posh Nick and even posher Dave. Then in a film report Julia Paul visits the Linenhall Library in Belfast which houses books by Saintfield's Francis Hutchinson and examines the man's achievements and his contribution to Liberal democracy, his writings influences the United Irish Men, the French revolution and the revolt in America against British rule. At the Linenhall presentation 47 more of Hutchinson's books are handed over by the Saintfield Heritage Society, academics and writers Phillip Orr, Martyn Todd and Sinn Fein counsellor Tom Hartley discuss the importance of the men in history, then Linenhall Library's John Killen's comments. At Stormont the UUP asked MLA's to support a European Union definition of a victim as a person who has suffered physical or mental harm or emotional suffering, economic loss directly caused by a criminal offence, it generated little agreements among MLA's. In the studio Tom Elliot (UUP) and Colm Eastwood (SDLP) debate the pros and cons of this definition if it was applied to Northern Ireland. Tom Elliott denies they are trying to create a hierarchy of victims and praises the definition. Colm Eastwood outlines why he rejects it as it is not applicable to civil conflict, he calls it a side show as it excludes a look of people as an example he mentions Sam Devenny, beaten to death by the RUC in 1969, that has never been called a crime and that definition excludes him, he also mentions 1971 Ballymurphy massacre by the British Army. Tom Elliott avoids saying if the Bloody Sunday victims would be victims under this definition, he switches his words to Robert Kerr and Stephen Carroll's deaths. Colm Eastwood says arguing over the definition deflects us from looking after victim's needs, justice and truth and dealing with the past, he avoids saying if he thinks the Provisional IRA's Loughgall dead where victims. Tom Elliot and Colm Eastwood do not agree on the 2006 definition. Programme ends with comic taxi driver routine. (Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 10th May 2012
24 mins 25 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann / Teilifis na Gaeilge
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Siar Sna Nochaidi 1991
Programme Title:
This programme highlights the news stories of 1991 with old film clips. Made in 2007 it covers political, social and sporting news in Ireland and international news stories. Beginning with Prime Minister Charles Haughey inviting guests to Dublin, the 1991 European city of culture, then clip of Frank O'Mara winning a gold medal at the European indoor championships, then a film of the Birmingham 6 and the story of Winston Green a prison officer accused of beating the men and the opposition the 6 faced in the English press and Judge Bridge's views, then Lord Denning's rejection of their claims they were beaten, the programme clip then asks who did plant the bombs. Then a 1991 interview with formula one's Eddie Jordan who is the first Irishman to run a two car formula one team, it cost $20 million. Then the poet Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill gets money from the Irish American fund for writing in Irish, interview and Tom O'Neill's comments. Next coverage of the new Morrison visas for Irish people and how it will work, then a feature on Scaoil Amach an Bobailín' and comic St Patrick routine. Then Ireland's Euro's entry Kim Jackson singing 'could it be that I am in love' which came 10th. In 1991 despite Aids, Ireland had still not resolved the issue of condoms, Guy Byrne's demonstration of a condom shocks his audience, then Ciaran O Maoileoin of the Dublin Aids Alliance comments on the churches views. Next a film of Fine Gael's ard fheis with twink courtesy of Eoghan Harris which turned into a disaster for Fine Gael. In the Dail Jim McDaid appointed Minister of Defense but a photo of him with Provisional IRA maze escapee James Pius Clarke who beat extradition causing turmoil for the minister. In GAA Down won the Sam Maguire cup, film report, then coverage of the Dali Lama's visit to Ireland, his first visit in 18 years and his comments on the situation in Tibet. Then coverage of the upcoming Maastricht treaty for the European Union and speculation on how it could change Ireland if European unity happens in either or both political and economic fields, next report is from the Middle East on outbreak of war, Charles Haughey's comments, then finally more weird comedy from Scaoil Amach an Bobailín' with a coconut.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 11th May 2012
6 mins 22 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines, then the only man convicted of charges related to the Northern Bank robbery in December 2004 Ted Cunningham has had his conviction quashed. Film report on the Judges ordering of a retrial, the report covers the original £26 Million robbery review, the Director of Public Prosecutions Barra McGrory says the failed case against Marion Price will be brought again, in an interview he defends his office against criticisms of the judge when he dismissed the case. Film report with Paul Given's (DUP) reaction, then SDLP's Pat Ramsey's views. (6:30pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 13th May 2012
2 mins 57 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
In Ardoyne's Brompton Park a 31 year old man has been shot and wounded. Families of 3 victims killed in a car bomb explosion at Kelly's bar on the Whiterock Road in Belfast on 13th May 1972 today paid tribute to their relatives John Moran (20) who died 10 days after the loyalist attack, Gerard Clarke who was seriously injured and died 17 years later and Tommy McIlroy who died, also 66 people were injured. Film report with old film clips and comments from Gerard Clarke's daughter Lisa McNally and John Moran's son John O'Reilly, they want an inquiry into the attack as the British Army blamed the IRA at the time, then their solicitor Padraig O'Muiragh's views. In County Antrim and Tyrone 4 people have been arrested. In Castlewellan a suspicious object was dealt with. (5pm Sun)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 14th May 2012
8 mins 30 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then the PSNI have arrested 7 dissident republican suspects in Lurgan and Tyrone, film report from Lurgan. In Stormont Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness launched a seething attack on dissident republican threats to Derry's City of Culture festival. Film report with Ken Reid's analysis of Stormont business today. A former policeman Joe Harron (57) is to stand trial for strangling his ex-wife, film report. Also in courts David Kennaway (27) was jailed for murdering Paul Owens from Ardglass in Newcastle last February. The Community Relations Council (CRC) says sectarianism is still deeply rooted in Northern Ireland despite some progress in interface areas. Film report from the Glandore and Skegoneill interface with Tony McClusker's (CRC) comments, then the report details followed by interface community workers Sean Montgomery and Davy Ferris's comments. Then Chris O'Halloran of Belfast's Interface Project on the psychological barriers. (6pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 14th May 2012
4 mins 29 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines, then at the Belfast Community Relations conference today, two Stormont ministers claimed sectarianism is not confined to the working classes but the Golfing Union of Northern Ireland disagrees. Martin Davenport reports on junior ministers Jonathan Bell (DUP0 and Martina Anderson (Sinn Fein) remarks about golf clubs attitudes, then the golfing union's response in a statement from Peter Sinclair. (6:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 14th May 2012
10 mins 52 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
A Community Relations Council (CRC) report says the sectarianism is still a blight on communities here, we find out how can the next generations change attitudes, film reports begin with the Skegoneill and Glandore interface where young people from both sides meet as part of a Common Purpose Project. Anne Marie Fitzpatrick, Keilan Mullen's comments then Alfie McCrory of Ballymac friendship group on the recent stresses on the schemes, he emphasizes the respect issue, then in Short Strand community worker Paul McCrory praises integrated education as the way forward and the removal of Alexandra Park peace barrier is highlighted as a success. Gerry O'Reilly of Community Bridges Group comments, in 1998 there were 22 peace walls there are now almost 90, then a clip of the Stormont debate amongst MLA's on cohesion policy of the Executive with Peter Robinson's (DUP) views. Bernie McConnell of Short Strand Community Centre comments on the politicians views. Then in the studio CRC's Tony McCusker and Queens University Belfast's Professor Peter Shirlow debate the cohesion, sharing and integration (CSI) strategy and why is frustrating its success. (10:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 15th May 2012
4 mins 42 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The police have admitted they have retained body parts of victims and are currently holding 67 body parts without informing relatives, Ken Reid gives details of this story with details of category 3 body parts held in victim's causes of deaths, then PSNI statement on the matter. (6pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 15th May 2012
4 mins 45 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines, then a brief report on the body parts story, then a report on the reaction to Sinn Fein's Martina Anderson's remarks about sectarianism at golf clubs, for which she has not apologised, and DUP's Jonathan Bell's apology. Then at Stormont UUP's Mike Nesbitt's comments, then Derek Logan Caption of Belvoir Golf Clubs views then Geoff Bleakley chairman of PGA Irish Region, then DUP's Peter Robinson and Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness's comments. (6:30PM Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 16th May 2012
12 mins 45 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
As body parts scandal deepens the police admit mistakes were made, more details given by the PSNI on the holding of body parts of 64 murder victims. Film report with comments of Assistant Chief Constable George Hamilton at press conference, although within the law he says that police should have informed the families, laws governing the practice changed in 2006, 2010 national audit begins. State pathologist Jack Crane explains why body parts were held back, at Westminster David Cameron comments, then Northern Ireland justice minister David Ford's statement. Second report gets the reaction of Jackie Coulter's family, he was murdered 12 years ago, his daughter Tracey gives her reaction to the news his body parts were held, then solicitor Padraig O'Murigh's reactions, then the Policing Board member Gerry Kelly (Sinn Fein) views and reaction from WAVE's Alan McBride, then live from London, DUP MP Nigel Dodds outlines his views on the matter and who should be accountable. The PSNI have reopened its investigation into the murder of Damien Duffy murdered in West Belfast 11 years ago and have appealed for the public's help. Film report on the street confrontation in May 2011 with his Brother Patrick's appeal for help. In courts two women were charged with murder of Chinese business man Sion Tangin in Carrick in June 1996, charged were Leeanne Wilson (34) and Jacqueline Seallon (33) both from Carrick. (6pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 17th May 2012
13 mins 51 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The Police Ombudsman's office has admitted it also held victims body parts without telling relatives, film report with relative Geraldine St Clair Gunn's reactions to the PSNI's letter telling her that her mother Roberta, who was murdered 18 years ago, skull was held. Then a report from the Stormont Justice Committee meeting today, where Jacqui Durkin of the Courts and Tribunal Service gave evidence on body parts issue, followed by evidence from PSNI Assistant Chief Constable George Hamilton's evidence on poor record keeping, then DUP's Peter Robinson's reaction, then further comment and analysis from Ken Reid on today's Stormont hearings. The Republic of Ireland's football team will wear black armbands when they play Italy at Euro 2012 to mark the 18th anniversary of the Loughinisland massacre, the families of those killed in the UVF attack have welcomed the move, film report with Football Association Ireland's John Delaney's comments, then victims' relative Moira Casement, then a review of the 1994 attack with Hugh O'Toole's reaction. The case brought against Labour's former Northern Ireland secretary Peter Hain for comments in a book over the appointment of Bertha McDougall as Victims Commissioner has been dropped. Film report on the case brought by John Larkin about Peter Hain's comments on Judge with Attorney General John Larkin's reaction, then Peter Hain's statement. The commission for the recovery of the Disappeared has announced that the current dig for the body of Columba McVeigh will end unsuccessfully. Victims of the troubles who were seriously injured took a petition containing 10,000 signatures to Stormont today to ask MLAs for greater recognition of the plight. Film report with Joe Holbeach's (who was injured in the Enniskillen bomb) comments, then Jenny McNern's (injured in the Abercorn bomb) comments and then Sandra Peake of WAVE's views. (6pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 17th May 2012
14 mins 50 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Noel Thompson introduces a panel discussion on the group known as Republican Action against Drugs (RAAD), it includes Derry socialist Eamonn McCann, ex Provisional IRA prisoner Tommy McKearney and PSNI Chief Superintendent Steven Martin the police's Derry commander. Although RAAD says it has no political ideology Eamonn McCann says there are political overtones and undertones to its actions, he explains his meaning. Tommy McKearney doubts if RAAD has the support of Sinn Fein voters, he goes on to talk about the democratic deficit and that is why RAAD is tolerated despite its barbarianism, then Steven Martin defends the police follow up, one case is mentioned when a shot youth identified his attackers yet they were not arrested, he highlights the police successes, then Eamonn McCann comments on this case and his knowledge of it, but he says the PSNI failed the shot man, he outlines his point of view, then Tommy McKearney on the ambivalence in society about policing here and the Sinn Fein view on policing, Steven Martin again denies police ambivalence in this case, he says for legal reasons he cannot discuss it, he finds it a bit of a struggle dealing with the RAAD and outlines why, he says RAAD people are known to them and asks for more public support. Eamonn McCann says RAAD has momentum because of the fear of drugs, he talks about hysteria around the drugs issue which encourages paramilitary policing. Tommy McKearney feels a discussion on policing in Northern Ireland is also needed, Steven Martin says policing RAAD is not just a law and order matter it needs the strength and knowledge of the community working with police professionals. It is also a societal and culture problem. In the If you ask me spot, Newton Emerson talks about Stormont's lack of tax powers and the political opinions on that issue. (Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 18th May 2012
9 mins 30 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Derry business man Raymond Coyle who was shot by Republican Action against Drugs (RAAD), has demanded RAAD lift a death threat against him, he owned a shop that sold legal highs within the law, film report interviews Raymond and reviews his shooting in 2010 in his shop. Then Michael Doherty of Peace and Reconciliation group comments on RAAD's threats to young people. Breaking news 3 men from Lurgan are to be charges tomorrow with conspiracy to murder and are dissident republicans. The family of Tony Butler who was shot dead by the UDA in 1990 are to sue the PSNI after they admitted retaining part of his skull, film report. The Orange Order and the Unionist Centenary Committee is to hold a parade tomorrow to the Ormeau Park in Belfast to commemorate the 1912 parade and rally against the Home Rule bill of that year. Film report says the UDA and UVF paramilitaries will march in the parade. Orange Order's Mervyn Gibson comments, then the Parades Commission's statement. In Warrington a plaque to the memory of Jonathan Ball and Tim Parry who were killed by a Provisional IRA bomb in March 1993 has been stolen by metal thieves, film report with Colin Parry's reaction. (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 19th May 2012
