Introduction to the CORPUS web pages
at the CCRU site
The CORPUS website has been chosen as the medium for the presentation of the findings of the Community Relations Practice Research (CRPR) project. The format and content for this site were discussed and agreed following an analysis of the project's findings, and meetings with the steering group and the CCRU (Central Community Relations Unit) research team. Following meetings with Norma Patterson, District Council Community Relations Officers (CROs) support officer, it was decided that particular benefit would be gained from including a sample of the councils Community Relations strategy plans on the CORPUS website. The CCRU publication, 'Guidelines for the Development of a Community Relations Plan for District Councils' (1998) is also included at this site.
Sample quotes from the questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and the CR workshop phases of the project will be included throughout the various sections of CORPUS. The CORPUS website will also house section by section project analysis, relevant links options, recommended reading lists (with scanned material where available), literature reviews, email/comments page and a search engine facility.
The CORPUS website will be a living site, which will be updated, and we offer practitioners the opportunity to comment upon current content and suggest inclusions for the future.
Navigating corpus
The following section will explain the layout of the CORPUS website and help with general site navigation.
CORPUS This button will provide access, from any page within CORPUS, to the homepage and main menu.
Introduction The introduction section will provide background information on the Community Relations Practice Research (CRPR) project. Details of the four main phases of the CRPR project are also provided in this section.
Recommended Reading The recommended reading section provides an extensive list of relevant publications for CR practitioners. There is also an extensive selection of scanned texts for easy reference and contact numbers for purchase of information.
Search Database The search button will enable fast and easy access to all material on the CORPUS site.
User Comments This button will allow users of the CORPUS web pages to comment upon the content and structure of the site.
Internet links A comprehensive list of CR relevant internet links including funding and policy bodies, peace groups, university departments and courses, district councils and recommended sites can all be accessed through this button.
CCRU This button provides a link to the CCRU home page.

The Report This page gives a brief introduction to the report of the Community Relations Practice Research (CRPR) project.
Education The findings from the various stages of the research dealing with educational issues are housed here. Internet links, recommended reading, accredited CR courses and contact numbers are also provided.
Training The findings from the various stages of the research dealing with training issues, Internet links, recommended reading, accredited CR courses and contact numbers. Information concerning the Community Relations Training and Learning Consortium will also be provided here
Cultural diversity The findings from the various stages of the research dealing with cultural diversity and community relations. Internet links and recommended reading lists are also included.
Development The findings from the various stages of the research dealing with community development and community relations. Internet links and recommended reading lists are also included.
Evaluation The findings from the various stages of the research dealing with evaluation and community relations issues can be accessed here. Participant comments and suggested guidelines are also offered in this section.
District councils This button will provide the opportunity for visitors to the CORPUS website to find out more about the District Councils Community Relations Programme. Sample CR Officer plans, District Councils web addresses, CR Officers contact details, links and recommended reading sections are all housed here.
Themes Throughout the course of this research certain over-riding themes have surfaced which were common to all of the sections detailed above. These can be accessed through this button.
Background This section provides a description of the methodology of the reseach.
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