Community Relations Practice Research Report
The Community Relations Practice Research (CRPR) report will be published early 2000 and will offer the opportunity for community relations practitioners who do not have Internet access to analysis the projects findings. The structure of the report will be similar to the CORPUS website and a table of contents is listed below,
This section will provide an overview of the genesis of the CRPR project. Included in this section will be details of the scooping study undertaken by Prof. Seamus Dunn, the project steering group, visits to CR groups across Northern Ireland, the postal questionnaire, the semi-structured interviews, the CR workshops and the December 9 CCRU Research and Community Relations in Northern Ireland conference.
Chapter 1
Education and Community Relations, this section will deal with the main points raised throughout the research which dealt specifically with CR and educational issues. Practitioners have highlighted the importance of educational structures in divided societies. The main points raised during the CR workshops phase of the project are presented here. Contact details, recommended reading, internet links and relevant quotations will be included in this chapter.
Chapter 2
Training and Community Relations, will include the points raised throughout the research dealing with the issues of CR training and availability in Northern Ireland. Issues relevant to training in N.I. were one of the over-riding themes throughout the course of this research. The new Community Relations Training and Learning Consortium offers the opportunity for some of the perceived impediments raised by practitioners to be addressed, a brief overview will be presented in this section. This section will also include relevant links, recommended reading, accredited courses and useful contact details of training providers.
Chapter 3
Cultural Diversity (CD) and Community Relations will deal with the issues raised throughout the courses of the CRPR project. Practitioners highlighted the fact that more and more groups are undertaking CD initiatives, this chapter provides assistance for those who wish to undertake these projects. Contact details, funding organisations, recommended reading and practitioner quotes will all be included in this chapter.
Chapter 4
Community Development and Community Relations will highlight the main points raised throughout the research dealing with community development and empowerment. Practitioners have highlighted the relationship between community relations and community development initiatives in a climate of economic regeneration. This chapter offers background information and presents the findings of the CR workshops. Relevant reading, contact details and practitioner quotations will also be included in this chapter.
Chapter 5
Evaluation will cover all of the points raised throughout the research with some helpful guidelines for those seeking clarification on evaluation issues. Contact details of organisations that provide assistance in this area will be listed here along with relevant publications and practitioner quotations.
Chapter 6
District Council Community Relations Officers (CROs) contact addresses and some sample CR plans will be included in this section. Practitioners stated that they felt that the CROs offered invaluable assistance to their initiatives and that it would be of particular benefit to include their contact details in this section of the report. Council contact details and relevant internet links are all included in this section.
This section will draw together all of the major themes raised throughout the CRPR project. Recommendations voiced at the CR workshops and Research and Community Relations in Northern Ireland Conference will also be listed here.
Sample copies of the questionnaire, interview questions, workshop structures and Community Relations Officers plans will be made available in this section of the report. This section will also centralise the contact details, Email and Internet addresses and accredited courses that have been recommended as a result of the CRPR project.
Copies of the Community Relations Practice Research project will be available from early 2000 from the following address;
CCRU (Central Community Relations Unit)
20-24 Donegall Street
Belfast, BT1 2GP
Tel: 01232 544520
Fax: 01232 544500
Web: www.ccruni.gov.uk
Email: info.ccru@nics.gov.uk
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