4 mins 26 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
In Ballaghy a teenage girl has been shot dead and her sister has been seriously injured in a domestic incident, 3 people have been arrested. Film report with Sinn Fein counsellor Ian Milne's reaction. In courts two brothers and a cousin of prominent dissident republican Colin Duffy from Lurgan have been charged with serious terrorist offences following a PSNI and MI5 investigation. Film report covers court proceedings. In Omagh 3 men and 1 woman have been charged with running a terrorist training camp in County Tyrone. Arms have been found in West Belfast. The Orange Order's parade to Ormeau Park passes off peacefully. (5pm Sat)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 21st May 2012
9 mins 48 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
PSNI Constable Stephen Carroll's killers have been sentenced to 25 years and 14 years, film report on reaction to sentencing of Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton on Kate Carroll (widow) and coverage of the Judge's remarks, the trial and the evidence against the two men. Kate Carroll felt the 14 years for John Paul Wootton was not a deterrent to young people, she outlines her view in interview and comments on the security services tracking device failing to prevent the murder. In courts Phelan McNally (26) is charged with shooting Brenda O'Neill and her sister in Bellaghy yesterday, Film report. In Derry a 26 year old has been arrested for planting a bomb under a PSNI man's car, film report. The PSNI Chief Constable Matt Baggott has apologised for the force retaining body parts in the past. Film report includes justice minister David Ford's comments on inquiry, then update on police efforts to inform relatives with Geraldine St Clair Gunn's reaction. (6pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 22nd May 2012
8 mins 49 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then Department for Public Prosecutions to appeal the 14 year sentence on John Paul Wootton for Stephen Carroll's murder. Film report with Kate Carroll's reaction and comments on John Paul Wootton's attitude in his trial to policemen, then DUP's Paul Givan's views and Stewart Dickson (Alliance). In Derry bombs have been found in a city centre flat. Film report with PSNI Chief Inspector Garry Eaton's comments, then reaction from local residents, and DUP's M Devenney. A man aged 30 have been arrested. In April 1998 Thomas Lockhart disappeared from his home and his body was found two days later in County Louth, two men have been arrested by police investigating this case, film report. The UUP has expelled David McNarry, Ken Reid's analysis on the issue and David McNarry's choices ahead, also SDLP remove Dolores Kelly from vice chair of the Agriculture committee. (6pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 22nd May 2012
31 mins 24 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Home Truths
After 6 years of stalling the Stormont Executive has agreed a plan to redevelop the 27 acres of the former Girdwood army base in North Belfast, this programme examines the political deal and the controversy over it, as the site will be largely used for business, but the houses in it will be designated for Protestants and Catholics will be kept half a mile apart with no shared housing, agreement has been reached now as a £10 million grant to develop Girdwood from European Economic Community is about to run out.. Programme begins with Sinn Fein's Carál Ní Chuilín and DUP's Nigel McCausland's comments, then commentator Alex Kane's views. SDLP's Alex Attwood's comments on the absence of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive from having a role in allocating the houses, a former Housing Executive chairman agrees, the commentator Brian Feeney criticises Sinn Fein for lying down on the issue of fair housing on this site, as Catholic housing needs have not been met, Reverent John Dunlop recalls his initial hopes for the site 6 years ago, a shared and neutral space at the heart of the problem is housing need, with a growing Catholic population in need of houses on one side on the other a declining Protestant population that says it has been left to decay, then add to the mixed views of sectarian conflict. Neil Jarmon of the Institute for Conflict Research comments on these issues. Then Brian Feeney says the real issue is votes and unionist fears that North Belfast will become a Sinn Fein constituency, Housing Executive figures show a clear majority of those needing housing in North Belfast are Nationalists. An example of these is Connor and Elaine Matthews and children who tell Mandy McAuley of their needs and prospective of a new house, also 350 people are in North Belfast hostels, James Coleman and his twins comment on his experiences, then Liam Wiggins a community worker shows Mandy McAuley North Belfast housing conditions and cramped conditions. Housing Executive figures show 90% of new houses would be needed by Nationalists, no details on houses in Girdwood were given yesterday. Journalist looks at yesterday's housing plan, in Unionist Lower Oldpark area DUP housing minister Nelson McCausland plans to build 45 homes and refurnish 26 homes yet figures show only 3 families need urgent housing. Nelson McCausland explains, then SDLP's Alex Attwood's comments, but Neil Jarmon says it is about voting demographics of North Belfast. Oldpark community worker Janice Beggs explains their campaign to get Protestants to return to Oldpark area, then Brian Feeney is skeptical about Nelson McCausland's vision, he refers to 1986 similar attempt, and UUP's Fed Cobain believes large numbers of Protestants returning to North Belfast is nonsense. Alex Kane gives his views, then Sid McDowell former Housing Executive chairman's views on fairness in allocating houses the reason why the Housing Executive was founded. In 2011 SDLP minister then Alex Attwood announced plans to build 200 houses in Girdwood, the vast majority would have gone to Catholics if built, 4 months later Nelson McCausland became minister and stalled the decision. SDLP's Alban Maginness's comments at the time shown, then Sid McDowell's reaction to Nelson McCausland's decision and Brian Feeney's views. In lower Oldpark walk about community worker Janice Beggs shows Mandy McAuley the derelict properties and explains why they need regeneration in the area, a profile of Torrens estate since 2004 now nationalist, Queens University Belfast Professor Peter Shirlow comments on protestant fears, film of Nelson McCausland (DUP) and Gerry Kelly (Sinn Fein) clash in Stormont on the Torrens area. Then Michael Wardlow of the Equality Commission's views on the law. Then Community Relations Council's (CRC) Tony Kennedy's comments, Newlodge community worker Paul O'Neill is angry with the Girdwood decision, figures for Nationalist areas new builds shown and the principle of proven need is pushed by nationalist community workers. John Dunlop comments on the lack of political leadership, then Alex Kane and Sinn Fein statements. (Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 24th May 2012
10 mins 20 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then the Alliance party has pulled out of Stormont talks on creating a shared future in Northern Ireland. Film report with David Ford's explanation for his withdrawal, he says working behind the scenes on housing and education was achieving nothing. He wants to open public discussions, then Sinn Fein's Martina Anderson gives her reactions, then DUP's Jonathan Bell, then Duncan Morrow of Ulster University's views. The DUP minister for Social Development Nelson McCausland has been criticised for his plans for Girdwood barracks in North Belfast. Film report reviews recent plans and latest Nelson McCausland plans, then in the studio Nelson McCausland defends his plans and the lack of housing in his new plan, he profiles it as a regeneration plan, not just wall to wall housing, he comments on lack of social, shared housing in this plan, he says housing will be issued on need. In Derry courts Anthony Friel (30) appears on bomb charges, film report on arms find. (6pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 24th May 2012
36 mins 58 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
The Nolan Show
Programme Title:
Live on BBCNI, Stephen Nolan examines the recently announced Girdwood barracks plan agreed by Stormont's executive, he says it is more than a building project as it give us a snapshot of where we stand in Northern Ireland as a divided community, he lists the facts as according to the Housing Executive 90% of people in need of housing are Catholic, in 2011 then Minister Alex Attwood wanted to build 220 houses on Girdwood site but when DUP's Nelson McCausland took over that ministry he halted the plan in what Sinn Fein's Conor Maskey called a sectarian decision. Then this week DUP and Sein Fein agree a deal but keep the details secret, Nolan asks are these houses to be allocated on need or political gain in a sectarian carve up. Then Nolan introduces a film clip from last night's Spotlight on the issue, showing nationalist housing crisis in North Belfast and DUP spending millions in protestant lower Oldpark area with only 3 on the waiting list. The Housing Executive denied any role in the Girdwood deal, Sinn Fein and DUP did not take part in Spotlight, they have also not taken part in the Nolan show tonight. Nolan introduces his panel, SDLP environment minister Alex Attwood, lower Shankill community worker Ian McLaughlin and BBCNI's political editor Mark Davenport, who begins the conversation by giving historic background to this site and North Belfast's sectarian history and political geography, he outlines the shared facilities on the site but the housing will be segregated and a quarter of a mile apart. Housing Executive figures show the majority on the waiting list are Catholic, Stormont PR photo of politicians on the site is shown, but no journalists were near them when it was taken and no journalists were allowed to ask questions says Nolan, he asks Alex Attwood is the deal good for nationalists?, he understands the deal but asks was it worth the price paid which he describes as the ideal of allocating housing on need is not the principle used on this site, he goes on to defend party colleagues Alban Maginness's presence in the photo and his record in North Belfast. Nolan questions Alban Maginness's silence on the issue and all the politicians avoidance of the media, he calls on them to stand up and defend their decisions, Alex Attwood again defends Alban Maginness's integrity over 40 years and explains he is there to dismiss the possibility that values of fairness here have been ignored, he is asked has Alban Maginness made a mistake by won't, he says people of integrity saw this as an opportunity to move that site forward, then Nolan asks Shankill community worker Ian McLaughlin why he thinks this is a good deal for Girdwood. He says in 2006 when the site was handed over North Belfast community relations were non-existent, today we are in a better place, he believes this will be an economic driver for the area, he commends Sinn Fein and the DUP's decision, he says the lower Oldpark area needs the regeneration, he wants to know how many houses will be on the Girdwood site, Nolan again attacks politicians silence on this topic, then from the audience Carrickhill community worker Frank Dempsey calls for political transparency, he wonders what is going on and is shocked by Sinn Fein's position, then from the Foyle studio Eamonn McCann says it is significant that Girdwood houses will not be allocated on need, he recalls the Civil Rights Association campaign 40 years ago, he says we are seeing the sectarian manipulation of allocation of public housing, it is just a more balanced bigotry than we used to have, he calls Nelson McCausland a sectarian disgrace, he defends the ordinary working class Protestants, then Ian McLoughlin says the Girdwood fixation will not end housing problems. Nolan again says the story here is about dealing with need. Mandy McAuley the spotlight journalist then says in 9 years this was the most difficult stories she has dealt with, she explains the difficulty she has in getting the Housing Executive facts and figures, due to Nelson McCausland blocks. Then Stephen Nolan asks Mark Davenport about the North Belfast voting situation for the Stormont parties, he says that electoral geography does come into this as Sinn Fein have gradually been closing the gap on the DUP in North Belfast, then Nolan shows the audience a pamphlet to encourage people to the Oldpark area from Nelson McCausland which has been sent to Protestants only. Alex Attwood gives his reaction, he critises anti- democratic command and control attitude of certain Stormont parties, on the leaflet he blames the long hand of political interference in the Housing Executive, the leaflet should have went to all people he says, Nolan pushes him to 'call it' one way or another, is this leaflet wrong, Alex Attwood answers the leaflet is wrong but also political pressure on the Housing Executive is also wrong, we must defend the Housing Executive he says. (Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 24th May 2012
17 mins 27 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Noel Thompson talks to a studio panel of Chris Little (Alliance) Conal McDevitt (SDLP) and Jonathan Bell (DUP) about the Alliance Party's decision to leave talks at Stormont on Cohesion, Integration and Sharing (CSI) and their motivation for doing so, it begins with Chris Little being asked does this not show how ineffectual you have been, he says they have withdrawn because of concern about the Sinn Fein and DUP approach to CSI and their lack of commitment to the key issues, he outlines the faults in the CSI document, then the DUP's Jonathan Bell says the CSI document is made up of action plans, he says the talks are kept confidential amongst 5 parties to give the public greater ownership, he claims he was discussing the Alliance Party's 7 points on CSI when he got an email to say they were walking out, SDLP's Conal McDevitt feels Alliance should not leave a process based on an idea nothing is agreed until everything is agreed, and this process was not near decision time. Then Chris Little says Jonathan Bell talks about the process is a complete smoke screen and he challenges Conal McDevitt to say if he actually thinks they will get delivery from the working group and the DUP and Sinn Fein, Conal McDevitt says he cannot judge that until he sees the final document, he then talks about the flags situation and the 3 proposals, Jonathan Bell says the Union flag should be flow appropriately, he then critises the Alliance boycott and says all Alliance proposals were being discussed. Noel Thompson then asks the panel about the Girdwood plan which seems to show separate housing plans for Catholics and Protestants on opposite ends of the site, saying there is no sign of integration there, Jonathan Bell says all areas representatives built a consensus solution, then Conal McDevitt says Girdwood housing must go to people who need them, Jonathan Bell says it is not just hot air and says that young people are showing the way forward. Noel Thompson says to Alliance should you not withdraw from the Executive, Chris Lyttle replies that is a separate issue, DUP and SDLP give their answer to the question when will the CSI document be produced. The next topic introduced by Noel Thompson is the referendum in the Republic of Ireland on the European stability treaty, imposing further asperity measures in return for more access to European money, the referendum is seen as a test of Ireland's faith in Europe, a film report from Ciaran Tracey in Dublin talks to Fianna Fail's Michael Martin from the Yes campaign, then Sinn Fein's Mary Lou McDonald from the No campaign, then the views of Professor Phillip Lane from TED, who favours a yes vote, then vox pop of Dublin people on the streets.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 26th May 2012
2 mins 32 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
At Sinn Fein's Ard Fheis Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness calls dissident republicans enemies of Ireland, he praises the mothers of the two PSNI officers killed by dissident republicans, he also reflected on his own past and the war which he does not want our children to go through again. In County Down a forest fire has been brought under control, film report. (5pm Sat)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 26th May 2012
2 mins 39 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC News
Programme Title:
At Sinn Fein's Ard Fheis Martin McGuinness called dissident republican violence a pathetic and futile attempt to turn back the clock. Film report from Mark Davenport, Martin McGuinness praises mothers of Robert Kerr and Steven Carroll, he says he prepares to talk to dissident republicans and protestant unionists, then Reverend Harold Good comments on the informal talks with Sinn Fein. (5:30pm Sat)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 26th May 2012
35 mins 26 secs
Broadcast Company:
Raidio Teilifis Eireann / Teilifis na Gaeilge
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams Ard Fheis Speech
Programme Title:
Live coverage from the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis in Killarney of Gerry Adams' address, proceedings begin with County Kerry counsellor Teresa Ferris introductory remarks on emigration, unemployment and austerity in Kerry and Ireland, she attacks the main parties and calls on Sinn Fein to take the country back and join Sinn Fein, then she introduces Gerry Adams to applause. He begins his speech in Irish then welcomes friends of Sinn Fein from across the world who are present, he then comments on the West failures in Africa, as yesterday was Africa Day, he pledges solidarity to the people of the middle east and the Palestinian hunger strikers who secured a deal on prison conditions, turning to Ireland he comments on youth and adult unemployment and the rising levels of emigration and the distress that causes he says it is the Fianna Fail and Fine Gael and Labour policies that caused this, he says that citizens are angry at the golden circle of developers who enriched themselves in greed and angry at the government that failed to hold them to account, angry at the government handing over £24 billion to bad banks, citizens voted for change but got more of the same, he then attacks Fine Gael and Labour who he says attacked the most vulnerable, cut public services and wages and introduced new stealth taxes, water charges, sceptic tank charges etc. he asks what would James Connolly think of the Labour leadership, he says Sinn Fein will keep any promises it makes then he praises previous brave generations of Irish people who dealt with crisis from 1798, 1847, 1913-16 until 1981, he praises current workers who stand up for themselves and their people in all aspects of society, citizens should demand their rights to a job and a home, a clean environment to civil and religious liberties and quality public services, we have to take our country back he says, and break the cycles of austerity and inequality and get citizens back to work, he refers to the North not having fiscal powers and the difficulties of that situation, he says in the Republic the government gives its fiscal powers away, Sinn Fein proposes £13 billion stimulus to economy to run over 3 years and create 30 thousand jobs directly in schools, roads and broadband development, he lists other 'joined up all island strategic approach' in areas like tourism and agriculture, Sinn Fein plans a safety net for the self-employed to protect visionaries, he wants better services, access to education at all ages, free health service from cradle to the grave. He critises figures about patients who are waiting on hospital trollies for treatment and on waiting lists, this is unacceptable and must be stopped. He then turns to rural problems, unemployment in Leitrim is profiled, 70 thousand leave every year, 9 citizens every hour, rural Ireland is being devastated, forced emigration is not a lifestyle choice, but it is an indictment of Fine Gael and Labour leaders, shame on them both he says, then he criticises attacks on the Irish language and praises Carol Ni Cuilean's work, then turns to European Union austerity treaty and calls for no vote, austerity will not work he will bring more cuts and charges, he says you can unelect our politicians but you will not be able to do that with unelected Brussels bureaucrats, so he calls on people not to give up their power, he calls Fine Gael, Labour and Fianna Fail leaders yes men. Gerry Adams continues his attack on Kenny and Gilmore for accepting this treaty and points out non truths in Fine Gael and Labour comments on the treaty, next Thursday vote no. In the North he refers to the outstanding equality issues, on the Bill of Rights and Irish language, he criticises the Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Patterson for revoking the licence of Marion Price and Martin Corry, he calls for their release and Gerry McGeogh's release, and then he should go back to England. Gerry Adams then calls for a transfer of fiscal powers to Stormont, he praises the Executive's jobs creation schemes and highlights Sinn Fein's stand against cuts, he praises Martin McGuinness's A5 funding and freeze on student fees, he commends the DUP's Edwin Poots on allowing cross border access to cancer hospitals, Gerry Adams then lists other Sinn Fein achievements including refusal to bring water charges. Sinn Fein education minister John O'Dowd's work outlined, as is agriculture Minister Michelle O'Neill, then he praises Barbra De Bruin's work in leadership positions and Martina Anderson the new Member of the European Parliament, then he says all Sinn Fein people are opposing austerity, he praises Martin McGuinness for his presidential election campaign. On a united Ireland he says we need to plan for that and show unionists a united Ireland makes sense, he outlines how this agreed united Ireland would emerge, he then outlines what type of republic Sinn Fein wants to build with equality and social justice. Speech ends with a standing ovation. (Sat)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Republic of Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 27th May 2012
20 mins 31 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Sunday Politics
Programme Title:
Introduced by Tara Mills she begins with coverage of the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis in Killarney and the theme of reconciliation introduced in the speeches. A film report from Yvette Shaprio profiles the party's current strengths and its role as the main party in the no campaign against the upcoming European Union referendum on fiscal policy. Sinn Fein Teachta Dála Pádraig Mac Lochlainnn comments on the issue, then clips of speech comments from Sinn Fein Counsellor Matt Carthy on sport. And Sinn Fein senator Kathryn Reilly on emigration, then Sinn Fein MLA Martina Anderson on their outreach work with unionists, then Irish Times journalist Mary Minihan on the view that Sinn Fein has too much of a Northern focus and its effect on Southern voters, then coverage of Gerry Adam's speech message to unionists on a united Ireland, then Mark Davenport asks Gerry Adams about the significance of the reconciliation talks, he calls it a journey that we are all on, he cites an example of practical reconciliation in the Stormont executive where Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness work together, he defines what he means by reconciliation and what he hopes it will lead to, he says we cannot have a united Ireland without the unionists, Gerry Adams then comments on dissident republicans reply to offer of talks as empty rhetoric. Then in the studio Queens University Belfast Professor Rick Wilford gives his analysis of what Sinn Fein hope to gain from reconciliation talks and then the importance of trust in making reconciliation viable, he says unionism will be suspicious of the constitution issue and the danger they will see of being seen as weak, he says many unionists feel good neighborliness depends on high walls especially where the constitutional issue is concerned. He then gives his opinion on Sinn Fein's voting strength in the Republic of Ireland on the European Union referendum issue. Next a film report from Dublin by Shane Harrison gives an idiot's guide to next week's fiscal treaty referendum in the Republic and the issues behind it and different party views on the treaty. Back in the studio economist Mike Smyth gives his views on the European Union fiscal treaty and the consequences if it is passed or rejected, Rick Wilford also gives his views and both comment on the political campaign to date. Then Stephen Walker reviews the week's news in 60 seconds, then Rick Wilford comments on the Girdwood issue and Alliances leaving the Cohesion, Sharing and Integration talks.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 28th May 2012
10 mins 9 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then coverage of Sinn Fein Ard Fheis themes and the party's goal in the Republic of Ireland, film report from County Kerry by Sharon O'Neill begins with film of Sinn Fein's first venture into elections in the early 1980s, then clips of main events since then, then Sharon O'Neill asks Brian Feeney can Sinn Fein get middle class or unionist votes, then Sinn Fein culture minister Caral Ni Chuilin says there are people from unionist Protestant background in Sinn Fein, then DUP's Jeffery Donaldson says Peter Robinson has already called for a shared future but people must acknowledge their wrong doing. Then Brian Feeney outlines what Sinn Fein must do to become Northern Ireland's largest party and commentator Alex Kane doubts if Sinn Fein can ever get unionist votes. In the Republic of Ireland a new poll says Sinn Fein now attracts twice as many votes as the Labour party. Sinn Fein's Eoin O'Brien comments, then Irish times journalist Deaglan De Breadun's views, then Sinn Fein senator Kathryn Reilly comments on whether Martin McGuinness will meet the Queen when she next visits Northern Ireland, then Alex Kane says even that would not change unionist suspicions of Sinn Fein. Then Ken Reid speaks to Gerry Adams asking him is the South the most important thing now for Sinn Fein, he says it is no more important than the peace process, on Sinn Fein meeting the Queen, Gerry Adams says it is a big ask, Gerry Adams then explains the talks with the unionist community that are ongoing and D Kearney and Martin McGuinness's roles. Gerry Adams then comments on why he thinks a single island economy is best for North and South (10:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 31st May 2012
15 mins 55 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The Queen has confirmed she will visit Northern Ireland during her Jubilee celebrations next month. Speculation continues that Martin McGuinness will become the first republican to meet the monarch, a film report from Sharon O'Neill titled 'Could this Jubilee be like no other?' examines the upcoming Jubilee with film clips of previous ones, on the Shankill Women's Centre Betty Carlisle explains their plans, then vox pop of Shankill Road people, then on the Falls Road although there are no street parties people there in a vox pop are happy the Shankill is celebrating. DUP MP Jeffery Donaldson is in the Falls Road culture centre today, then at City Hall Sinn Fein Counsellor Jim McVeigh explains why they are supporting the City Council's Jubilee packages although they will not be attending. Then DUP's Peter Robinson comments on each side recognising the others traditions, then historian Eamon Phoenix's views on previous royal visits, then a preview of the Queens visit last year to Dublin's 1916 Garden of Remembrance and speculation of Sinn Fein greeting her in Belfast this time around. Peter Robinson comments on this aspect, then Eamon Phoenix's views. Then in the studio commentator Alex Kane and SDLP's Conall McDevitt discuss the Queen's visit and the possibility of her meeting Martin McGuinness, both men think the meeting will happen and give their reasons why and how times have changed in years, Conall McDevitt will be attending a Jubilee event and there was no executive opposition to giving the Queen a gift. Then from Dublin Ken Reid gives his analysis of the political importance of the Queens visit, and the possibility of Sinn Fein meeting the Queen, he believes Sinn Fein leaders have been preparing their grass roots for such a meeting, then Ken Reid gives his comments on today's referendum in the Republic on a yes or no vote to the European Economic Community treaty about Fiscal matters, Sinn Fein want a no vote and this has increased their profile with opinion polls putting them at 24% of votes, the result should be out tomorrow and a yes vote is expected. Kate Carroll, the widow of PSNI officer Stephen Carroll, has said she would go to Maghaberry prison to visit on of the killers of her husband, she has also accepted an invitation to meet Brendan McConville's parents. Film report reviews the March 2009 killings, trial and convictions, then Kate Carroll explains what she will ask Brendan McConville, then Brendan McConville's parents give their reaction (Eileen McConville's brother was killed by loyalists in 1977), the parents empathise with her but believe their son is innocent. (10:30pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 31st May 2012
29 mins 35 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Noel Thompson begins with a studio discussion between UUP Leader Mike Nesbitt and Sinn Fein's national chairman Declan Kearney about Sinn Fein's recent reaching out to unionists and his call for greater political leadership so that politicians can be partners in reconciliation, as well as in government. Mike Nesbitt begins by explaining why he is sceptical about Sinn Fein's call as he feels it is a party political overture, he says the UUP is about to publish its own thoughts on DWP on Monday 11th June, and he will expect the same degree of cynicism when they publish their paper. He will however give the Sinn Fein paper house room, the paper has 22 paragraphs, Mike Nesbitt says he has 28 follow up questions, he then asks Declan Kearney how long he expects before the UUP response, and he compares this Sinn Fein document to the Downing Street Declaration (1994) Declan Kearney says this is an opportunity to open up a new phase of the peace process, Mike Nesbitt asks Declan Kearney to persuade him of the virtues of an united Ireland, Mike Nesbitt repeats his request several times while Declan talks about reconciliation themes, Mike Nesbitt asks Declan Kearney if it was a war what were your war crimes? Declan Kearney tells Mikes Nesbitt he has nothing to fear from reconciliation or equality. Noel Thompson points out to Declan Kearney that unionists see Sinn Fein saying I am not sorry I did this but saying I am sorry if what I did hurt you, he asks him can he see the difference, Declan Kearney does not want to reduce reconciliation to just one word, during the war language was used to dehumanise and demonise, he says he wants both sides to find language to communicate and understand each other and build trust. Mike Nesbitt then will not say what his party is proposing until 11th June and is adamant about that, although pushed by Noel Thompson. Declan Kearney invites unionism to join Sinn Fein in reconciliation he says reconciliation is each side acknowledging the hurt it inflicted and suffered and then if possible trying to reduce that pain, Mike Nesbitt then is asked how would he like to see victims involved in this process, he points out the differences in the views of victims, Declan Kearney says we should not become prisoners to our past, and the future should not be slowed down by the legacy of the past, Mike Nesbitt asks Declan Kearney did 3,500 die needlessly, Declan Kearney says we must stop the past happening again, Mike Nesbitt says if Sinn Fein do not say their violence was wrong that makes the process incredibly difficult . In the 'if you ask me' spot, Fionnuala Meredith gives her views on former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair's appearance before the Levison inquiry into press standards as a masterclass in political confidence she compares his plausibility to that of our local politicians who are crude and rough around the edges, she mentions Jonathan Bell (DUP) and Martina Anderson's (Sinn Fein) remarks about sectarianism in golf clubs and other inter-party clashes and point scoring, including Girdwood housing plans. Next Noel Thompson introduces a film report on the Housing Executive's Green new deal which has been scrapped by DUP's Nelson McCausland. Film report covers the views of John Woods of Green New Deal and John McMullan of Bryson on fuel poverty in Northern Ireland, facts and figures given. Then Sinn Fein MLA Phil Flanagan on why Sinn Fein did not object, then A Pollock of Natural Gas Co, then DUP's Nelson McCausland claims Green new deal was flawed but CBI's Nigel Smyth disagrees. Next Noel Thompson talks to a former women's coalition member Kate Fearn who has written a book called city of soldiers about her work in Afghanistan building democracy (Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 1st Jun 2012
5 mins 27 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then the Republic's vote yes to the European Economic Community fiscal treaty by 60% to 40%, film report with Prime Minister Enda Kenny's views, then Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams reaction, then Ken Reid's analysis. (6pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 5th Jun 2012
1 mins 41 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC News
Programme Title:
Dissident republican protest forces re-routing of the Olympic torch parade. Film report with SDLP's Mark H Durkan's and DUP's Gregory Campbell's reactions (6:30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 6th Jun 2012
4 mins 21 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then dissident republicans have thrown a blast bomb at a PSNI jeep in the Twinbrook area of West Belfast, film report with residents Elizabeth Dodds and Rosaleen Duffy's reactions then views of DUP's Peter Robinson and Sinn Fein MLA Jennifer McCann and SDLP counsellor Brian Heading. A republican once titled Britain's most wanted woman is to join the Victims and Survivors forum, Evelyn Glenholmes was never actually charged with any offences. (6pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 6th Jun 2012
44 mins 21 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
The Nolan Show
Programme Title:
Stephen Nolan's first topic is today's news story that republican Evelyn Glenholmes is to sit on a new Victims and Survivors forum, she was once labelled by the press as Britain's most wanted woman but was never charged of any offences, aged 16 she was shot and wounded by loyalist gunmen in the Short Strand area of Belfast. Newspaper clips about Evelyn Glenholmes shown, then the panel are introduced, UUP's Mike Nesbitt, Sinn Fein's Alex Maskey and victims commissioner Brendan McAllister, then Stephen Nolan asks an audience member Janet Hunter for her views on the appointment of Evelyn Glenholmes, she says she is devastated, her brother was killed by the provisional IRA 25 years ago, she recalls the effect on her family, her brother was in the UDR, then Sinn Fein's Alex Maskey gives his reaction, he questions why Nolan is doing the show when all the names of the forum have not been released yet, he mentions Evelyn Glenholmes being shot at 16 and says she is a victim and a republican who helped to build the peace process. Then John Magee tells of his sister's murder in Manor Street aged 16 and the impact on his family, she was killed by loyalists, then UUP's Mike Nesbitt says the forum should have a public process for selecting members, he says that Evelyn Glenholmes selection is rubbing their noses in the dirt, Mike Nesbitt and Alex Maskey clash over who is a victim here and the 2006 order definition. Mike Nesbitt says the voice of republican victims should be heard but not using the voice of such a notorious person. Alex Maskey says the names of British security forces who will be on the forum, and he says Mike Nesbitt cannot pick who the republican voice is, Alex Maskey says he will accept a paratrooper on the forum if one is selected. Mike Nesbitt still questions the value of high profile Evelyn Glenholmes on the forum when it alienates many others, commissioner Brendan McAllister then defends their choice of Evelyn Glenholmes, saying the forum process was two years in the making, he outlines the legal position, the 2006 order and how Evelyn Glenholmes is qualified to be on the forum, the Forum's 25 victims are approached on their knowledge of the victims sector, he is questioned here about who selected Evelyn Glenholmes, Mike Nesbitt interrupts and Brendan McAllister goes on to defend the 25 member forum and their different views, again Mike Nesbitt questions Evelyn Glenholmes selection. Audience victim Janet Hunter makes allegation that Evelyn Glenholmes was a bomber which Stephen Nolan halts, Alex Maskey again says the forum will respect broad views of opinion, he defends Evelyn Glenholmes reputation again, then another audience victim Manya Dickinson whose father was killed by a Provisional IRA bomb in 1990, says she is outraged by Evelyn Glenholmes appointment, she gives her views on this, the forum will not work she says, Alex Maskey asks her to accept republicans will accept Evelyn Glenholmes, Manya says she will not put up with it, she clashes with Alex Maskey on this issue and Alex Maskey rejects unionists telling republicans who they can pick, Mike Nesbitt mentions republican on pilot forum (Michael Culbert) as a better choice but does not name him, Alex Maskey does. Mike Nesbitt and Alex Maskey continue with this debate for several minutes, then from the audience a man doubts the ability of politicians here to move Northern Ireland on, he calls for younger politicians with more modern thinking. Stephen Nolan rejects his view, he says our politicians are trying, Brendan McAllister outlines the work put into setting up the forum and the comprehensive needs assessment for victims, then John Allan whose son was killed by the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) in November 2003 says he never though he would see the day, but he agrees with Alex Maskey, he critises Mike Nesbitt for not complaining about PUP on the policing board. Mike Nesbitt says he is just questioning the added value of high profile Evelyn Glenholmes on the forum, he wants persuaded of her value to the forum and he is against her being on it when asked by Stephen Nolan. He says he does not agree with the notion of a hierarchy of victims, he cites the case of the Shankill bomber Thomas Begley and Alan McBride's wife who was killed in the bombing, both are victims but not the same he says, then by phone Alan McBride says Evelyn Glenholmes qualifies as a victim and forum members have not objected, he blames the media for creating the issue. Peace building is best done under the radar of publicity. Alan McBride says he accepts what Mike Nesbitt says about different victims but needs are important. An audience member asks Brendan McAllister how was the forum set up and decided on, did they look at other Troubles spots in the world? Brendan McAllister explains the process of 2009/10 pilot forum, model designed to fit Northern Ireland. Stephen Nolan asks Alex Maskey for his views on a hierarchy of victims. Alex Maskey says anyone who lost their life in the Troubles is a victim, he defends his position under questioning from Stephen Nolan, then by phone Jude Whyte whose mother Margaret was skilled in a UVF bomb attack in 1984 which also killed RUC men, Jude Whyte says he can also see bombers as victims, he defends his point of view and he feels depressed about this story around Evelyn Glenholmes and cites the work of the pilot forum as a success, Stephen Nolan asks Jude Whyte how he deals with the natural venom anyone would feel for the circumstances of the bombing, society does not need to forget what happened but make the peace happen, he praises the forum work. Then a 17 year old audience member says society needs to move on, all voices should be on the forum, victims must be supported. Stephen Nolan asks all 3 panel members what they have taken from tonight's programme, Brendan McAllister appeals to people to accept his judgement on the forum. Mike Nesbitt says not all victims think the same, but we must deal with the past. Alex Maskey critises Mike Nesbitt as victim's commissioner, then he says we are coming to a new forum, give it support.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 7th Jun 2012
29 mins 21 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Noel Thompson talks to First Minister Peter Robinson (DUP) about whether the Stormont executive has delivered benefits to Northern Ireland, not it is at the end of its first assembly term, in which it passed only 3 bills, Noel Thompson asks him is it's snail like movement a failure. Peter Robinson says judgement is not on the passing of the bills he says, numbers of bills increases during the life of a parliament, the system of government in Northern Ireland does slow the process down, he says that Northern Ireland's 6 bills in process is more that Scotland or Wales, he welcomes private members bills (PMB) in the Northern Ireland Assembly. He believes the Northern Ireland Executive is a 5 party consensus and denies it is all just about a Sinn Fein and DUP consensus. In the programme for government things are happening faster this term he says, Sinn Fein and DUP are giving leadership to Northern Ireland, the case of the Department of Learning is raised by Noel Thompson, he says because Sinn Fein and DUP cannot agree on its future it is going nowhere, Peter Robinson says Noel Thompson has mis-represented the position and explains his views, he is then questioned on Girdwood and the failure to propose shared housing on the site. Peter Robinsons says the BBC's response to focus on this small issue is amateur, he says that the North Belfast people welcomed the Girdwood proposals, which was not a housing site but a regeneration site, he comments on the SDLP and Alliance unhappiness with the plans and the housing challenges facing Northern Ireland Society, on cohesion, sharing, integration (CSI) plans. Peter Robinson says there is progress but shared education has caused disagreement, on the Flags issue division is not a surprise says Peter Robinson, but consensus politics on the issues will continue and he critises Alliance for walking away. On the victim's issue, he says he would not have chosen Evelyn Glenholmes for the victim's forum but it is a matter for the victim's commissioner. He says that victims are seeing people who hurt then being elevated in society and that is difficult for them. Peter Robinson is then asked to say what will happen to the victim's commission after this month when its term ends. It is a work in progress he says and gives the latest information on the commissions' appointment. Then the Maze prison interpretive centre issue was raised, there will be no shine at the maze but the H Block hospital will remain, Nigel Dodds' view on H Blocks is quoted to Peter Robinson, he answers on H Blocks and Interpretive centre plans. Noel Thompson asks Peter Robinson to review his comments on the Good Friday Agreement, was it treacherous and wrong as Ian Paisley said, he says St Andrews talks made the Good Friday Agreement successful, he also comments on his views about 1972 Sunningdale position and he recognises with Hind sight things might have been different, but he understands why people did what they did. In the 'if you ask me' spot, Lindsay Allen gives his views on the economic situation in the Republic after the people voted yes in the EEC Fiscal treaty proposal and the current Northern Ireland situation in political musical chairs in city hall, and the Queen's 60 years on the British Throne. In the final report politicians in photographs is investigated IN A Julia Paul film report, selection of photos shown with comments of Irish news editor Noel Doran, photographer Noel Russell, newsletters editor, the recent Girdwood Barracks plans announcement and photograph is profiled, Newsletters Sam McBride revealed, PR consultant Nick Barbutt comments then the News Letter and Irish News editors comments on getting more interviews rather than photos. Programme ends with comic taxi driver routine. (Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 8th Jun 2012
6 mins 23 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
At the Smithwick tribunal in Dublin a retired Garda officer Owen Corrigan has accused DUP MP Jeffery Donaldson of putting his life in danger when he named him as a rogue officer in Westminster. Film report from Julie Kirby on Owen Corrigan's evidence relating to the Provisional IRA killings in 1989 of RUC superintendent's Harry Breen and Bob Buchanan. Owen Corrigan also blamed the British Government and mentions Pat Finucane's case, he sees himself as meat in a sandwich between the Provisional IRA and the British, he denies any involvement in the RUC murders. The PSNI have launched a campaign in the northwest to stop dissident republican punishment shootings as only 4% of crimes are solved. Film report with PSNI's Deputy Chief Constable Drew Harris's comments, then Paul Smyth of Public Achievement Charity's views and Gerry Quinn a Creggan community worker. (6:30pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 10th Jun 2012
1 mins 54 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Sinn Fein's culture minister Carol Ni Chuilin says she will not be attending the Queens Jubilee party in the ground of Stormont. Film report with her reaction she blames the Northern Ireland Office for not consulting Sinn Fein. (6:30pm Sun)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 11th Jun 2012
4 mins 20 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness is to resign his Westminster mid-Ulster seat as the party begins to end double jobbing. Film report with Sinn Fein's Gerry Adam's views on this issue. Then as speculation continues about whether or not Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness will meet Queen Elizabeth on her Jubilee visit to Northern Ireland, Martin McGuinness gives his view on this issue and the Northern Ireland Office decision to hold a garden party at Stormont without asking Sinn Fein's views. Then analysis from Ken Reid on Sinn Fein's annoyance and the Queens visit. (6:30 Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 11th Jun 2012
8 mins 46 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Sinn Fein say they are not yet ready to meet the British Queen. Film report covers Sinn Fein's anger at the Northern Ireland Office not consulting Sinn Fein about the Queen's Stormont garden party, with Sinn Fein's Carol Ni Chuilin's comments, then Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness, then UUP's Mike Nesbitt's reaction, with analysis of Mark Davenport on this issue and Sin Fein moved to end double jobbing and Justice Minister David Ford's decision to review courts sentence for murder in Northern Ireland with David Ford's comments and PSNI widow Kate Carroll's reaction. Terry George's new comedy film 'whole lotta soul' is premiered in Belfast's waterfront hall, film report with Terry George's comments and actor Brendan Fraser and Martin McCann's views, then Richard Williams of Northern Ireland Screen. (6:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 12th Jun 2012
20 mins 42 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Stormont Today
Programme Title:
Presented by Tara Mills, she covers today's Stormont debate on reforming local government here, begins with clips of speeches from 5 hour debate on draft local government reform bill, then Derek McCallen of the Northern Ireland local government association comments on calmness needed to get the job done, and the need for local government reform in Northern Ireland. In other business, Learning and Employment Minster Stephen Farry answered questions on the future of his department and employment skills for young people. Also today Sinn Fein announced West Belfast MLA Jennifer McCann will replace Martina Anderson as the new Junior Minister at the Office for First Minister and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM), it mentions she served time for her part in the Provisional IRA shooting of an RUC officer. Film report with interview on the issues she hopes to deal with quickly and working with the DUP, and Sinn Fein's views on double jobbing. Back at local government debate film report covers Environment Minister Alex Attwood's decision on boundary changes to Belfast council, then TUV's Jim Allister's reaction followed by SDLP's John Dallat. Sinn Fein's Chris Hazzard and UUP's Ross Hussey, followed by David McCallen's views in the studio. Then film clip of Alex Attwood's filibuster speech. Next Tara Mills introduces Amnesty International's Grainne Teggart's comments on a bill to end the arms trade, WAVE victims' group in photo with Grainne supported the bill, then in Stormont Alliance party's Judith Cochrane moves a motion on shared housing followed by Gareth Gordon's comments on cities in conflict conference with Alan Leonard's views on the Maze conflict Resolution Centre plans.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 12th Jun 2012
29 mins 31 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Programme Title:
City of Fear
In this programme journalist Stephen Dempster profiles Republican Action against Drugs (RAAD) punishment attacks and killing of alleged drug dealers in Derry and the reaction to the attacks amongst the population of Derry. At a time when Derry is to be named as a UK city of culture. Programme begins with a profile of RAAD's first murder victim in February this year. He was Andrew Allen (24) a father of two from Derry's Waterside, shot dead in Buncrana, his girlfriend Arlene Farrelly describes what happened the night RAAD gunmen killed him in his home, in an emotional interview. Then Andrew Allen's mother Donna Smith tells of hearing the news of her son's death, she denies her son was a drug dealer and Arlene says everyone knows who the killers are but no one has been arrested, Film clip of Andrew's funeral then anti RAAD rally, but RAAD began forcing parents to bring their sons to be shot by appointment. Ciaran McFadden describes what happened when his son Ciaran and nephew Sean got into a fight with a RAAD member, he was ordered by RAAD to bring his son to Creggan to be shot, Ciaran Senior, a former Provisional IRA volunteer, explains why he did what he was told. Another anti RAAD rally was held, film clip shown, but RAAD shot the two boys, Ciaran Senior recalls what actually happened at the actual spot of the shooting, he knows who the gunmen where. Stephen Dempster then interviews a man names 'John' who is currently under threat from RAAD for drug dealing. He describes living in a state of fear and the psychological effect on him, his mother also describes the effect on her. Next Stephen Dempster asks PSNI Chief Superintendent Stephen Martin, who are RAAD and what are the police doing to tackle them. Stephen Martin says there are led by two former Provisional IRA volunteers of some standing, he will not speculate on numbers involved, 4 RAAD men have been convicted in 4 years. Stephen Martin admits he is disappointed, he outlines his determination to do more with the public's help, however most people turn to the Rosemount Resource Centre for help about RAAD threats. Hugh Brady says they have dealt with 112 cases of RAAD threats in a year, Hugh Brady is a former Provisional IRA volunteer and he is a former comrade of several RAAD members that gives him direct access, he outlines RAAD's reasoning but he denies he is RAAD's messenger. For the last 3 months a women's group called Move On has challenged RAAD, Stephen Dempster meets the group, Maureen Collins rejects any suggestion that RAAD have community support, PSNI's Chief Superintendent Stephen Martin says RAAD are not targeting big name drug dealers, he calls them criminals who will exile people then let them home if they pay money. Stephen Dempster through a contact them asked RAAD some questions,' why are you shooting people you allege are drug dealers?,why do you take money and cars from drug dealers and what have you done with these? your community seems to reject you, they want you to stop, why don't you? RAAD provided answers to all the questions. 10 days ago a PSNI anti RAAD op in Creggan brought a crowd on the streets, film crew present, as blast bomb hits PSNI jeep, on the streets Josie Canning verbally praises RAAD, then dissident republican Gary Donnelly says RAAD is at the forefront in the anti ' drugs battle, film clip shows PSNI attacked, the blast bomb was RAAD's first attack on the PSNI, Eamonn McCann gives his opinion of RAAD's history and its links to dissident republicans, RAAD will not say if it works with dissident republicans, then Sinn Fein MLA Ray McCartney outlines their views on RAAD and Eamonn McCann comments on the Sinn Fein view 'go to the PSNI', and how successful Sinn Fein might be, he says the community is split, community worker Seamus Heeney comments on quiet conversations with RAAD, then move on women deny they are naive about drugs. RAAD statement says it will not go away. The Allen family view.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 14th Jun 2012
29 mins 0 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Noel Thompson talks to West Tyrone Sinn Fein MP Pat Doherty as Sinn Fein reshuffle to end double jobbing, with no pressure at present to do so, Pat Doherty explains why they are doing it now, he says it is about creating more space for the party and its personnel and helping the party to expand, he says the 4 MP's freed from local work can concentrate on working for Irish Unity within Britain. Noel Thompson points out this issue got two paragraphs on page 16 of the Guardian and the difficult job ahead. Pat Doherty says Sinn Fein will be increasing its efforts, they debate this issue on Irish unification and the desire for it in Britain and Northern Ireland, he is then asked will he vote for Martin McGuinness to meet the Queen during her Jubilee this month, he refuses a direct yes or no answer and is pushed on the issue by Noel Thompson who highlights the Queen's visit to the 1916 garden of Remembrance. Pat Doherty outlines the republican view of monarchs, D Kearney's views on reaching out to unionists is put to him, but he still will not say what Martin McGuinness will or should do, nor will he outline any reasons why Martin McGuinness should not meet the Queen. Then they discuss the op-opting of MLA's to Stormont and does co-opting degrade democracy, Pat Doherty is then questioned about Sinn Fein's high bill for toner expenses, £150,000 in both Stormont and Westminster, Pat Doherty says they used all the material they claimed for. In the 'if you ask me' spot Fionnula O'Connor comments on Evelyn Glenholmes being appointed to the Victims and Survivors forum and Martin McGuinness possibly meeting the Queen, and the difficulties for both and also unionist counsellors blocking non unionists from top posts. Then Noel Thompson introduces a Julia Paul film report on the talent in Northern Ireland's hurt generation of politicians, now we are not in a time of open conflict and perhaps different skills are needed, two politician commentators Brian Feeney and Alex Kane discuss if the necessary candidate are out there. Brian Feeney critises Sinn Fein for promoting ex IRA figures, he names Daithi McKay as an upcoming Sinn Fein Star, Alex Kane says young DUP still have mutual distrust of Sinn Fein, Brian Feeney points out Sinn Fein promotions in republic are all politicians, he names in North D McKay, Niall Donoghue and T Cunningham as upcoming for Sinn Fein, and in the SDLP N Mallon and Colm Eastwood. Alex Kane names unionists Gavin Robinson and Chris Stalford, he says they are liberal, articulate DUP counsellors, on the UUP side he says they lack many young candidates, on the issue of women candidates both men give their views, Brian Feeney praises Sinn Fein's efforts, they discuss the Alliance party's position and both give advice to young people who want to enter politics. Next Noel Thompson interviews a new party announced today as the Northern Ireland Conservatives, its representative Irwin Armstrong comments on their aims and policies and their links to the British Conservative party and their previous links to the UUP. Programme ends with comic taxi driver routine. (Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 18th Jun 2012
7 mins 18 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then Omagh Bomb relatives have called for a public inquiry into the 1998 dissident republican bombing, as they go in to meet Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Patterson to present a new report. Film report with Michael Gallagher's claims the British and Ireland governments could have prevented the bombing. Owen Patterson will not say he will give an inquiry, then Chris Stanley of British and Irish Rights Watch views on getting justice. Republic of Ireland Soccer team will wear black arm bands in tonight's Euro game with Italy to remember those killed in the Loughlin Island UVF shooting 18 years ago. Film report with H O'Toole's reaction to this and memorial. The court of appeal is to review the jail sentences on Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton from PSNI Constable Stephen Carroll's murder. (6pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 18th Jun 2012
8 mins 58 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
No opening titles, then a gay couple in Newtownards have won a legal case against the PSNI for failure to take homophobic attacks on their home seriously. One of the men Vincent Creenan was an ex RUC officer, film report hears 8 officers were disciplined, then comments of Eileen Lavery of the Equality Commission. Next week Stormont will discuss the number of MLA's elected but as yet there is no party agreement on numbers. Film report on Stormont numbers through the years, vox pop of public says numbers should be reduced, Westminster seats to be reduced by 2, that should mean 12 less MLA's, but Sinn Fein want no change, DUP want 80, SDLP want 96 and UUP favour reduction. Then Mark Davenport's analysis of the situation. Relatives for Justice say a secret army document recovered shows that British soldiers had a licence to kill here, film report begins with July 1972 Lenadoon gun battle film, the next day Northern Ireland Secretary William Whitelaw army Chief and RUC Deputy Chief Constable met. A Public Records Office document shows they stated the government would 'carry on the war with the IRA with the utmost vigour and the army should not be inhibited in its campaign by the threat of court proceedings' and 'should be suitably indemnified'. The next day Gerard Gibson (16) was shot dead in Lenadoon by a British Soldier, he is one of 79 killed by the army in 1972, and no soldiers faced court proceedings. His sister Margaret Gibson says the document proves why. Relatives for Justice's Mark Thompson comments on the amnesty document. MOD Statement. (6:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 18th Jun 2012
4 mins 46 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Coverage of Relatives for Justice's finding document giving British soldiers amnesty for killings. In Loughlin Island relatives gathered to watch Ireland play Italy in the Euros, 18 years after original UVF murders. Film report with Emma Rogan (victim's sister) views on the Republic wearing black arm bands. Burma's pro-democracy leader Am Yan Su She visited Dublin. Film report with interview. (10:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 18th Jun 2012
11 mins 0 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Film report on Ireland's footballers' black arm band tribute to the victims of the UVF Loughlin Island killings in June 1994. Families gather in bar to watch the Euro match, Clare Rogan whose husband was killed comments then Hugh O'Toole bar owner, then Patrick McCreanor whose two uncles were killed. Also present was Paul McIlwaine whose son was killed by the UVF in 2000, no one has ever been charged. A second report looks at the families' search for justice, with Aiden O'Toole who was wounded, he recalls the scene, then Emma Rogan whose father Adrian was killed comments on the truth. Last June a Police Ombudsman report rejected collusion claims the family rejected it. Solicitor Niall Murphy on getting the court to overturn it, families also launch a civil case, solicitor gives details of evidence found that should lead to prosecutions, following a police serious crime review. In the studio SDLP South Down MP Margaret Ritchie gives her views on the Republics arm band gesture and the lack of convictions for the June 1994 attack. (10:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 18th Jun 2012
8 mins 3 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Stormont Today
Programme Title:
Headlines, then the Assembly suicide prevention task force has not met for 18 months. In the studio Karen Collins ' Neill from New Life Counselling talks about the need for more suicide and mental health support from government. In Poleglass a petition with 5000 signatures was handed into Stormont demanded more resources for suicide prevention, Sinn Fein MLA Jennifer McCann explains the petition to MLAs with facts and figures of recent suicides in Poleglass, then Karen Collin ' Neill's comments. Former victim's commissioner now UUP Leader Mike Nesbitt today handed into Stormont the 10,000 signature petition from WAVE demanding more help for seriously injured in the troubles, Karen Collins ' Neill comments on the mental trauma of Troubles victims.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 19th Jun 2012
11 mins 7 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
At Stormont a cross community soccer team from East Belfast/Short Strand interface took on a team made up of Stormont MLAs, last year the youths in the soccer team has been fighting each other during the interface rioting there. Film report explains how the Ballymacarett friendship group and the Boyle youth group got kids to work together and form the team, Curtis Wayne from Ballymacarett friendship group and Aaron Fitzsimons of the Boyle Youth group explain the changes in their attitudes, then youth leader Alfie McCrory of Ballymacarett friendship group and Chris Lyttle Alliance MLA, Sinn Fein's Conor Murphy, UUP's John McAllister and Bernie McConnell, Short Strand Development officer all give their views on this project and reach out to the 'other' community. Lower Newtownards Road community worker Jim Wilson comments, then Doyle Youth group's Paul McCrory speaks up for integrated education to be introduced in Northern Ireland. Then in the studio, Sinn Fein's former Belfast Lord Mayor Niall O'Donaghaille and DUP East Belfast MLA Sammy Douglas discuss the grass roots efforts to build cross community contacts and interventions to prevent trouble breaking out, they discuss the role of parents and the PSNI in the area, they consider if the East Belfast model can be rolled out to other interface areas. PSNI Deputy Chief Constable Judith Gillespie was today awarded a silver Fainne for speaking Irish by Culture Minister Carol Ni Cullain, film report on 200 PSNI officers learning to speak Irish. (10:30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 20th Jun 2012
3 mins 34 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Patterson rules out any inquiry into the 1971 Ballymurphy Massacre of 11 people killed by British Paratroopers. Film report from families' news conference where letter from Owen Patterson is shown to the press, solicitor Padraig O'Muirigh comments, then victim's son John Taggart's views, then victim's daughter Breige Voyle, then Northern Ireland Office statement, old film clips used. (6pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 20th Jun 2012
5 mins 27 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Former Sinn Fein Minister Conor Murphy has been found guilty of religious discrimination by a fair employment tribunal. Film report on decision to choose a Catholic man instead of a Protestant as head of Northern Ireland water, with journalist analysis of March 2011 decision to appoint Sean Hogan, with Tribunals findings highlighted, then M Purdy at Stormont reports on Conor Murphy's reaction and statement and analysis of damage done to Sinn Fein. The Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Patterson has turned down calls from Ballymurphy relatives for a public inquiry into the paratroopers killing of 11 people in August 1971's internment operation. Film report. (6:30pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 21st Jun 2012
6 mins 0 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines, then latest news on Department for Regional Development minister Conor Murphy of Sinn Fein being found guilty of religious discrimination against Protestant Alan Lennon over chairman of Northern Ireland Water appointment, as Conor Murphy in interview refutes the allegation, analysis of Department for Regional Development appointments in his term shows Catholics were twice as likely to be appointed as Protestants. Evelyn Collins of the Equality Commission calls for a review of all government appointments. The new Victims and Survivors' forum met today and it includes once Britain's most wanted woman Evelyn Glenholmes, film report with the reactions of two forum members whose families were Provisional IRA victims Anne Travers and Stephen Gault, then commissioner Bertha McDougal answers criticism of excluding Omagh families. (6pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 21st Jun 2012
7 mins 23 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Liam Holden, the last man sentenced to hang in the UK, has had his 1972 conviction for killing a British soldier overturned in the high court, he had served 17 years in prison. Film report on his water boarding torture by soldiers to get a confession and Liam Holden's reaction today. Sinn Fein's Conor Murphy says he has no reason to apologise for his discrimination conviction in appointing chair of Northern Ireland Water, film report with Conor Murphy's comments and they DUP's Gregory Campbell's reaction, and then Felicity Huston the former appointments commissioners views. The new Victims and Survivor's forum met today and it included Evelyn Glenholmes who was once the UK's most wanted woman. Film report with the reaction of the other forum members Ann Travers and Stephen Gault, old film clip of Evelyn Glenholmes, then comments of Peter Heathwood, Jude Whyte and Michael Gallagher of the Omagh Families comments. (6:30pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 21st Jun 2012
11 mins 58 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
No opening titles. Victims and Survivor's forum meets for the first time to deal with issued of the past. Film report begins with angry scenes at the launch of the Eames / Bradley report in January 2009, then Reverent Lesley Carroll who worked on the initiative and is now on the victims and survivors forum comments on that effort, the appointment of Evelyn Glenholmes to the new forum is discussed by a fellow member Geoff Hamilton whose father in law David Graham was killed by the Provisional IRA in 1977, then Jude Whyte whose mother was killed by the UVF in 1984 gives his view on the forum, then Alan Bracknell whose father was murdered by loyalists in 1975 says the forum can make a difference. Then UDA's Jackie McDonald says the forum could have benefited with ex-prisoners on it, then associate member Lesley Carroll gives her view on the challenge facing the forum, with further remarks from Jude Whyte. In the studio, victim's commissioner Brendan McAllister and journalist Barney Rowan discuss the work expected of the forum and the significance of today for Northern Ireland society, and the representation on it. Barney Rowan feels we need international input into dealing with the past, the topic of political will and civic leadership is raised, as is the appointment of Evelyn Glenholmes, the absence of Omagh survivors is defended by Brendan McAllister, both men are positive for the forums possibilities. Next item breaking news on security alert in Derry's waterside, and in Belfast City Hall a motion was passed to fly the armed forces flag for 6 days. (10:30pm Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 21st Jun 2012
29 mins 52 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Hearts and Minds
Programme Title:
Opening titles were used in first edition of Hearts & Minds in Jan 1996, tonight is the 587th and last edition of the programme. Later the programme looks back at the 16 and a half years of debate. Tonight begins with Noel Thompson talking to Nigel Dodds (DUP), Dolores Kelly (SDLP), Anna Lo (Alliance) and Basil McCrea (UUP), Sinn Fein did not send a representative to take part. He asks the panel with recent controversies like Girdwood, job discrimination and vote rigging, have we moved forward in 16 years, Nigel Dodds outlines progress as he sees it, and believes we have moved forward in accepting democratic process, Girdwood he says was an achievement, Dolores Kelly rejects his view on Girdwood and critises DUP minister Nelson McCausland, then Basil McCrea says there is no other future for Northern Ireland but a shared future, he is accused of back slapping by Noel Thompson. Craigavon unionists stopped Sinn Fein getting council posts, he comments on this lack of a shared future vision, then Anna Lo says there is no genuine effort to create a shared future, she mentions the shelving of the racial equality strategy. Nigel Dodds highlighting policy and justice success, then accusations against Sinn Fein's Conor Murphy of religious discrimination is discussed by the panel. Then they return to the situation in North Belfast issues like parades, were talks continue to deliver on the ground, the Girdwood issue comes up again with Nigel Dodds defending Nelson McCausland's housing agenda in North Belfast. Anna Lo believes politicians are not showing leadership on issues like flags, she feels politicians are out of touch with public views, Basil McCrea agrees. Dolores Kelly says education needs fixed, Nigel Dodds wants a leaner assembly. In the 'if you ask me' spot, Malachi O'Doherty talks about politics today at Stormont and on the streets over the 16 years of Hearts and Minds and the significant changes made in them years despite the current problems, he defends our politicians as decent people and feels there is less emotion in politics today. Next Noel Thompson introduces a list of political leader changes over the 16 years then introduces a film report from Julia Paul reviewing a turbulent 16 and a half years, with interviews of politicians and a review of the big political stories in that time, it includes the first UUP and Sinn Fein TV discussion between Michael McLaughlin and Ken Maginness, which was not broadcast due to Canary Wharf bombing. GFA reports, Trimble and Hume Nobel prizes, decommissioning event, policing reform, Eames/ Bradley report, Martin McGuinness will not say it was wrong to join IRA. Then interviews with Ian Paisley, Gerry Adams, Martin McGuinness Peter Robinson, David Trimble and David Ford, all of whom get angry with Noel Thompson during their interviews, then international figures like M Robinson and Tony Blair are interviewed, also revelations about politicians' hobbies, Peter Robinson and his fish pond and tie collection, UUP MP Sylvia Hermon's love of bird watching, PUP's Dawn Purvis return to education then coverage of if you ask me flock and cartoons of Ian Knox, he comments on his task, Paul Summers analysis of Martin McGuinness's hand writing shown, then some of the humorous issues discussed, G Brown and Peter Robinson ringing you for advice for example and the politicians calendar boys item, then comic taxi driver selection of interviews with local politicians David Trimble, Mark Durkan, Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams poking fun. Producer Mary Kelly praised then Noel Thompsons closing remarks and final comic taxi driver piece. (Thurs)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 22nd Jun 2012
10 mins 30 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness will meet the British Queen Elizabeth at an event in Northern Ireland next week and he will shake her hand. Film report on unprecedented event in Irish history and what has changed since Sinn Fein boycotted her visit to the Republic of Ireland last year, with Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams announcement to the press, he answers press questions on the generosity of spirit of the Queen as a victim and then Mark Davenport comments on Co-operation Ireland event next week. He shows Gerry Adam's comments on shaking hands, but feels it might not be on camera. A second report looks back to the Queens visit here in 1977 when Provisional IRA upped their violence for the visit, and also traces Martin McGuinness journey from IRA leader to peace maker. Using old film clips of violence and Martin McGuinness interviews, then commentator Brian Feeney explains why Sinn Fein have decided to meet the Queen, to increase their vote in the Republic. Dissident republican Marian Price has been moved from prison to hospital for medical treatment. Film report on charges against her and health situation. Then political reaction from DUP's Paul Girvan and SDLP's Pat Ramsey, then Sinn Fein's Jennifer McCann. (6:30pm Fri)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 24th Jun 2012
28 mins 43 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Sunday Politics
Programme Title:
After the announcement that Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness will meet the Queen, tonight Tara Mills begins with a Martina Purdy film report as shown in the BBC news on 22/06/12 which covers republican's previous behaviour during royal visits to Northern Ireland and Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness's journey from IRA leader to peace maker. Then in the studio Tara Mills questions Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams on the party's decision to meet the Queen this time and she asks Gerry Adams how significant is this meeting. Gerry Adams calls it a step on a journey, and hints there is some republican opposition to the meeting, he acknowledges unionists feeling for the monarchy, Gerry Adams comments on this being a big ask for the Queen also. He accepts her family has also suffered and says the meeting is good for national reconciliation. Gerry Adams answers a query about Sinn Fein getting political cover for the meeting by the Irish President being there and the event being outside jubilee events, he says that all made it easier for Sinn Fein. Gerry Adams denies Sinn Fein's decision will increase the dissident republican ranks, he explains the measures Sinn Fein took, the meetings it held to advance this initiative, Sinn Fein is united on fundamentals he says, this gesture goes beyond the rhetoric of reaching out to unionists. Gerry Adams then is asked about Conor Murphy being found guilty of discriminating against a Protestant when appointing the chair of Northern Ireland Water, Gerry Adams supports Conor Murphy's rejection of the findings. He goes back to discussing the positivity of next week's meeting and says Sinn Fein is not against a photo being taken of the handshake next week. Then Tara Mills invites comments from DUP's Jeffery Donaldson and Brian Feeney on the Sinn Fein and Queen meeting. Firstly Jeffery Donaldson calls it a good thing, long overdue and is part of the process of moving Northern Ireland forward, respecting each other's cultures its important people welcome her and recognise her as head of state, and its progress, although difficult for the Queen and Provisional IRA victims, then Brian Feeney is asked 'do unionists know how difficult this is for Sinn Fein and republicans?' he praises how cleverly organised the meeting is and the political cover used to make it acceptable to Sinn Fein, it is a big move on the part of the republicans. He says that unionists need to do a lot of work on reaching out to nationalists and republicans, he outlines how the Sinn Fein move had to follow the Queen's successful visit to Ireland last year, Gerry Adams recognises the significance of the Queen's visit to the 1916 Garden of Remembrance last year, both he and Brian Feeney also talk of the British Governments roll in making this happen, Gerry Adams says after the hand shake there should be no excuse for people not talking, nor should there be issues around the Irish Language when the Queen spoke a few words, he points out the significance of the colours in the Irish tricolour, he restates the Good Friday Agreement's view on the government of Ireland Act being conditional, Jeffery Donaldson replies why do republicans say no Orange Fest here, if he is into recognising cultures he wants orange tradition accommodated and he claims more and more Catholics are accepting and embracing the union. He points out to Gerry Adams that the Queen is not just the Queen of England, but of the United Kingdom including Northern Ireland. Gerry Adams replies that she is not his or Martin McGuinness's Queen and he will still be a republican after he meets the Queen, he comments on parades also. 30 years ago homosexuality was decriminalised, a film report from Yvette Shapiro asks is Northern Ireland a cold place for gay people, politician's attitudes, gay people's views and statistics all used in film report. Then back in the studio Jeffery Donaldson (DUP) praises Northern Ireland equality laws. Then political headlines of the week shown in 60 seconds.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 25th Jun 2012
11 mins 7 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Loyalists have welcomed Sinn Fein meeting the Queen, but dissident republicans have condemned the meeting and cancelled their talks with Sinn Fein, film report from Brian Rowan with Sinn Fein chairman Declan Kearney who views it is a meeting of equals. Then UDA's North Belfast leader John Bunting says it shows the war is over, then Peter Sheridan of Co-Operation Ireland who organised the meeting comments, the UDA's Jackie McDonald, John Howcroft former loyalists prisoner and John Bunting's further comments, followed by Sinn Fein's Declan Kearney again on developing the peace process. Then dissident republican Ciaran Cunningham of Republican Network for Unity criticises the meeting. In a separate interview Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness says he is not nervous about meeting the Queen, not to have a photo of the handshake would be cowardly, he says it is one of many events in the past he though unimaginable, he answers the question what would a young Martin McGuinness think of the handshake and what would you say to the Queen. Then Ken Reid's analysis of the Sinn Fein decision with a film clip of Peter Robinson's (DUP) response. (10:30pm Mon)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 26th Jun 2012
13 mins 0 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The Queen begins her Jubilee trip to Northern Ireland in Enniskillen. Film reports begin with a look at church visits to St McCarten's Church of Ireland Cathedral, politicians in attendance, Bishop Alan Harper praises the Queens visit to Dublin last year, and then the Queen visits St Michaels Catholic church, her first visit to a Catholic Church in Ireland, Father Peter O'Reilly comments, then vox pop of parishioners, then film of Queens walk about amongst Enniskillen well-wishers and vox pop of public. Next report covers the Queens visit to the new South West acute hospital in Enniskillen, where school children greeted her, vox pop of the children and then patients she met inside and the doctors. The Queen unveiled plaque officially opening the hospital. Then political editor Ken Reid's analysis of the images of the day, especially the Queen visiting the Catholic Church and preview of tomorrow's meeting with Martin McGuinness. (6pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 26th Jun 2012
5 mins 58 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Coverage of the Queen's visit to Enniskillen and the Church of Ireland and Catholic Cathedrals, she also officially opened the new South West Acute Hospital outside Enniskillen. Coverage of Church of Ireland Bishop Harpers praise and Queens's first visit to a Catholic church in Ireland, meeting Catholic Sean Brady. Then BBC's Julian Fowler comments on the Queens private meeting with the Enniskillen bomb victims. (6:30pm Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 26th Jun 2012
47 mins 50 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Programme Title:
The Queen and Ireland
This programme traces the British Queen Elizabeth II's relationship with Ireland North and South since her coronation and before it. It begins with a black and white film clip of her coronation while a voice over gives the unionist and nationalist views of her, yet despite losing her uncle to Provisional IRA violence, the programme says the highlight of her reign was last year's visit to Dublin, which changed the attitude of many nationalists. Then a black and white film clip of Princess Elizabeth visiting Northern Ireland in 1945 is shown, this was her first visit here. Unionist commentator Ed Curran comments, in 1949 Princess Elizabeth with her new husband Prince Phillip visited Belfast, black and white film shown, Baroness May Blood comments on the occasion, in 1953 she visited again touring Northern Ireland in a royal train around the towns, including Derry, Glen Barr recalls the Derry visit. Nationalist commentator Brian Feeney gives the nationalists view of the Queens visit back then, then Lady Moyra Campbell recalls her role at the Queen's coronation in London, she still has the dress she wore that day, her brother is James the Duke of Abercorn they are from Omagh, his real name is Hamilton, he is married to a distant cousin of the Queen, he explains the connection. In 1966 during her next visit, Northern Ireland was experiencing the first stirring of protests, in Great Victoria Street a brick hit the Queen's car, film clip shown, May Blood recalls it, then Brian Feeney's views, it would be 11 years before she returned. In August 1977, the royal yacht Britannia came to Belfast, the Queen was here to celebrate the Silver Jubilee, it was her only troubles visit, the Queen travelled by helicopter to Hillsborough Castle, the Provisional IRA promised to give the Queen a visit to remember, film clips of rioting shown, Ed Curran recalls feeling in the Unionist community, at Hillsborough she hosted a garden party, film clip shown, on Day two and University of Ulster campus at Coleraine, a security headache as a device exploded the day before at the site, another bomb found on the morning of Day two at the University of Ulster. Brian Feeney comments on republican view of the Queen, a garden party was held, James Hamilton comments on her moral courage, the Queens speech about the future is shown, it would be 14 years before she visited again, but in August 1979 her family became victims of the Troubles when Lord Mountbatten was killed by a Provisional IRA bomb in Mullaghmore, film clip shown, James Hamilton recalls he stayed with them for a week, 5 days before he was killed, film of his state funeral. In 1991 the Queen returns to Northern Ireland for a one day visit to commemorate the UDR, film clip shown, no walk about, no members of the public attended, two years later the Queen returned. Another Hillsborough garden party but the Queen did not stay overnight even though the Provisional IRA was on ceasefire, David Anderson the Head of the Queens servants at Hillsborough castle recalls her knowledge of the place, and her childhood visits there, then on the Diamond Jubilee, film of ceremony at St Anne's Cathedral with Dean's speech shown, Mary Peters, Lord Lieutenant of Belfast comments, another party at Hillsborough, SDLP counsellor Tim Attwood a guest comments, then Bishop of Conor, Alan Abernethy and Noel Treanor Catholic Bishop of Down and Conor. The 1985 Anglo Irish Agreement dramatically changed relations between Britain and Ireland, the Queen wanted to visit Ireland, 11 years and two ceasefires later Mary Robinson became the first Irish President to visit Buckingham Palace. two years later President Mary McAleese met the Queen at a World War 1 memorial in Belgium. Glen Barr comments on this, then Mary McAleese's views, then James Hamilton. In August 1998 a Real IRA bomb in Omagh killed 29 people and unborn twins, James Hamilton recalls phone call from the Queen, in 2002 during the Golden Jubilee tour she visited Omagh, film clip shown Michael Gallagher recalls meeting her. In 1999 President Mary McAleese visited Buckingham Palace for her first time, 1 year after the Good Friday Agreement, speculation was rife, the Queen would visit the Republic, but even 6 years later conditions were not right, although the two women got on well, May Blood comments, then Mary McAleese comments at that time on the Queen visiting Ireland, in 2008 the Queen attends Monday service in Armagh, film clip shown, Alan Harper archbishop of Armagh comments, on what they talk about, as does May Blood and Nuala O'Loan then James Hamilton describes the Queen's hobbies, countryside, horses and her dogs and he says she loves barbeques. Over the last 10 years she has visited Northern Ireland almost every year, gone is the tight security, by now she is in her 80s. David Anderson comments on her appearance, recently she toured UTV and met Frank Mitchell doing weather, film clip shown, then film of Killyleagh and Gawn, Rowan Hamilton describes his families royal connection, it was the main site for the Jubilee beacon for Jubilee, film of community events and vox pop of locals shown and lighting of beacon on Jubilee 4th June. On 17/05/11 the Queen finally arrived in Dublin, first state visit in a 100 years. Film clip of her arrival shown, Julian King former British ambassador recalls event, on day one she visited 1916 garden of remembrance and laid a wreath, as very significant event, film clip shown, 200 dissident republicans protest but no disruption, Brian Feeney comments on the significance of wreath laying, then Ed Curran's views, then her tour of GAA's Croke Park, GAA's Paraic Duffy recalls the event and talks leading to it, then Julian King's views, at Trinity College visit the Queen was able to talk to the public, then she attended a musical event, Julian King says this symbolised the new British and Irish relationship. At state dinner in Dublin Castle the Queen begins her speech in Irish and comments on regrettable reality of relationships between British and Irish with historical insight we can see things that would be done differently or not at all. M McAleese comments on her speech, then Nuala O'Loan views, then Julian King highlights the Queens visit to Cork, May Blood comments, then film of this visit in Enniskillen where the Queen visited the Catholic Cathedral, Brian Feeney comments on nationalist reaction to the Queens visit, as a non-political visit, then Ed Currans views on same topic. Tomorrow the Queen will shake hands with Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness, old black and white film of the Queen, with James Hamilton's comments. (Tues)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 27th Jun 2012
20 mins 42 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
History is made as the British Queen shakes hands with Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness at a Co-operation Ireland event one in private, one in public and their symbolism. After the hand shake the Queen mingled with local artists and poets and visited Lyric art gallery. DUP's Peter Robinson presented the Queen with Belleek pottery, as the Queen departed Martin McGuiness again spoke to her in Irish, wishing her goodbye and God bless. Then as Martin McGuinness left he said the visit went well and that he was still a republican. Then Peter Sheridan chief executive of Co-Operation Ireland says the atmosphere in the Lyric was relaxed, then singer Brian Kennedy's views, then poet Michael Longley, then former Taoiseach John Bruton's views. The Derry Presbyterian minister David Latimer says he was proud to be there today. Next report visits Derry's Bogside to get the reaction of people there, with most people in the vox pop supporting the handshake, but Linda Nash as a Bloody Sunday relative is against the handshake. Then back in the studio Ken Reid gives his analysis of the handshake, was it more that symbolic he's asked, then he comments on the Queens Jubilee party at Stormont which 22,000 people attended, film clip shown, he also comments on how relaxed the whole Queens visit has been. Then further reports on today's activities cover the Queens visit to the Titanic centre where she met victims of the Troubles relatives including Nuala Kerr and Kate Carroll (relatives of PSNI officers) with Kate Carroll comments, then they had a tour of the Titanic centre, Phil Cauley centre worker comments, then Brian Higginson. The Queen headed off to Stormont Diamond Jubilee celebration. Next film report is from Stormont estate party, then Queen and her husband toured amongst the crowds in an open backed vehicle. DUP's David Simpson comments, then Dup's Mervyn Storey, then David McClarty (IND/Unionist) followed by views of Iris Causey a Fermanagh school principle, then vox pop of unnamed people in the crowds. Then a 2nd film report talks to more people who were in the crowd and had queued up before the gates opened and the heavy traffic in the area. Next an interview with DUP's Peter Robinson on his recollections of the Stormont party, he says many Catholics were present at Stormont and the Titanic centre, he comments on what the legacy of today's visit is and what the Queen said to him, he also comments on the handshake significance. In other news 9 police offers were injured in rioting in Belfast's Broadway area, on the Divis mountain about 50 people unfurled a large Irish tricolour on the mountain side. (6pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 27th Jun 2012
19 mins 11 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Coverage of Day two of the Queens visit begins with film report on the historic handshake between Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness and the British Queen. Outside the Lyric as he left he said 'she was very nice but he's still a republican'. Inside the Queen and the Irish President examined portraits and met local writers and poets. Peter Robinson gave the Queen a Belleek pottery gift, then speaking later he gave his views on the events of the day and the handshake. Next a report from Stormont grounds on the afternoon's Jubilee party. It begins at the Titanic Centre visit where the Queen got a tour going back in time to the Harland and Wolf building of the ship, the tour guide's comments, behind the scenes the Queen met Ian Paisley Senior and PSNI widow Kate Carroll and a 92 year old D Day veteran John Leishman, then report on the Stormont party walk about and drive amongst the crowds. Next on interview with DUP's Peter Robinson who's asked could he have imagined 20 years ago he would be introducing a Sinn Fein deputy first minister to a British monarch, he says it shows how much we have moved on and says the handshake was convivial and done in a none begrudging way, he comments on the difficulties for both parties in the handshake, he comments on the welcome given to the Queen at Stormont. On the Black mountain a giant tricolour was erected and attacked by loyalists yesterday. Today the tricolour was back on the mountain. Film report with protest organiser Sean Cahill interview, then coverage of last night's riot at Broadway in West Belfast which injured 9 PSNI officers, at loyalist Springmartin estate independent counsellor Frank McCoubrey gives his reaction to the flag protest. At lunchtime dissident republican Colin Duffy joined the flag protesters. At Belfast city hall relatives of the 11 people killed by the British army in August 1971's Ballymurphy massacre staged a protest against the Queens visit. Then it is back to Stormont where Mark Davenport reports on the reaction to today's events and the handshake, firstly Sinn Fein's Gerry Adam's views, then Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Patterson's, then Mark Davenport gives his analysis of today's events and the effect on Sinn Fein and unionism. Next report covers the comments of ordinary people who attended the Stormont party on the Queens appearance and their views on the monarch, also PSNI chief constable Matt Baggott's comments. (6:30pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 27th Jun 2012
7 mins 14 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Coverage of today's handshake between the Queen and Martin McGuinness a former Provisional IRA commander. The lyric walkabout shows a clip where Queen's husband Phillip hurries away at it looks like Martin McGuinness was going to talk to him, then clip of Martin McGuinness leaving the Lyric saying 'I am still a republican'. Then DUP's Peter Robinson's comments and film of the Queen arriving at Stormont. A further film report covers the Northern Ireland public's views on the Queen's visit from the Catholic Short Strand and then on the loyalist Newtownards Road, then Peter Sheridan comments on the threat from dissident republicans. (10:30pm Wed)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 27th Jun 2012
3 mins 8 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
An Irish government minister A Kelly laid a wreath at Belfast City Hall in memory of the Somme dead, for the first time ever, he comments, then DUP Mayor Gavin Robinson, the Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Patterson says he is considering requests for a North /South inquiry into the Omagh Bomb (1998) film report with his comments. The Sinn Fein chairman Declan Kearney has played down papers reposts the Provisional IRA will apologise for its campaign. (5:45pm Sun)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sun 1st Jul 2012
18 mins 46 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Current Affairs
Series Title:
Sunday Politics
Programme Title:
Tara Mills shows an interview done with Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness on Friday about his historic handshake with the British Queen, he begins by denying he was nervous, explaining the build up to the actual handshake and the work that went into the handshake. He sees it as building on the peace. She asks Martin McGuinness was there one defining moment in the last 40 years when you went from war to peace, he says he was on an incredible journey, there was nothing romantic about it and there's nothing glorious about war, he refers to a dismal failure of politics here and politicians, particularly on the British side. He says on that journey he could not ever have imagined he would meet the Queen or go into government alongside Ian Paisley. In this process he soon learned the art of the possible he says, he denies that Phillip tried to avoid talking to him in the Lyric by walking away and blames the media for that spin, his meeting with the royals was a genuine act of reconciliation he says, then he is asked was the job discrimination finding against Sinn Fein not very embarrassing as he had claimed meeting the Queen was reaching out to every Protestant. Martin McGuinness says the Conor Murphy finding is not over yet and he says there is not a sectarian bone in Conor Murphy's body. Then when asked if he will ever see Sinn Fein take its seats at Westminster, he says no never and explains why. He agrees that Sinn Fein is having difficulty getting unionist politicians to discuss agreeing a united Ireland with Sinn Fein and agrees most of their conversations are with civic society unionists, but that won't prevent in being involved in processes to better politics here, and move forward. He says he is motivated by being an Irish republican who was involved in the conflict and now wants to see a united Ireland by democratic means, he comments on the military stalemate here and the effect it had on his decision making and the continued loss of life, things changed here because Sinn Fein made it change he says, than after that commentator Alex Kane and journalist Eamon McDermott comment on items in Martin McGuinness's interview including the handshake, Connor Murphy, Gesture Politics and the reactions in the nationalist and unionist communities and Sinn Fein's hope of gaining electoral support in the south by doing the handshake. Then Gareth Gordon's film clip explores the week's news in 60 seconds. Then the commentators discuss a Sunday post article that the Provisional IRA will apologise for its violent campaign which they say is very unlikely, then they discuss Stormont's failure to deal with this week's floods in Belfast and its effect on voting. No end titles.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 2nd Jul 2012
28 mins 34 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Old Scores: What Happened Next?
In 1983 BBCNI broadcast a documentary called Old Scores based around a cross community soccer team in the greater Rathcoole area of North Belfast based in a Catholic youth club called Star of the Sea. The 1960s team included Provisional IRA Hunger striker Bobby Sands and victims campaigner Raymond McCord. In this follow up programme the original reporter Olenka Frenkiel a BBC reporter in 1983 returns to talk to 3 of the original team members to find out what happened to them after 1983. The programme begins with a review of the first documentary 'Old Scores' then Olenka Frenkiel is interviewed about her memories of 1983 and making the programme, and that 1969 photo of the Star of the Sea team on which she based Old Scores. The photo she feels epitomised the effect of the Troubles on young lives, a film clip from 1983 shows the team's centre half Raymond McCord describing the bus sing songs, then team members Desmond Black and William Caldwell clip shown. Bobby Sands was left back, his friend Thomas O'Neill recalls their friendship, then Terence Nicholl from 1983. Olenka Frenkiel then gives a history of the Rathcoole housing estate which was meant to be for Catholics and Protestants when it was built, she walks about the estate. Film clip of Raymond McCord in 1983 talking about bonfires, then now 2012 he talks glowing about his team. Dr Liam Conlon set up Star of the Sea in 1964, photo shown. Desmond Black a Catholic and William Caldwell a protestant recall how their friendship began in that team. Today 40 years later they are still friends, film clip shown as they discuss their tea, and Dr Liam Conlon. Then the programme recalls the outbreak of the Troubles and Catholic families where put out of Rathcoole, a 1983 film clip explains this event. Thomas O'Neill and Bobby Sands families had left before the 1983 documentary was made, all Catholics were out by 1974. Thomas O'Neill recalls leaving. In 1983 Raymond McCord recalls trying to stop the evictions, by 1983 Desmond Black (goal keeper) went to Guernsey in 1972. William Caldwell joined him, in 1983 film they recalls why they left. Raymond McCord recalls trying to get to Australia in 1983 programme, Terence Nicholl got 3 years for arms offences on release he went to the USA. The 1983 documentary filmed him there for interview. Olenka Frenkiel recalls him as a peacock of a man, with vanity who performed for the cameras, he was in the Maze prison at the same time as Bobby Sands and Terence Nicholl says Bobby Sands would not talk to him in the Maze prison. Then in 1983 film Desmond Back recalls his shock at hearing about Bobby Sands on hunger strike, he says at school he was not particularly intelligent. William Caldwell says he was lazy like him, they just wanted to play football. When making the 1983 film Olenka Frenkiel has a problem with Dr Liam Conlon who objected to any association between Star of the Sea and Bobby Sands being shown, his letter is shown. Olenka Frenkiel recalls this exchange and BBC's reply. Then in present time 2012, Raymond McCord tells Olenka Frenkiel how Australia turned him down he regrets this and tells of his eldest son Raymond McCord Junior's murder by the UVF in 1997, and he talks of his campaign about collusion. Star of the Sea youth club is now a derelict site, Raymond and Olenka Frenkiel walk on the site, they were joined by Desmond Black and William Caldwell and talk about the youth club days and the 1969 photo and who was alive and dead. In September 2000 west end musical The Beautiful Game by Ben Elton and Andrew Lloyd Weber focused on the Star of the Sea team, Andrew Lloyd Webber describes seeing the 1983 Old Scores documentary, Raymond McCord comments on the musical. Olenka Frenkiel then talks about what she had done since 1983 in her work and private life, she praises Raymond McCord and the enduring Desmond Black and William Caldwell friendship, then Raymond McCord comments on his family now and football's role and his victim's campaign. Olenka Frenkiel wonders why Star of the Sea was not reconstructed as a symbol of the power of sport against sectarianism.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Mon 2nd Jul 2012
3 mins 44 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
Headlines then PSNI officer Paedar Hefferon who was seriously injured by dissident republicans has been refused benefits by a tribunal who ruled he was not on duty at the time. Film report profiles Paedar Hefferon's time in the PSNI, he was an Irish speaking, Catholic officer. Solicitor Suzanne Rice comments on the tribunals decision as does Jim McDonald of the George Cross Foundations, then politicians DUP's Paul Girvan and Sinn Fein's Gerry Kelly. Talks have failed to reach agreement for this 12th July parade at Ardoyne. (Mon 10:30pm)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Tue 3rd Jul 2012
3 mins 20 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines, then Orange Grand Secretary Drew Nelson has addressed The Dublin Senate tells them he wants an Orange parade in Dublin. Film report with Drew Nelson's comments, in the senate and later on border education issue. (Tues 6:30pm)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Wed 4th Jul 2012
47 mins 14 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
Series Title:
Programme Title:
Old Scores (1983)
This programme was made in 1983 and is based around a 1969 photo of Star of the Sea junior football team in North Belfast's Rathcoole / Shore Road are, the boys in picture came from both Protestant and Catholic backgrounds, but the team disintegrated as the Troubles took hold of Northern Ireland. The programme is presented by Olenka Frenkiel, interviews the boys in the photo and explores how the Troubles effected them, amongst those in the photo are Provisional IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands, Victims campaigner Raymond McCord, team members Terence Nicholl, Thomas O'Neill, Desmond Black, William Caldwell, Jody Hussey and Denis Sweeney, all of whom are interviewed. Michael Acheson, who is serving 18 years for shooting 3 Catholics, and Bobby Sands are not interviewed. An update of this programme is shown on 02/7/12 titles 'What Happened Next, Old Scores' which is an update on the lives of the 1983 participants. The history of Rathcoole is describes in the 1983 programme and how and why it changed from a mixed estate in 1969 to a loyalist one by 1974. Thomas O'Neill and Bobby Sand's families where intimidated out for Rathcoole, Jody Hussey and Raymond McCord recall the attacks on Catholic's homes, Raymond McCord describes being beaten by loyalist paramilitaries. The friendship of Desmond Black and William Caldwell is profiled, one is Catholic and one is Protestant, they live in Guernsey now and are still friends. Denis Sweeney recalls how a pub bombing made him decide to become a doctor which he is today. Then in the USA now Terence Nicholl, a Mormon lives in Salt Lake City, he served 3 years in prison on Loyalist Paramilitary charges. He recalls joining loyalists in 1970 and why he became involved, he still believes in the loyalist cause and does not regret his involvement. Then in Catholic Ardoyne area Thomas O'Neill recalls his friendship with Bobby Sands, he visited him in Long Kesh and talks about their Star of the Sea days, then D Rea and William Caldwell recall Bobby Sands as they knew him. Then Denis Sweeney recalls the Bobby Sands he knew, he was not a leader he says, he says he did not like him, but met him later and felt he had changed. Geordy Hussey then recalls Bobby Sands as a footballer and says he got on Ok with him. Terence Nicholls then recalls political status and talking to Bobby Sands through the Long Kesh wire, he says Bobby Sand's at first would not talk to him, he would not call Bobby Sands a friend. The programme then explains the two terms Bobby Sands spent in prison and how the British government removed political status from the prisoners causing the Blanket protest, the Dirty protest and then the two hunger strikes and Bobby Sands role in them all. Tommy O'Neill comments on Bobby Sand's death and how he supported the Hunger strikers, Terence Nicholl the UVF prisoner says if he wanted to die, let him die. In 1978 Michael Acheson a team member who joined the UVF was convicted of wounding 3 Catholic workmen, he was in H7, the NIO would not allow him to be interviewed. William Caldwell tells of his shock at what Michael done, then Thomas O'Neill gives his reaction, he blames the Troubles for what happened to Michael Acheson, Bobby Sand and Terence Nicholl. The programme then profiles Ardoyne area and its peace walls and its unemployment and emigration problems. Then Raymond McCord describes how as a welder he has applied for work in Australia, he thinks there will be a civil war in Northern Ireland. William Caldwell and Desmond Rea explain why they left Northern Ireland and Denis Sweeney says he is happy to stay in Northern Ireland. Thomas O'Neill recalls failing as a football apprentice at Blackpool, he says he just was not good enough. Then Denis Sweeney recalls why working class boys got involved in paramilitaries, he believes they were the unlucky ones and they were not all necessarily evil. Then Geordy Hussey comments on the players he still sees, but Thomas O'Neill does not see anybody, he cannot see his relationship with the Protestants being the same as in 1969.
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 5th Jul 2012
6 mins 23 secs
Broadcast Company:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
BBC Newsline
Programme Title:
Headlines then the PSNI are to launch a murder investigation into the Bloody Sunday killings of 13 people in 1972. Film report covers the Saville inquiry report findings and the British Government apology, then victims relative John Kelly's reaction, the inquiry could take 4 years. The new Giants Causeway visitors centre will include a creationist's view of how and when it and the earth was created as well as a modern scientific view. Film report on is it 6000 years or 60 million years old, with Wallace Thompson of the Caleb Foundation's views then Graham Thompson of the National Trust. (Thurs 6:30pm)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Thu 5th Jul 2012
14 mins 0 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
The PSNI are to launch a murder inquiry into the 1972 Bloody Sunday killings which will take 36 officers 4 years. Film report reviews the Saville inquiry findings and interviews PSNI Chief Constable Matt Baggott, then Sinn Fein's Gerry Kelly's reaction and comments of John Kelly a victim's relative. In the studio the DUP MP Jeffery Donaldson and SDLP's Conal McDevitt debate the issue, with Jeffery Donaldson criticising the attention and resources given to the Bloody Sunday families at the expense of other victims, while Conal McDevitt defends the Police decision. The Parades Commissioner has issued its ruling on the Orange march past Ardoyne on the 12th July saying that the return parade must be completed by 4pm. Film report from Brian Rowan reviews previous parade violence with comments of John Howcroft a North Belfast a North Belfast Community worker and ex loyalist prisoner and John Loughran from North Belfast Intercom group at the New Lodge and Tigers Bay peace wall. Young people Eimear Kelly and Shelly Marshall outline their hopes for the future in North Belfast. At Alexandra Park the Peace wall now has an open gate, Sylvia Gordon of Groundwork NI Comments on this advance, then at a conference about North Belfast held in North Down called the North Belfast community Bridges Project the UDA's North Belfast leader John Bunting talks about both communities working together, as does Sinn Fein counsellor Conor Maskey The community support worker Diane McMullen talks about the drugs problem in North Belfast, then Maria McCafferty of New Lodge safer streets on parental responsibility, then Gerard O'Reilly on the community Bridges projects aims, followed by Harry Smith's views on them and us scenario. J Howcroft applauds Martin McGuinness handshake with the Queen, then J Loughran comments. (Thurs 10:30pm)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Fri 6th Jul 2012
4 mins 12 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title:
DUP's Peter Robinson has entered the row over the PSNI's decision to open a murder inquiry into Bloody Sunday, he says the PSNI move damages the prospects of a shared society here, Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness has replied saying that unionists are trying to divert attention off soldiers on Bloody Sunday. Film report with interviews with both men, then solicitor Ciaran Shiels who represents 11 Bloody Sunday families gives his reaction, then the Police Federation's Terry Spence says he is worried about the costs involved and that the Historical Abuse Team should do the Bloody Sunday investigation. (Fri 6pm)
Tape No.
Country of Origin:
Northern Ireland
Record No.

Date Broadcast:
Sat 7th Jul 2012
9 mins 29 secs
Broadcast Company:
Independent Television (ITV)
UTV (Ulster Television)
Type of Programme:
News Report
Series Title:
UTV News
Programme Title: